Which is the correct past participle?Ich bin ins Kino _____________
Correct Answer
C. Gegangen
The correct past participle in this context is "gegangen." This is because "gegangen" is the past participle of the verb "gehen," which means "to go" in English. In the sentence, "Ich bin ins Kino gegangen," it translates to "I went to the cinema."
Which is the correct past participle?Ich habe ein schönes Kleid _____________.
Correct Answer
A. Getragen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "getragen." This is because the sentence is in the perfect tense and the verb "tragen" (to wear) requires the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have) to form the perfect tense. The past participle of "tragen" is "getragen."
Which is the correct past participle?Wir sind übers Wochenende _______________.
Correct Answer
D. Weggefahren
The correct past participle in this sentence is "weggefahren." This is because the verb "fahren" (to drive) is conjugated in the past tense using the auxiliary verb "sein" (to be), so the past participle is formed by adding the prefix "weg-" to the base verb "fahren." This creates the past participle "weggefahren," which means "driven away" or "gone away" in English.
Which is the correct past participle?Ich habe einen Kuchen _____________.
Correct Answer
B. Gebacken
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gebacken." This is because "einen Kuchen" is the direct object of the sentence, and the verb "backen" (to bake) requires the past participle form "gebacken" when used with the auxiliary verb "haben" (to have).
Which is the correct past participle?Gestern Abend habe ich einen Freund ____________.
Correct Answer
B. Besucht
The correct past participle in this sentence is "besucht." This is because the sentence is referring to visiting a friend, and "besucht" is the past participle of the verb "besuchen," which means "to visit" in German.
Which is the correct past participle?Letzte Woche habe ich einen Krimi ____________.
Correct Answer
D. Gelesen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gelesen." This is because the verb "lesen" means "to read" in English, and the past participle form of this verb is "gelesen." In the sentence, "Letzte Woche habe ich einen Krimi gelesen," the speaker is saying that they read a crime novel last week.
Which is the correct past participle?In den Schulferien bin ich nach Vietnam _____________.
Correct Answer
C. Geflogen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "geflogen." This is because the sentence is talking about traveling to Vietnam, and "geflogen" is the past participle of the verb "fliegen" (to fly).
Which is the correct past participle?In den Schulferien bin ich leider zu Hause _____________.
Correct Answer
A. Geblieben
The correct past participle in this sentence is "geblieben." This is because the sentence is referring to staying at home during the school holidays, and "geblieben" is the past participle of the verb "bleiben" which means "to stay."
Which is the correct past participle?Auf der Party hat meine Freundin toll ______________.
Correct Answer
D. Ausgesehen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "ausgesehen." This is because the sentence is talking about how the friend looked at the party, indicating a visual perception. "Ausgesehen" is the past participle of the verb "aussehen," which means "to look" or "to appear."
Which is the correct past participle?Mein Bruder hat die Katze _____________.
Correct Answer
A. Gefüttert
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gefüttert." This is because the sentence is talking about someone feeding a cat, and "gefüttert" is the past participle form of the verb "füttern" (to feed).
Which is the correct past participle?Meine Brüder haben fast niemals im Haushalt ____________.
Correct Answer
B. Geholfen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "geholfen." This is because the sentence is talking about helping in the household, and "geholfen" is the past participle of the verb "helfen" which means "to help" in German.
Which is the correct past participle?Am Wochenende hat meine Schwester viele Hausaufgaben ______________.
Correct Answer
D. Gemacht
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gemacht." This is because the sentence is referring to the completion of homework, and "gemacht" is the past participle of the verb "machen," which means "to do" or "to make."
Which is the correct past participle?Meine Brüder haben am Computer _____________.
Correct Answer
B. Gespielt
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gespielt." This is because the verb "spielen" (to play) is being used in the context of using the computer, so the past participle form is "gespielt" (played).
Which is the correct past participle?Mein Vater hat ein großes Frühstück _______________.
Correct Answer
C. Gegessen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gegessen." This is because the sentence is talking about having breakfast, and the verb "essen" means "to eat." In the perfect tense, the past participle of "essen" is "gegessen." Therefore, the correct sentence would be "Mein Vater hat ein großes Frühstück gegessen," which translates to "My father has eaten a big breakfast."
Which is the correct past participle?Am Wochenende bin ich mit Freunden spazieren ____________.
Correct Answer
D. Gegangen
The correct past participle in this sentence is "gegangen." This is because the sentence is talking about going for a walk, and "gegangen" is the past participle of the verb "gehen" which means "to go."