Sejarah bangsa Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa kepercayaan dan ketakwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa merupakan salah satu ciri khas. . . .
Correct Answer
C. Ketaatan bangsa Indonesia
The given correct answer, "ketaatan bangsa Indonesia" (obedience of the Indonesian nation), is supported by the statement that the history of the Indonesian nation shows that belief in and devotion to God Almighty is one of its distinctive characteristics. Obedience is closely related to belief and devotion, as it implies following and adhering to the principles and teachings of God. Therefore, it can be inferred that the Indonesian nation is characterized by its obedience to God and His commandments.
Persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa perlu kita pertahankan serta dibina terus menerus. Untuk itu kita memerlukan perekat, pengikat, dan pemersatu yang berupa . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
The correct answer is "semboyan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" because it represents the principle of unity in diversity, which is essential in maintaining and building national unity. The phrase "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" is taken from an ancient Javanese poem and is Indonesia's national motto, emphasizing the importance of unity amidst diversity. It signifies that despite the differences in culture, religion, and ethnicity, Indonesians should stand together as one nation. This motto serves as a unifying force and a reminder that Indonesia's strength lies in its diversity.
Di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan contoh pengamalan sila keempat ialah . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Menghormati orang yang sedang beribadah
The correct answer is "menghormati orang yang sedang beribadah". This is because respecting someone who is worshiping is an example of practicing the fourth principle, which is "respecting the opinions and beliefs of others." The other options, such as obeying the rules of discussion, respecting the opinions of others, and not imposing one's will, are all examples of practicing the fourth principle.
Untuk meraih kesejahteraan bersama berdasarkan keadilan sosial, kita harus mengembangkan . . . .
Correct Answer
D. Usaha bersama untuk mewujudkan kemajuan yang merata dan berkeadilan sosial
In order to achieve shared prosperity based on social justice, it is necessary to develop collective efforts to realize equitable and socially just progress. This means that everyone should work together to ensure that progress is distributed evenly and benefits all members of society. By striving for both equitable progress and social justice, we can create a more prosperous and fair society for all.
Pancasila memiliki segala sesuatu yang berguna bagi rohani manusia, artinya Pancasila memiliki nilai . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Kerohanian
Pancasila memiliki segala sesuatu yang berguna bagi rohani manusia, artinya Pancasila memiliki nilai kerohanian. This means that Pancasila encompasses everything that is beneficial for the spiritual well-being of humans, indicating that it holds spiritual value.
Nilai-nilai dasar Pancasila dapat dikembangkan dengan menerima pemikiran-pemikiran baru sesuai dengan tuntutan perkembangan zaman, kebutuhan bangsa dan negara, karena Pancasila merupakan ideologi . . .
Correct Answer
B. Terbuka
The basic values of Pancasila can be developed by accepting new ideas according to the demands of the times and the needs of the nation and state, because Pancasila is an ideology that is open to new thoughts and perspectives. It recognizes the importance of adapting and evolving in order to remain relevant and responsive to the changing circumstances and challenges of society. This openness allows for the continuous improvement and enrichment of Pancasila's principles in line with the progress of the nation.
Pancasila sebagai dasar falsafah negara meliputi . . . .
Correct Answer
C. Cita-cita hukum yang terkandung dalam UUD 1945
The correct answer is "cita-cita hukum yang terkandung dalam UUD 1945". This is because Pancasila, as the foundation of the state philosophy, encompasses the aspirations and ideals of the law contained in the 1945 Constitution of Indonesia. Pancasila serves as a guiding principle for the nation's legal system and represents the fundamental values and goals of the Indonesian state.
Yang bukan merupakan kekuatan Pancasila dalam kehidupan bangsa Indonesia adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
A. Menerima dan mengembangkan pemikiran-pemikiran asing tanpa batas
The correct answer is "menerima dan mengembangkan pemikiran-pemikiran asing tanpa batas". This is because Pancasila, as the ideology of Indonesia, emphasizes the importance of having strong foundational values rooted in Indonesian culture. It also highlights the significance of the historical struggle of the Indonesian people and the need for a guiding principle to counter any threats. However, accepting and developing foreign ideas without limits goes against the idea of preserving and promoting Indonesian values and identity.
Bentuk pengamalan Pancasila yang mengandung nilai moral kemanusiaan adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Menghargai sesama manusia yang memiliki rasa, cipta, cinta, karsa, dan keyakinan
The correct answer is "menghargai sesama manusia yang memiliki rasa, cipta, cinta, karsa, dan keyakinan." This option emphasizes the value of respecting fellow human beings who have feelings, creativity, love, aspirations, and beliefs. It highlights the importance of treating others with dignity and recognizing their individuality, promoting a sense of unity and harmony among people. This aligns with the moral values of humanity and promotes the principles of Pancasila.
Hubungan antara Pancasila dan Proklamasi kemerdekaan adalah . . . .
Correct Answer
B. Pancasila memberi motivasi perjuangan kemerdekaan
The correct answer is "Pancasila memberi motivasi perjuangan kemerdekaan." This is because Pancasila, as the national ideology of Indonesia, provides the guiding principles and values that motivated the struggle for independence. It inspired and guided the leaders and fighters during the independence movement, shaping their goals and aspirations for a free and independent nation.