Keberagaman budaya merupakan ... bangsa Indonesia.
Correct Answer
A. Kekayaan
Kekayaan merupakan penjelasan yang tepat untuk menjelaskan keberagaman budaya bangsa Indonesia. Keberagaman budaya Indonesia mencakup berbagai macam kekayaan budaya seperti bahasa, adat istiadat, seni, dan tradisi yang berbeda-beda di setiap daerah. Kekayaan budaya ini menjadi salah satu kebanggaan dan identitas bangsa Indonesia yang membedakan mereka dari bangsa lain.
Perwujudan rasa syukur atas keberagaman budaya yang dimiliki oleh Indonesia adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Mempelajari berbagai budaya yang ada di indonesia
The correct answer is "mempelajari berbagai budaya yang ada di Indonesia." This answer suggests that the manifestation of gratitude for Indonesia's cultural diversity is by studying and learning about the various cultures present in the country. By doing so, individuals can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the different cultural traditions and practices that exist in Indonesia. This promotes cultural awareness and fosters a sense of unity and respect for the country's diverse cultural heritage.
Sikap mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan tampak pada perilaku...
Correct Answer
B. Hidup berdampingan dengan damai
The correct answer is "hidup berdampingan dengan damai". This answer suggests that the behavior of prioritizing unity and togetherness is reflected in the way people live peacefully alongside each other. This behavior implies a sense of tolerance, respect, and harmony among individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and ethnicities. It goes beyond solely caring for one's own ethnic group or prioritizing the interests of one's own group.
Sikap mengtamakan persatuan dan kesatuan tampak pada perilaku ...
Correct Answer
C. Bekerja bakti membesihkan kampung bersama-sama
The correct answer is "bekerja bakti membesihkan kampung bersama-sama". This answer reflects the attitude of greed for unity and togetherness as it involves working together as a community to clean the village. This behavior promotes a sense of unity and cooperation among individuals, regardless of their religious or ethnic backgrounds.
Sikap yang harus kita lakukan atas kebudayaan yang kita miliki adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Bersyukur
The correct answer is "bersyukur". This means that the attitude we should have towards our culture is gratitude. Gratitude allows us to appreciate and value our cultural heritage, recognizing its importance and the positive impact it has on our lives. It encourages us to preserve and promote our culture, fostering a sense of pride and identity. By being grateful for our culture, we can also learn from it and pass it on to future generations.
Dengan menghormati dan menghargai suku lain maka akan terjalin ...
Correct Answer
D. Persatuan
By respecting and appreciating other ethnic groups, unity can be established. This means that there will be no hostility, fighting, or arguments among different ethnicities. Instead, there will be a sense of togetherness and solidarity, leading to unity.
Setiap suku bangsa memiliki ciri fisik yang berbeda beda. sikap yang seharusnya kita lakukan terhadap perbedaan tersebut adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Saling menghargai
Setiap suku bangsa memiliki ciri fisik yang berbeda-beda, oleh karena itu, sikap yang seharusnya kita lakukan terhadap perbedaan tersebut adalah saling menghargai. Menghargai perbedaan fisik antar suku bangsa merupakan tindakan yang positif dan dapat menciptakan harmoni dalam masyarakat. Dengan saling menghargai, kita dapat membangun hubungan yang baik dengan suku bangsa lain dan menghormati keberagaman yang ada.
Keragaman adalah anugerah dari ...
Correct Answer
D. Tuhan
Dalam konteks ini, keragaman dianggap sebagai anugerah dari Tuhan. Ini berarti bahwa keragaman dalam segala bentuknya, baik itu keragaman budaya, bahasa, agama, atau ras, dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang diberikan oleh Tuhan dan harus dihargai. Dengan menganggap keragaman sebagai anugerah Tuhan, kita diharapkan untuk menghormati dan menerima perbedaan-perbedaan antara individu-individu dan kelompok-kelompok dalam masyarakat.
Keberagaman yang ada di Indonesia kecuali....
Correct Answer
B. Bangsa
The correct answer is "bangsa". The question is asking for the exception to the diversity in Indonesia, which includes ethnicity, language, and culture. The word "bangsa" means nation or nationality, so it does not fall under the category of diversity in terms of different ethnic groups, languages, or cultures.
Tanjidor merupakan budaya khas yang berasal dari ...
Correct Answer
D. Betawi
Tanjidor is a traditional culture that originated from the Betawi people. The Betawi people are the native inhabitants of Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Tanjidor is a form of traditional music that combines elements of Western brass instruments with local Indonesian music. It is often performed during special occasions and festivals in Jakarta.
Warisan budaya yang beragam perlu kita...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "lestarikan". This is because diverse cultural heritage needs to be preserved.
Menganggap sukunya sebagai suku yang paling baik dapat menyebabkan terjadinya ...
Correct Answer
Considering one's own tribe as the best can lead to conflicts.
Saat kerja kelompok, Bondan tidak mau bekerja sama dengan Tono karena berbeda suku. sikap bondan tidak boleh kita tiru karena....
Correct Answer
menyebabkan perselisihan
Bondan's refusal to work with Tono based on their different ethnic backgrounds can lead to conflict and discord within the group. This kind of attitude promotes division and discrimination, which can hinder effective collaboration and teamwork. It is important to value diversity and treat everyone with respect and equality in order to maintain a harmonious and productive work environment.
Suku Minang berasal dari ...
Correct Answer
sumatra barat
The correct answer is Sumatra Barat because "suku Minang" refers to the Minangkabau ethnic group, which is predominantly found in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The phrase "berasal dari" means "originates from" in Indonesian, further indicating that the answer is referring to the place of origin of the Minangkabau people.
Persatuan dan kesatuan dapat terjalin jika kita saling...
Correct Answer
menghormati dan menghargai
The phrase "menghormati dan menghargai" in Indonesian translates to "respect and appreciate" in English. This answer suggests that unity and solidarity can be achieved when individuals show respect and appreciation towards one another. By treating others with respect and valuing their worth, a sense of togetherness and unity can be fostered.
Tuliskan bunyi semboyan bangsa indonesia ....
Correct Answer
bhineka tunggal ika
The correct answer is "bhineka tunggal ika" which is the national motto of Indonesia. It means "unity in diversity" and represents the country's commitment to maintaining harmony and unity among its diverse population. This motto emphasizes the importance of accepting and respecting differences in culture, religion, and ethnicity, and promotes the idea that despite these differences, all Indonesians are one nation.
Jelaskan arti bhineka tunggal ika...
Correct Answer
walaupun berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu jua
The phrase "bhineka tunggal ika" is a motto of Indonesia, which translates to "unity in diversity." The given answer "walaupun berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu jua" means "although different, but still one." This answer perfectly captures the essence of the motto, emphasizing that despite the diversity in Indonesia, the people are united as one nation.
Mengapa kita harus menghormati dan menghargai terhadap suku lain?
Correct Answer
menciptakan kerukunan
Kita harus menghormati dan menghargai suku lain karena hal ini dapat menciptakan kerukunan antar suku. Dengan saling menghormati dan menghargai, kita dapat membangun hubungan yang harmonis dan menghindari konflik antar suku. Selain itu, menghormati suku lain juga merupakan bentuk penghargaan terhadap keberagaman budaya dan tradisi yang ada di Indonesia. Dengan menghormati suku lain, kita dapat belajar dan memahami perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada, serta memperkaya pengetahuan dan pengalaman kita.
Sebutkan keberagamaan apa saja yang menjadi kekayaan bangsa indonesia ?
Correct Answer
suku, agama, bahasa, budaya
The correct answer is suku, agama, bahasa, budaya. These four elements - ethnicity, religion, language, and culture - are considered the wealth of Indonesia. They represent the diversity and richness of the Indonesian nation, showcasing the variety of ethnic groups, religious beliefs, languages spoken, and cultural traditions practiced throughout the country. These elements contribute to the unique identity and heritage of Indonesia, making it a culturally vibrant and diverse nation.
Bagaimana sikap kita terhadap teman yang menghina suku lain...
Correct Answer
menasehati dengan santun
The correct answer is "menasehati dengan santun". The explanation for this answer is that when a friend insults or mocks another ethnic group, it is important to respond with kindness and respect. Advising them in a polite and gentle manner can help them understand the importance of treating others with dignity and respect. This approach promotes understanding and harmony among different ethnicities, fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.
Sebutkan tiga contoh sikap yang dapat mempererat persatuan dan kesatuan dalam keberagaman
Correct Answer
menghormati, menghargai, tenggang rasa
The three examples of attitudes that can strengthen unity and harmony in diversity are respecting, valuing, and empathy. Respecting refers to showing consideration and admiration for others' beliefs, opinions, and cultures. Valuing means recognizing and appreciating the differences and contributions of individuals from various backgrounds. Tenggang rasa, or empathy, involves understanding and putting oneself in others' shoes, allowing for better understanding and cooperation among diverse groups. These attitudes promote inclusivity, understanding, and cooperation, leading to a stronger sense of unity and harmony in a diverse society.
Kita harus mengutamakan .... dalam keberagaman
Correct Answer
C. Persatuan
In order to prioritize unity in diversity, it is important to focus on the concept of "persatuan" or unity. This means that individuals should strive to come together and work towards a common goal, despite their differences. By prioritizing unity, we can foster a sense of togetherness and create a harmonious society that respects and values diversity. This can lead to better understanding, cooperation, and acceptance among different groups, ultimately promoting peace and progress.
Pergaulan yang mengarah pada persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa didasari dengan ...
Correct Answer
D. Toleransi
Persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa didasari oleh toleransi, yaitu sikap saling menghormati, menghargai, dan menerima perbedaan antara individu atau kelompok dalam masyarakat. Dengan adanya toleransi, masyarakat dapat hidup harmonis tanpa adanya konflik atau perpecahan.
Hari raya galungan diperingati oleh umat ...
Correct Answer
C. Hindu
Hari Raya Galungan is a Hindu holiday celebrated by the Hindu community. It is not observed by the Islamic, Catholic, or Buddhist communities.
Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mempererat persatuan dalam keberagaman adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Gotong royong menghias kampung
Gotong royong menghias kampung adalah kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mempererat persatuan dalam keberagaman karena melibatkan partisipasi aktif dari berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Dengan melakukan gotong royong, masyarakat dari berbagai latar belakang agama dan budaya dapat saling bekerja sama dan berinteraksi secara positif. Melalui kegiatan ini, mereka dapat saling mengenal, menghargai, dan menghormati perbedaan satu sama lain, sehingga tercipta rasa persatuan dan kedamaian dalam keberagaman.
Sikap dibawah ini yang harus dikembangkan dalam keberagaman, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
D. Acuh tak acuh
The correct answer is "acuh tak acuh" because it means indifference or apathy, which is not a positive attitude to be developed in diversity. In order to promote diversity, it is important to foster cooperation, care, and tolerance towards different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives. Indifference or apathy towards diversity can hinder understanding and acceptance, and prevent positive interactions and relationships between individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Akibat jika kita tidak mau bekerja sama adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Tidak memiliki teman
If we refuse to work together, the consequence is that we will not have any friends. This suggests that by not cooperating and collaborating with others, we isolate ourselves and miss out on the opportunity to build meaningful relationships and connections. Working together allows us to learn from others, share ideas, and support each other, which ultimately contributes to a more fulfilling and enriched life.
Dalam bekerjasama tujuan bersama akan tercapai apabila ...
Correct Answer
A. Saling menghargai pendapat
The correct answer is "saling menghargai pendapat". This means that in order to achieve a common goal, it is important to respect each other's opinions. This implies that mutual respect and open-mindedness are crucial for successful collaboration and achieving shared objectives.
Sebuah bangsa akan semakin kuat apabila ...
Correct Answer
B. Terjalin pesatuan dalam keberagaman
A nation will become stronger if there is unity in diversity. When people from different backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs come together and work towards a common goal, it leads to a stronger and more resilient nation. Embracing diversity allows for the exchange of ideas, perspectives, and skills, leading to innovation and progress. It also promotes social cohesion and harmony among the citizens, fostering a sense of belonging and national identity. In contrast, when there is division and conflict among the people, it weakens the nation and hinders its development.
Perwujudan rasa syukur atas keberagaman budaya yang dimiliki adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Mempelajarai berbagai budaya bangsa
The correct answer is "mempelajarai berbagai budaya bangsa" (learning about various cultures). This answer suggests that expressing gratitude for cultural diversity involves actively seeking knowledge and understanding of different cultures. By learning about various cultures, individuals can appreciate and respect the differences and similarities between them, fostering a sense of gratitude for the richness of cultural diversity.
Contoh kegiatan gotong royong yang baik adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Membuat gapura untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan
Membuat gapura untuk memperingati hari kemerdekaan is a good example of a good mutual cooperation activity because it involves working together to create a symbol of celebration and patriotism. This activity requires teamwork, coordination, and collaboration to design and build the gate. It also promotes a sense of community and unity among the participants as they come together to commemorate a significant event in their country's history.
Warisan budaya bangsa indonesia beragam perlu kita ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "lestarikan". This is because the phrase "warisan budaya bangsa indonesia beragam perlu kita" indicates that there is a diverse cultural heritage in Indonesia that needs to be preserved. The word "lestarikan" means "to preserve" in Indonesian, which aligns with the context of the sentence. Therefore, the most appropriate word to complete the sentence is "lestarikan".
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1