Šta se podrazumeva pod arhitekturom s oftvera?
Correct Answer
C. Struktuiranje softverskog sistema sa fokusom na softverske komponente koji čine funkcionalnost sistema
Software architecture refers to the process of structuring a software system and defining its components and their functionality. This involves organizing the system in a way that focuses on the software components that make up the system's functionality. Therefore, option 4, which mentions structuring the software system with a focus on its components that make up its functionality, is the correct answer.
Koji UML dijagrami se kreiraju u fazi analize sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
C. Dijagram sekvenci
D. Dijagram komunikacije
E. Konceputalni dijagram klasa
In the analysis phase of system development, the following UML diagrams are created: sequence diagram, communication diagram, and conceptual class diagram. These diagrams help to analyze and understand the system requirements, interactions between components, and the structure of the system.
Koji su koraci faze analize sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Logički prikaz arhitekture sistema
B. Analiza slučajeva korišćenja
The steps in the system analysis phase include creating a logical representation of the system architecture and conducting a use case analysis. These two steps are essential in understanding the system's structure and functionality. The logical representation of the system architecture helps in identifying the components and their interactions, while the use case analysis helps in identifying the different scenarios in which the system will be used. Therefore, the correct answer includes both the logical representation of the system architecture and the use case analysis.
Koje vrste arhitektura softvera postoj e?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Slojevita
C. Model-View-Controller
The correct answer is Slojevita, Model-View-Controller. These are two types of software architectures. The slojevita (layered) architecture divides the software into different layers, each with its own specific functionality, allowing for easier maintenance and scalability. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture separates the application into three interconnected components: the model (data and logic), the view (user interface), and the controller (handles user input and updates the model and view). This separation of concerns enhances code reusability and flexibility.
Koji model arhitekture je pogodan za r azvoj Web aplikacija?
Correct Answer
B. Model-View-Controller arhitektura
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture is suitable for developing web applications because it provides a clear separation of concerns. The model represents the data and business logic, the view handles the presentation and user interface, and the controller manages the communication between the model and the view. This separation allows for easier maintenance and updates, as changes in one component do not affect the others. Additionally, MVC promotes code reusability and modularity, making it a popular choice for web development.
Koji su koraci analize slučajeva kori šćenja?
Correct Answer(s)
B. Identifikovati klase sistema na osnovu inicijalnog use case dijagrama
C. Modelovanje interakcija između klasa
D. Analiza mehanizama arhitekture
The correct answer is a combination of three steps in the process of use case analysis. First, it is important to identify the classes of the system based on the initial use case diagram. This helps in understanding the different components and functionalities of the system. Next, modeling the interactions between these classes is crucial to understand how they communicate and collaborate with each other. Finally, analyzing the mechanisms of the architecture helps in identifying the underlying structure and design patterns of the system. These three steps collectively contribute to a comprehensive use case analysis process.
Koji od navedenih UML dijagrama modelu je interakcije između klasa?
Correct Answer(s)
C. dijagram sekvenci
D. dijagram komunikacije (kolaboracije)
The correct answer is "dijagram sekvenci" and "dijagram komunikacije (kolaboracije)". These two UML diagrams are used to model the interactions between classes. The sequence diagram represents the sequence of messages exchanged between objects in a system, showing the order of interactions. The communication diagram, also known as the collaboration diagram, illustrates the interactions between objects and the messages exchanged, focusing on the structural organization of the objects. Both diagrams are valuable for understanding the interactions and relationships between classes in a system.
Koji tip klasa postaju akteri sa use c ase dijagrama?
Correct Answer
A. klasa tipa entitet
In a use case diagram, actors represent the external entities that interact with the system. The class of entity type is a type of class that represents the entities or objects in the system. Therefore, the correct answer is "klasa tipa entitet" (class of entity type), as these classes become the actors in the use case diagram.
Koji tip klasa postaju relacije asocij acija između aktera i use case na use case dijagramu?
Correct Answer
B. granična (interfejs) klasa
Granična (interfejs) klasa postaju relacije asocijacije između aktera i use case na use case dijagramu.
Koji tip klasa postaju use case-ovi na use case dijagramu?
Correct Answer
C. kontrolna klasa
In a use case diagram, use cases represent the functionality or behavior of a system. They describe the interactions between actors and the system. Control classes, also known as controller classes, are responsible for controlling the flow of the system and coordinating the execution of use cases. They handle the logic and decision-making processes. Therefore, control classes become the use cases on the use case diagram.
Šta je namena dijagrama sekvenci?
Correct Answer
B. da hronološki opiše interakcije koje se javljaju između klasa
The purpose of a sequence diagram is to chronologically describe the interactions that occur between classes.
Na osnovu čega se uočavaju metode ko je će klasa izvršavati?
Correct Answer(s)
A. na osnovu poruka koje klase razmenjuju, a prikazane su na dijagramu sekvenci
B. na osnovu sagledavanja svih stanja jedne klase prikazanih na dijagramu stanja
Kakve veze mogu biti između klasa na dijagramu klasa?
Correct Answer(s)
A. asocijacija
B. agregacija
C. kompozicija
D. generalizacija
The correct answer options (asocijacija, agregacija, kompozicija, generalizacija) represent different types of relationships that can exist between classes in a class diagram. "Asocijacija" refers to a simple relationship where one class is associated with another. "Agregacija" represents a relationship where one class is composed of multiple instances of another class. "Kompozicija" is a stronger form of aggregation where one class is composed of exclusive parts. "Generalizacija" represents an inheritance relationship where one class inherits the properties and behaviors of another class.
Ukoliko su dve klase zavisne jedna od druge (tj. životni vek zavisne klase će zavisiti od životnog veka klase o koju zavisi), koji tip veze ćete pri kazati na dijagramu klasa?
Correct Answer
B. kompozicija
If two classes are dependent on each other (i.e. the lifespan of the dependent class will depend on the lifespan of the class it depends on), the type of relationship that will be shown on the class diagram is composition.
Koji tip veze između klasa na dijagra mu klasa prikazuje odnos između celin e i njenih delova bez uticaja na živo tni vek klase?
Correct Answer
B. Agregacija
The correct answer is "agregacija" (aggregation). Aggregation represents a relationship between classes where one class is composed of multiple instances of another class, but the lifespan of the objects is independent of each other. In other words, the parts can exist independently of the whole. This type of relationship is often represented by a diamond-shaped arrow pointing from the whole class to the part class on a class diagram.
Čemu služi objektni dijagram?
Correct Answer
A. da proveri da li je dijagram klasa dobro postavljen prolazeći kroz neki realni scenario
The object diagram is used to verify if the class diagram is well-designed by going through a real scenario.
Koji su koraci projektovanja informaci onih sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
C. identifikovanje dizajn paterna
D. projektovanje slučajeva korišćenja
The steps of designing information systems include identifying design patterns and designing use cases. These steps involve identifying common solutions to design problems and creating scenarios that describe how users will interact with the system. The other options listed, such as modeling user requirements, conducting a detailed system analysis, implementing the system, and introducing the system, are also important steps in the overall process of designing information systems, but they are not specifically mentioned in the question.
Koji UML dijagrami se razvijaju u fazi projektovanja sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
C. dijagram komponenti
D. dijagram uvođenja
E. fizički dijagram klasa
The correct answer includes three types of UML diagrams that are typically developed during the system design phase: component diagram, deployment diagram, and class diagram. These diagrams help in representing the structure, deployment, and organization of the system components and classes. They provide a visual representation of the system's architecture and aid in understanding the relationships and interactions between different components and classes.
Šta se podrazumeva pod terminom " ;dizajn patern"?
Correct Answer
A. ponovo upotrebljiv softverski kod koji nudi opšte rešenje za učestale probleme u razvoju aplikacije
The term "design pattern" refers to reusable software code that provides a general solution for common problems in application development. It is a way to standardize and streamline the development process by offering proven solutions for recurring issues. Design patterns help improve the efficiency and maintainability of software systems by promoting best practices and reducing the need for repetitive coding.
Koji od ponuđenih dizajn paterna se k oristi za instanciranje klasa?
Correct Answer
B. Singleton dizajn patern
The correct answer is Singleton design pattern. The Singleton design pattern is used for instantiating classes. It ensures that only one instance of a class is created and provides a global point of access to it. This pattern is commonly used in scenarios where there is a need for a single instance of a class to be shared across multiple parts of an application.
Koji od ponuđenih dizajn paterna reš ava problem provere različitih stanja u kojima klasa može da se nađe?
Correct Answer
B. State dizajn patern
The State design pattern is used to solve the problem of managing different states that a class can be in. It allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern is useful when an object's behavior depends on its state and needs to transition between different states dynamically. By encapsulating each state in a separate class, the State pattern promotes flexibility and maintainability in the code.
Šta je interfejs?
Correct Answer
A. apstrakcija koja nema implementaciju svojih metoda
An interface is an abstraction that does not have an implementation of its methods. It provides default behaviors for classes that implement it.
Koji od elemenata dizajna realizuje in terfejs, obezbeđuje određenu funkcio nalnost tj. ponašanje i lako može bi ti zamenjiv?
Correct Answer
B. podsistem
A subsystem is a correct answer because it is a design element that implements an interface, provides specific functionality or behavior, and can easily be replaced.
Šta opisuje dijagram stanja?
Correct Answer
C. opisuje životni vek objekta u vidu događaja koji dovode do promena u stanjima objekata
The answer is option 4 because it states that a state diagram describes the lifecycle of an object in terms of events that cause changes in the object's states. In other words, a state diagram shows how an object transitions from one state to another based on certain events or conditions. It does not describe attributes and methods of classes, interactions between objects, or visualize a specific scenario.
Komponente koje se prikazuju na dijagr amu komponenti mogu biti:
Correct Answer(s)
A. komponenta izvornog koda
C. izvršne komponente
The correct answer for this question is "komponenta izvornog koda" and "izvršne komponente". This means that the components displayed on the component diagram can be either the source code component or the executable component. These components represent different parts of a system and can be used to visualize and understand the structure and behavior of the system.
Namena dijagrama komponenti je:
Correct Answer
A. Opisivanje fizičke implementacije sistema prikazivanjem softverskih komponenti i njihovih međusobnih relacija
The correct answer is "Opisivanje fizičke implementacije sistema prikazivanjem softverskih komponenti i njihovih međusobnih relacija". This option accurately describes the purpose of a component diagram, which is to depict the physical implementation of a system by showing the software components and their relationships.
Koje su karakteristike komponenata sis tema koje se prikazuju na dijagramu ko mponenti?
Correct Answer(s)
A. autonomnost
B. ponovna upotrebljivost
C. obezbeđuju jedan ili više interfejsa
D. lako se mogu zameniti drugom komponentom
The correct answer includes characteristics of component-based systems. These characteristics include autonomy, which means that components can operate independently; reusability, meaning that components can be used in different contexts; providing one or more interfaces, allowing other components to interact with them; and the ability to be easily replaced by another component. These characteristics contribute to the flexibility and modularity of component-based systems.
Šta se podrazumeva pod terminom " ;debeli klijent" (fat client)?
Correct Answer
B. više funkcionalnosti se izvršava na klijent mašini
The term "debeli klijent" (fat client) refers to a client-side architecture where more functionalities are executed on the client machine. This means that the client machine handles a greater portion of the processing and execution of tasks, reducing the reliance on the server.
Šta se podrazumeva pod terminom " ;debeli server" (fat server)?
Correct Answer
A. više funkcionalnosti se obrađuje na strani servera
The term "debeli server" (fat server) implies that more functionalities are processed on the server side.
Koji tip arhitekture odgovara Cloud ap likaciji kojoj klijent pristupa putem web browser-a?
Correct Answer
B. debeli server (Fat Server)
A "Cloud application" refers to a software program that is accessed through a web browser, typically over the internet. In this scenario, the client accesses the application through a web browser, indicating that the client-side is lightweight and does not require extensive processing power. On the other hand, a "fat server" architecture is designed to handle complex processing and storage tasks, making it suitable for cloud applications where the server carries the majority of the workload. Therefore, the correct answer is "debeli server (Fat Server)".
Posmatrajući višeslojnu arhitekturu softvera, na kom sloju se nalaze servi si koji su nezavisni od aplikacije i p latforme gde će se sistem izvršavati (npr. java.sql)?
Correct Answer
C. middleware sloj
In a multi-layered software architecture, the middleware layer is where independent services, such as java.sql, are located. This layer acts as a bridge between the presentation layer, business service layer, and data layer. It provides a platform-independent and application-independent environment for the services to execute. Therefore, the correct answer is the middleware layer.
Koje korake je neophodno uraditi da bi se kreirao dijagram uvođenja (Deploy ment Diagram)?
Correct Answer(s)
A. prikazati fizičko okruženje mreže (npr. prikazati topologije mreže, širinu opsega svakog segmenta mreže itd.)
B. opisati konfiguraciju čvorova na mreži (npr. primarna svrha čvora, veličina prostora na disku, procesor, šta je sve instalirano na čvoru i sl.)
C. prikazati način raspoređivanja softverskih komponenata aplikacije po čvorovima na mreži
The necessary steps to create a deployment diagram include showing the physical network environment, describing the configuration of nodes on the network, and displaying the way software components of an application are deployed on nodes in the network. These steps help in understanding the overall structure and deployment of the system, including the network topology, node configurations, and software component allocation.
Šta se podrazumeva pod čvorovima na mreži prikazanih na dijagramu uvođen ja (deployment)?
Correct Answer
B. fizički objekat koji predstavlja resurs obrade i odgovoran je za jednu ili više softverskih komponenti
The correct answer is a physical object that represents a processing resource and is responsible for one or more software components. This means that under the nodes in the deployment diagram, there are physical objects that represent resources for processing and are responsible for running the software components. These physical objects can be servers, computers, or any other hardware that is capable of executing software.
Da li uređaj kao što je štampač mo že da predstavlja čvor na mreži pri kazanog na dijagramu uvođenja?
Correct Answer
A. Da
The given correct answer is "Da". This means that the device, such as a printer, can represent a node on the network as shown in the deployment diagram.
Koji su osnovni elementi modela uvođe nja (deployment)?
Correct Answer(s)
A. čvorovi (nodes)
C. konekcije između čvorova
The basic elements of the deployment model are nodes and the connections between these nodes. Nodes represent the physical or virtual devices or systems where the software or application is deployed. The connections between nodes depict the network or communication links between these devices, allowing them to interact and exchange data.
Šta je osnovna namena dijagrama uvođ enja (deployment diagram)?
Correct Answer
A. Modelovanje distributivnosti sistema tj. raspoređivanje komponenata na čvorove na mreži
The basic purpose of a deployment diagram is to model the distribution of a system by arranging its components on nodes in a network. This diagram helps in visualizing how the software components are deployed on hardware nodes and how they interact with each other. It provides a high-level view of the physical implementation of the system and helps in understanding the overall architecture and distribution of the system.
Šta se kreira tokom faze implementaci je sistema?
Correct Answer(s)
A. izvorni kod
B. izveštaj o bagovima u sistemu
D. priručnici za obuku
During the implementation phase of a system, various components are created to ensure the successful deployment and functioning of the system. These components include the source code, which is the actual programming instructions that make up the system, the bug report, which identifies and documents any issues or errors in the system, and the training manuals, which provide instructions and information for users to effectively use the system. These components are crucial in ensuring that the system is implemented correctly and can be used efficiently by users.
Koju metodologiju za implementaciju SA P poslovnog rešenja poznajete?
Correct Answer
C. Accelerated SAP (ASAP)
Accelerated SAP (ASAP) is a methodology for implementing SAP (Systems, Applications, and Products) solutions. It is a proven approach that helps organizations streamline their implementation process, reduce risks, and achieve faster results. ASAP provides a structured framework and guidelines for project management, business process analysis, system configuration, testing, and training. It ensures that all aspects of the implementation, including business requirements, technical infrastructure, and organizational change management, are properly addressed. By following the ASAP methodology, organizations can effectively plan, execute, and monitor their SAP implementation projects, leading to successful and efficient business solutions.
Koji su koraci uvođenja rešenja u re alno okruženje?
Correct Answer(s)
A. Priprema okruženja (npr. nabavka hardvera, licenci ...)
B. Ažuriranje dokumentacije (npr. backup plan)
C. Obučavanje korisnika
The correct answer includes the steps involved in introducing a solution into a real environment. These steps include preparing the environment by acquiring hardware and licenses, updating documentation such as a backup plan, and training users on how to use the solution. These steps are crucial in ensuring a smooth transition and successful implementation of the solution.
Šta je ASAP (Accelerated SAP)?
Correct Answer
C. metodologija brze implementacije SAP poslovnog sistema
ASAP (Accelerated SAP) is a methodology for the rapid implementation of the SAP business system. It is designed to streamline and expedite the process of deploying SAP software in a production environment. This methodology helps organizations to quickly and efficiently implement the SAP system, reducing the implementation time and cost. It provides a structured approach and best practices for project management, business process analysis, system configuration, and training. By following the ASAP methodology, organizations can achieve faster time-to-value and realize the benefits of the SAP system sooner.
Šta se podrazumeva pod terminom " ;nula bagova" (zero bug)?
Correct Answer
C. tačka u projektu kada razvojni tim razreši sve bagove koji su se pojavili u toku testiranja sistema
The term "zero bug" refers to the point in a project when the development team resolves all the bugs that have appeared during system testing. This means that there are no critical, serious, medium, or minor bugs left in the system.
Šta je SAP (Systems, Applications, Pr oducts)?
Correct Answer
B. softverska kuća koja se bavi razvojem poslovnih sistema
SAP (Systems, Applications, Products) is a software company that specializes in the development of business systems.
Šta se podrazumeva pod pojmom kastimi zacije poslovnog sistema?
Correct Answer
A. prilagođavanje gotovog poslovnog sistema realnom okruženju organizacije
The correct answer is the adaptation of an existing business system to the real environment of the organization. This means that the organization takes a pre-existing business system and modifies it to fit its specific needs and requirements. This process involves making changes and adjustments to ensure that the system aligns with the organization's goals, processes, and resources. By adapting the system, the organization can maximize its efficiency and effectiveness in its unique environment.
Šta je ABAP (Advanced Business Applic ation Programming)? Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. programski jezik
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a programming language used for developing applications within the SAP system. It is specifically designed for creating business applications and is widely used in SAP environments. Therefore, the correct answer is "programski jezik" which translates to "programming language" in English.