Put je objekat niskogradnje po kome se odvija drumski saobraćaj.
Correct Answer
A. A) Tačno
This statement is correct. It states that a "put" is an object of infrastructure that is used for road traffic. In other words, a "put" refers to a road or a highway that is used for transportation by vehicles. Therefore, the given answer "a) Tačno" is the correct answer.
Luke su deo saobraćajnog sistema drumskog saobraćaja.
Correct Answer
B. B)Netačno
The given statement says "Luke is a part of the road traffic system." However, there is no information provided about who or what "Luke" refers to in this context. Therefore, it is not possible to determine whether the statement is true or false. Hence, the correct answer is "Netačno" (False).
Železničku prugu čini više koloseka.
Correct Answer
A. A) Tačno
The given statement states that a railway track consists of multiple tracks. This is true because a railway track typically consists of multiple parallel tracks, allowing for multiple trains to run simultaneously in different directions. Therefore, the correct answer is a) Tačno.
Avion ne može sleteti na aerodrom niti uzleteti dok ne dobije dozvolu kontrolno-komande službe.
Correct Answer
A. A) Tačno
The statement states that an airplane cannot land or take off without obtaining permission from the control command service. This implies that the statement is true.
Procenite koje od navedenih saobraćajnih sredstava je najbrže sredstvo za putovanje:
Correct Answer
C. C) Avion
The correct answer is c) Avion. The explanation for this is that airplanes are the fastest mode of transportation compared to bicycles, cars, boats, and trains. Airplanes can travel at high speeds and cover long distances in a relatively short amount of time.
Koja definicija najbolje opisuje luke:
Correct Answer
C. C) Deo saobraćajnog sistema vodenog saobraćaja i služe za bezbedno pristajanje brodova
The correct answer is c) Deo saobraćajnog sistema vodenog saobraćaja i služe za bezbedno pristajanje brodova. This definition best describes ports as they are an integral part of the water transportation system and are used for the safe docking of ships. Options a) and b) are too narrow and do not encompass the full scope of what a port entails.
Javni putevi se dele na:
Correct Answer(s)
A. A) Magistralne
D. D) Regionalne
F. F) Lokalne
Javni putevi se dele na magistralne, regionalne i lokalne. Magistralni putevi su najvažniji putevi u zemlji, koji povezuju različite gradove i regione. Regionalni putevi su manje važni od magistralnih, ali i dalje imaju značajnu ulogu u povezivanju manjih gradova i naselja unutar određene regije. Lokalni putevi su najmanje važni i služe za povezivanje manjih naselja, sela i lokalnih zajednica.
Pogledajte sliku mašine i odaberite odgovor koji opisuje njenu namenu:
Correct Answer
B. B) Mašina za kopanje tunela
The correct answer is b) Mašina za kopanje tunela. The machine in the picture appears to be a tunnel boring machine, which is specifically designed for excavating tunnels. It has a large cylindrical structure with a cutting head at the front and a conveyor system to remove the excavated material. This type of machine is commonly used in construction projects to create tunnels for transportation systems, underground utilities, or mining operations.
Kolovoz je deo puta namenjen prvenstveno za kretanje vozila.Obrazuju ga: ________ , dodatne trake, ivične i zaustavne trake.
Correct Answer
Saobraćajne, saobracajne, saobraćajne
The given answer is correct because "saobraćajne" is the correct spelling of the word "traffic" in Serbian. It is repeated three times to emphasize that the road markings being referred to are specifically for traffic movement.
Građevinski objekti koji premošćuju suve uvale i jaruge između visoravni radi izbegavanja naglih uspona i nizbrdica zovu se ________..
Correct Answer
Građevinski objekti koji premošćuju suve uvale i jaruge između visoravni radi izbegavanja naglih uspona i nizbrdica zovu se vijadukti.
Elementi javnog puta su: kolovoz, saobraćajna traka, raskrsnica, pešačko ostrvo, biciklistička staza i ________ .
Correct Answer
bankina, Bankina,
The missing element in the list of public road elements is "bankina" and "Bankina". A bankina refers to the shoulder or verge of the road, which is a paved or unpaved area alongside the road that provides additional space for vehicles to park or for pedestrians to walk. The inclusion of both "bankina" and "Bankina" suggests that it could be a typographical error or a variation in spelling.
Deo površine kolovoza namenjen za prelaženje pešaka, obeležen oznakama ili odgovarajućim saobraćajnim znakom je ________ .
Correct Answer
Pešački prelaz, pešački prelaz, pesacki prelaz,
Deo kolovoza na kome se ukrštaju, spajaju ili razdvajaju putevi u istom nivou zove se ________.
Correct Answer
raskrsnica, Raskrsnica,
The correct answer is "raskrsnica" or "Raskrsnica". A "raskrsnica" is a term used in Serbian language to describe a junction or intersection where roads cross, merge, or diverge at the same level. It is a point where vehicles can change their direction of travel. This term is commonly used in transportation and road infrastructure contexts.
Pešaćka staza je put koji je namenjen za kretanje pešaka i bicikala.
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
The given answer is correct because it states that a pedestrian path is a road intended for pedestrians and bicycles.
Na osnovu zadate slike pešak se kreće:
Correct Answer
B. Nepravilno
Based on the given picture, it can be observed that the sand is not moving in a regular or uniform manner. Therefore, it can be concluded that the sand is moving irregularly or in a non-uniform manner, hence the correct answer is "Nepravilno" which means "Irregular" in English.
Autoput je javni put koji je određen za saobraćaj svih vrsta vozila.
Correct Answer
B. Netačno
Podzemne železnice (metroi) grade se u velikim gradovima da bi se rasteretio nadzemni saobraćaj.
Correct Answer
A. Tačno
Podzemne železnice (metroi) grade se u velikim gradovima kako bi se smanjila gužva i opterećenje na nadzemnim saobraćajnicama. Metroi pružaju brz i efikasan način transporta za veliki broj ljudi, omogućavajući im da se kreću ispod površine zemlje. Ovo pomaže u smanjenju saobraćajnih zagušenja i pomaže u održavanju protoka saobraćaja na nadzemnim putevima.