Two statements are given followed by four conclusions. I. II. III and IV. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statements. Indicate your answer.
(A) No cow is a chair.
(B) All chairs are tables.
I. Some tables are chairs.
II. Some tables are cows.
III. Some chairs are cows.
IV. No table is a cow.
Correct Answer
E. (*)
First Premise is Universal Negative (E-type).
Second Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
No cow is chair.
All chairs are tables.
E + A O1- type of Conclusion
"Some tables are not cows."
Conclusion I is Converse of the second Premise. Therefore, Conclusion I follows.
Conclusions II and IV form Complementary Pair. Therefore, either Conclusion II or IV follows.
Thus, Conclusion I and Conclusion II or IV follow.
There is no such option.
Following a statement, conclusions I. II and III are given. Which one of the four alternatives is correct?
Statement: Ministers arrived at the public function in their cars.
I. All ministers are rich
II. Ministers have cars.
III. Ministers came to the public function.
Correct Answer
A. Only II and III are implicit in the statement
The use of term 'All' in the conclusion I makes it invalid. We know that definite conclusion cannot be drawn from general statement.
Ministers arrived at the public function in their cars. Thus, ministers have cars and they attended public function. Therefore only II and III are implicit in the statement.
Following a statement, conclusions I and II are given. Which one of the four alternatives is correct?
Philanthropes with their human compassion and zeal to help the needy have contributed to human welfare in every society.
I. Rich persons are Philanthropes
II. Poor people cannot act as Philanthropes
Correct Answer
C. Neither I nor II is Implicit
Neither conclusion I nor II is implicit in the statement. Any person can be philanthrope whether he is rich or poor.
A conclusion followed by statements I. II and III is given. Which one of the four alternatives is correct?
Many drug addicts were arrested
I. Taking drugs is a crime.
II. One who commits a crime can be arrested
III. Many people take drugs regularly.
Correct Answer
A. All the 3 statements taken together bring to the conclusion
We are arrive at the conclusion by combining three pieces of Information given in the three statements.
A statement followed by two assumptions I and II is given. Which one of the four given alternatives is correct?
One should not sleep under a tree.
I. The falling leaves may spoil our clothes.
II. Trees give out CO2 at night which is injurious to health.
Correct Answer
B. Only II is implicit
Only assumption II is implicit in the statement.
A question is followed by two statements I and II. Which one of the four given alternatives is correct?
Has Electronic media improved the class room teaching?
I. Electronic media is multisensory based.
II. TV lessons supplement the class-room teaching.
Correct Answer
B. Only II is lmplicit
Only statement II is implicit. It is true that TV lessons supplement the class-room teaching and as a result of this there is improvement in class room teaching.
In the following question a statement is followed by four inferences. Select the one which is most appropriate.
Statement: In the university examination most of the candidates write in Hindi medium.
Correct Answer
D. Some candidates of this examination write in Hindi
Most of the students (Not All) write in Hindi medium in this examination. Therefore, some candidates of this examination write in Hindi.
In the following question a statement is followed by four inferences. Select the one which is most appropriate. All the books, written by Prabhakar are textbooks. Some of his books are published by Pitamber Publishing Company.
Correct Answer
C. Some textbooks written by Prabhakar are published by publishers other than Pitamber Publishing Company
The given statement can be shown by the following diagram:
A statement is given followed by four conclusions (1), (2), (3) and (4) You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Fertilizer consumption in India in 1984-85 was 8.21 MT. By 1990 it was 13.75 MT and by 2000 it is expected to reach 16 MT. What is your conclusion?
Correct Answer
D. There is a steady increase in fertilizer consumption
The given data clearly indicate that there is a steady increase of fertilizer consumption.
A statement is given followed by four conclusions (1), (2), (3) and (4) You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
All guilty politicians were arrested. Tom and Gopal were among those arrested.
Correct Answer
A. Tom and Gopal were guilty
It is clear that Tom and Gopal were guilty.
In the following question four alternative conclusions are given for a statement. Find out the most appropriate conclusion.
About 18.6 metric tonnes of cereals, 2.3 metric tonnes of pulses, 4.6 metric tonnes of oil seeds and 6 metric tonnes of fibrous crops are damaged due to pest today. What does imply these results?
Correct Answer
C. Some quantity of all the crops are damaged by insectsa
Some quantity of all the crops are damaged by insectsa
In the following question four alternative conclusions are given for a statement. Find out the most appropriate conclusion.
Tom is a great player of football. All the football players earn huge wealth.
Correct Answer
D. Tom earns more wealth
Tom earns more wealth
In each of the following question a statement is given followed by two conclusions/assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions / assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Statement: Physical exercise is necessary for good health.
I. John plays Tennis at age of seventy.
II. Men with irregular habits have to go to hospital.
Correct Answer
A. Only I follows
Only conclusion I follow John plays Tennis at the age of seventy. It means he is healthy.
In each of the following question a statement is given followed by two conclusions/assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions / assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Statement: If he is intelligent, he will pass the examination.
I. To pass, he must be intelligent.
II. He will pass the examination.
Correct Answer
A. Only I is implicit
It is mentions that if he is intelligent, he will pass the examination. Therefore, in order to pass the examination, he must be intelligent.
In this question a Statement followed by Conclusions. I and II is given. Which one of the four given alternatives (1),(2),(3) or (4) is correct?
Fortune favours the brave. Conclusions:
I. Cowards die many deaths before their real death.
II. For any success risks are necessary.
Correct Answer
B. Only II follows
The given statement is a phrasal experssion which implies that for being successful one must take risk. Therefore, only conclusion II follow.
In this question a Statement is given followed by two Assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given assumptions can definitely be drawn from the given statement(s). Indicate your answer from (1), (2), (3) or (4).
Statement: Population is the greatest pollutant.
I. Increased population is the greatest resource.
II. Illiterate mass leads to dirt and degradation.
Correct Answer
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
Neither assumption I nor II is implicit in the statement. Any resource is exploited by human itself. Therefore, population is the greatest pollution.
A statement is given followed by two conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Use of cosmetics is hazardous.
I. Cosmetics have side effects.
II. Cosmetics are inexpensive.
Correct Answer
A. Only I follows
Only conclusion I follows. It is clear that cosmetics have side effects. There is no information about the cost of cosmetics.
A statement is given followed by two conclusions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Honesty and hard work lead to economic improvement of an individual.
I. There is a direct relation between honesty and economic improvement.
II. Hard work and honesty always pay dividends.
Correct Answer
B. II is implicit
Clearly conclusion II is implicit in the statement. Honesty and hard work are necessary for development.
In each of the following, question statement is followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Statement: Only the good die young.
Conclusions: I. No good person lives to old age.
II. Anyone who lives to old age must be bad.
Correct Answer
B. Only II follows
The term 'Only' has been used in the statement. It indicates that the one who lives to old age must be bad.
In each of the following, question statement is followed by two conclusions I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer.
Statement: Light comes from the Sun; feathers are light.
I. Feather comes from the Sun.
II. Sun is light.
Correct Answer
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
The term 'Light' bears two different meanings:
(i) the natural force that makes things visible, a source of light.
(ii) not heavy.
'Light comes from the Sun' means 'Sun is a source of Light'. 'Feathers are Light' means 'Feathers are not heavy'