A team or person must win by two points.
Correct Answer
B. False
In this case, the correct answer is False. This means that a team or person does not have to win by two points. The statement suggests that winning by a margin of two points is not a requirement for victory. It is possible for a team or person to win by any number of points, regardless of the margin.
During the course of play, the position of the pallina may change as a result of normal play.
Correct Answer
A. True
During the game, the position of the pallina, which is a small target ball, can indeed change as a result of normal play. This is because the players aim to get their balls as close as possible to the pallina, and in doing so, they may accidentally hit and move it. Therefore, it is true that the position of the pallina can change during the course of play.
Balls that touch the side court or end court walls are considered dead.
Correct Answer
B. False
When the statement says that balls that touch the side court or end court walls are considered dead, it means that if a ball hits the walls during play, it is considered out of bounds and the point is awarded to the opposing team. However, the correct answer is false, which means that this statement is not true. In most sports, including tennis and racquetball, balls that touch the side or end court walls are still considered in play as long as they land within the boundaries of the court.
All ball delivery attempts must be done underhand.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement clearly states that all ball delivery attempts must be done underhand. This means that any attempt to deliver the ball overhand or using any other method would be considered incorrect. Therefore, the correct answer is True.
A player cannot step over the foul line until after the ball is released and the ball touches any part of the playing field.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because according to the rules of the game, a player is not allowed to step over the foul line until after the ball is released and touches any part of the playing field. This rule ensures fair play and prevents players from gaining an unfair advantage by stepping over the line too early. By waiting for the ball to be released and touch the playing field, players have a fair chance to make their shot without any interference.
It is possible for both teams to score in a frame.
Correct Answer
B. False
In the game of bowling, it is not possible for both teams to score in a frame. Each frame is played by one team at a time, with each player taking turns to roll the ball. The team that is currently playing has the opportunity to score points based on their rolls, while the opposing team has to wait for their turn in the next frame. Therefore, only one team can score in a frame, making the statement false.
A traditional bocce pitches dimensions are:
Correct Answer
A. 12 feet x 60 feet
The correct answer is 12 feet x 60 feet. This is the traditional dimensions for a bocce pitch. Bocce is a game played with balls, and the pitch is the area where the game is played. The dimensions of 12 feet x 60 feet provide enough space for players to throw the balls and for the balls to roll and come to a stop.
How is the sequence of play determined?
Correct Answer
C. Athletes/teams throw one ball at a time until they are the closest ball to the pallina. Once they have become the closest to the pallina the opposing athlete/team throws until they are closest.
The player tossing the pallina must deliver the first ball. The opposing team will then deliver their bocce balls until the point is taken or they have exhausted their four balls. This “nearest ball” rule governs the sequence of played balls. The side whose ball is the closest to the pallina is called the “in” ball and the opposing side the “out” ball. Whenever a team gets “in,” it steps aside and allows the “out” team to deliver.
To start the game, the pallina has to be placed between the 30 foot line and the 10 foot foul line on the opposite end. How many attempts is a team given to place the pallina between these lines?
Correct Answer
B. Three attempts
If these three attempts are unsuccessful, the opposing team will have one opportunity to place the pallina. If this attempt is unsuccessful, the referee will place the pallina in the center of the court at the 50-foot mark (opposite end foul line).
After all balls have been thrown, how is the frame scored?
Correct Answer
C. The athlete/team that is closest to the pallina gets a point for each of their balls that is closer than the closest opposing ball.
Points are awarded to the team whose balls are closer to the pallina than the closest ball of the opposing team. The players (not coaches or spectators) have a right to request a measurement if the players
disagree with the referee. The scoring team for each frame will also win the pallina advantage for the subsequent frame.