Elastisitas Bahan Dan Fluida Statis / Dinamis

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| By Kangabdul
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Questions: 25 | Attempts: 525

Elastisitas Bahan Dan Fluida Statis / Dinamis - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Empat buah kawat berikut terbuat dari bahan yang sama.Kawatpanjangdiameter150 cm0,5 cm2100 cm1 cm3200 cm2 cm4300 cm3 cm Kawat yang memiliki pertambahan panjang paling besar jika diberi gaya yang sama adalah kawat ….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2
    The correct answer is 2. The wire with the largest increase in length when given the same force is the wire with a length of 200 cm and a diameter of 2 cm. This is because the length and diameter of a wire are directly proportional to its increase in length when a force is applied. Therefore, the wire with the largest initial length and diameter will experience the largest increase in length when the same force is applied.

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  • 2. 

    Perbandingan antara stress dan strain disebut ….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Modulus elastisitas

    • D.

      Energi potensial pegas

    • E.

      Konstanta pegas

    Correct Answer
    C. Modulus elastisitas
    The correct answer is "modulus elastisitas". Modulus elastisitas refers to the comparison between stress and strain, which measures the stiffness or rigidity of a material. It represents the ability of a material to deform under stress and return to its original shape when the stress is removed. Modulus elastisitas is a fundamental property used to characterize the mechanical behavior of materials.

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  • 3. 

    Sebuah pegas panjangnya 60 cm, setelah ditarik panjangnya menjadi 66 cm. Besarnya regangan pegas adalah ….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. 0,01
    The correct answer is 0,01. The question states that a spring's length increases from 60 cm to 66 cm when it is stretched. The strain of the spring can be calculated by subtracting the original length from the final length and dividing it by the original length. In this case, (66 cm - 60 cm) / 60 cm = 0,01. Therefore, the strain of the spring is 0,01.

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  • 4. 

    Perbandingan antara gaya yang bekerja pada bahan dan luas permukaan beban disebut …..

    • A.

      Hukum Hooke

    • B.

      Modulus elastisitas

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Stress
    Stress is the correct answer because it refers to the comparison between the force applied to a material and the area over which the force is distributed. Stress is a measure of the internal resistance of a material to deformation, and it is calculated by dividing the force applied by the area. Therefore, stress is the appropriate term to describe the comparison between the force and the surface area of the load.

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  • 5. 

    Jika pertambahan panjang suatu pegas 5 cm dan memiliki konstanta pegas 2000 N/m, gaya yang diberikan pada pegas tersebut sebesar ….

    • A.

      50 N

    • B.

      70 N

    • C.

      80 N

    • D.

      100 N

    • E.

      120 N

    Correct Answer
    D. 100 N
    The force applied to the spring can be calculated using Hooke's Law, which states that the force is equal to the spring constant multiplied by the displacement. In this case, the displacement is given as 5 cm, or 0.05 m, and the spring constant is given as 2000 N/m. Therefore, the force applied to the spring is 2000 N/m * 0.05 m = 100 N.

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  • 6. 

    Perbandingan perubahan panjang dengan panjang awal disebut ….

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Modulus elastisitas

    • D.

      Energi potensial

    • E.

      Konstanta pegas

    Correct Answer
    B. Regangan
    The correct answer is "regangan". In physics, the comparison of the change in length with the original length is known as strain or "regangan" in Indonesian. This term is used to measure the deformation or stretching of an object under the influence of an external force. It is an important concept in understanding the behavior of materials under stress and is often used in the study of elasticity and materials science.

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  • 7. 

    Tiga buah pegas masing-masing 200 N/m, 400 N/m, dan 600 N/m disusun secara seri. Besarnya konstanta pegas pengganti adalah ….

    • A.

      1200 N/m

    • B.

      600 N/m

    • C.

      139,2 N/m

    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. 109,09
    The equivalent spring constant for springs connected in series is given by the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of the individual spring constants. Therefore, the equivalent spring constant is 1/((1/200)+(1/400)+(1/600)) = 1/((3/600)+(3/600)+(5/600)) = 1/(11/600) = 600/11 = 54.54 N/m. However, the answer choices do not include this value. The closest option is 109.09 N/m, which is double the calculated value. It is possible that there was a mistake in the calculation or the options provided are not accurate.

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  • 8. 

    Mengapa seekor serangga dapat berjalan di atas air, karena ….

    • A.

      Adhesi = kohesi

    • B.

      Adhesi dan kohesi

    • C.


    • D.

      Tegangan permukaan air

    • E.

      Semua salah

    Correct Answer
    D. Tegangan permukaan air
    The correct answer is "tegangan permukaan air" because the phenomenon of insects being able to walk on water is due to the surface tension of water. Surface tension is the property of a liquid that allows it to resist external forces and form a "skin-like" surface. This surface tension is strong enough to support the weight of small insects, allowing them to walk on water without sinking. Adhesion, cohesion, and capillarity are not directly related to the ability of insects to walk on water.

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  • 9. 

    Tekanan yang diberikan zat cair akan diteruskan sama besar ke segala arah merupakan pernyataan dari hukum ….

    • A.

      Utama hidrostatis

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Kekekalan energi mekanik

    Correct Answer
    C. Pascal
    The statement "Tekanan yang diberikan zat cair akan diteruskan sama besar ke segala arah" refers to Pascal's law. Pascal's law states that when pressure is applied to a fluid in a confined space, it is transmitted equally in all directions. This means that any change in pressure applied to a fluid will be transmitted throughout the fluid and to the walls of its container. Therefore, the correct answer is Pascal.

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  • 10. 

    Bagaimana minyak dalam kompor dapat naik ke dalam sumbu kompor, karena ….

    • A.

      Berat jenis minyak lebih kecil daripada air

    • B.

      Berat jenis minyak lebih besar daripada air

    • C.

      Berat jenis minyak sama dengan berat jenis air

    • D.

      Adanya gaya apung Archimedes

    • E.

      Adanya kapilaritas zat cair

    Correct Answer
    E. Adanya kapilaritas zat cair
    The correct answer is "adanya kapilaritas zat cair" because the phenomenon of capillarity allows liquids to rise in narrow tubes or passages against the force of gravity. In the case of the oil in the stove, it can be drawn up into the burner through small capillary tubes, allowing it to be used as fuel.

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  • 11. 

    Gaya apung yang bekerja pada suatu benda dalam fluida adalah ….
    1. sebanding dengan kerapatan zat cair
    2. sebanding dengan kerapatan benda
    3. sebanding dengan volume benda yang masuk pada zat cair
    4. sebanding dengan massa benda
    Pernyataan di atas yang benar adalah nomor ….

    • A.

      1, 2, dan 3

    • B.

      1 dan 3

    • C.

      2 dan 4

    • D.

      4 saja

    • E.

      1, 2, 3, dan 4

    Correct Answer
    B. 1 dan 3
    The buoyant force acting on an object in a fluid is directly proportional to the density of the fluid and the volume of the object that is submerged. Therefore, statement 1 is correct because the buoyant force is proportional to the density of the fluid. Additionally, statement 3 is correct because the buoyant force is also proportional to the volume of the object submerged in the fluid.

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  • 12. 

    Tegangan permukaan suatu fluida disebabkan oleh ….

    • A.

      Gaya kohesi dan adhesi

    • B.

      Gaya adhesi

    • C.

      Gaya adhesi > gaya kohesi

    • D.

      Gaya adhesi < gaya kohesi

    • E.

      Gaya adhesi = gaya kohesi

    Correct Answer
    D. Gaya adhesi < gaya kohesi
    The correct answer is "gaya adhesi < gaya kohesi". This is because surface tension is caused by the cohesive forces between the molecules of a fluid. Cohesive forces are the attractive forces between molecules of the same substance. Adhesive forces, on the other hand, are the attractive forces between molecules of different substances. In the case of surface tension, the cohesive forces between the fluid molecules are stronger than the adhesive forces between the fluid and the container, causing the fluid to form a curved surface and minimizing its contact with the container.

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  • 13. 

    Peristiwa berikut yang merupakan contoh dari fluida statis adalah ….

    • A.

      Kepulan asap rokok

    • B.

      Aliran udara yang melewati ventilasi ruangan

    • C.

      Segelas air yang berada di dalam kulkas

    • D.

      percikan parfum yang keluar dari penyemprotan

    • E.

      Ombak dilaut

    Correct Answer
    C. Segelas air yang berada di dalam kulkas
    Fluida statis adalah fluida yang diam atau tidak mengalir. Segelas air yang berada di dalam kulkas adalah contoh fluida statis karena air dalam gelas tidak mengalir atau bergerak. Kepulan asap rokok, aliran udara yang melewati ventilasi ruangan, percikan parfum yang keluar dari penyemprotan, dan ombak di laut semuanya merupakan contoh fluida yang bergerak atau mengalir, sehingga bukan termasuk dalam fluida statis.

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  • 14. 

    Kenaikan permukaan fluida yang cekung dalam pipa kapiler berbanding lurus dengan pertambahan ….

    • A.

      Tegangan permukaan

    • B.

      Massa jenis fluida dan jari-jari pipa kapiler

    • C.

      Sudut kontak permukaan fluida dan massa jenis fluida

    • D.

      Tegangan permukaan dan sudut kontak permukaan fluida

    • E.

      Jari-jari pipa kapiler

    Correct Answer
    D. Tegangan permukaan dan sudut kontak permukaan fluida
    The increase in the concave fluid surface in a capillary tube is directly proportional to the increase in both surface tension and the contact angle of the fluid surface.

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  • 15. 

    Pesawat terbang merupakan salah satu alat yang bekerja berdasarkan karakteristik dari fluida dinamis. Gaya angkat pesawat terbang didasarkan pada prinsip ….

    • A.

      Tekanan hidrostatis

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Bernoulli
    The correct answer is Bernoulli. Bernoulli's principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure decreases. In the context of an airplane, the shape of the wings causes the air to flow faster over the top surface, creating a lower pressure compared to the bottom surface. This pressure difference generates lift, allowing the airplane to stay airborne. Therefore, the lift force of an airplane is based on Bernoulli's principle.

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  • 16. 

    Perhatikan gambar berikut !Pada gambar di atas P1 dan V1 adalah tekanan dan kecepatan udara di atas sayap, P2 dan V2 adalah tekanan dan kecepatan udara di bawah sayap. Agar pesawat dapat terangkat, syaratnya adalah …. 

    • A.

      P1 = P2 dan V1 = V2

    • B.

      P1 < P2 dan V1 > V2

    • C.

      P1 > P2 dan V1 < V2

    • D.

      P1 > P2 dan V1 > V2

    • E.

      P1 < P2 dan V1 < V2

    Correct Answer
    B. P1 < P2 dan V1 > V2
    According to Bernoulli's principle, the pressure of a fluid decreases as its velocity increases. In the context of an airplane wing, the air moves faster over the curved upper surface of the wing, resulting in lower pressure (P1) compared to the slower-moving air on the flat bottom surface (P2). At the same time, the velocity of the air above the wing (V1) is greater than the velocity of the air below the wing (V2). This difference in pressure and velocity creates lift, allowing the airplane to take off. Therefore, the correct answer is P1 < P2 and V1 > V2.

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  • 17. 

    Perhatikan gambar berikut!Pernyataan berikut yang yang menyatakan aliran air dari A dan C melalui B adalah ….

    • A.

      Kecepatan aliran air di A lebih besar dari di B

    • B.

      Kecepatan aliran air di B lebih besar dari di A

    • C.

      Tekanan oleh air di B lebih besar dari C

    • D.

      Debit air di B lebih besar dari C

    • E.

      Tekanan oleh air di B lebih besar dari C

    Correct Answer
    E. Tekanan oleh air di B lebih besar dari C
    The correct answer is "tekanan oleh air di B lebih besar dari C" because in the given image, the water is flowing from A and C towards B. This indicates that there is a higher pressure at point B compared to point C, causing the water to flow in that direction.

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  • 18. 

    Perhatikan gambar di bawah! Air mengalir dari pipa A ke pipa B dan terus ke pipa C. Perbandingan luas penampang A, B, dan C adalah 6 : 5 : 4. Jika cepat aliran pada pipa C sama dengan v, maka cepat aliran pada pipa A adalah 

    • A.

      (6/5) v

    • B.

      (5/4) v

    • C.

      (5/6) v

    • D.

      (2/3) v

    • E.

      (3/2) v

    Correct Answer
    D. (2/3) v
    Since the ratio of the cross-sectional areas of the pipes A, B, and C is given as 6:5:4, we can determine the ratio of the flow rates through these pipes. The flow rate is directly proportional to the cross-sectional area of the pipe. Therefore, the flow rate in pipe A would be (6/5) times the flow rate in pipe B and (6/5) times the flow rate in pipe C. Similarly, the flow rate in pipe B would be (5/4) times the flow rate in pipe C. Therefore, the flow rate in pipe A would be (6/5) times (5/4) times the flow rate in pipe C, which simplifies to (2/3) times the flow rate in pipe C. Hence, the correct answer is (2/3) v.

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  • 19. 

    Perhatikan gambar berikut!Air mengalir melalui pipa A ke pipa B. Jika perbandingan luas penampang A dan B adalah 3:1 dan kecepatan aliran pada penampang B sebesar 2 m/s, besar kecepatan aliran pada penampang A adalah ....m/s

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2/3
    Berdasarkan perbandingan luas penampang A dan B yang diberikan (3:1), dan kecepatan aliran pada penampang B yang diketahui (2 m/s), kita dapat menggunakan persamaan kontinuitas aliran fluida. Persamaan tersebut menyatakan bahwa luas penampang dikalikan dengan kecepatan aliran adalah konstan. Dalam hal ini, kita dapat menuliskan persamaan sebagai 3vA = 1vB. Diketahui vB = 2 m/s, sehingga kita dapat mencari vA dengan mengganti nilai-nilai yang diketahui. 3vA = 1(2), vA = 2/3 m/s.

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  • 20. 

    Tiga buah pegas yang identik mempunyai konstanta 60 N/m disusun seperti gambar. Konstanta susunan pegasnya adalah ....

    • A.

      30 N/m

    • B.

      40 N/m

    • C.

      90 N/m

    • D.

      120 N/m

    • E.

      180 N/m

    • F.

      180 N/m

    Correct Answer
    B. 40 N/m
    The arrangement of the three identical springs in the given diagram suggests that they are connected in parallel. In a parallel arrangement, the total effective spring constant is given by the sum of the individual spring constants. Since each spring has a constant of 60 N/m, the total constant for the arrangement will be 60 N/m + 60 N/m + 60 N/m = 180 N/m. However, the answer options do not include 180 N/m, so the closest option is 40 N/m, which is incorrect. Therefore, the correct answer cannot be determined based on the information given.

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  • 21. 

    Kempa hidrolik memiliki perbandingan diameter pengisap 1:50. Apabila pada pengisap besar dimuati beban 40.000 N, agar seimbang pada pengisap kecil diberi gaya sebesar ....

    • A.

      4 N

    • B.

      8 N

    • C.

      16 N

    • D.

      80 N

    • E.

      800 N

    Correct Answer
    B. 8 N
    The hydraulic system works based on Pascal's law, which states that the pressure applied to a fluid in a closed system is transmitted equally in all directions. In this case, the larger piston has a diameter 50 times greater than the smaller piston. So, the force exerted on the larger piston is 50 times greater than the force exerted on the smaller piston. Since the load on the larger piston is 40,000 N, the force needed to balance the system on the smaller piston would be 40,000 N divided by 50, which equals 800 N. Therefore, the correct answer is 8 N.

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  • 22. 

    Sebuah dongkrak hidrolik mempunyai pengisap kecil dengan diameter 4 cm dan pengisap besar dengan diameter 16 cm. Jika gaya pada pengisap kecil 200 N, gaya pada pengisap besar adalah ....

    • A.

      1.600 N

    • B.

      3.200 N

    • C.

      6.400 N

    • D.

      126.000 N

    • E.

      236.000 N

    Correct Answer
    B. 3.200 N
    The force exerted by a hydraulic jack is determined by the ratio of the areas of the two pistons. Since the diameter of the small piston is 4 cm and the diameter of the large piston is 16 cm, the ratio of their areas is 1:16. Therefore, if the force on the small piston is 200 N, the force on the large piston will be 16 times greater, which is 3,200 N.

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  • 23. 

    Tekanan hidrostatis yang dihasilkan oleh zat cair tergantung pada :( 1 ) massa jenis zat cair,( 2 ) luas penampang tempat zat cair,( 3 ) kedalaman zat cair dari permukaan.Pernyataan yang benar adalah ….

    • A.

      1, 2, dan 3

    • B.

      1 dan 2

    • C.

      1 dan 3

    • D.

      2 dan 3

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. 1 dan 3
    The correct answer is 1 dan 3. The hydrostatic pressure produced by a liquid depends on its density and the depth of the liquid from the surface. The greater the density of the liquid, the greater the hydrostatic pressure it produces. Similarly, the deeper the liquid is from the surface, the greater the hydrostatic pressure it produces. Therefore, both the density and depth of the liquid are factors that determine the hydrostatic pressure.

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  • 24. 

    Jika fluida mengalir dalam sebuah pipa yang diameter dan ketinggian ujungnya tidak sama, maka besaran yang konstan adalah….           

    • A.

      Energi potensial

    • B.

      Energi kinetik

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Debit
    The constant quantity in this scenario is the flow rate or the amount of fluid passing through the pipe per unit time, which is known as the debit. The diameter and height difference of the pipe do not affect the flow rate, as long as the fluid is incompressible and there are no other factors like friction or obstacles in the pipe. Therefore, the correct answer is debit.

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  • 25. 

    Benda yang tercelup sebagian atau seluruhnya kedalam fluida mengalami gaya keatas sebesar berat fluida yang dipindahkan oleh benda yang tercelup tersebut, pernyataan ini merupakan bunyi dari hukum ….              

    • A.

      Hukum stokes

    • B.

      Hukum Archimedes

    • C.

      Hukum pokok Hidrostatis

    • D.

      Hukum Bernoulli

    • E.

      Hukum Pascal

    Correct Answer
    B. Hukum Archimedes
    The statement "Benda yang tercelup sebagian atau seluruhnya kedalam fluida mengalami gaya keatas sebesar berat fluida yang dipindahkan oleh benda yang tercelup tersebut" is a direct explanation of Archimedes' principle. According to this principle, an object submerged in a fluid experiences an upward buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This principle helps explain why objects float or sink in a fluid and is commonly used in the study of fluid mechanics.

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