Cestice tonera se u toku faze razvijanja preko metalnog valjka za razvijanje
Correct Answer
A. Negativno naelektrisu
During the development phase, the particles of thunder become negatively charged as they pass over the metal rolling pin.
Kod TFT monitora vrednost napona video signala LVDS tipa je:
Correct Answer
B. 0.3V
The correct answer is 0.3V. This is because LVDS (Low Voltage Differential Signaling) is a signaling method that uses a voltage difference between two lines to transmit data. In LVDS, the voltage levels typically range from 0.3V to 2.5V. Therefore, the correct voltage for the LVDS video signal in a TFT monitor is 0.3V.
Na kojim pinovima VGA konektora u monitoru se nalaze horizontalni i vertikalni sinhro implusi?
Correct Answer
B. 13,14
The horizontal and vertical sync pulses are located on pins 13 and 14 of the VGA connector in the monitor. These sync pulses are used to synchronize the display of the video signal on the monitor, ensuring that the image is displayed correctly and without any distortion.
Koji konektor koristi CRT monitori za prijem signala iz video kartice?
Correct Answer
CRT monitors use the VGA connector to receive signals from the video card. VGA stands for Video Graphics Array and is a standard analog connection used for transmitting video signals between the computer and the monitor. It is commonly found on older computers and monitors. DVI-D, HDMI, and DVI-I are different types of connectors that are not typically used for CRT monitors.
Kog su tipa stepeni za napajanje koji se koriste kod PC racunara?
Correct Answer
A. Prekidačkog tipa
The correct answer is "prekidačkog tipa". This is because prekidački tip stepeni za napajanje, also known as switched-mode power supplies, are commonly used in PC computers. They are more efficient and compact compared to linear power supplies, making them ideal for powering electronic devices like PCs. Invertorski tip and kaskadni tip are not commonly used for PC power supplies.
Vrednost napona za napajanje florescentnih lampi za pozadinsko osvetljenje TFT monitora su:
Correct Answer
A. 600-800 V
The correct answer is 600-800 V. This range of voltage is suitable for powering fluorescent lamps used for backlighting TFT monitors. It is important to provide the appropriate voltage to ensure proper functioning and illumination of the lamps without causing any damage.
Vertikalni i horizontalni sinhro kanali za CRT monitor koji salje video kartica su:
Correct Answer
D. Digitalni signal
The correct answer is "digitalni signal". CRT monitors typically receive video signals in the form of digital signals from the video card. Digital signals are made up of discrete values, either 0 or 1, which allows for more precise and accurate transmission of information compared to analog signals. This digital signal is then converted into analog signals by the monitor to display the image on the screen.
Dubina boje je?
Correct Answer
C. Broj mogucih promena intenziteta boje
The given correct answer, "broj mogucih promena intenziteta boje" (number of possible changes in color intensity), suggests that the depth of color refers to the range of variations in the intensity or brightness of a color. In other words, it represents the number of different shades or levels of intensity that can be achieved within a specific color.
Koliko tranzistora je potrebno za formatiranje jednog piksela TFT monitora?
Correct Answer
C. 1
Koji visoki napon dobijamo iz Horizontalnog izlaznog stepena?
Correct Answer
B. 25 kV
The correct answer is 25 kV. This suggests that we obtain a high voltage of 25 kV from the horizontal output stage.
Izlaz iz skalara TFT monitora su:
Correct Answer
A. Podaci za dva piksela i kontrolni signal
The correct answer is "podaci za dva piksela i kontrolni signal" which translates to "data for two pixels and a control signal" in English. This means that the output of a scalar TFT monitor includes data for two pixels as well as a control signal. This suggests that the monitor is capable of displaying information for two pixels simultaneously, and the control signal is necessary for coordinating and controlling the display of these pixels.
Kod SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) tehnologije povezivanja moguce je prikljuciti:
Correct Answer
A. 16256 diskova
The correct answer is 16256 diskova. This is because SAS (Serial Attached SCSI) technology allows for a large number of disks to be connected, and 16256 is the highest number given as an option.
SIgnal kojim upravljacko kolo (UK) prekidackog izvora za napajanje polaricu bazu tranzistora radi stabilizacije napona je:
Correct Answer
C. Impulsnog tipa
The correct answer is "Impulsnog tipa" because an impulse signal is used to stabilize the voltage in the base of the transistor. An impulse signal is a short burst of energy that can quickly change the state of a circuit. In this case, it is used to regulate and stabilize the voltage in the base of the transistor, ensuring proper transistor operation.
Pozadinsko osvetljenje kod TFT monitora se dobija:
Correct Answer
B. Pomocu LED osvetljenja ili flurescentnih lampi
The correct answer is "Pomocu LED osvetljenja ili flurescentnih lampi" (Using LED lighting or fluorescent lamps). This means that the backlighting in TFT monitors can be achieved through either LED lighting or fluorescent lamps.
Koliko FET tranzistora ima TFT panel, sa prirodnom rezolucijom od 800*600 (izracunati)
Correct Answer
A. 1.440.000
The correct answer is 1.440.000. The explanation for this answer is that each pixel in the TFT panel requires three FET transistors (one for red, one for green, and one for blue) to control the color and brightness of the pixel. Therefore, the total number of FET transistors can be calculated by multiplying the number of pixels (800*600) by 3, resulting in 1.440.000 FET transistors.
Laserski zrak stampaca se usmerava na pojedine delove fotoosetljivog valjka:
Correct Answer
A. Pomocu rotirajuceg ogledala
The correct answer is "pomocu rotirajuceg ogledala" which means "using a rotating mirror" in English. This means that the laser beam of the printer is directed towards specific parts of the photosensitive roller by a rotating mirror.
Modularni stepeni za napajanje omogucavaju:
Correct Answer
A. Odstranjivanje nepotrebnih kablova
Modular power supplies allow for the removal of unnecessary cables. This means that users can customize their power supply setup by only connecting the cables that are needed for their specific system configuration. This not only helps to improve cable management and airflow within the computer case but also reduces clutter and makes it easier to upgrade or replace components in the future. Additionally, removing unnecessary cables can also help to improve the overall aesthetics of the system.
Koja je preporucena brzina osvezavanja slike kod CRT monitora?
Correct Answer
C. 75 Hz
The recommended refresh rate for CRT monitors is 75 Hz. This refers to the number of times the image on the screen is refreshed per second. A higher refresh rate reduces flickering and provides a smoother viewing experience. 75 Hz is a common and widely accepted refresh rate for CRT monitors, ensuring comfortable and flicker-free viewing for most users.
Ucestanost vertikalnog skeniranja je:
Correct Answer
B. Broj ekrana koji se "iscrtaju" u 1 sekundi
The correct answer is "broj ekrana koji se 'iscrtaju' u 1 sekundi" which translates to "the number of screens that are 'drawn' in 1 second." This refers to the frequency of vertical scanning, indicating how many times the screen is refreshed or updated per second.
Izlaz DC/DC konvertora kod TFT panela od +20 V sluzi za:
Correct Answer
A. Ukljucenje jedne linije panela
The correct answer is "ukljucenje jedne linije panela" which means "turning on one line of the panel". This suggests that the output of the DC/DC converter is used to power a specific line of the TFT panel, allowing it to function properly.
RAMDAC komponenta video kartice:
Correct Answer
B. Odredjuje maksimalnu rezoluciju i dubinu boje
The RAMDAC component of a video card determines the maximum resolution and color depth. It is responsible for converting the digital signal to analog for display on a monitor. It does not generate horizontal sync pulses or process 3D signals.
Maksimalna brzina prenosa Fibre Channel (FC) tehnologijom je (red velicina):
Correct Answer
A. 4 Gbps
The correct answer is 4 Gbps. Fibre Channel (FC) technology is commonly used for high-speed data transfer in storage area networks (SANs). It provides a maximum transmission speed of 4 Gbps, which allows for fast and efficient data transfer between storage devices. This speed is significantly higher than the other options provided (4 Mbps, 40 Mbps, and 400 Gbps), making it the most suitable choice for high-performance storage networking.
RAMDAC komponenta video kartice:
Correct Answer
C. Mora da postoji za CRT monitore
The RAMDAC component of a video card is necessary for CRT monitors because it is responsible for converting the digital signal from the computer into an analog signal that can be displayed on the CRT monitor. TFT monitors, on the other hand, do not require a RAMDAC as they are capable of directly receiving and displaying digital signals.
DAS (Direct Attached Storage) je:
Correct Answer
A. Povezan na radnu stranicu bez racunarske mreze
DAS (Direct Attached Storage) refers to storage devices that are directly connected to a workstation without the use of a computer network. This means that DAS is not connected to a computer network and is instead directly connected to a single workstation. It is important to note that DAS can be an internal disk or an external storage device, but the key characteristic is that it is connected directly to a workstation without the use of a computer network.
Visoki napon za napajanje Anode se dobija:
Correct Answer
B. Sa horizontalnog izlaznog stepena
The correct answer is "sa horizontalnog izlaznog stepena" which translates to "from the horizontal output stage". This suggests that the high voltage for powering the anode is obtained from the horizontal output stage.
Uloga NTC otpornika na ulazu prkekidackog stepena za napajanje je da:
Correct Answer
B. Ogranici pocetnu struju
The correct answer is "ogranici pocetnu struju." The role of an NTC resistor at the input of a power switch stage is to limit the initial current. NTC resistors have a negative temperature coefficient, which means that their resistance decreases as the temperature increases. When the circuit is turned on, the NTC resistor initially has a low resistance, which limits the inrush current and prevents damage to the circuit components. Once the circuit stabilizes, the NTC resistor's resistance increases to its normal value.
Unutar katodne cevi CRT monitor je:
Correct Answer
C. Horizontalni i vertikalni skretni kalem
The correct answer is "horizontalni i vertikalni skretni kalem" which translates to "horizontal and vertical deflection coil" in English. This refers to the components inside the cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor that control the movement of the electron beam, allowing it to scan across the screen horizontally and vertically to create the display.
Povrsina fotoosetljivog bubnja tonera kasete, nakon faze primarnog naelektrisanja je:
Correct Answer
A. Negativno naelektrisana
The correct answer is "negativno naelektrisana." This means that the surface of the photosensitive drum of the toner cartridge is negatively charged after the primary charging phase.
Ako je snaga stepena za napajanje dekasirana na 400W, a na vodu od 12 V moze da podrzi struju od 18 A, maksimalna snaga za potrosace koji zahtevaju napon od 12 V je:
Correct Answer
C. 216 W
The question states that the power supply can support a current of 18 A at 12 V. Using the formula P = IV, where P is power, I is current, and V is voltage, we can calculate the maximum power for the 12 V devices. P = 18 A * 12 V = 216 W. Therefore, the correct answer is 216 W.
Formater laserskog stampaca:
Correct Answer
D. Obradjuje ASCII podatke o slici
The correct answer is "obradjuje ASCII podatke o slici." This means that the formatter of a laser printer processes ASCII data about the image. The other options mentioned, such as controlling the micro sensor, controlling the state of the photosensor, and being responsible for paper transport, are not related to the role of the formatter in processing ASCII image data.
Uloga oklonskih zavojnica (kalemova, HSK, VSK) je:
Correct Answer
A. Usmeravanje elektronskog mlaza na zeljenu tacku ekrana
The correct answer is "usmeravanje elektronskog mlaza na zeljenu tacku ekrana." The role of deflection coils (kalems, HSK, VSK) is to control and direct the electron beam to the desired point on the screen. These coils generate a magnetic field that interacts with the electron beam, causing it to move horizontally and vertically across the screen, creating the images we see.
Izlazni signal PG (PW_OK), prekidackog stepena za napajanje, prelazi iz stanja logicke 0 u 1 :
Correct Answer
D. Kada se stabilisu izlazni jednosmerni napon
The output signal PG (PW_OK) transitions from a logic 0 to a logic 1 when the output DC voltage stabilizes.
U toku faze prenosa tonera na papir, prenosni (transfer) valjak:
Correct Answer
B. Je prikljucen na pozitivan napon
During the process of transferring toner onto paper, the transfer roller is connected to a positive voltage.
Kog su tipa tranzistori koji formiraju subpiksel TFT monitora?
Correct Answer
FET stands for Field Effect Transistor, which is a type of transistor commonly used in TFT (Thin Film Transistor) monitors. TFT monitors use FET transistors to control the flow of current through each subpixel, allowing for precise control of color and brightness. Therefore, FET is the correct answer for the given question.
Ukoliko se na CRT monitoru pojavljuje horizontalna bela linija kvar treba traziti u:
Correct Answer
A. Vertikalnom stepenu
The correct answer is the vertical stage. This is because a horizontal white line appearing on a CRT monitor indicates a problem with the vertical deflection circuitry. The vertical stage is responsible for controlling the movement of the electron beam vertically on the screen. If there is a fault in this stage, it can cause a horizontal line to appear on the display.
Perzistencija je:
Correct Answer
B. Vreme trajanja sjaja fosfora nakon pobude
Persistence refers to the duration of phosphor glow after being stimulated.
Ucestanost prekidaca struje u primaru invertorskog transformatora je?
Correct Answer
A. 50 kHz
The frequency of the power switch in the primary side of an inverter transformer is 50 kHz. This frequency is much higher than the standard 50 Hz frequency used in household electrical systems. The higher frequency allows for efficient power conversion and reduces the size and weight of the transformer.
Vertikalni i horizontalni signali za CRT monitor koje salje video karticea su?
Correct Answer
D. Digitalni signal
The correct answer is "digitalni signal." CRT monitors receive vertical and horizontal signals from the video card in the form of a digital signal. This means that the signals are represented by discrete values or binary code, which allows for more precise and accurate display of images on the screen. Analog signals, on the other hand, are continuous and can be prone to interference and degradation. Therefore, digital signals are preferred for transmitting signals to CRT monitors.
Rezolucija ekrana se dobija kao?
Correct Answer
A. Proizvod broja piksela po horizontali i vertikali
The resolution of a screen is determined by multiplying the number of pixels horizontally and vertically. This means that the more pixels there are in both directions, the higher the resolution will be. The answer "proizvod broja piksela po horizontali i vertikali" (product of the number of pixels horizontally and vertically) accurately describes how the screen resolution is calculated.
Kolicina memorije potrebna za prikaz slike u rezoluciji 1024X768 24-bitskom rezimu je (red velicina):
Correct Answer
C. 2 Mb
The resolution of an image refers to the number of pixels it contains. In this case, the image has a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. The 24-bit color mode means that each pixel is represented by 24 bits, which allows for a wide range of colors. To calculate the memory needed to display the image, we multiply the resolution (1024x768) by the number of bits per pixel (24), and divide by 8 to convert from bits to bytes. Therefore, the correct answer is 2 Mb.
Vidljivi deo spektra se nalazi u granicama?
Correct Answer
A. 400-700nm
The visible spectrum refers to the range of electromagnetic radiation that can be detected by the human eye. It is commonly known as the colors of the rainbow. The correct answer, 400-700nm, represents the wavelengths of light that are visible to humans. This range includes violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red light. Wavelengths shorter than 400nm are in the ultraviolet range and longer than 700nm are in the infrared range, which are not visible to the naked eye.
Primarne (aktivne) boje koje se koriste kod monitora su?
Correct Answer
A. Crvena,zelena,plava
The primary (active) colors used in monitors are red, green, and blue. These colors are combined in different intensities to create a wide range of colors on the screen. This is known as the RGB color model, where each pixel on the screen is made up of varying amounts of red, green, and blue light. By adjusting the intensity of each color, a monitor can display millions of different shades and hues.
Stepeni za napajanje koji se koriste kod PC racunara su:
Correct Answer
C. Prekidackog
The correct answer is "prekidackog" (switching). This refers to the type of power supply used in PC computers. Switching power supplies are commonly used in PCs because they are more efficient and compact compared to linear power supplies. They convert AC power from the wall outlet to DC power that can be used by the computer components. Switching power supplies also have the ability to regulate the voltage and provide stable power to the computer, making them a suitable choice for PC power supplies.
Loga NTC otpornika na ulazu prekidackog stepena za napajanje je da?
Correct Answer
A. Ogranici pocetnu struju
The correct answer is "ogranici pocetnu struju." This means that the log of the resistance of the NTC resistor at the input of the switching stage for power supply is used to limit the initial current.
Najveca vrednost napona koju daje stepen za napajanje je?
Correct Answer
C. 12 V
The correct answer is 12 V. This suggests that the maximum voltage output provided by the power stage is 12 volts.
Racunar je iskljucen. Pritiskom na taster za ukljucenje signal PS_ON?
Correct Answer
C. Prelazi iz logicke 1 u 0
When the computer is turned off, the signal PS_ON transitions from logic 1 to logic 0.
Ucestanost prekidanja struje u primaru invertorskog transformatora je (red velicina)?
Correct Answer
A. 50 KHz
The frequency of power interruptions in the primary of an inverter transformer is 50 KHz. This means that the power supply is being interrupted and switched on and off at a rate of 50,000 times per second. This high frequency allows for efficient conversion of the input voltage to the desired output voltage in the inverter transformer.
Napon anode CRT monitora je?
Correct Answer
A. 25 kV
The correct answer is 25 kV. In a CRT monitor, the anode voltage is typically measured in kilovolts (kV). This high voltage is necessary to accelerate the electrons towards the screen, creating the images we see. A voltage of 25 kV is a reasonable value for the anode voltage in a CRT monitor.
Uloga trece resetke (G3) katodne cevi je?
Correct Answer
B. Fokusiranje elektronskog mlaza
The correct answer is "fokusiranje elektronskog mlaza" which translates to "focusing the electron beam". This refers to the role of the third grid (G3) in a cathode ray tube (katodna cev) which is responsible for controlling the focus of the electron beam that creates the image on the screen.
Na kojim pinovima VGA konektora u monitoru se nalaze video signali crvene, zelene, plave boje?
Correct Answer
B. 1,2,3
The video signals for the red, green, and blue colors are located on pins 1, 2, and 3 of the VGA connector in the monitor.