Kebersihan adalah sebagian dari ….
Correct Answer
A. Iman
The correct answer is Iman. Kebersihan (cleanliness) is considered a part of Iman (faith) in Islam. This means that maintaining cleanliness is not only a physical act but also a reflection of one's faith and belief in Allah. Islam emphasizes the importance of cleanliness in various aspects of life, including personal hygiene, cleanliness of the environment, and cleanliness in worship rituals. By keeping oneself and the surroundings clean, a person demonstrates their commitment to their faith and their desire to please Allah.
Menyucikan diri dari hadats dan najis ketika akan mengerjakan ibadah disebut …
Correct Answer
B. Thaharah
Thaharah refers to the act of purifying oneself from impurities and ritual impurities before performing any religious worship. This includes cleansing oneself from both minor impurities (hadats) and major impurities (najis). Therefore, the correct answer for this question is Thaharah.
Suatu najis yang cara menyucikannya cukup dipercikan dengan air disebut najis ….
Correct Answer
C. Mukhaffafah
Mukhaffafah refers to impurities that can be purified by sprinkling water on them. This means that the impurities can be removed or cleansed by simply sprinkling water on them.
“Allah menyukai orang-orang yang tobat dan menyukai orang-orang menyucikan diri”. Arti firman Allah ini tercantum dalam surat ....
Correct Answer
A. Al-Baqarah ayat 222
The correct answer is Al-Baqarah ayat 222. The verse states that Allah loves those who repent and loves those who purify themselves.
Air hangat akibat terkena sinar matahari disebut air ….
Correct Answer
C. Musyammas
The correct answer is "Musyammas." In the given question, it is mentioned that warm air due to exposure to sunlight is called "air …." Among the options provided, "Musyammas" is the only word that fits the sentence and means "warm." Therefore, it is the correct answer.
Yang termasuk najis mughaladzah ialah ….
Correct Answer
D. Anjingnya liar
The correct answer is "Anjingnya liar" because najis mughaladzah refers to impurities that are considered impure in Islamic law. In this context, anjingnya liar (wild dog) is considered impure and falls under najis mughaladzah. Muntah (vomit), darah (blood), and air basi (stale water) are not specifically mentioned as najis mughaladzah in the given question.
Air yang suci akan tetapi tidak dapat untuk menyucikan berikut adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Thair ghairu muthahir
The term "Thair ghairu muthahir" refers to water that is impure and cannot be used for purification. This means that the water is not clean or suitable for performing ablution or other religious rituals. It is important to use pure and clean water for such purposes to maintain the sanctity and validity of the act.
Buang air di pinggir jalan umum hukumnya....
Correct Answer
B. Haram
The correct answer is "Haram". This means that it is prohibited or forbidden to urinate in public places. In many cultures and societies, it is considered disrespectful, unhygienic, and indecent to urinate in public areas such as the side of the road. Public urination is often subject to legal penalties and can be seen as a violation of public decency and sanitation norms.
Yang mewajibkan mandi wajib antara lain adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Mimpi basah
Mandi wajib is a mandatory ritual cleansing in Islam that is required after certain impure acts or conditions. One of the impure acts that necessitate mandi wajib is having a wet dream, also known as "mimpi basah" in Indonesian. This is when a person experiences an involuntary ejaculation during sleep. It is considered impure and requires a ritual cleansing to regain purity. Therefore, the correct answer is "mimpi basah" as it is one of the reasons for mandi wajib.
Darah yang keluar dari rahim wanita setelah melahirkan disebut ….
Correct Answer
C. Nifas
After a woman gives birth, the blood that comes out of her uterus is called "nifas" in Indonesian. This is a normal postpartum discharge that typically lasts for a few weeks. Haid refers to the menstrual period, Wiladah means childbirth, and Mani refers to semen.