Rangka manusia terdiri atas tiga bagian yaitu rangka .....
The human skeleton is composed of three parts: the head, the body, and the limbs. The head contains the skull, which protects the brain, as well as the facial bones. The body includes the spine, ribs, and pelvis, which provide support and protection for the internal organs. The limbs consist of the arms and legs, which allow for movement and manipulation of objects. Together, these three parts make up the human skeleton.
Fungsi rangka kepala adalah melindungi organ yang ada di dalamnya yaitu ....
The function of the skull is to protect the organs inside it, which are the brain and the eyes. The skull acts as a hard, protective casing for the brain, shielding it from potential injuries. Additionally, the skull also provides a secure housing for the eyes, keeping them safe and maintaining their position in the head. Therefore, the correct answer is that the organs protected by the skull are the brain and the eyes.
Fungsi rangka badan adalah untuk melindungi organ yang ada di dalamnya seperti ...
The correct answer is that the function of the body's skeleton is to protect organs such as the lungs, heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, and intestines. The skeleton provides a framework and structure that supports and protects these vital organs from external forces or injury.
Fungsi organ gerak adalah untuk ...
The correct answer is "bergerak atau berpindah." The explanation for this answer is that the function of the musculoskeletal system is to enable movement and locomotion. This includes the ability to move different body parts, change positions, and transfer from one place to another. Therefore, the function of the organ of movement is to facilitate movement or locomotion.
Pada gambar disamping tulang rusuk dan tulang dada memiliki fungsi ....
Correct Answer
D. Melindungi jantung dan paru-paru
Tulang rusuk dan tulang dada melindungi jantung dan paru-paru. Tulang rusuk membentuk kerangka yang melindungi jantung dan paru-paru di dalam rongga dada. Tulang dada, juga dikenal sebagai sternum, melindungi organ-organ vital ini dengan membentuk dinding depan rongga dada. Jika tulang rusuk atau tulang dada mengalami kerusakan atau patah, dapat mengakibatkan cedera serius pada jantung dan paru-paru.
Perhatikan rangka pada gambar disamping !! rangka yang diberi tanda X pada gambar berfungsi untuk ....
Correct Answer
D. Menopoang tulang tengkorak
The correct answer is "menopang tulang tengkorak". This is because the frame marked with an X in the picture is supporting the skull bone.
Perhatikan gambar berikut!! bagian rangka pada gambar dibawah ini untuk melindungi ....
Correct Answer
A. Otak
The correct answer is "otak". The image shows a diagram of a human body with a protective structure highlighted, and the options provided are different body parts. Based on the image and the options, it can be inferred that the protective structure being referred to is the skull, which encases and protects the brain (otak).
Bagian rangka yang berfungsi menghasilkan sel darah merah dan sel darah putih adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Tulang belakang
The correct answer is "tulang belakang". The spinal cord is responsible for producing red blood cells and white blood cells. These cells are vital for the immune system and oxygen transportation throughout the body.
Tulang panggul memiliki fungsi, yaitu...
Correct Answer
C. Melindungi organ reproduksi dan memudahkan posisi duduk
The correct answer is "melindungi organ reproduksi dan memudahkan posisi duduk". The pelvic bone functions to protect the reproductive organs and facilitate sitting positions.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1