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| By Eduard Popescu
Eduard Popescu
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 3 | Total Attempts: 14,458
Questions: 39 | Attempts: 3,020

Management - Quiz

Atentie, unele raspunsuri pot fi gresite, recomand sa va uitati in carte la raspunsurile pe care le considerati eronate.Marea majoritatea sunt corecte, dar se pot strecura si raspunsuri eronate.Succes la examen ! :) 

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    In cadrul acestei structuri organizatorice, managerii, datorita pregatirii lor, tind sa fie preocupati de propriile "imperii", promovand cu prioritate interesele departamentelor pe care le conduc : 

    • A.

      Structura functionala

    • B.

      Structura geografica

    • C.

      Structura guvernamentala

    • D.

      Structura simpla

    Correct Answer
    A. Structura functionala
    In a functional structure, managers tend to prioritize the interests of the departments they oversee due to their expertise. This means that they are focused on their own "empires" and promote the interests of their departments above others.

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  • 2. 

    Cu cat autoritatea este mai corect si mai precis definita, de la managerul general pana la managerii de prima linie, cu atat vor fi mai clare: 

    • A.

      Responsabilitatea luarii deciziilor

    • B.

      Profunzimea muncii angajatilor

    • C.

      Eficienta mijloacelor de comunicare si a sistemului decizionat

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Responsabilitatea luarii deciziilor
    The clearer and more precisely defined the authority is, from the general manager to the first-line managers, the clearer the responsibility for decision-making will be. This means that each manager will have a clear understanding of their role and the decisions they are responsible for making. This clarity in authority helps to ensure that decisions are made efficiently and effectively, leading to better overall organizational performance.

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  • 3. 

    Strategia diferentierii produsului sau serviciului poate fi realizata:

    • A.

      Printr-un nivel calitativ foarte ridicat

    • B.

      Printr-un pret mai scazut decat al concurentilor

    • C.

      Printr-un nume de marca recunoscut ca fiind de exceptie

    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Printr-un nivel calitativ foarte ridicat
    C. Printr-un nume de marca recunoscut ca fiind de exceptie
    The correct answer is "printr-un nivel calitativ foarte ridicat" and "printr-un nume de marca recunoscut ca fiind de exceptie". This means that product or service differentiation can be achieved by offering a very high quality level and by having a recognized brand name that is exceptional. These strategies aim to set the product or service apart from competitors and attract customers based on superior quality or brand reputation.

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  • 4. 

    Conform majoritatii specialistilor, functiile esentiale ale managementului sunt:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Antrenarea si coordonarea

    • F.


    • G.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Organizarea
    C. Controlul
    E. Antrenarea si coordonarea
    G. Planificarea
    The essential functions of management, according to the majority of specialists, are organizing, controlling, training and coordinating, and planning. These functions are crucial for effective management and ensuring the smooth operation of an organization. Organizing involves arranging resources and tasks to achieve goals, while controlling involves monitoring performance and taking corrective actions. Training and coordinating are important for developing and aligning the skills and efforts of employees. Planning involves setting objectives and determining the best course of action to achieve them. These functions work together to facilitate efficient and successful management.

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  • 5. 

    Conform teoriei lui Hezberg factorii:recunoasterea meritelor, posibilitatea de promovare,responsabilitatea postului, posibilitatea progresului profesional reprezinta:  

    • A.

      Factori de igiena, ce tin de contextul muncii, care daca sunt indepliniti produc insatisfactie in munca

    • B.

      Factori motivatori, ce sunt legati de continutul muncii, care daca sunt indepliniti produc satisfactie in munca

    Correct Answer
    B. Factori motivatori, ce sunt legati de continutul muncii, care daca sunt indepliniti produc satisfactie in munca
    The factors of recognition of merits, possibility of promotion, job responsibility, and possibility of professional progress are considered motivators, as they are related to the content of work. When these factors are fulfilled, they lead to job satisfaction.

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  • 6. 

    Conform teoriei ierarhiei nevoilor ( Abraham Maslow ), atunci cand un angajat nu lipseste de la serviciu nici o zi  de teama sa nu isi piarda locul de munca :

    • A.

      Se va afla pe treapta nevoilor de stima

    • B.

      Se va afla pe treapta nevoilor fiziologice

    • C.

      Se va afla pe treapta nevoilor de securitate

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Se va afla pe treapta nevoilor de securitate
    According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the need for security is the second level, right after the physiological needs. This means that when an employee is afraid of losing their job and does not miss a day of work, they are motivated by the need for security. This need refers to the desire for stability, safety, and protection, both physically and emotionally. By not missing work, the employee is trying to ensure their job security and maintain a sense of stability in their life.

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  • 7. 

    Atunci cand, la sfarsit de an, agentul de vanzari constata ca ceea ce i-a oferit managerul drept comision in functie de vanzarile facute este inferior asteptarilor sale, conform teoriei lui Victor Vroom se face referire la:  

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      Leadership neadecvat

    • D.


    • E.

      Nevoie de autorealizare

    Correct Answer
    B. Instrumentalitate
    According to Victor Vroom's theory, instrumentalidade refers to the belief that performance will lead to desired outcomes or rewards. In this scenario, the sales agent is dissatisfied because the commission offered by the manager based on sales made is lower than their expectations. The agent expected that their performance would result in higher rewards, but the instrumentalidade was not met.

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  • 8. 

    "Conceptiile sau manierele de interpretare a ceea ce este bine,adevarat sau de dorit pentru organizatie" reprezinta definitia:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Valorilor
    The given correct answer, "valorilor," refers to the concept or ways of interpreting what is good, true, or desirable for an organization. It implies the set of values that guide the organization's actions and decisions.

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  • 9. 

    Geert Hofstede considera ca exista o cultura care corespunde conceptului din antropologie, ce include tipare de gandire, simtire si actiune, pe care o defineste ca fiind:

    • A.

      Cultura in sens restrans

    • B.

      Rafinament al mintii

    • C.


    • D.

      Cultura ca software mental

    • E.

      Cultura organizationala

    Correct Answer
    D. Cultura ca software mental
    Geert Hofstede defines culture as "cultura ca software mental" which can be understood as the mental programming or software that shapes the way individuals think, feel, and act within a particular society or group. This concept emphasizes the idea that culture is not just limited to tangible aspects such as language or customs, but also includes the underlying beliefs, values, and norms that influence individuals' behavior and mindset. By referring to culture as "software mental", Hofstede highlights the idea that culture operates at a deeper level and plays a significant role in shaping individuals' thoughts and actions.

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  • 10. 

    Firma japoneza NISSAN, cunoscuta la nivel mondial pentru automobilele pe care le produce, are o cultura organizationala cu o orientare pe termen lung. Care din urmatoarele aspecte o caracterizeaza?

    • A.

      Recompensarea prin cresterea prestigiului ca urmare a recunoasterii efortului depus in timp

    • B.

      Angajarea si promovarea sunt pe baza de aptitudini si reguli impersonale;

    • C.

      Sisteme transparente si masurabile de recompensare in functie de performantele concrete

    • D.

      Orientarea catre traditii si valori de gandire

    • E.

      Pragmatism si orientare spre valori vizand performanta imediata

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Recompensarea prin cresterea prestigiului ca urmare a recunoasterii efortului depus in timp
    C. Sisteme transparente si masurabile de recompensare in functie de performantele concrete
    D. Orientarea catre traditii si valori de gandire
    E. Pragmatism si orientare spre valori vizand performanta imediata
    The given correct answer suggests that the organizational culture of NISSAN is characterized by rewarding individuals through increasing prestige as a result of recognition for their long-term efforts, transparent and measurable reward systems based on concrete performance, orientation towards traditions and values of thinking, as well as pragmatism and orientation towards immediate performance values. This implies that NISSAN values and promotes long-term commitment and effort, rewards performance based on clear criteria, respects and follows established traditions and values, and emphasizes practicality and achieving immediate results.

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  • 11. 

    Daca intri in domenii de afaceri complet diferite si fara nicio legatura cu domeniul curent al firmei:

    • A.

      Este vorba despre o strategie de diversificare prin conglomerate

    • B.

      Raspuns gresit, nu bifa !

    • C.

      Strategia integrarii verticale

    • D.

      Strategia integrarii orizontale

    Correct Answer
    A. Este vorba despre o strategie de diversificare prin conglomerate
    The correct answer is "este vorba despre o strategie de diversificare prin conglomerate." This is because entering completely different business domains without any connection to the current domain of the company refers to the strategy of diversification through conglomerates. This strategy involves expanding into unrelated industries to spread risk and take advantage of new opportunities. It allows the company to enter new markets and diversify its revenue streams.

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  • 12. 

    Functia de control urmareste:

    • A.

      Precizarea unor masuri colective care sa inlature abaterile de la standarde

    • B.

      Sesizarea si masurarea abaterilor de la standardele stabilite

    • C.

      Verificarea permanenta a modului in care se desfasoara activitatile , comparativ cu standardele si programele

    • D.

      Verificarea modului in care la stabilirea misiunii firmei s-a tinut seama de obiectivele departamentale

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Precizarea unor masuri colective care sa inlature abaterile de la standarde
    B. Sesizarea si masurarea abaterilor de la standardele stabilite
    C. Verificarea permanenta a modului in care se desfasoara activitatile , comparativ cu standardele si programele
    The function of control aims to specify collective measures to eliminate deviations from standards, identify and measure deviations from established standards, and continuously monitor the activities to ensure they are in line with standards and programs.

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  • 13. 

    Din categoria factorilor motivationali al teoriei lui Herzberg fac parte:  

    • A.

      Relatii interpersonale

    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.

      Conditii de munca

    • F.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. Recunoastere
    C. Responsabilitate
    D. Avansare
    F. Realizari
    The correct answer includes four factors from Herzberg's motivational theory: recognition, responsibility, advancement, and achievement. These factors are considered motivators because they are related to personal growth, development, and job satisfaction. Recognition refers to acknowledging and appreciating employees' efforts and achievements. Responsibility involves giving employees meaningful and challenging tasks that allow them to take ownership of their work. Advancement refers to opportunities for career growth and promotion. Achievement relates to the sense of accomplishment and fulfillment that comes from successfully completing tasks and reaching goals. These factors contribute to employee motivation and job satisfaction.

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  • 14. 

    Care dintre urmatoarele afirmatii referitoare la evaluarea performantelor sunt false: 

    • A.

      Salariatii de pe pozitii echivalente nu se pot evalua intre ei

    • B.

      Are la baza criteriile stabilite de catre sindicate, pentru a nu crea nemultumiri

    • C.

      Sunt urmarite rezultatele fizice ale muncii angajatilor, nu si caracteristicile personale, datorita distorsiunilor care pot sa apara

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Salariatii de pe pozitii echivalente nu se pot evalua intre ei
    The statement "salariatii de pe pozitii echivalente nu se pot evalua intre ei" is false because employees in equivalent positions can and should be evaluated against each other. This allows for a fair comparison of their performance and helps identify areas for improvement or recognition. Evaluating employees in equivalent positions promotes healthy competition and encourages them to strive for better results.

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  • 15. 

    Ce rol poate indeplini directorul tehnic in cadrul unei organizatii ? 

    • A.


    • B.

      Purtator de cuvant

    • C.

      Perturbator de informatii

    • D.

      Distribuitor de resurse

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Lider
    B. Purtator de cuvant
    C. Perturbator de informatii
    D. Distribuitor de resurse
    The directorul tehnic (technical director) can fulfill multiple roles within an organization. They can act as a leader, guiding and directing the technical team towards achieving organizational goals. They can also serve as a spokesperson (purtator de cuvant), representing the organization in communication with stakeholders. Additionally, they may play a role in disrupting or challenging information (perturbator de informatii), ensuring that decisions are based on accurate and unbiased data. Lastly, they can act as a distributor of resources, allocating and managing resources effectively to support the technical operations of the organization.

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  • 16. 

    In functie de scenariul de intervievare folosit, managerul de resurse umane poate utiliza urmatoarele tipuri de interviuri:

    • A.

      Structurate, de grup si de tip situatie problema

    • B.

      De grup, panel si singular

    • C.

      De grup, structurate si orientate spre zona locala de recrutare

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. De grup, panel si singular
    The correct answer is "de grup, panel si singular". In the given question, it is stated that depending on the interview scenario, the HR manager can use different types of interviews. The answer option "de grup, panel si singular" includes three types of interviews: "de grup" (group interviews), "panel" (panel interviews), and "singular" (individual interviews). These three types cover a range of interview formats that the HR manager can choose from based on the specific situation and requirements of the interview process.

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  • 17. 

    Un angajat care a plecat la o alta companie ca urmare a posibilitatii obtinerii unei recompense salariale mai mari, constata ca relatiile personale sunt mai putin favorabile decat in firma de la care a plecat. Conform teoriei lui Frederick Herzberg aceasta apreciere vizeaza un element specific:

    • A.

      Factorilor externi

    • B.

      Factorilor motivatori

    • C.

      Factorilor intamplatori

    • D.

      Factorilor de mediu

    • E.

      Factorilor igienici

    Correct Answer
    B. Factorilor motivatori
    According to Frederick Herzberg's theory, the appreciation of personal relationships being less favorable in the new company after leaving the previous one for a higher salary reward is related to "factorilor motivatori" (motivating factors). Herzberg's theory suggests that motivating factors such as recognition, achievement, and personal growth are essential for job satisfaction and motivation. In this case, the employee's decision to leave for a higher salary may have neglected the importance of motivating factors, leading to a less favorable personal relationship in the new company.

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  • 18. 


    • A.

      Este o colectie de solutii organizatorice ideale, obligatoriu de aplicat

    • B.

      Orienteaza eforturile organizatiei spre atingerea scopurilor acesteia

    • C.

      X`foloseste efortul organizatiei pentru atingerea scorurilor managerilor

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. Orienteaza eforturile organizatiei spre atingerea scopurilor acesteia
    The correct answer is "orienteaza eforturile organizatiei spre atingerea scopurilor acesteia" because management is responsible for directing and guiding the efforts of an organization towards achieving its goals. This involves planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling the resources and activities of the organization to ensure that they are aligned with its objectives. By doing so, management ensures that the organization is focused on achieving its desired outcomes and success.

    Rate this question:

  • 19. 

    ) Firma Nissan are o cultura organizationala cu orientare pe termen lung . Care din urmatoarele aspecte o caracterizeaza

    • A.

      Pragmatism si orientare spre valori vizand performanta imediata

    • B.

      Angajarea si promovarea sunt pe baza de aptitudini si reguli impersonale

    • C.

      sisteme transparente si masurabile de recompensare in functie de performantele concrete

    • D.

      Recompensare prin cresterea prestigiului ca urmare a recunoasterii efortului depus in timp

    • E.

      Orientare catre traditie si valori de gandire

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Pragmatism si orientare spre valori vizand performanta imediata
    C. sisteme transparente si masurabile de recompensare in functie de performantele concrete
    D. Recompensare prin cresterea prestigiului ca urmare a recunoasterii efortului depus in timp
    E. Orientare catre traditie si valori de gandire
    The correct answer is a combination of multiple aspects that characterize Nissan's organizational culture. These include pragmatism and a focus on immediate performance, transparent and measurable reward systems based on concrete performance, recognition of effort over time leading to an increase in prestige, and an orientation towards tradition and values of thinking. These aspects suggest that Nissan values both short-term results and long-term growth, as well as a commitment to maintaining a strong organizational culture rooted in tradition and values.

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  • 20. 

    Grupul MOL considerand etica si codul de etica esentiale pentru sucesul operatiunilor sale atat in interiorul cat si inafara grupului . Comportamentul etic al managerilor sai este determinat de factori precum : 

    • A.

      Reglementarile guvernamentale

    • B.

      Regulamentele interne

    • C.

      Caracteristicile individuale

    • D.

      Punctele tari ale organizatiei

    • E.

      Gradul de profitabilitate

    • F.

      Presiunea sociala

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Reglementarile guvernamentale
    B. Regulamentele interne
    C. Caracteristicile individuale
    E. Gradul de profitabilitate
    F. Presiunea sociala
    The ethical behavior of MOL's managers is determined by various factors such as government regulations, internal regulations, individual characteristics, profitability, and social pressure. Government regulations ensure that managers adhere to legal and ethical standards set by the authorities. Internal regulations provide guidelines and expectations for ethical conduct within the organization. Individual characteristics play a role in shaping a manager's ethical behavior, as personal values and beliefs influence decision-making. The profitability of the organization can also impact ethical behavior, as managers may prioritize financial success over ethical considerations. Additionally, social pressure from stakeholders and society can influence managers to act ethically to maintain a positive reputation.

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  • 21. 

    Ideea principala a teoriei asteptarilor este aceea ca o persoana devine motivata sa depuna un anumit efort daca se asteapta ca efortul depus sa conduca la un anumit rezultat apreciat valoros pentru sine :

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    The main idea of the theory of expectations is that a person becomes motivated to exert a certain effort if they expect that the effort will lead to a valuable outcome for themselves. This means that individuals are more likely to be motivated and put in effort when they believe that their actions will result in a positive and rewarding outcome.

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  • 22. 

    Structura organizatorica a unei firme este influentata de

    • A.

      Mediul de afaceri in care opereaza firma

    • B.

      Stilul de management practicat in organizatia respectiva

    • C.

      Strategiile promovate de firma

    Correct Answer
    C. Strategiile promovate de firma
    The structure of an organization is influenced by the strategies promoted by the company. This means that the way a company chooses to promote its strategies will determine the shape and form of its organizational structure. The strategies set the direction and goals for the company, and the structure is designed to support and facilitate the implementation of these strategies. For example, if a company's strategy is to focus on innovation and rapid product development, it may adopt a more flexible and decentralized organizational structure to encourage creativity and quick decision-making. On the other hand, if the strategy is to achieve cost efficiency and standardization, a more centralized and hierarchical structure may be implemented.

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  • 23. 

    Managerul care este delegat sa negocieze un contract cu o alta firma indeplineste rolul de: 

    • A.

      Reprezentant oficial

    • B.

      Distribuitor de resurse

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Reprezentant oficial
    The correct answer is "reprezentant oficial" because a manager who is delegated to negotiate a contract with another company acts as an official representative of their own company. They are given the authority to represent the company's interests and negotiate terms on its behalf.

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  • 24. 

    Primarul orasului este chemat sa tina un discurs, ce rol are ?

    • A.


    • B.

      Nu are un rol, fiindca primarul nu este manager

    • C.

      Distribuitor de informatii

    • D.

      Purtator de cuvant

    • E.

      Reprezentant oficial

    Correct Answer
    A. Lider
    The correct answer is "lider." Primarul orasului este chemat sa tina un discurs, ceea ce implica faptul ca el are un rol de conducere si influenta asupra oamenilor din oras. Prin discursul sau, primarul poate inspira, motiva si ghida comunitatea, fiind astfel un lider pentru locuitorii orasului.

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  • 25. 

    John Popescu absolvent al facultatii de mecanica poseda abilitati specifice managerilor . Pe ce post l-ati angaja pe JOHNNY intr-o firma constructoare de masini :

    • A.

      Director general

    • B.

      Sef serviciu contabilitate

    • C.

      Sef atelier prelucrari mecanice

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Director general
    Based on the information provided, John Popescu is a graduate of the mechanical engineering faculty and possesses managerial skills. Given his qualifications and skills, it would be logical to hire him as the director general of a car manufacturing company. This position would allow him to utilize his mechanical knowledge and managerial abilities to oversee the entire company's operations and make strategic decisions.

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  • 26. 

    Cultura organizationala a organizatiilor responsabile este caracterizata prin

    • A.

      Reflectarea esentei valorilor organizationale, codurile de etica devenind documente active in aplicarea strategiilor firmei

    • B.

      Orientarea codurilor de etica mai mult spre exterior si preocupare pentru un public mai diferit

    • C.

      Promovarea unui echilibru intre etica si profit

    • D.

      Orientarea elementelor sale mai mult spre legalitate decat spre etica

    Correct Answer
    B. Orientarea codurilor de etica mai mult spre exterior si preocupare pentru un public mai diferit
    The correct answer suggests that the organizational culture of responsible organizations is characterized by a focus on external stakeholders and a concern for a diverse public. This means that these organizations prioritize ethical considerations and aim to address the needs and expectations of a wider range of people, beyond just their internal operations. They recognize the importance of reflecting their core values and ethical codes in their actions and strategies, making their ethical codes active documents in the implementation of the company's strategies.

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  • 27. 

    Spre deosebire de misiune, viziunea organizatiei:

    • A.

      Descrie schimbarea care va fi rezultata pe termen lung, ca urmare a activitatii depuse de organizatie

    • B.

      Se detaliaza prin prezentarea sistemului de valori adoptat

    • C.

      Descrie ratiunea de a fi a organizatiei, scopul ei fundamental

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Descrie schimbarea care va fi rezultata pe termen lung, ca urmare a activitatii depuse de organizatie
    The correct answer is "descrie schimbarea care va fi rezultata pe termen lung, ca urmare a activitatii depuse de organizatie". This is because the question is asking for the difference between mission and vision, and this option accurately describes the vision of an organization as the description of the long-term change that will result from its activities.

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  • 28. 

    Stirea ‚Fuziune medie cu miros de petrol’’ aparuta in revista capital conform careia actionarii companiei PETROL S.R.L pune la dispozitie fonduri de investitii pentru a se implica cu holdingul Media Pro evidentiaza intentia acesteia de implementare a unei strategii: 

    • A.

      De diversificare concentrata

    • B.

      De redresare

    • C.

      De integrare orizontala

    • D.

      De diversificare prin conglomerare

    • E.

      De integrare verticala

    Correct Answer
    D. De diversificare prin conglomerare
    The correct answer is "de diversificare prin conglomerare" because the article mentions that the shareholders of PETROL S.R.L are providing investment funds to get involved with Media Pro holding. This indicates their intention to diversify their business by entering into a conglomerate with Media Pro.

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  • 29. 

    Un manager care accepta greselile angajatiilor dar le impune in schimb sa-si schimbe comportamentul are un stil de lidership

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Democrat
    A manager who accepts the mistakes of employees but also requires them to change their behavior exhibits a democratic leadership style. In this style, the manager encourages open communication, values input from team members, and allows them to be involved in decision-making processes. By accepting mistakes and encouraging behavior change, the manager shows a willingness to work collaboratively with employees and empower them to take ownership of their actions. This fosters a positive and inclusive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated to improve.

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  • 30. 

    Asigurarea cu resurse umane a unei companii, include activitati referitoare la:

    • A.

      Concedierea angajatilor

    • B.

      Evaluarea performantelor salariatilor

    • C.

      Recrutarea si selectia angajatilor

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Concedierea angajatilor
    C. Recrutarea si selectia angajatilor
    Asigurarea cu resurse umane a unei companii se referă la toate activitățile legate de gestionarea personalului. Aceasta include atât recrutarea și selecția angajaților, cât și concedierea acestora. Evaluarea performanțelor salariaților este de asemenea o activitate importantă în asigurarea cu resurse umane, dar nu este menționată în întrebare ca fiind parte a acesteia.

    Rate this question:

  • 31. 

    • A.

      Lider transformator

    • B.

      Lider democrat-consultativ

    • C.

      Lider tranzactional

    • D.

      Lider patern

    Correct Answer
    C. Lider tranzactional
  • 32. 

    Intrebarea 19: 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. A
    C. C
  • 33. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. C
  • 34. 

    • A.

      A) colaborarea ...

    • B.

      B) cresterea .....

    • C.

      C) Responsabilizarea .....

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. B) cresterea .....
  • 35. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A
  • 36. 

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer(s)
    B. B
    C. C
    D. D
  • 37. 

    In cadrul unei situatii decizional, factorii de influenta pot fi: 

    • A.

      Controlabili de catre decident

    • B.

      Necontrolabili de catre decident

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Controlabili de catre decident
    B. Necontrolabili de catre decident
    In a decision-making situation, there are factors that can be controlled by the decision-maker and factors that cannot be controlled. The decision-maker has the ability to influence and manipulate the controllable factors to achieve a desired outcome. On the other hand, there are external factors that are beyond the decision-maker's control, such as market conditions, economic factors, or natural disasters. These uncontrollable factors can have an impact on the decision-making process and the eventual outcome.

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  • 38. 

    In ceea ce priveste efectele crizei financiare asupra stilului de leadership al managerului sunt adevarate afirmatiile:

    • A.

      Stilul de leadership poate ramane neschimbat

    • B.

      Stilul de leadership va fi masculin

    • C.

      Stilul de leadership va fi axat pe o distanta mare fata de putere

    • D.

      Stilul de leadership poate suferi modificari

    • E.

      Stilul de leadership va trebui sa fie, in mod predominant, paternalist, specific perioadelor dificile

    Correct Answer(s)
    C. Stilul de leadership va fi axat pe o distanta mare fata de putere
    D. Stilul de leadership poate suferi modificari
    E. Stilul de leadership va trebui sa fie, in mod predominant, paternalist, specific perioadelor dificile
    The correct answer suggests that the effects of the financial crisis on the manager's leadership style can include being focused on a large power distance, potential modifications to the leadership style, and a need for a predominantly paternalistic leadership style, which is specific to difficult times. This means that the crisis can lead to changes in how the manager exercises their leadership and the approach they take towards their subordinates.

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  • 39. 

    Eficienta unei companii petroliere creste daca managerul acestuia obtine: 

    • A.

      Aceeasi cifra de afaceri utilizand mai putine resurse

    • B.

      O cifra de afaceri mai mare pentru acelasi input

    • C.

      Acelasi output cu un consum mai mare de resurse

    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Aceeasi cifra de afaceri utilizand mai putine resurse
    B. O cifra de afaceri mai mare pentru acelasi input
    The efficiency of an oil company increases if its manager achieves the same revenue using fewer resources or achieves a higher revenue for the same input. This means that the company is able to maximize its output while minimizing its resource consumption, leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 21, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jun 09, 2018
    Quiz Created by
    Eduard Popescu
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