Jumlah seluruh produksi barang dan jasa yang dihasilkan oleh WNI baik yang ada di dalam maupun di luar negeri disebut
Correct Answer
A. Gross National Product
Gross National Product (GNP) refers to the total value of all goods and services produced by the citizens of a country, both domestically and abroad, within a specific time period. It includes the production of goods and services by citizens who are located outside the country's borders. This is different from Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which only measures the value of goods and services produced within a country's borders, regardless of the nationality of the producers. Therefore, GNP is the correct answer as it encompasses both domestic and international production by the country's citizens.
Negara yang maju pada umumnya, kondisi perekonomiannya yakni
Correct Answer
A. Produk domestik bruto < Produk nasional bruto
The correct answer suggests that in general, a developed country's economy has a higher Gross National Product (GNP) compared to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This means that the country's total economic output, including income from abroad, is greater than its domestic economic output. This indicates that the country has a strong presence in the global market and is able to generate significant income from international trade and investments.
Suatu keadaan yang menunjukkan tersedianya lapangan kerja yang siap diisi oleh pencari kerja. Pernyataan diatas ialah pengertian dari
Correct Answer
B. Kesempatan Kerja
The given statement defines "Kesempatan Kerja" which means job opportunity. It refers to a situation where there are available job positions that can be filled by job seekers.
Kelompok penduduk yang berusia antara 15-64 tahun, baik yang sudah bekerja atau sedang mencari pekerjaaan, disebut
Correct Answer
A. Angkatan Kerja
The correct answer is "Angkatan Kerja" because it refers to the group of people who are of working age, between 15-64 years old, and are either already employed or actively seeking employment. This term is commonly used in the context of labor force and employment statistics. The other options, such as "Kesempatan Kerja" (job opportunities), "Kemampuan Kerja" (work ability), "Waktu Kerja" (working hours), and "Program Kerja" (work program), do not accurately describe this specific group of people.
Ibu rumah tangga dan pelajar, dalam konsep ketenagakerjaaan digolongkan kedalam
Correct Answer
C. Bukan angkatan kerja
The answer "Bukan angkatan kerja" is correct because "ibu rumah tangga" (housewives) and "pelajar" (students) are not considered as part of the workforce or labor force. The labor force includes individuals who are employed or actively seeking employment. Housewives and students are not actively participating in the labor market, therefore they are categorized as "bukan angkatan kerja" or not part of the labor force.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut:
1) Penjahit.
2) Dokter.
3) Sopir.
4) Kuli bangunan.
5) Perias.
6) Tukang parkir.
Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas, tenaga kerja terlatih terdapat pada nomor
Correct Answer
C. 1,3 dan 5
Akhir-akhir ini, masyarakat Kita dihebohkan dengan fenomena yakni banyaknya Sarjana yang memilih untuk bekerja menjadi tukang ojek online. Dalam konsep ekonomi, angkatan kerja yang bekerja dibawah kemampuan intelektualnya atau tidak sesuai dengan kemampuan dan keahliannya termasuk
Correct Answer
B. Pengangguran terselubung
The term "pengangguran terselubung" refers to a situation where individuals are working below their intellectual or skill capabilities. In the given context, the phenomenon of many graduates choosing to work as online motorcycle taxi drivers indicates that they are not utilizing their educational qualifications and skills to their full potential. Therefore, "pengangguran terselubung" is the correct answer as it accurately describes the situation where individuals are employed in jobs that do not match their abilities and qualifications.
Jenis pengangguran yang terjadi karena adanya kesulitan yang bersifat temporer, dalam mempertemukan pencari kerja dengan lowongan kerja, disebut
Correct Answer
A. Pengangguran friksioner
Pengangguran friksioner terjadi ketika seseorang mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari pekerjaan karena adanya kesenjangan informasi antara pencari kerja dengan lowongan pekerjaan yang tersedia. Kesulitan ini bersifat sementara dan biasanya terjadi saat seseorang baru lulus sekolah atau pindah ke daerah baru. Pencari kerja mungkin membutuhkan waktu untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan pasar tenaga kerja dan menemukan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan keahlian dan minat mereka.
Pak Ridwan di pHK oleh perusahaan tempat ia bekerja, karena perusahaan mengurangi kapasitas produksi akibat permintaan pasar terus menurun. Pak Ridwan tergolong pengangguran
Correct Answer
B. Siklis
The correct answer is "Siklis". This is because the question states that Pak Ridwan was laid off by the company he worked for due to a decrease in market demand, which suggests a cyclical unemployment. Cyclical unemployment occurs when there is a downturn in the business cycle and companies have to reduce their workforce due to a decrease in demand for their products or services.
Angka yang menunjukan perbandingan harga tahun tertentu (given years) dengan harga tahun dasar (based years), disebut
Correct Answer
E. Indeks harga
The correct answer is "Indeks harga". The question is asking for the term that refers to the numbers indicating the comparison of prices in given years with prices in the base year. The term "Indeks harga" specifically refers to the price index, which is a measure of the average price level of goods and services in an economy. It is used to track changes in prices over time and is commonly used to measure inflation or deflation.
Perhatikan faktor penyebab inflasi berikut:
1) Harga bahan baku industri meningkat
2) Perubahan selera masyarakat
3) Peningkatan jumlah penduduk meningkatkan permintaan kebutuhan masyarakat
4) Pemerintah sepakat menaikan upah buruh
Penyebab demand pull inflation ditunjukan oleh nomor
Correct Answer
D. 2 dan 3
The correct answer is 2 and 3. Demand-pull inflation occurs when there is an increase in demand for goods and services that exceeds the supply, leading to an increase in prices. In this case, factors 2 and 3 contribute to demand-pull inflation. A change in consumer preferences (factor 2) can lead to an increase in demand for certain goods, causing prices to rise. Additionally, an increase in the population (factor 3) leads to an increase in demand for goods and services, which can also result in inflation.
Menjelang lebaran, jumlah barang yang diminta di pasar terus bertambah. Akibatnya, harga barang di pasar mengalami kenaikan. Berdasarkan keadaan ini, inflasi terjadi karena adanya
Correct Answer
C. Tarikan permintaan
In this scenario, the increasing demand for goods in the market before the Lebaran holiday leads to a rise in prices. This increase in demand is known as "tarikan permintaan" in Indonesian, which refers to the pulling force of demand. As more people want to buy goods for the holiday, the demand exceeds the supply, causing prices to increase. This situation is a common cause of inflation.
Perhatikan data berikut ini!
Berdasarkan data diatas, besarnya Laju inflasi bulan februari adalah
Correct Answer
D. 25%
Based on the given data, the inflation rate in February can be calculated by finding the percentage increase from January to February. The IHK (Indeks Harga Konsumen) in January is 100% and in February it is 125%. To find the percentage increase, we can use the formula: ((New Value - Old Value) / Old Value) * 100%. Plugging in the values, we get ((125 - 100) / 100) * 100% = 25%. Therefore, the correct answer is 25%.
Di bawah ini terdapat beberapa kelompok masyarakat :
1) Debitur
2) Kreditur
3) Penabung di bank
4) Produsen
5) Pegawai dan karyawan yang berpenghasilan tetap
6) Kelompok masyarakat berpenghasilan tidak tetap
Pihak yang merasa dirugikan akibat adanya inflasi adalah
Correct Answer
D. 2, 3, dan 5
The correct answer is 2, 3, and 5. Inflation refers to the increase in the general price level of goods and services over a period of time. Debtor (debitur) is someone who owes money and has to repay it with interest. Inflation erodes the value of money, so debtors have to repay their loans with money that has less purchasing power. Bank depositors (penabung di bank) also suffer from inflation as the value of their savings decreases over time. Employees and workers with fixed incomes (pegawai dan karyawan yang berpenghasilan tetap) are affected by inflation because their purchasing power decreases as prices rise.
Inflasi dapat berdampak positif bagi produsen, selama angka inflasi masih dalam batas kewajaran. Tindakan yang dilakukan produsen berkaitan dengan hal tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
A. Menambah output produksi
When there is inflation within reasonable limits, it can have a positive impact on producers. Inflation often leads to increased demand for goods and services, which can allow producers to increase their output production to meet the higher demand. By increasing their output, producers can take advantage of the increased demand and potentially increase their profits. Therefore, the correct answer is "Menambah output produksi" (Increasing output production).
Berikut adalah kebijakan pemerintah dalam rangka mengatasi inflasi
1) Menurunkan suku bunga
2) Menjual surat berharga di pasar uang
3) Menaikan cadangan kas minimum
4) Menaikan pengeluaran pemerintah
5) Kredit selektif
Yang termasuk kebijakan moneter untuk mengatasi inflasi adalah
Correct Answer
D. 2, 3, dan 5
The correct answer is 2, 3, and 5. These options are all examples of monetary policies that can be used to combat inflation. Selling securities in the money market (option 2) can help reduce the money supply and decrease inflationary pressures. Increasing the minimum cash reserve requirement (option 3) can also limit the amount of money available for lending and spending, which can help control inflation. Lastly, implementing selective credit policies (option 5) allows the government to regulate the amount of credit available in the economy, which can also help manage inflation.
Dalam rangka menjaga kestabilan arus uang dan arus barang dalam perekonomian, bank sentral bisa melakukan penjualan dan pembelian surat berharga di bursa efek. Kebijakan bank sentral ini disebut
Correct Answer
A. Politik pasar terbuka
The correct answer is "politik pasar terbuka". This policy refers to the practice of a central bank buying and selling government securities in the open market to regulate the money supply and stabilize the economy. By purchasing securities, the central bank injects money into the economy, increasing liquidity, and stimulating economic growth. Conversely, selling securities reduces the money supply, curbing inflationary pressures. This policy is used to influence interest rates, control inflation, and stabilize the flow of money and goods in the economy.
Jika suatu perekonomian dalam keadaan lesu atau resesi, maka kebijakan moneter yang tepat untuk mengatasi keadaan tersebut adalah
Correct Answer
B. menurunkan suku bunga
During a sluggish or recessionary economy, the appropriate monetary policy to address the situation is to lower interest rates. Lowering interest rates encourages borrowing and spending, which stimulates economic activity and helps to revive the economy. By reducing the cost of borrowing, businesses and individuals are more likely to invest and consume, leading to increased demand and overall economic growth. Therefore, lowering interest rates is an effective measure to combat a sluggish or recessionary economy.
Salah satu instrument kebijakan moneter untuk mengatasi inflasi yakni dengan open market policy. Pada saat terjadi inflasi, kebijakan open market policy yang diambil adalah
Correct Answer
C. Menjual surat berharga
Kebijakan open market policy yang diambil saat terjadi inflasi adalah dengan menjual surat berharga. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengurangi jumlah uang yang beredar di masyarakat, sehingga dapat menekan permintaan dan mengurangi tekanan inflasi. Dengan menjual surat berharga, bank sentral dapat mengurangi jumlah uang yang beredar di pasar, sehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat inflasi.
Kebijakan ekonomi yang terkait dengan penerimaan dan pengeluaran Negara disebut
Correct Answer
B. Kebijakan fiskal
Kebijakan fiskal adalah kebijakan ekonomi yang berkaitan dengan penerimaan dan pengeluaran negara. Ini mencakup kebijakan terkait dengan perencanaan dan pengaturan anggaran negara, termasuk pajak, pengeluaran publik, dan pengeluaran pemerintah lainnya. Kebijakan fiskal bertujuan untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan ekonomi negara, serta mempengaruhi tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi, inflasi, dan pengangguran.
Suatu proses yang bertujuan untuk menaikkan PDB suatu negara atau daerah tanpa melihat tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk
Correct Answer
A. Pertumbuhan ekonomi
Pertumbuhan ekonomi adalah suatu proses yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan PDB suatu negara atau daerah tanpa mempertimbangkan tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk. Dalam konteks ini, pertumbuhan ekonomi fokus pada peningkatan produksi dan pendapatan nasional tanpa memperhitungkan jumlah penduduk. Dengan demikian, pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan mengurangi kemiskinan tanpa harus bergantung pada pertumbuhan penduduk.
Suatu proses yang bertujuan untuk menaikkan PDB suatu negara atau daerah melebihi tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk
Correct Answer
B. Pembangunan ekonomi
Pembangunan ekonomi adalah suatu proses yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan PDB suatu negara atau daerah melebihi tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk. Hal ini mencakup berbagai upaya untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, investasi, inovasi, dan infrastruktur ekonomi. Dengan pembangunan ekonomi yang baik, diharapkan negara atau daerah dapat mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara keseluruhan.
Teori pertumbuhan ekonomi menurut Rostow yang benar yakni
Correct Answer
D. Masyarakat tradisional- prasyarat lepas landas- lepas landas- tahap kea rah kedewasaan- tahap konsumsi tinggi
According to Rostow's theory of economic growth, the correct sequence of stages is: traditional society, preconditions for takeoff, takeoff, drive to maturity, and high mass consumption. This theory suggests that societies progress through these stages as they develop economically, with traditional societies eventually transitioning to modern, high-consumption societies.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi ditentukan oleh output total dan pertumbuhan penduduk. Teori tersebut dikemukakan oleh
Correct Answer
C. Adam smith
The correct answer is Adam Smith. Adam Smith is known for his theory on economic growth, which states that economic growth is determined by the total output of goods and services and the growth of the population. Smith's theory, outlined in his book "The Wealth of Nations," emphasizes the importance of division of labor, free markets, and individual self-interest in driving economic growth. His ideas have had a significant impact on the field of economics and continue to be influential today.
Pertumbuhan ekonomi ditentukan oleh empat faktor; yaitu luas tanah, jumlah penduduk, persediaan barang modal, dan teknologi. Teori tersebut dikemukakan oleh
Correct Answer
B. David RIcardo
David Ricardo proposed the theory that economic growth is determined by four factors: land area, population size, capital goods inventory, and technology.
Perhatikan pernyataan berikut:
1) Modal terbatas
2) Produktivitas merata
3) Distribusi pendapatan tidak merata
4) Kuantitas SDM sedikit
5) Tingginya pengangguran
Berdasarkan pernyataan diatas, permasalahan pembangunan ekonomi di Negara berkembang terdapat pada nomor
Correct Answer
C. 1,3 dan 5
The given answer is 1, 3, and 5. This is because limited capital (1), unequal distribution of income (3), and high unemployment (5) are all common economic problems faced by developing countries. Limited capital refers to a lack of financial resources and investment opportunities, which hinders economic growth. Unequal distribution of income means that wealth and resources are concentrated in the hands of a few, leading to social and economic disparities. High unemployment indicates a lack of job opportunities and a surplus of labor, which can hinder economic development.
GNP Negara A tahun 2015= 1000 Trilyun, dan GNP tahun 2014= 800 Trilyun. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Negara A pada tahun 2015 adalah
Correct Answer
D. 25 %
The growth rate of an economy is calculated by taking the difference between the GNP of two consecutive years and dividing it by the GNP of the previous year, then multiplying by 100. In this case, the GNP of Negara A increased from 800 Trilyun in 2014 to 1000 Trilyun in 2015. The difference is 200 Trilyun. Dividing 200 Trilyun by 800 Trilyun and multiplying by 100 gives a growth rate of 25%. Therefore, the correct answer is 25%.
GDP Negara B tahun 2010= 1200 Trilyun, GDP tahun 2011= 1000 Trilyun, dan GDP tahun 2012=.1100 Pertumbuhan ekonomi Negara B pada tahun 2012 adalah
Correct Answer
B. 10 %
The growth rate of the economy of Country B in 2012 can be calculated by comparing the GDP of 2012 with the GDP of the previous year, which is 2011. The GDP of Country B in 2012 is 1100 Trilyun, while the GDP in 2011 is 1000 Trilyun. To calculate the growth rate, we can use the formula: (GDP in 2012 - GDP in 2011) / GDP in 2011 * 100. Plugging in the values, we get (1100 - 1000) / 1000 * 100 = 100 / 1000 * 100 = 10%. Therefore, the correct answer is 10%.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1
GNP Negara A tahun 2015= 900 Trilyun, dan GNP tahun 2016= 1000 Trilyun dan GNP tahun 2017= 1250 trilyun. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Negara A pada tahun 2017 adalah
Correct Answer
E. 25%
The growth rate of the economy of Country A in 2017 can be calculated by taking the difference between the GNP in 2017 and the GNP in 2016, dividing it by the GNP in 2016, and then multiplying by 100. In this case, the difference between the GNP in 2017 (1250 Trilyun) and the GNP in 2016 (1000 Trilyun) is 250 Trilyun. Dividing 250 Trilyun by 1000 Trilyun and multiplying by 100 gives a growth rate of 25%.
Perhatikan data di bawah ini
1) Upah Rp.2.000
2) Sewa tanah Rp.1.000
3) Investasi Rp.1000
4) Laba Rp.500
5) Ekspor Rp. 1.500
6) Impor Rp. 500
7) Bunga Rp. 1.000
8) Konsumsi masyarakat Rp.3.000
9) Belanja pemerintah Rp. 2.000
Besarnya Pendapatan nasional dengan pendekatan pengeluaran adalah
Correct Answer
E. 7000
The correct answer is 7000 because it is the sum of all the expenditures listed in the data. The total expenditure includes wages, rent, investment, profit, exports, imports, interest, and government spending, which amounts to 7000.
Perhatikan data di bawah ini
1) Upah Rp.2.000
2) Sewa tanah Rp.1.000
3) Investasi Rp.1000
4) Laba Rp.500
5) Ekspor Rp. 1.500
6) Impor Rp. 500
7) Bunga Rp. 1.000
8) Konsumsi masyarakat Rp.3.000
9) Belanja pemerintah Rp. 2.000
Besarnya Pendapatan nasional dengan pendekatan pendapatan adalah
Correct Answer
B. 4500
The correct answer is 4500. This is because the total income is calculated by adding up all the sources of income mentioned in the data. In this case, the total income is the sum of wages, rent, investment, profit, exports, imports, interest, consumer spending, and government spending. Adding up all the values given in the data, we get a total income of 4500.
Perhatikan data berikut:
1) GNP=1500. 2) Transfer payment=50. 3) Depresiasi=50. 4) Pajak tidak langsung=100. 5) Laba ditahan=20. 6) Iuran jaminan social=30. 7) Pajak langsung=200
Berdasarkan data diatas, besarnya NNP (Net national product) adalah
Correct Answer
E. 1450
Based on the given data, the NNP (Net National Product) can be calculated by subtracting the depreciation (50) and indirect taxes (100) from the Gross National Product (GNP) of 1500. Additionally, transfer payment (50) and social security contributions (30) need to be added back to the calculation. Therefore, the NNP is 1500 - 50 - 100 + 50 + 30 = 1430. However, the question asks for the "besarnya NNP" (the magnitude of NNP), so the answer is rounded up to the nearest hundred, which is 1450.
Perhatikan data berikut:
1) GNP=1500. 2)Transfer payment=50. 3) Depresiasi=50. 4) Pajak tidak langsung=100. 5) Laba ditahan=20. 6) Iuran jaminan social=30. 7) Pajak langsung=200
Berdasarkan data diatas, besarnya NNI (Net national Income) adalah
Correct Answer
C. 1350
Based on the given data, NNI (Net National Income) can be calculated by subtracting the transfer payment, depreciation, indirect taxes, and social security contributions from GNP. In this case, NNI = GNP - Transfer payment - Depreciation - Indirect taxes - Social security contributions = 1500 - 50 - 50 - 100 - 30 = 1350. Therefore, the correct answer is 1350.
Perhatikan data berikut:
1) GNP=1500. 2) Transfer payment=50. 3) Depresiasi=50. 4) Pajak tidak langsung=100. 5) Laba ditahan=20. 6) Iuran jaminan social=30. 7) Pajak langsung=200
Berdasarkan data diatas, besarnya PI (Personal Income) adalah
Correct Answer
C. 1350
Based on the given data, Personal Income (PI) can be calculated by subtracting transfer payments, indirect taxes, and social security contributions from Gross National Product (GNP). In this case, GNP is 1500, transfer payment is 50, indirect taxes are 100, and social security contributions are 30. Therefore, PI = GNP - transfer payment - indirect taxes - social security contributions = 1500 - 50 - 100 - 30 = 1350. Hence, the correct answer is 1350.