Ipt - Ispit 2. Deo

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| By John321e
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 4 | Total Attempts: 2,364
Questions: 212 | Attempts: 738

Ipt - Ispit 2. Deo - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Korisnik sedi za računarom A i uočava Ipv6 podešavanja na računaru: sopstvenu adresu FE80::A i adresu podrazumevanog mrežnog prolaza FE80::1.
    • Drugi korisnik sedi za računarom B na drugom segmentu mreže i uočava sopstvenu adresu FE80::B.
    • Korisnik za računarom A unosi ping FE80::B i ne dobija odgovor.
    • U čemu je problem?

    • A.

      Host B nema podešen podrazumevani mrežni prolaz

    • B.

      Adresa hosta B nije ispravna za segment u kome se nalazi

    • C.

      Ruter nema ispravnu IPv6 tabelu rutiranja

    • D.

      Za međusobnu komunikaciju računar A i B moraju da koriste globalne adrese

    Correct Answer
    A. Host B nema podešen podrazumevani mrežni prolaz
    The problem is that host B does not have a default gateway configured. Without a default gateway, host B does not know where to send the packets when trying to communicate with host A.

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  • 2. 

    Koji od zapisa bi se mogao koristiti kao komprimovani zapis sledeće IPv6 adrese:
    • 2001:0000:0DB8:1101:0000:0000:0000:0020?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Ova adresa ne može da se zapiše u komprimovanom obliku

    Correct Answer
    B. 2001:0:DB8:1101::20
    The given correct answer is 2001:0:DB8:1101::20. This is because it follows the correct format for compressing IPv6 addresses. The consecutive zeros in the address can be replaced with a double colon (::) to shorten the address. In this case, the consecutive zeros after "1101" are replaced with "::", resulting in the compressed form 2001:0:DB8:1101::20.

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  • 3. 

    Od koliko heksadecimalnih cifara se sastoji IPv6 adresa?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 32
    IPv6 addresses are represented by 128 bits, which is four times the length of IPv4 addresses. Each hexadecimal digit represents 4 bits, so to represent 128 bits, we need 32 hexadecimal digits. Therefore, an IPv6 address consists of 32 hexadecimal digits.

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  • 4. 

    Koja od navedenih IPv6 adresa nije ispravna?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 2001:::DB8:1234:FE00
    The given IPv6 address "2001:::DB8:1234:FE00" is not valid because it contains three consecutive colons ":::" which is not allowed in IPv6 addressing. The correct format for IPv6 address is to have at most one set of consecutive colons "::" to represent multiple consecutive groups of zeros.

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  • 5. 

    Administrator mreže je hostovima na nekoliko mreža svoje lokacije dodelio adrese iz opsega FC00::/7 – FDFF::/7, bez konsultacija sa svojim posrednikom usluga. Hostovi sa ovim adresama uspešno komuniciraju ali ne mogu da koriste Internet. Šta od sledećeg je tačno?

    • A.

      Ovo su jedinstvene lokalne adrese za komunikaciju unutar jedne lokacije

    • B.

      Ovo su adrese lokalne veze (link – local) za komunikaciju unutar segmenta

    • C.

      Ovo su privatne IPv6 adrese za komunikaciju unutar jedne mreže (private IPv6)

    • D.

      Ovo su neregularne adrese dodeljene bez konsultacija sa posrednikom usluga i zato hostovi ne mogu da koriste Internet

    Correct Answer
    A. Ovo su jedinstvene lokalne adrese za komunikaciju unutar jedne lokacije
    The given answer states that the addresses from the range FC00::/7 - FDFF::/7 are unique local addresses for communication within a single location. This means that these addresses are not globally routable and can only be used within the specific location where they were assigned. They cannot be used for internet communication.

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  • 6. 

    Kolika je dužina IPv6 adresnog polja?

    • A.

      8 bita

    • B.

      128 bita

    • C.

      32 bita

    • D.

      64 bita

    Correct Answer
    B. 128 bita
    IPv6 addresses are 128 bits long. This is a significant increase from the 32-bit length of IPv4 addresses. The longer length allows for a much larger number of unique addresses, which is necessary to accommodate the growing number of devices connected to the internet. The increased address space also provides additional features and improvements over IPv4, such as simplified address assignment and better support for mobile networks.

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  • 7. 

    Na Windows 7 radnoj stanici su uočene sledeće informacije:
    • MAC adresa: 08:00:27:19:68:7b,
    • IPv6 adresa: fe80::1850:90c7:3b28:6457.
    • Šta se može zaključiti na osnovu identifikatora interfejsa u IPv6 adresi?

    • A.

      Identifikator interfejsa je dobijen od DHCPv6 servera

    • B.

      Identifikator interfejsa je generisan na osnovu MAC adrese

    • C.

      Identifikator interfejsa je dobijen od rutera

    • D.

      Windows 7 koristi proširenje radi privatnosti adresa

    Correct Answer
    C. Identifikator interfejsa je dobijen od rutera
    Based on the given information, the MAC address and IPv6 address, it can be concluded that the interface identifier in the IPv6 address is obtained from the router.

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  • 8. 

    IPv6 paketi sa istom oznakom toka:

    • A.

      Predstavljaju niz paketa za koje je aktivna TCP kontrola toka

    • B.

      Predstavljaju niz paketa ka istoj distanci koje treba rutirati različitim putanjama radi raspodele opterećenja

    • C.

      Predstavljaju niz paketa koji prenose TCP segmente

    • D.

      Predstavljaju niz paketa koji imaju iste atribute i potrebno ih je obraditi na isti način

    Correct Answer
    D. Predstavljaju niz paketa koji imaju iste atribute i potrebno ih je obraditi na isti način
    The given correct answer states that IPv6 packets with the same flow label represent a series of packets that have the same attributes and need to be processed in the same way. This means that these packets share common characteristics, such as the source and destination IP addresses, transport protocol, and other header fields, and should be treated uniformly during processing. The flow label in IPv6 is used to identify packets belonging to the same flow and can be used by network devices to apply specific processing or forwarding rules.

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  • 9. 

    Koja od navedenih IPv6 adresa nije ispravna?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 2001::DB8::1234:FE00
  • 10. 

    Ako izuzmemo lokalnu petlju (C>* ::1/128), zašto ruter ima 4 dodatne direktno priključene mreže?

    • A.

      To su dodatne statičke rute

    • B.

      Svaki interfejs rutera ima dve IPv6 adrese (lokalnu i globalnu)

    • C.

      Ruter ima 4 interfejsa

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    B. Svaki interfejs rutera ima dve IPv6 adrese (lokalnu i globalnu)
    The correct answer is that each interface of the router has two IPv6 addresses, a local and a global one. This means that for each interface, there are two directly connected networks, resulting in a total of four additional directly connected networks for the router.

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  • 11. 

    Zašto postoje dve IPv6 adrese globalnog opsega?

    • A.

      Stanica ima dva adaptera

    • B.

      Jedna se koristi samo dok administrator ručno ne podesi drugu

    • C.

      Jedna je generisana na osnovu EUI – 64 a druga nasumično

    • D.

      Jedna je statička a druga dinamička

    Correct Answer
    C. Jedna je generisana na osnovu EUI – 64 a druga nasumično
    The reason why there are two IPv6 global scope addresses is because one is generated based on EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier) and the other is generated randomly. This allows for more flexibility and security in assigning IP addresses to devices. The EUI-64 based address provides a unique identifier based on the device's MAC address, while the randomly generated address adds an extra layer of randomness to enhance security.

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  • 12. 

    Ko unosi oznaku toka u zaglavlje IPv6 paketa?

    • A.

      Odredišni host

    • B.

      IPv6 ruteri

    • C.

      Ne znam

    • D.

      Izvorišni host

    Correct Answer
    D. Izvorišni host
    The correct answer is "Izvorišni host". In the header of an IPv6 packet, the source host is responsible for inserting the flow label, which is used to identify a specific flow of packets. This flow label helps in providing special handling for packets belonging to the same flow, such as quality of service (QoS) treatment. Therefore, the source host is the one who inserts the flow label in the header of the IPv6 packet.

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  • 13. 

    IPv6 mrežni prefiks (adresa mreže) je
    • 2001:DB8:1:1::/64,
    • hardverska adresa eternet interfejsa je: FC:99:47:75:CE:E0.
    • Ako se u mreži koristi SLAAC, odnosno autokonfiguracija adresa sa EUI – 64 procesom, da li se može znati šta će na kraju host koristiti kao svoju globlanu adresu?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Samo DHCPv6 u ovoj situaciji može da dodeli adresu

    • E.

      FE80:: FE99:47FF:FE75:CEE0/64

    • F.

      Adresu dodeljuje SLAAC server

    Correct Answer
    A. 2001:DB8:1:1:FE99:47FF:FE75:CEE0/64
    Based on the given information, the network prefix is 2001:DB8:1:1::/64 and the hardware address of the Ethernet interface is FC:99:47:75:CE:E0. Since SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration) is being used, the host will use the EUI-64 process to configure its global address. The EUI-64 process involves inserting the hexadecimal value "FF:FE" in the middle of the MAC address. Therefore, the host will use the global address 2001:DB8:1:1:FE99:47FF:FE75:CEE0/64.

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  • 14. 

    Korisnik je proveravao podešavanja svog računara i ustanovio da računar sa hardverskom adresom adaptera 00:25:22:7c:e7:29 ima podešenu i IPv6 adresu fe80::225:22ff:fe7c:e729 i ako on sam nije vršio podešavanja IPv6 adrese. O čemu se tu radi?

    • A.

      To je globalna IPv6 adresa pribavljena na osnovu autokonfiguracije i EUI procesa

    • B.

      To je automatski generisana adresa lokalne veze za komunikaciju na lokalnom mrežnom segmentu

    • C.

      To je globalna IPv6 adresa pribavljena od DHCPv6 servera za IPv6 protokol koja je rezervisana za datu hardversku adresu

    • D.

      To je kao i hardverska adresa, fabrički ugrađena IPv6 adresa za komunikaciju sa ostalim IPv6 hostovima

    Correct Answer
    B. To je automatski generisana adresa lokalne veze za komunikaciju na lokalnom mrežnom segmentu
    The given IPv6 address (fe80::225:22ff:fe7c:e729) is a link-local address, which is automatically generated for communication within the local network segment. This type of address is assigned to the interface based on the hardware address (adapter's MAC address) and is used for communication with other devices on the same network segment. It is not a globally routable address and is only valid within the local network.

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  • 15. 

    • Koji od zapisa bi se mogao koristiti kao komprimovani zapis sledeće IPv6 adrese: 2001:000E:0DB8:0101:0000:0001:0000:0020?

    • A.


    • B.

      Ne znam

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 2001:E:DB8:101:0:1:0:20
    The given answer, 2001:E:DB8:101:0:1:0:20, could be used as a compressed representation of the IPv6 address 2001:000E:0DB8:0101:0000:0001:0000:0020. The zeros in each segment of the address have been compressed, resulting in a shorter representation.

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  • 16. 

    Na Linux radnoj stanici uočene su sledeće informacije:
    • MAC adresa: 08:00:27:a7:9c:eb,
    • IPv6 adresa: fe80::a00:27ff:fea7:9ceb/64.
    • Šta se može zaključiti na osnovu identifikatora interfejsa u IPv6 adresi?

    • A.

      Identifikator interfejsa je dobijen od DHCPv6 servera

    • B.

      Identifikator interfejsa je nasumično generisan

    • C.

      Identifikator interfejsa je dobijen od rutera

    • D.

      Identifikator interfejsa je generisan na osnovu EUI – 64 procesa

    Correct Answer
    D. Identifikator interfejsa je generisan na osnovu EUI – 64 procesa
    The given MAC address (08:00:27:a7:9c:eb) is a 48-bit address that uniquely identifies the network interface card (NIC) of the Linux workstation. The IPv6 address (fe80::a00:27ff:fea7:9ceb/64) includes the EUI-64 interface identifier, which is derived from the MAC address. This means that the interface identifier portion of the IPv6 address is generated based on the EUI-64 process, which involves inserting the hexadecimal value "ff:fe" in the middle of the MAC address. Therefore, the correct answer is "Identifikator interfejsa je generisan na osnovu EUI – 64 procesa."

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  • 17. 

    Na slici je prikazano:

    • A.

      Zaglavlje IPv6 protokola

    • B.

      Zaglavlje IPv3 protokola

    • C.

      Zaglavlje IPv4 protokola

    • D.

      Zaglavlje IPv5 protokola

    Correct Answer
    A. Zaglavlje IPv6 protokola
    The correct answer is "Zaglavlje IPv6 protokola" which translates to "Header of IPv6 protocol" in English. The image is showing the header of the IPv6 protocol, which is used for internet communication. IPv6 is the latest version of the Internet Protocol and is designed to replace IPv4. It provides a larger address space and improved security features compared to IPv4.

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  • 18. 

    Koja od navedenih IPv6 adresa spada u adrese lokalne veze (link – local)?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. FE80::1
    The IPv6 address FE80::1 is the correct answer because it falls within the range of link-local addresses. Link-local addresses are used for communication within a single network segment and are automatically assigned to interfaces when no other address is available. The FE80::/10 prefix is reserved for link-local addresses, making FE80::1 a valid choice. The other options, FEC0:0DB8::10, 2001:DB8:ACAD::1, and FC00:1234:FE, do not fall within the range of link-local addresses.

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  • 19. 

    Adresno polje IPv6 protokola je:

    • A.

      16 bajtova

    • B.

      4 bajta

    • C.

      32 bajta

    • D.

      48 bajtova

    Correct Answer
    A. 16 bajtova
    The address field of the IPv6 protocol is 16 bytes long. IPv6 addresses are represented as eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons. Each group represents 16 bits, which equals 2 bytes. Therefore, the total length of the address field is 16 bytes.

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  • 20. 

    Koja od navedenih IPv6 adresa spada u globalne unikast adrese?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 2001:1234:5678::1
    The IPv6 address "2001:1234:5678::1" belongs to the global unicast address range. This range is used for unique addresses that are globally routable on the internet. The other options, "FEC0:0DB8::10", "FE80::1", and "FC00:1234:FE", do not fall within the global unicast address range and are used for other purposes such as link-local addresses or unique local addresses.

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  • 21. 

    Maksimalna dužina IPv4 paketa je:

    • A.

      65 535 bajtova

    • B.

      30 767 bajtova

    • C.

      131 869 bajtova

    • D.

      262 143 bajtova

    Correct Answer
    A. 65 535 bajtova
    The maximum length of an IPv4 packet is 65,535 bytes. IPv4 packets consist of a header and a payload. The header contains information about the packet, such as the source and destination IP addresses. The payload contains the actual data being transmitted. The maximum length of the payload is limited by the 16-bit field in the IPv4 header called the Total Length field, which can represent values up to 65,535. This limit ensures that the packet can be properly transmitted and processed by network devices.

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  • 22. 

    Prilikom generisanja EUI – 64 potrebna su 2 parametra:

    • A.

      Za generisanja EUI – 64 potrebna su 3 parametra

    • B.

      48 – bitna eternet MAC adresa i predefinisanih 16 bita

    • C.

      48 – bitna eternet MAC adresa i predefinisanih 24 bita

    • D.

      48 – bitna eternet MAC adresa i predefinisanih 32 bita

    Correct Answer
    B. 48 – bitna eternet MAC adresa i predefinisanih 16 bita
    The correct answer is "48-bitna eternet MAC adresa i predefinisanih 16 bita". This is because when generating an EUI-64, two parameters are required: a 48-bit Ethernet MAC address and 16 pre-defined bits.

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  • 23. 

    Unikast adresa je:

    • A.

      Identifikator je grupe interfejsa

    • B.

      Identifikator je jednog iz grupe interfejsa

    • C.

      Identifikator je jednog interfejsa

    • D.

      Identifikator svih čvorova u mreži

    Correct Answer
    C. Identifikator je jednog interfejsa
    The correct answer is "Identifikator je jednog interfejsa" which translates to "Identifier is one of the interfaces" in English. This answer suggests that a unicast address is used to identify a single interface in a network.

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  • 24. 

    Klasa C na prva tri mesta ima:

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 110
    The answer "110" represents the top three positions in Class C. Each digit in the answer corresponds to a position, with "1" indicating that the position is occupied and "0" indicating that it is not. In this case, the first position is occupied, the second position is occupied, and the third position is not occupied.

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  • 25. 

    IP protokol je:

    • A.

      Bez uspostave veze

    • B.

      Sa uspostavom veze

    • C.

      Zavisi od klase, postoji i jedna i druga vrsta

    • D.

      Zavisi od formata zaglavlja

    Correct Answer
    A. Bez uspostave veze
    The correct answer is "Bez uspostave veze" which means "Without establishing a connection" in English. This refers to the fact that the IP protocol operates in a connectionless manner, where each packet is treated independently and can take different routes to reach its destination. Unlike protocols with connection-oriented communication, such as TCP, IP does not require a prior establishment of a connection between sender and receiver. Instead, it relies on the best-effort delivery model, where packets are sent without any guarantee of delivery or order.

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  • 26. 

    ARP protokol se koristi da bi se:

    • A.

      Da bi ruter obavestio odredišni računar da ima podatke koje treba da mu isporuči

    • B.

      Pronašla nepoznata IP adresa stanice, kada je poznata njena MAC adresa

    • C.

      Pronašla nepoznata MAC adresa stanice, kada je poznata njena IP adresa

    • D.

      Da bi ruter obavestio izvorišni računar da IP paket koji je stigao do njega nije pronašao svoje odredište

    Correct Answer
    C. Pronašla nepoznata MAC adresa stanice, kada je poznata njena IP adresa
    The correct answer is "Pronašla nepoznata MAC adresa stanice, kada je poznata njena IP adresa" which translates to "To find the unknown MAC address of a station when its IP address is known." ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is used to map an IP address to a MAC address on a local network. When a device wants to communicate with another device on the same network, it needs to know the MAC address of the destination device. ARP helps in resolving this mapping by sending an ARP request to the network, asking for the MAC address of the device with a specific IP address.

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  • 27. 

    Koje sve vrste adresiranja podržava IPv6?

    • A.

      Unikast, enikast, multikast i brodkast

    • B.

      Enikast, multikast i brodkast

    • C.

      Unikast, multikast i brodkast

    • D.

      Unikast, enikast i multikast

    Correct Answer
    D. Unikast, enikast i multikast
  • 28. 

    TTL je:

    • A.

      Vreme trajanja paketa, i vrednost se pri svakom prolazu kroz ruter dekrementira za 1

    • B.

      Vreme trajanja paketa, i vrednost se pri svakom prolazu kroz ruter inkrementira za 1

    • C.

      Vreme trajanja paketa, početne vrednosti 0

    • D.

      Vreme za koje će paket biti isporučen odredištu

    Correct Answer
    A. Vreme trajanja paketa, i vrednost se pri svakom prolazu kroz ruter dekrementira za 1
    TTL stands for Time to Live. It represents the maximum amount of time or number of hops that a packet can take before it is discarded. Each time the packet passes through a router, the TTL value is decremented by 1. This ensures that if a packet gets stuck in a loop or takes too long to reach its destination, it will eventually be discarded to prevent network congestion. Therefore, the correct answer is "Vreme trajanja paketa, i vrednost se pri svakom prolazu kroz ruter dekrementira za 1" which means "Packet lifetime, and the value is decremented by 1 at each router passage."

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  • 29. 

    Gde su smeštene opcije IPv6 paketa?

    • A.

      Smeštene su u posebna zaglavlja koja su postavljena između zaglavlja transportnog sloja i podataka aplikacije

    • B.

      Smeštene su u posebna zaglavlja koja su postavljena između zaglavlja IPv6 i zaglavlja transportnog sloja

    • C.

      Smeštene su u posebna zaglavlja koja su postavljena između zaglavlja IPv6 i zaglavlja sloja za pristup mreži

    • D.

      Smeštene su u osnovno IPv6 zaglavlje

    Correct Answer
    B. Smeštene su u posebna zaglavlja koja su postavljena između zaglavlja IPv6 i zaglavlja transportnog sloja
    IPv6 packets contain options that are placed in separate headers between the IPv6 header and the transport layer header. These options provide additional information or functionality for the packet.

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  • 30. 

    Kada govorimo o protokolima, termin „connectionless“ znači:

    • A.

      Da je u pitanju sistem kod koga se uspostavlja virtuelno kolo pre prenosa podataka

    • B.

      Zahteva se uspostava i raskidanje veze

    • C.

      Da uspostava veze pre prenosa podataka nije obavezna

    • D.

      Nije moguć prenos podataka

    Correct Answer
    C. Da uspostava veze pre prenosa podataka nije obavezna
    When we talk about protocols, the term "connectionless" means that establishing a connection before data transmission is not mandatory. In connectionless protocols, data packets are sent without the need for a prior connection setup or teardown. This allows for faster and more efficient transmission as there is no need for the overhead of establishing and maintaining a connection.

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  • 31. 

    Dodeljena vam je mreža klase C, a vama je potrebno 10 podmreža. Koju ćete od ponuđenih mrežnih maski upotrebiti, da biste dobili 10 podmreža sa maksimalnim brojem adresa za radne stanice?

    • A.

    • B.

    • C.

    • D.

    Correct Answer
    The correct answer is This subnet mask allows for 14 usable addresses per subnet, which is the maximum number of addresses needed for the 10 subnets required. The other subnet masks listed do not provide enough addresses for the required number of subnets.

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  • 32. 

    Za uslugu sa uspostavom veze (sa virtuelnim kolima) važi sledeće:

    • A.

      Kada se veza prekine, virtuelno kolo se prekida

    • B.

      Kada se veza prekine, virtuelno kolo se ne prekida i zapis o virtuelnom kolu ostaje na ruteru

    • C.

      Kada se neki od rutera virtuelnog kola pokvari prethodni ruter preusmerava pakete preko nove putanje

    • D.

      Kada dođe do otkaza (rutera ili linka), virtuelno kolo se ne prekida

    Correct Answer
    A. Kada se veza prekine, virtuelno kolo se prekida
    When the connection is interrupted, the virtual circuit is also interrupted.

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  • 33. 

    Od koliko heksteta se sastoji IPv6?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. 8
    IPv6 consists of 8 hexadecimals, each consisting of 4 bits. This means that IPv6 has a total of 128 bits, which are divided into 8 groups of 4 hexadecimals each. Therefore, the correct answer is 8.

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  • 34. 

    Kada u LAN mreži može nastati emisiona oluja?

    • A.

      Kada aplikacija generiše veliki broj malih eternet okvira

    • B.

      Kada korisnici preuzimaju velike fajlove sa servera

    • C.

      Kada postoji petlja u topologiji na 2. sloju

    • D.

      Kada postoje elektromagnetne smetnje na medijumu

    Correct Answer
    C. Kada postoji petlja u topologiji na 2. sloju
    When there is a loop in the 2nd layer topology, a broadcast storm can occur in a LAN network. This happens when a broadcast packet circulates endlessly in the loop, causing a flood of broadcast traffic that overwhelms the network. This can lead to network congestion, performance degradation, and even network failure.

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  • 35. 

    Klasa B na prva dva mesta ima:

    • A.


    • B.

      1, a drugo mesto nije važno

    • C.

      0, a drugo mesto nije važno

    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. 10
    The correct answer is 10 because the question states that "Klasa B na prva dva mesta ima" which translates to "Class B has on the first two places." Since the second place is not important, we only need to consider the first place, which is 1. Therefore, the correct answer is 10.

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  • 36. 

    Koja su od ponuđenih polja deo IPv4 zaglavlja?

    • A.

      Izvorišna adresa

    • B.

      Broj odredišnog porta

    • C.

      Odredišna adresa

    • D.


    • E.

      Kontrola toka

    • F.


    • G.


    Correct Answer(s)
    A. Izvorišna adresa
    C. Odredišna adresa
    D. TTL
    F. IHL
    G. DF
    The correct answer is "Izvorišna adresa, Odredišna adresa, TTL, IHL, DF". These fields are part of the IPv4 header. The source address field contains the IP address of the sender, while the destination address field contains the IP address of the intended recipient. TTL (Time to Live) field specifies the maximum number of hops that a packet can take before being discarded. IHL (Internet Header Length) field indicates the length of the header. DF (Don't Fragment) field is used to prevent fragmentation of the packet during transmission.

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  • 37. 

    Kod protokola IPv6 dozvoljeno je da deobu podataka urade:

    • A.

      Samo izvorišne stanice a ne i ruteri preko kojih paket prelazi na putu do svog odredišta

    • B.

      I izvorišne i odredišne stanice a ne i ruteri preko kojih paket prelazi na putu do svog odredišta

    • C.

      Odredišne stanice i ruteri preko kojih paket prelazi na putu do svog odredišta

    • D.

      Samo ruteri preko kojih paket prelazi na putu do svog odredišta

    Correct Answer
    A. Samo izvorišne stanice a ne i ruteri preko kojih paket prelazi na putu do svog odredišta
    In the IPv6 protocol, only the source stations are allowed to divide the data packets, not the routers through which the packet passes on its way to its destination. This means that the routers do not have the capability to divide or modify the data packets during transmission.

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  • 38. 

    Tok IPv6 protokola jedinstveno definiše:

    • A.

      Izvorišne adrese i oznake toka

    • B.

      Oznake toka, izvorišne i odredišne adrese

    • C.

      Odredišne adrese i oznake toka

    • D.

      Protok je jedinstveno definisan oznakom toka

    Correct Answer
    B. Oznake toka, izvorišne i odredišne adrese
    The correct answer is "Oznake toka, izvorišne i odredišne adrese." This is because the sentence "Tok IPv6 protokola jedinstveno definiše" suggests that the IPv6 protocol uniquely defines something. Among the given options, only "Oznake toka, izvorišne i odredišne adrese" includes all three elements mentioned in the sentence, which are "Oznake toka" (flow labels), "izvorišne adrese" (source addresses), and "odredišne adrese" (destination addresses). Therefore, this option is the correct answer.

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  • 39. 

    Ko unosi oznaku toka?

    • A.

      Odredišni host

    • B.

      IPv6 ruter

    • C.

      Izvorišni host

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    C. Izvorišni host
    The correct answer is "Izvorišni host" (Source host). When entering a token, it is the source host that provides the token.

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  • 40. 

    Za rutiranje u podmrežama sa virtuelnim kolima važi sledeće:

    • A.

      Ruteri ne smeju da menjaju identifikatore veze u izlaznim paketima

    • B.

      Ruteri mogu imati mogućnost zamene identifikatora veze u izlaznim paketima samo u slučaju da se veza prekine

    • C.

      Ruteri nemaju mogućnost da menjaju identifikatore veze u izlaznim paketima

    • D.

      Ruteri moraju imati mogućnost zamene identifikatora veze u izlaznim paketima

    Correct Answer
    D. Ruteri moraju imati mogućnost zamene identifikatora veze u izlaznim paketima
    The correct answer states that routers must have the capability to replace link identifiers in outgoing packets. This means that routers need to be able to modify the identifiers of the links through which the packets are being sent. This is important for routing in subnets with virtual circuits because it allows the routers to properly direct the packets to their intended destinations. Without the ability to replace link identifiers, the routers would not be able to effectively route the packets in the network.

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  • 41. 

    Da bi ukazali ruteru da ne treba da vrši deobu paketa:

    • A.

      Polje DF u IP zaglavlju se postavi na vrednost 1

    • B.

      Polje MF u IP zaglavlju se postavi na vrednost 0

    • C.

      Polje DF u IP zaglavlju se postavi na vrednost 0

    • D.

      Polje MF u IP zaglavlju se postavi na vrednost 1

    Correct Answer
    A. Polje DF u IP zaglavlju se postavi na vrednost 1
    To indicate to the router that packet fragmentation should not be performed, the DF (Don't Fragment) field in the IP header is set to a value of 1. This tells the router not to fragment the packet and instead discard it if it cannot be forwarded without fragmentation. The MF (More Fragments) field is not relevant in this case as it is used to indicate whether there are more fragments of the original packet.

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  • 42. 

    Enikast adresa je identifikator:

    • A.

      Za više interfejsa koji pripadaju istom čvoru

    • B.

      Za više interfejsa koji pripadaju različitim čvorovima

    • C.

      Za jedan interfejs koji pripada različitim čvorovima

    • D.

      Za sve interfejse u mreži

    Correct Answer
    B. Za više interfejsa koji pripadaju različitim čvorovima
    The correct answer is "For multiple interfaces belonging to different nodes." This means that an address is used to identify multiple interfaces that belong to different nodes in a network. It is not used for interfaces belonging to the same node, a single interface belonging to different nodes, or for all interfaces in the network.

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  • 43. 

    Koje svojstvo eternet rama dovodi do emisione oluje?

    • A.

      Eternet ram koristi fizičku adresu umesto logičke adrese

    • B.

      Eternet ram koristi FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF kao brodkast adresu umesto

    • C.

      Eternet ram nema TTL polje IP paketa

    • D.

      Ne znam

    Correct Answer
    C. Eternet ram nema TTL polje IP paketa
    Ethernet RAM (Random Access Memory) not having a TTL (Time to Live) field in IP packets can lead to the emission storm. The TTL field in an IP packet specifies the maximum number of hops (routers) the packet can travel before being discarded. Without this field, packets can circulate indefinitely in the network, causing a broadcast storm.

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  • 44. 

    Ako želimo da napravimo podmrežu onda se za podmrežu rezervišu:

    • A.

      Bitovi najveće težine onog dela koji je dodeljen adresi mreže

    • B.

      Bitovi unutar posebnog opcionog polja

    • C.

      Bitovi najmanje težine onog dela koji je dodeljen adresi mreže

    • D.

      Odgovarajući broj bitova najveće težine onog dela adrese dodeljenog stanici

    Correct Answer
    D. Odgovarajući broj bitova najveće težine onog dela adrese dodeljenog stanici
    When creating a subnet, the relevant bits are the ones with the highest weight in the portion assigned to the network address. These bits determine the network ID and are used to identify the subnet. Therefore, the correct answer is that the appropriate number of bits with the highest weight is reserved for the portion assigned to the station's address.

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  • 45. 

    Adresa aplikacionog korisnika je određena jednoznačno:

    • A.

      Parom transportne i mrežne adrese

    • B.

      Parom MAC i mrežne adrese

    • C.

      Parom fizičke i mrežne adrese

    • D.

      Parom fizičke adrese i MAC adrese

    Correct Answer
    A. Parom transportne i mrežne adrese
    The correct answer is "Parom transportne i mrežne adrese." This means that the address of the application user is uniquely determined by the pair of transport and network addresses. In networking, the transport address refers to the specific port number used by the application, while the network address refers to the IP address of the device. Together, these two addresses uniquely identify the application user.

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  • 46. 

    Kod IPv6 protokola, brodkast je na identican način implementiran kao i kod IPv4 protokola?

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. Netačno
    The correct answer is "Netačno" (False). In the IPv6 protocol, the implementation of broadcast is not identical to the IPv4 protocol. In IPv4, broadcast is achieved by sending a packet to the broadcast address, which is a special address that represents all devices on the network. However, in IPv6, the concept of broadcast is replaced by multicast, where packets are sent to a specific group of devices instead of all devices on the network. Therefore, the implementation of broadcast is different in IPv6 compared to IPv4.

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  • 47. 

    Koja je vrednost identifikatora za opciju korak po korak kod IPv6 protokola?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. 0
    The value of the identifier for the "step by step" option in the IPv6 protocol is 0.

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  • 48. 

    Klasa A na prva dva mesta ima:

    • A.


    • B.

      1, a drugo mesto nije važno

    • C.


    • D.

      0, a drugo mesto nije važno

    Correct Answer
    D. 0, a drugo mesto nije važno
    The correct answer is "0, a drugo mesto nije važno" because the given information states that in Klasa A, the first two positions have a value of 10 and the second position is not important. This means that the second position can be any value, and in this case, it is 0.

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  • 49. 

    Multikast adresa je identifikator:

    • A.

      Za grupu interfejsa koji pripadaju različitim čvorovima

    • B.

      Za grupu interfejsa koji pripadaju istom čvoru

    • C.

      Za jedan interfejs koji pripada istom čvoru

    • D.

      Za jedan interfejs koji pripada različitim čvorovima

    Correct Answer
    A. Za grupu interfejsa koji pripadaju različitim čvorovima
    The correct answer is "For a group of interfaces belonging to different nodes." This is because a multicast address is used to identify a group of interfaces that belong to different nodes. Multicast allows for the efficient transmission of data to multiple recipients simultaneously, and the multicast address is used to specify the group of recipients.

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  • 50. 

    Kod protokola IPv4, ukoliko je paket podeljen na više delova, vrednost polja identifikacija:

    • A.

      Vrednost se uvećava za 1 za svaki deo paketa

    • B.

      Ima istu vrednost u svakom od delova paketa

    • C.

      Vrednost se umanjuje za 1 za svaki deo paketa

    • D.

      Vrednost je 0 u svakom delu paketa

    Correct Answer
    B. Ima istu vrednost u svakom od delova paketa
    In the IPv4 protocol, if a packet is divided into multiple parts, the value of the identification field remains the same in each part of the packet. This allows the receiver to identify and reassemble the fragmented parts of the packet correctly. By having the same identification value, the receiver can recognize that the fragmented parts belong to the same original packet.

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