Which instruments play the Basso Continuo?
Correct Answer
B. Harpsichod & Cello
The Basso Continuo is a musical accompaniment technique used during the Baroque period. It consists of a continuous bass line played by a keyboard instrument, such as a harpsichord, and a bass instrument, such as a cello. This technique provides a harmonic foundation for the other instruments in the ensemble. Therefore, the correct answer is "Harpsichord & Cello."
What are the dates of the Baroque period?
Correct Answer
1600 to 1750
date to date
What are the dates of the Classical period?
Correct Answer
1750 to 1820
The Classical period in music is generally recognized to have taken place from 1750 to 1820. This period was characterized by a focus on balance, clarity, and simplicity in musical compositions. It was a time when composers such as Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven were active, and their works exemplify the characteristics of the Classical style. The dates provided in the answer align with the commonly accepted time frame for the Classical period.
What are the dates of the Romantic period?
Correct Answer
1820 to 1900
The Romantic period is generally considered to have taken place from 1820 to 1900. During this time, there was a shift in artistic and intellectual movements, characterized by a focus on individualism, emotion, and the celebration of nature. Many famous literary works, such as the poetry of William Wordsworth and the novels of Jane Austen, were produced during this period. The dates provided in the answer align with the commonly accepted timeframe for the Romantic period.
Which word best describes the texture of most Baroque music?
Correct Answer
C. Polyphonic
Polyphonic is the best word to describe the texture of most Baroque music. This means that there are multiple independent melodic lines happening simultaneously, creating a rich and complex texture. In Baroque music, different voices or instruments often have their own unique melodies that intertwine and interact with each other. This creates a sense of depth and intricacy in the music, showcasing the skill and craftsmanship of the composers of this period.
What is often added to the melody in Baroque music to make it more interesting and decorated?
Correct Answer
In Baroque music, ornaments are often added to the melody to make it more interesting and decorated. These ornaments include trills, mordents, and turns. Trills involve rapidly alternating between two adjacent notes, adding a flourish to the melody. Mordents are quick alternations between a note and the one above or below it. Turns are rapid sequences of four notes that start on the main note and move up or down before returning to the main note. All of these ornaments add embellishments and variations to the melody, enhancing the overall musical experience.
Which word best describes the use of dynamics in Baroque music?
Correct Answer
A. Terraced
Terraced is the best word to describe the use of dynamics in Baroque music. In Baroque music, dynamics were often used in a way that created sudden and dramatic changes in volume. This technique is known as terraced dynamics, where the music shifts abruptly from loud to soft or vice versa. This contrasts with the gradual and smooth changes in dynamics that are more commonly found in later musical periods. Therefore, terraced accurately captures the distinct and characteristic use of dynamics in Baroque music.
Name one Baroque composer.
Correct Answer
The question asks for the name of one Baroque composer, and the options provided are Bach, Handel, Telemann, Vivaldi, and Purcell. All of these composers are well-known figures from the Baroque period, which spanned from the early 17th to the mid-18th century. They made significant contributions to the development of Baroque music, each with their unique style and compositions.
Which word best describes the texture of most Classical music?
Correct Answer
B. Homophonic
Homophonic is the best word to describe the texture of most Classical music. In homophonic texture, there is a clear melody line accompanied by harmonies that support and enhance the melody. This texture allows for a clear distinction between the main melody and the accompanying parts, creating a rich and harmonious sound. It is a common texture in Classical music, where the melody is often carried by a solo instrument or voice, while the rest of the instruments or voices provide harmonic support.
What does 'Melody dominated homophony' mean?
Correct Answer
C. A tune with accompaniment
Melody dominated homophony refers to a musical texture where there is a clear main melody that is supported by accompanying harmonies or chords. This means that while there may be other musical elements present, such as chords or harmonies, the focus is primarily on the melody. The accompaniment enhances and supports the melody, but does not overpower it. This creates a balanced and harmonically rich musical texture.
Which is the best description of the Classical orchestra?
Correct Answer
C. Medium-sized orchestra with flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons in the woodwind section, horns and trumpets in the brass section and Timpani in the percussion section.
The best description of the Classical orchestra is a medium-sized orchestra with flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons in the woodwind section, horns and trumpets in the brass section, and Timpani in the percussion section. This answer accurately describes the typical instrumentation of a Classical orchestra, which includes a variety of woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. It also mentions the specific instruments commonly found in each section, providing a comprehensive description of the orchestra.
Describe the phrase structure in Classical music.
Correct Answer
A. Even length, question and answer
The phrase structure in Classical music is characterized by even lengths and a question and answer format. This means that musical phrases are typically of equal duration and are organized in a call and response manner. This structure creates a sense of balance and symmetry in the music, allowing for clear and coherent musical ideas to be developed and communicated to the listener.
Which phrase describes the harmony of Classical music?
Correct Answer
B. Mostly Primary Chords
The phrase "Mostly Primary Chords" describes the harmony of Classical music. In Classical music, primary chords such as the tonic, dominant, and subdominant are commonly used. These chords provide a sense of stability and resolution, creating a harmonious sound. By using mostly primary chords, Classical music achieves a balanced and structured composition.
Which phrase describes the dynamics used in Classical music?
Correct Answer
C. Gradual changes with crescendos and diminuendos
Classical music is known for its use of gradual changes in dynamics, often accompanied by crescendos (gradually getting louder) and diminuendos (gradually getting softer). This allows for a more nuanced and expressive performance, creating a sense of tension and release throughout the music. Sudden changes and extreme dynamic contrasts are more commonly found in other genres, such as jazz or rock. Classical music, on the other hand, emphasizes the art of subtle and controlled dynamic changes.
Name a Classical composer.
Correct Answer
Mozart, Beethoven, and Haydn are all well-known classical composers. Each of them made significant contributions to the classical music genre during the 18th and 19th centuries. Mozart is known for his prodigious talent and prolific output, composing over 600 works in his short life. Beethoven is revered for his innovative compositions and his ability to bridge the classical and romantic periods. Haydn, often referred to as the "Father of the Symphony," developed the symphonic form and greatly influenced future composers. These three composers are widely recognized as some of the greatest in classical music history.
Which phrase describes the harmony of Romantic music?
Correct Answer
D. Chromatic
Chromatic harmony is characterized by the use of chromatic notes, which are notes that do not belong to the key or scale being used. This creates a sense of tension and richness in the music. In Romantic music, composers often used chromaticism to express heightened emotions and to explore new tonal possibilities. Therefore, the phrase "Chromatic" accurately describes the harmony of Romantic music.
Which is the best description of the Romantic orchestra?
Correct Answer
A. Large orchestra with many woodwind, brass and percussion instruments.
The best description of the Romantic orchestra is a large orchestra with many woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. This implies that the Romantic orchestra had a rich and diverse sound, with a wide range of instruments contributing to the overall musical texture.
Which word best describes the use of dynamics in the Romantic period?
Correct Answer
B. Extreme
During the Romantic period, composers often used extreme dynamics to evoke strong emotions and create dramatic effects in their music. This involved contrasting very loud passages with extremely soft ones, creating a wide range of dynamics. This use of extreme dynamics was a characteristic feature of the Romantic period, where composers aimed to express intense feelings and create a sense of emotional intensity in their compositions.
Name one Romantic composer beginning with S, T or C!
Correct Answer
The correct answer includes the names of four Romantic composers: Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, and Strauss. These composers were all active during the Romantic era, which spanned from the late 18th to the early 20th century. Each composer made significant contributions to the development of Romantic music through their unique styles and compositions.
Name an instrument which started to be used in the Classical period.
Correct Answer
During the Classical period, which spanned from the mid-18th to early 19th century, the piano emerged as a popular instrument. It was a significant development in the evolution of keyboard instruments, as it offered a wider range of dynamics and expressive capabilities compared to its predecessors. The piano's versatility and ability to produce both melodic and harmonic sounds made it an ideal instrument for composers of the Classical period, such as Mozart and Beethoven. The clarinet, on the other hand, although it existed during this time, did not gain widespread popularity until the Romantic period.
Which instrument is used in nearly all Baroque music?
Correct Answer
The harpsichord is the instrument used in nearly all Baroque music. During the Baroque period, which lasted from the 17th to the early 18th century, the harpsichord was the primary keyboard instrument. It was favored for its ability to produce a wide range of dynamic levels and its distinct sound, which featured plucked strings. Composers such as Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi wrote extensively for the harpsichord, making it an essential instrument in Baroque music. Its popularity declined with the rise of the piano in the Classical period, but it remains an important instrument in the performance of Baroque music today.