जो कम बात करता है, उसे कहते है ?
Correct Answer
D. अल्पभाषी
The correct answer is "अल्पभाषी" because the question is asking for the term used to describe someone who speaks very little. "अल्प" means little and "भाषी" means speaker, so "अल्पभाषी" refers to someone who speaks very little.
मधुर शब्द में उपसर्ग सु लगाने पर बनने वाला नया शब्द है ?
Correct Answer
C. सुमधुर
When the prefix "सु" is added to the word "मधुर", it forms the new word "सुमधुर". The prefix "सु" means "good" or "pleasant" and when added to "मधुर" which means "sweet", it creates the word "सुमधुर" which means "very sweet" or "extremely pleasant". Therefore, "सुमधुर" is the correct answer as it is the new word formed by adding the prefix "सु" to "मधुर".
छत्तीसगढ़ शब्द बछर के हिंदी मायने क्या है ?
Correct Answer
D. साल
The given question is asking for the meaning of the word "छत्तीसगढ़" in Hindi. The correct answer is "साल" which means "year" in English.
बस्तर का स्वाभिमान किसे कहा जाता है ?
Correct Answer
C. गुण्डाधुर
संसार में सबसे अमूल्य वस्तु है ?
Correct Answer
D. समय
In the given options, "समय" (time) is the most valuable thing in the world. Time is a limited resource that cannot be bought or earned back once it is lost. It is the foundation for achieving success, building relationships, and pursuing personal growth. Without time, all other things like luck, service, and money lose their significance. Therefore, time is considered the most precious and valuable asset in the world.
हार नहीं होती कविता के रचनाकार है ?
Correct Answer
C. हरिवंशराय बच्चन
The correct answer is "हरिवंशराय बच्चन".
लार टपकना मुहावरा का अर्थ हैं।
Correct Answer
B. ललचाना
आदर का विलोम शब्द हैं
Correct Answer
C. अनादर करना
विलोम शब्द का अर्थ होता है उस शब्द का विपरीत अर्थ देना। "आदर" शब्द का विलोम शब्द "अनादर करना" होगा, क्योंकि यह शब्द "प्रणाम करना" और "सादर करना" के विपरीत अर्थ देता है। "पैर छूना" शब्द का विलोम शब्द नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि इसका विपरीत अर्थ नहीं होता है।
जो छूने से मुरझा जाती हैं
Correct Answer
D. लाजवंती
इनमे से स्वर नहीं हैं
Correct Answer
B. क़
The given options consist of four Hindi letters: ई, क़, उ, अ. The question states that there are no vowels among these letters. Among the given options, only the letter क़ is a consonant, while the other three letters ई, उ, अ are vowels. Therefore, the correct answer is क़.
कोयल कैसे गाती हैं
Correct Answer
A. मीठा
मैनपाट किस जिले में स्थित हैं.
Correct Answer
C. सरगुजा
डॉ भीमराव अम्बेडकर किसके निर्माता हैं
Correct Answer
B. संविधान
Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is the architect of the Indian Constitution.
एक कूलर की कीमत 4350 रु हैं। छात्रावास के लिए 15 कूलर खरीदने पर कुल कितना खर्च होगा।
Correct Answer
A. 65250
The correct answer is 65250. To find the total cost of purchasing 15 coolers, we need to multiply the cost of one cooler (4350 rupees) by the number of coolers (15). Therefore, 4350 x 15 = 65250.
90अंश के कोण को कहते हैं
Correct Answer
B. समकोण
The correct answer is "समकोण". In geometry, an angle is formed when two lines or rays meet at a common point. A "समकोण" or "congruent angle" refers to two angles that have the same measure. Therefore, a 90-degree angle can be referred to as a "समकोण" or congruent angle because it has the same measure as any other 90-degree angle.
30, 45, 60 का महत्तम समापवर्तक होगा।
Correct Answer
B. 30
The given sequence is 30, 45, 60. To find the greatest common divisor (GCD) or highest common factor (HCF) of these numbers, we need to find the largest number that divides all three numbers evenly. In this case, 30 is the only number that divides all three numbers without a remainder. Therefore, 30 is the correct answer.
1200 सेमी बराबर होगा
Correct Answer
B. 12 मीटर
The correct answer is 12 meters. This is because 1200 centimeters is equal to 12 meters. To convert centimeters to meters, you divide the number of centimeters by 100, since there are 100 centimeters in a meter. Therefore, 1200 centimeters divided by 100 equals 12 meters.
12 आदमी किसी खेत को 4 दिन में काटते हैं , तो 4 आदमी उसी खेत को कितने दिन में काटेंगे।
Correct Answer
C. 12 दिन
Since 12 people can cut a field in 4 days, it means that each person takes 12 * 4 = 48 days to cut the field individually. Therefore, if there are 4 people, they will be able to cut the field in 48 / 4 = 12 days.
82574 में 5 का स्थानीय मान क्या होगा।
Correct Answer
B. 500
In the given number 82574, the place value of 5 is in the hundreds place. Therefore, the correct answer is 500.
ऐसी आकृति जिसकी चारों भुजा सामान आकृति की हो कहलाती हैं
Correct Answer
C. वर्ग
The given question is asking for the term that describes a shape with all four sides equal in length. The correct answer is "वर्ग" which translates to "square" in English. A square is a quadrilateral with all four sides equal in length and all four angles equal to 90 degrees.
एक ड्रम में 20 लीटर पानी आता हैं, तो बताओ 7 ड्रमों में कितने लीटर पानी आएगा
Correct Answer
A. 140
If one drum contains 20 liters of water, then 7 drums will contain 7 times the amount of water. Therefore, 7 drums will contain 20 x 7 = 140 liters of water.
नीचे लिखी संख्या में सबसे छोटी संख्या कौन सी हैं
Correct Answer
C. 9009
The correct answer is 9009 because it is the smallest number among the given options.
41.25+12.35 का योगफल होगा?
Correct Answer
B. 53.60
The correct answer is 53.60. This is because when we add 41.25 and 12.35, we get a sum of 53.60.
यदि किसी वस्तु का विक्रय मूल्य 480 रु , हानि 56 . हो तो क्रय मूल्य कितना होगा।
Correct Answer
B. 536
If the selling price of an item is 480 rupees and the loss is 56 rupees, then the cost price will be the selling price plus the loss, which is 480 + 56 = 536 rupees.
भार का मात्रक हैं
Correct Answer
D. किलोग्राम
The given options represent different units of measurement. Out of these options, "किलोग्राम" is the correct answer as it is a unit of measurement for weight or mass. The other options such as "सेंटीमीटर" represent length, "लीटर" represents volume, and "मिलीलीटर" represents a smaller unit of volume. Therefore, "किलोग्राम" is the only option that is related to weight or mass.
1घंटा 17 मिनट = ...........
Correct Answer
A. 77
The given question asks for the conversion of 1 hour and 17 minutes into a single number. To do this, we need to multiply 1 hour by 60 (as there are 60 minutes in an hour) and then add the 17 minutes. Therefore, 1 hour and 17 minutes is equal to 77 minutes.
625 का वर्गमूल निम्न होगा
Correct Answer
A. 25
The square root of 625 is 25 because when a number is squared, it is multiplied by itself. In this case, 25 multiplied by itself equals 625.
A giraffe has a ................... neck?
Correct Answer
B. Long
A giraffe has a long neck. Giraffes are known for their long necks, which can measure up to 6 feet in length. This adaptation allows them to reach leaves and vegetation high up in trees that other animals cannot access. The long neck also helps them spot predators from a distance and engage in combat with other giraffes by swinging their necks like a weapon. Overall, the long neck is a distinctive feature of giraffes and plays a crucial role in their survival and behavior.
Eklavya model residential; school is only for -------------- student?
Correct Answer
A. St
The Eklavya model residential school is specifically designed for students belonging to the Scheduled Tribe (ST) category. These schools aim to provide quality education and residential facilities to students from tribal communities, who may otherwise face difficulties in accessing education. By focusing on ST students, these schools aim to bridge the educational gap and provide equal opportunities for their academic and overall development.
Opposite of young
Correct Answer
C. Old
The opposite of young is old. This is because "young" refers to someone or something that is in the early stages of life or development, while "old" refers to someone or something that is in the later stages of life or development. Therefore, "old" is the opposite of "young" as it represents the opposite end of the age spectrum.
This is .............. elephant
Correct Answer
B. An
The correct answer is "an" because the word following it, "elephant," starts with a vowel sound (/ɪ/). In English, we use "an" before words that begin with a vowel sound and "a" before words that begin with a consonant sound.
Who is the chief minister of present chhattisagarh?
Correct Answer
C. Mr. Bhupesh baghel
The correct answer is Mr. Bhupesh Baghel. He is the current Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh.
Friday comes after?
Correct Answer
A. Thusday
The correct answer is "thusday" because the question asks for the day that comes after Friday. Therefore, the correct answer is the day that comes immediately after Friday in the sequence of days of the week, which is Thursday.
The ............ are swimming
Correct Answer
B. Duck
The word "duck" is the correct answer because ducks are known for their ability to swim. Unlike hens, parrots, and birds in general, ducks have webbed feet and a streamlined body that allows them to glide through water effortlessly. Therefore, it can be inferred that the sentence is referring to a group of ducks swimming.
Who meds our shoes.........
Correct Answer
D. Cabbier
How many month's are there in a year?
Correct Answer
C. 12
There are 12 months in a year. This is a universally accepted fact and is based on the Gregorian calendar system, which is widely used around the world. Each month has a varying number of days, with the exception of February in non-leap years, which has 28 days. The other months have either 30 or 31 days.
Name of pet animal.
Correct Answer
C. Cow
The given options are "Lion," "beer," "cow," and "fox." Out of these options, "cow" is the only one that can be considered a pet animal. Lions and foxes are typically wild animals, while beer is a type of alcoholic beverage and not an animal at all. Therefore, the correct answer is "cow."
Number of vowel's in English in animal
Correct Answer
B. 5
The word "animal" has five vowels: a, i, a, and the letter "a" occurs twice. Hence, the correct answer is 5.
बैंक से रूपये निकालने वाले कार्ड को क्या कहते है?
Correct Answer
C. एटीएम कार्ड
ATM कार्ड is the correct answer because it is the card used to withdraw money from a bank. The other options, pen card and Epic card, are not related to money withdrawal from a bank. The option "सभी" (all) is not the correct answer as it includes all the options given, whereas only the ATM card is the correct answer.
छत्तीसगढ़ की सबसे बड़ी नदी कौन सी है ?
Correct Answer
D. महानदी
The correct answer is "महानदी". The question asks for the largest river in Chhattisgarh, and the correct answer is the Mahanadi river.
निम्न में से किस जंतु में हड्डी नहीं पायी जाती है ?
Correct Answer
B. जोंक
किस नदी को सरगुजा की जीवन रेखा कहा जाता हैं
Correct Answer
C. रिहन्द नदी
The correct answer is "रिहन्द नदी". The Rihand River is known as the lifeline of Surguja.
सोलर कुकर में किस प्रकार की ऊर्जा का उपयोग होता हैं?
Correct Answer
A. सौर ऊर्जा
छत्तीसगढ़ का शिमला कहा हैं
Correct Answer
C. मैनपाट
मनुष्य के शरीर में कुल कितने हड्डिया पायी जाती हैं
Correct Answer
B. 206
The human body contains a total of 206 bones. These bones make up the skeletal system, which provides support, protection, and movement to the body. The bones are connected by joints and ligaments, allowing for flexibility and mobility.
छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य की स्थापना हुई हैं
Correct Answer
A. 1 नवम्बर 2000
Chhattisgarh state was established on 1 November 2000.
छत्तीसगढ़ की प्रसिद्ध इस्पात संयंत्र कहा हैं
Correct Answer
D. भिलाई
The correct answer is "भिलाई".
प्राण वायु क्या हैं?
Correct Answer
C. आक्सीजन
प्राण वायु में आक्सीजन होता है, जो हमारे शरीर के लिए आवश्यक होता है। आक्सीजन श्वसन द्वारा हमारे शरीर में प्रवेश करता है और खून के माध्यम से ऊर्जा के निर्माण में मदद करता है। यह शरीर के ऊर्जा के निर्माण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है और सांस लेने के लिए आवश्यक होता है।
सूर्यप्रकाश में रंगो का क्रम होता हैं.
Correct Answer
C. बैजानीहपीनाला
The given answer, "बैजानीहपीनाला", is the correct one because it follows the pattern of the given statement, "सूर्यप्रकाश में रंगो का क्रम होता हैं." The pattern in the statement is that the colors are listed in a specific order. Similarly, in the answer "बैजानीहपीनाला", the colors are also listed in a specific order, following the pattern given in the statement.
कुत्ते के काटने से कौन से रोग होता हैं।
Correct Answer
B. रेबीज
When a dog bites, the risk of contracting rabies is high. Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system and is transmitted through the saliva of infected animals. It is a fatal disease if not treated promptly. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention and receive the necessary vaccinations after being bitten by a dog to prevent the onset of rabies.