What Do You Know About Early Church? Trivia Quiz

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| By Hannahhatfield
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Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 1,650
Questions: 28 | Attempts: 1,650

What Do You Know About Early Church? Trivia Quiz - Quiz

Theology test about the early church. February 12, 2010.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    What time period was covered in the early church?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. 325-1299
    The early church refers to the time period after the death of Jesus Christ until the Middle Ages. The correct answer, 325-1299, falls within this time frame. In 325, the Council of Nicaea took place, which was a significant event in the early church. The period up until 1299 marks the end of the Byzantine Empire and the beginning of the Ottoman Empire, which had a major impact on the development of Christianity. Therefore, the correct answer accurately represents the time period covered in the early church.

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  • 2. 

    Emperor who legalized Christianity?

    Correct Answer
    Constantine I, Constantine the Great, Constantine
    Emperor Constantine the Great, also known as Constantine I, is the Roman emperor credited with legalizing and promoting Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. He issued the Edict of Milan in 313 AD, along with his co-emperor Licinius, which granted religious tolerance to all religions, including Christianity. This edict effectively ended the persecution of Christians and allowed them to practice their faith openly. Constantine himself converted to Christianity and played a significant role in the Christianization of the Roman Empire.

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  • 3. 

    Where did the pope live?

    Correct Answer
    The pope lived in Rome because it is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and has been the residence of the pope since the early centuries of Christianity. Rome is considered the spiritual and administrative center of the Catholic Church, and the pope resides in the Vatican City, which is an independent city-state within Rome. The Vatican City is the smallest internationally recognized independent state in the world and is home to numerous significant religious and cultural sites. Therefore, it is logical to conclude that the pope lived in Rome.

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  • 4. 

    Who was constantine and his mother, what did they do?

    Correct Answer
    Helena, saint. encouraged christianity, build churches.
    Helena, also known as Saint Helena, was the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine. She played a significant role in the spread of Christianity and the construction of churches. Helena is known for her pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where she discovered the True Cross and other relics associated with Jesus' crucifixion. She used her influence and resources to promote Christianity and build churches in various locations, including the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Her efforts greatly contributed to the establishment and growth of Christianity during the early Byzantine period.

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  • 5. 

    What is a diocese and what is it purpose?

    Correct Answer
    terretorial division of the church, where you belong.
    A diocese is a territorial division of the church where individuals belong. It is a specific region or area that is overseen by a bishop, who is responsible for the spiritual guidance and administration of the churches within that diocese. The purpose of a diocese is to provide a local structure and organization for the church, allowing for effective pastoral care and the coordination of religious activities within a specific geographical area.

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  • 6. 

    Who claimed to be the first Pope?

    Correct Answer
    Peter is believed to be the first Pope based on historical and religious accounts. According to the New Testament, Jesus appointed Peter as the leader of his disciples and gave him the keys to the kingdom of heaven, symbolizing his authority. Peter is also mentioned as the first among the apostles in various early Christian writings and is recognized as the founder of the Church in Rome. The Catholic Church considers Peter as the first Pope, and his successors have held the title ever since.

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  • 7. 

    Where a bishop lives within a diocese and is known as..

    Correct Answer
    seat or see.
    A bishop lives within a diocese, which is a specific geographical area that falls under their authority. The term "seat" refers to the physical location where the bishop's cathedral or main church is situated within the diocese. It is also known as the "see," which is derived from the Latin word "sedes" meaning "seat." Therefore, both "seat" and "see" accurately describe where a bishop resides within a diocese.

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  • 8. 

    Five most important dioceses?

    Correct Answer
    jerusalem, antioch, alexandria, constantinople, rome
    These five dioceses are considered the most important in early Christianity because they were all centers of significant Christian communities and held historical and religious significance. Jerusalem was the birthplace of Christianity and the site of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Antioch was an important early Christian center and the place where the term "Christian" was first used. Alexandria was a major intellectual and theological center, known for its influential scholars and theologians. Constantinople became a significant center after the Roman Empire's division, and Rome was the center of the Western Roman Empire and the seat of the papacy.

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  • 9. 

    Why were they important?

    Correct Answer
    founded by apostles
    The fact that they were founded by apostles is important because it lends credibility and authority to their teachings and practices. The apostles were chosen by Jesus himself and were witnesses to his teachings, miracles, and resurrection. Therefore, their involvement in the founding of these institutions gives them a strong foundation and connection to the original teachings of Jesus. This ensures that the beliefs and practices of these institutions align closely with the teachings of Jesus and have a solid historical and spiritual basis.

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  • 10. 

    How was the the next pope chosen when one died?

    Correct Answer
    Bishop of Rome.
    The Bishop of Rome, also known as the Pope, is chosen through a process called papal conclave. When a Pope dies, a group of cardinals gathers in Vatican City to elect the next Pope. During the conclave, the cardinals hold multiple voting rounds until one of them receives a two-thirds majority. This cardinal then becomes the new Bishop of Rome, taking on the role and responsibilities of the Pope. The selection of the Bishop of Rome ensures a smooth succession and continuity in the leadership of the Catholic Church.

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  • 11. 

    What happened at the two councils of Nicaea?

    Correct Answer
    nicene creed, arian teachings condemned.
    At the two councils of Nicaea, the Nicene Creed was formulated and Arian teachings were condemned. The Nicene Creed was a statement of faith that defined the beliefs of the Christian Church, particularly in relation to the nature of Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity. Arian teachings, on the other hand, were considered heretical as they denied the full divinity of Jesus Christ. The councils were significant in establishing orthodox Christian doctrine and addressing theological controversies of the time.

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  • 12. 

    What happened the the council of Ephesus?

    Correct Answer
    condemned nestorianism. Mary = theotokos. mother of God.
    The Council of Ephesus was a significant event in early Christianity where the heresy of Nestorianism was condemned. Nestorianism taught that there were two separate persons in Jesus - one divine and one human. However, the council affirmed the belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the Theotokos, meaning "Mother of God" in Greek. This declaration emphasized the unity of Jesus' divine and human natures, asserting that Mary gave birth to the whole person of Jesus who is both fully God and fully human.

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  • 13. 

    What happened at the council of Chalcedon?

    Correct Answer
    Christ = 2 natures. fully god and man.
    At the Council of Chalcedon, the belief that Christ possesses two natures, fully God and fully man, was established. This means that Christ is both divine and human simultaneously. This doctrine was crucial in defining the nature of Christ and addressing the theological debates surrounding his identity. The council's decision helped to solidify the orthodox understanding of Christ's nature within the Christian faith.

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  • 14. 

    What two churches split off because of the councils?

    Correct Answer
    Church of Acerian of the East, Oriantal Othadoxi.
    The Church of Acerian of the East and Oriental Orthodoxy split off because of the councils.

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  • 15. 

     what is monasticism?

    Correct Answer
    spiritual pursuits, not worldly.
    Monasticism refers to a way of life that involves withdrawing from society and dedicating oneself to spiritual pursuits rather than worldly matters. This lifestyle is commonly associated with religious orders, such as monks and nuns, who live in seclusion and follow strict rules and disciplines to deepen their spiritual connection. By renouncing material possessions and focusing on prayer, meditation, and contemplation, monastics seek spiritual enlightenment and a closer relationship with a higher power. Their ultimate goal is to detach from worldly distractions and achieve a state of spiritual purity and enlightenment.

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  • 16. 

    Different types of monasticism?

    Correct Answer
    eremetic - hermits, alone cenobitic - live in communities, under rule of an abbot.
    The correct answer provides a clear and concise explanation of the different types of monasticism. It states that eremetic monasticism involves hermits who live alone, while cenobitic monasticism involves individuals living in communities under the rule of an abbot. This explanation effectively highlights the key characteristics and distinctions between these two types of monasticism.

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  • 17. 

    What did Saint Bernard do for monks?

    Correct Answer
    Benedictine monks, rules.
    Saint Bernard played a significant role in the development and spread of the Benedictine monastic order. He was instrumental in promoting and implementing the rules established by Saint Benedict, the founder of the order. Saint Bernard's efforts included advocating for a strict adherence to the Rule of Saint Benedict, which outlined the daily routines, practices, and values that guided the lives of the monks. His influence helped to shape the Benedictine way of life and establish a strong foundation for the order's growth and influence in medieval Europe.

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  • 18. 

    What happened to the roman empire in the middle ages?

    Correct Answer
    support and protect people of the Italian Penninsula
  • 19. 

    Where did christianity spread?

    Correct Answer
    Franks, Irish, England - Clovis 1
    Christianity spread to the Franks, Irish, and England under the rule of Clovis 1. Clovis 1 was the first king of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one ruler. He converted to Christianity and encouraged his subjects to do the same. This resulted in the spread of Christianity throughout the Frankish kingdom. Additionally, Irish monks played a significant role in spreading Christianity to Ireland and later to England. They established monasteries and schools where they taught the Christian faith, leading to the widespread adoption of Christianity in these regions.

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  • 20. 

    What was iconoclasm, who was involved?

    Correct Answer
    Emperor Leo III banned pictures of biblical scenes. Pope Gregory III condemned Leo's actions
    During the period of iconoclasm, Emperor Leo III prohibited the use of images depicting biblical scenes. This was a movement that aimed to remove and destroy religious icons and symbols, particularly in the Byzantine Empire. Pope Gregory III, on the other hand, strongly disapproved of Leo's actions and condemned them. The conflict between the Emperor and the Pope regarding the use of religious images highlights the differing views and tensions between religious and political authorities during that time.

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  • 21. 

    What did the pops of this time period accomplish for themselves?

    Correct Answer
    power, wealth, influence
    During this time period, the pops (presumably referring to the people) were able to achieve power, wealth, and influence for themselves. This implies that they were successful in acquiring positions of authority, accumulating monetary resources, and exerting control or impact over others. This could have been achieved through various means such as political maneuvering, economic success, or social networking. Overall, the pops of this time period were able to attain significant personal achievements in terms of power, wealth, and influence.

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  • 22. 

    What two rulers are associated with the Carolingian Renaissance?

    Correct Answer
    Louis the Pious, Charlemagne
    Louis the Pious and Charlemagne are associated with the Carolingian Renaissance because they were both rulers of the Carolingian Empire during this period. The Carolingian Renaissance was a time of cultural and intellectual revival in Europe, characterized by a renewed interest in education, art, and literature. Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was a key figure in promoting education and supporting scholars. His son, Louis the Pious, continued his father's efforts and further contributed to the cultural and intellectual advancements of the Carolingian Empire.

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  • 23. 

    What did they do?

    Correct Answer
    founded schools, helped illiteracy, monasticism encouraged
    The individuals in question engaged in various activities to promote education and combat illiteracy. They established schools, which provided opportunities for people to acquire knowledge and skills. Additionally, they actively worked towards reducing illiteracy rates by offering assistance and support to those who lacked basic reading and writing abilities. Furthermore, they encouraged monasticism, which often involved dedicating oneself to a life of learning and spiritual growth. Overall, their efforts focused on improving education and literacy levels within their community.

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  • 24. 

    Three monks, who started them?

    Correct Answer
    1. mendicants - Francis of assisi, St. Dominic 2. benedictines - benedictine 3. cisterians - bernard of clairvaux
    The correct answer is that Francis of Assisi and St. Dominic started the mendicants, Benedictine started the benedictines, and Bernard of Clairvaux started the cisterians.

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  • 25. 

    What was different about them?

    Correct Answer
    benedictines - cities cisterians - labor, wilderness mendicants - friars
    The given answer suggests that the difference between the three groups, Benedictines, Cisterians, and Mendicants, lies in their respective characteristics or focuses. The Benedictines are associated with cities, indicating that they may have had a stronger presence or influence in urban areas. The Cisterians, on the other hand, are connected to labor and wilderness, suggesting that they may have been more focused on manual labor and living in remote or rural locations. Lastly, the Mendicants are linked to friars, implying that they were a group of religious individuals who relied on begging or alms for their sustenance.

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  • 26. 

    What was the investiture controversy and how was it resolved?

    Correct Answer
    king appointed bishops. taxes go to the king not the church.
    The investiture controversy refers to a conflict that arose in medieval Europe between the kings and the papacy over the appointment of bishops. During this time, kings claimed the authority to appoint bishops, which allowed them to have control over the church and its resources, including taxes. However, the papacy argued that the power to appoint bishops should rest solely with the church. The controversy was eventually resolved through a compromise known as the Concordat of Worms in 1122. This agreement stated that the pope would have the authority to appoint bishops, while the king would have the right to invest them with secular power.

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  • 27. 

    What is simony?

    Correct Answer
    selling church positions
    Simony refers to the act of selling church positions. This practice was prevalent during the medieval period, where individuals would offer money or gifts in exchange for positions of power within the church hierarchy. This corrupt practice was seen as a violation of religious principles, as it undermined the integrity and spiritual purpose of the church. The selling of church positions was condemned by many religious leaders and eventually led to reforms within the church to address this issue.

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  • 28. 

    What did Gregory and Hengry IV say?

    Correct Answer
    Gregory - excommunicated, banned from church. Henry XI - right to appoint bishops and priests
    The given answer accurately summarizes the statements made by Gregory and Henry IV. Gregory was excommunicated and banned from the church, indicating that he was punished or expelled from the religious community. On the other hand, Henry IV asserted his right to appoint bishops and priests, suggesting that he believed he had the authority to choose and appoint religious leaders.

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  • Feb 11, 2010
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