In verse 1, what did John see and hear?
Correct Answer
C. He saw an open door and heard a voice like a trumpet.
In verse 2, where is the throne located?
Correct Answer
B. The throne is in the Heaven.
The answer "The throne is in the Heaven" is correct because it is stated in verse 2 that the throne is located in Heaven.
Check the 2 boxes that describe the appearance of the One on the throne in verse 3.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Jasper
E. Sardius stone
The appearance of the One on the throne in verse 3 is described as having the characteristics of jasper and a sardius stone.
The rainbow around the throne looked like an amethyst.
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement says that the rainbow around the throne looked like an amethyst. However, this is not possible as rainbows are not solid objects and cannot resemble a specific gemstone like an amethyst. Therefore, the correct answer is false.
How many elders in white robes with gold crowns were sitting in the thrones around the first throne in verse 4?
Correct Answer
C. Twenty-four
In verse 4, it is stated that there were elders in white robes with gold crowns sitting in the thrones around the first throne. The correct answer is twenty-four, as this is the number of elders mentioned in the verse.
In verse 5, the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne represent the seven __________ of God.
Correct Answer
In verse 5, the seven lamps of fire burning before the throne represent the seven spirits of God. This symbolizes the fullness and completeness of the Holy Spirit, as seven is often associated with perfection and divine completion in biblical numerology. The seven spirits of God may refer to the various attributes or manifestations of the Holy Spirit, such as wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord, and the spirit of the Lord.
Correctly identify the four, six-winged creatures "full of eyes in front and in back" that were in the midst and around the throne.
Correct Answer(s)
B. Lion
C. One with a face like a man
E. Flying eagle
G. Calf
The correct answer includes the lion, the one with a face like a man, the flying eagle, and the calf. These four creatures were described as having six wings and being "full of eyes in front and in back." They were seen in the midst and around the throne, suggesting their significance and proximity to a higher power.
In verses 8 and 9, the four creatures do not rest day or night to praise the One who sits on the throne. Who is He identified as in verse 8?
Correct Answer
C. God Almighty
In verse 8, the One who sits on the throne is identified as God Almighty. This is evident from the context of the question which mentions that the four creatures praise the One who sits on the throne day and night. This aligns with the belief that God is all-powerful and worthy of continuous praise and worship.
When the four creatures praise God, the elders fall down before Him in worship but keep the crowns they were given.
Correct Answer
B. False
The explanation for the correct answer being False is that when the four creatures praise God, the elders not only fall down before Him in worship but also cast their crowns before the throne. This is mentioned in the book of Revelation in the Bible, where it describes the scene of worship in heaven. Therefore, the statement that the elders keep the crowns they were given is incorrect.
In verse 11, the elders assert that it is by the _____'s will that all things exist and were created.
Correct Answer
In verse 11, the elders assert that it is by the Lord's will that all things exist and were created. This implies that the elders believe in a higher power, referred to as the Lord, who is responsible for the existence and creation of everything. They attribute the ultimate authority and control over all things to this divine being.