Apa yang dimaksud dengan mengukur...?
Correct Answer
A. Membandingkan satuan dengan yang lain dan sejenis
Mengukur adalah proses membandingkan satuan dengan yang lain dan sejenis. Dalam pengukuran, kita menggunakan satuan-satuan yang sudah ditentukan untuk membandingkan besaran yang sedang diukur. Dengan membandingkan satuan, kita dapat mengetahui seberapa besar atau kecil suatu besaran dibandingkan dengan besaran lainnya. Misalnya, kita dapat mengukur panjang suatu benda dengan membandingkannya dengan satuan panjang yang telah ditentukan seperti meter atau centimeter. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah membandingkan satuan dengan yang lain dan sejenis.
Bila ada Ali menghitung panjan sisi meja dengan penggaris ternyata lebih sedikit jumlahnya dibandingkan dengan menggunakan pensil.Perlakuan Ali tersebut disebut....
Correct Answer
C. Mengukur
Ali menggunakan penggaris untuk mengukur panjang sisi meja dan menemukan bahwa jumlahnya lebih sedikit dibandingkan ketika ia menggunakan pensil. Oleh karena itu, perlakuan Ali tersebut dapat disebut sebagai "mengukur".
Apa arti dari 12 Kg...
Correct Answer
B. Besaran Massa bernilai 12 satuannya Kilogram
The correct answer is "Besaran Massa bernilai 12 satuannya Kilogram." This is because the question is asking for the meaning of "12 Kg," and "Kg" is the unit for mass. Therefore, the correct interpretation is that the quantity 12 is referring to mass, not length, volume, or time.
Dibawah ini adalah besaran pokok.....(Kecuali)
Correct Answer
D. Luas
The given answer, "Luas," is correct because it is the only option that is not a fundamental physical quantity. Panjang, massa, and waktu are all fundamental physical quantities that can be measured and have specific units of measurement. Luas, on the other hand, is a derived physical quantity that is calculated by multiplying two fundamental physical quantities, such as length and width. Therefore, it is not considered a fundamental physical quantity.
Dibawah ini adalah besaran Turunan...(kecuali)
Correct Answer
C. Kuat arus
The given options are all physical quantities that can be differentiated with respect to time, except for "Kuat arus" which translates to "Electric current" in English. Electric current is not a quantity that can be differentiated as it is a fundamental quantity in physics and cannot be expressed as a derivative of any other physical quantity. Therefore, "Kuat arus" is the correct answer.
Besaran yang didefinisikan sendiri dari besaran itu sendiri disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Besaran Pokok
The correct answer is "Besaran Pokok" because it refers to the fundamental or base quantities that are defined independently and are not derived from other quantities. These base quantities are used to define other derived quantities.
Pernyataan dibawah ini adalah benar kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. Membandingkan satuan dengan besaran lain yang sejenis adalah mengukur
The statement "Membandingkan satuan dengan besaran lain yang sejenis adalah mengukur" is incorrect because comparing units with similar quantities is not the same as measuring. Measuring involves determining the quantity or size of something using a standard unit of measurement. Comparing units with similar quantities is more related to conversion or equivalence between different units of the same quantity.
Kuat arus mempunyai satuan SI...
Correct Answer
C. Ampere
The correct answer is Ampere because the question is asking for the SI unit of electric current. Ampere is the SI unit used to measure electric current, named after the French physicist André-Marie Ampère.
2 m + 300 cm =
Correct Answer
A. 5 meter
The given equation is asking for the sum of 2 meters and 300 centimeters. Since there are 100 centimeters in 1 meter, we can convert the 300 centimeters to meters by dividing it by 100, which gives us 3 meters. Adding this to the initial 2 meters, we get a total of 5 meters. Therefore, the correct answer is 5 meters.
108 km/jam =
Correct Answer
B. 30 m/s
The given answer, 30 m/s, is the correct conversion from 108 km/h to meters per second. To convert from km/h to m/s, we need to multiply the value by 1000/3600, which is equal to 1/3.6. Therefore, 108 km/h multiplied by 1/3.6 equals 30 m/s.