Subordinating Conjunction Lesson: Definition and Examples

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Lesson Overview

Subordinating conjunctions act like bridges that connect different parts of your ideas. They also show when something happened, how things are different, and what might happen. Using subordinating conjunctions effectively allows for the creation of writing that is more nuanced and detailed.

What Is a Subordinating Conjunction?

Subordinate conjunctions are words or phrases that introduce dependent clauses. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it relies on an independent clause to express a full thought. The subordinating conjunction signals the beginning of the dependent clause and, importantly, establishes the relationship between it and the independent clause.


  • Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

Here, "although" is the subordinating conjunction connecting the dependent clause "Although it was raining" to the independent clause "we went for a walk."

Subordinating Conjunctions Showing Cause and Effect

Subordinating conjunctions that show cause and effect link two clauses by explaining the reason for an action or the result of an action. They answer the questions, "Why?" or "What happened because of this?"

Common cause and effect subordinating conjunctions include:

Because: This indicates the reason for something.

The boy stayed inside because it was raining.
(The rain is the reason the boy stayed inside.)

Since: Similar to "because," it explains the reason behind something.

Since you finished your homework, you can watch TV.
(Finishing homework is the reason for being allowed to watch TV.)

So: This indicates the result or consequence of something.

It was very hot, so we went swimming.
(Going swimming is the result of the hot weather.)

As: This can also show a cause or reason.

As the roads were icy, we drove slowly.
(The icy roads are the reason for driving slowly.)

Now that: This shows a cause-and-effect relationship related to time.

Now that you're older, you can stay up later.
(Being older is the reason for being allowed to stay up later.)

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Comma Placement and Subordinating Conjunctions

Comma placement with subordinating conjunctions can be tricky, but there's a general rule to follow. The placement depends on the order of your clauses:

1. Subordinating Conjunction + Dependent Clause + Independent Clause = COMMA

When the sentence begins with the subordinating conjunction and dependent clause, you need a comma to separate it from the main (independent) clause.

Example: Because I was hungry, I ate a sandwich.

2. Independent Clause + Subordinating Conjunction + Dependent Clause = NO COMMA

When the independent clause comes first, you generally don't need a comma.

Example: I ate a sandwich because I was hungry.

Why the Difference?

The comma helps the reader understand the flow of the sentence. When the dependent clause comes first, it sets the stage for the main clause, and the comma acts as a brief pause. When the main clause comes first, the sentence flows naturally without the need for a pause.

Exceptions and Special Cases:

1. Essential vs. Nonessential Clauses:
Sometimes a dependent clause provides information that is crucial to the meaning of the sentence (essential). In this case, no comma is used, even if the dependent clause comes first.

The car that I bought last year is red.
(No comma because the clause identifies which car.)

2. Clarity:
Occasionally, a comma might be used for clarity even when not strictly required by the rules. If a sentence is long or complex, a comma can help avoid confusion.

List of Subordinating Conjunctions

Conjunction TypeConjunctionsFunctions
Cause/Reasonbecause, since, as, so, now that, inasmuch asExplains why something happened or the reason behind an action.
Timewhen, while, after, before, until, as soon as, onceIndicates when something happened or will happen in relation to another event.
Contrast/Concessionalthough, though, even though, whereas, whileShows a contrast or exception between two ideas.
Conditionif, unless, provided that, whetherSets a requirement or condition for something to happen.
Placewhere, whereverSpecifies the location where something happens.
Purposeso that, in order thatExplains the reason for doing something or the goal of an action.

What Are Some Examples of Subordinating Conjunctions?

Some common subordinating conjunctions examples with their functions and illustrative sentences:

1. Time

  • after: Indicates something happening later in time.
    • Example: We'll go to the park after we finish our homework.
  • before: Indicates something happening earlier in time.
    • Example: Before you leave, make sure to turn off the lights.
  • when: Indicates something happening at the same time.
    • Example: When the bell rings, the students go to their classes.
  • while: Indicates two things happening simultaneously.
    • Example: I like to listen to music while I work.
  • until: Indicates something happening up to a certain point in time.
    • Example: You can't go out until you finish your chores.
  • since: Indicates the starting point of an action.
    • Example: I have been studying English since I was a child.

2. Cause and Effect

  • because: Indicates the reason for something.
    • Example: The game was canceled because of the rain.
  • since: Similar to "because," provides a reason.
    • Example: Since you're already here, let's have some tea.
  • as: Can also show a cause or reason.
    • Example: As it was getting late, we decided to head home.
  • so: Indicates a result or consequence.
    • Example: I was tired, so I went to bed early.

3. Contrast/Concession

  • although: Shows a contrast or exception.
    • Example: Although it was cold, we went for a walk.
  • though: Similar to "although," shows a contrast.
    • Example: Though he tried his best, he couldn't win the race.
  • even though: Emphasizes a contrast.
    • Example: Even though I was scared, I went on the roller coaster.
  • whereas: Indicates a difference or comparison.
    • Example: He likes to stay indoors, whereas I prefer to be outside.

4. Condition

  • if: Sets a condition for something to happen.
    • Example: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  • unless: Indicates a condition that must be met to avoid something.
    • Example: You won't succeed unless you work hard.

5. Place

  • where: Indicates a location or place.
    • Example: We visited the town where my parents grew up.
  • wherever: Indicates any or every location.
    • Example: Wherever you go, I'll follow you.

6. Purpose

  • so that: Indicates the purpose or goal of an action.
    • Example: I study hard so that I can get good grades.
  • in order that: Similar to "so that," indicates purpose.
    • Example: She spoke clearly in order that everyone could understand.

7. Other Important Subordinating Conjunctions

  • that: Used to introduce a clause explaining something.
    • Example: I know that you are a good person.
  • whether: Indicates a choice or uncertainty.
    • Example: I don't know whether I should go or stay.
  • where: Indicates a place.
    • Example: I want to live where the weather is warm.
  • how: Indicates a manner or way.
    • Example: He showed me how to fix the bike.

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