Ulangan Pai Kelas 5 U

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| By Fakhrur Rozi
Fakhrur Rozi
Community Contributor
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Ulangan Pai Kelas 5 U - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Abu Bakar ketika kecil bernama ...

    • A.


    • B.

      Abdul Ka'bah

    • C.

      Abdul Manaf

    • D.

      Abdul Karim

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Abdul Ka'bah
    The correct answer is "Abdul Ka'bah" because it is stated in the question that Abu Bakar's childhood name was mentioned. Out of the given options, "Abdul Ka'bah" is the only name that fits this criteria.

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  • 2. 

    Bakar mempunyai arti .....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Segera
    The correct answer is "Segera" because it is the Indonesian word that means "immediately" or "right away". This word is the opposite of "lambat" (slow) and "pelan" (slowly), which indicates that it refers to something happening quickly or without delay. "Lari" means "run" and "menunda" means "to postpone", so they are not related to the meaning of "segera".

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  • 3. 

    Abu Bakar dilahirkan tahun ....

    • A.

      572 M

    • B.

      752 M

    • C.

      357 M

    • D.

      573 M

    • E.

      735 M

    Correct Answer
    D. 573 M
    Abu Bakar dilahirkan pada tahun 573 M.

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  • 4. 

    Ash-Shiddiq mempunyai arti ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Membenarkan
    Ash-Shiddiq mempunyai arti "membenarkan" dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ash-Shiddiq adalah gelar yang diberikan kepada Abu Bakar, sahabat Nabi Muhammad SAW, yang terkenal karena kejujurannya dan kesetiaannya dalam membenarkan dan mempercayai Nabi Muhammad. Dalam konteks ini, membenarkan merupakan arti yang paling sesuai dengan karakteristik dan reputasi Abu Bakar sebagai Ash-Shiddiq.

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  • 5. 

    Umar bin Khattab adalah Khalifah ke ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2
    Umar bin Khattab adalah Khalifah ke-2 dalam sejarah Islam. Setelah kematian Abu Bakar, Umar bin Khattab terpilih sebagai Khalifah dan memimpin umat Islam selama 10 tahun. Ia dikenal sebagai salah satu Khalifah yang paling adil dan tegas dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Umar bin Khattab juga dikenal karena kebijakan-kebijakan yang inovatif dan berhasil yang membawa kemajuan bagi umat Islam pada masa pemerintahannya.

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  • 6. 

    Sedangkan Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq adalah Khalifah ke ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    A. 1
    Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq adalah Khalifah pertama dalam sejarah Islam setelah wafatnya Nabi Muhammad. Ia dipilih oleh umat Muslim sebagai pemimpin mereka setelah kematian Nabi Muhammad dan mendapat gelar Khalifah. Sebagai Khalifah, Abu Bakar memimpin umat Muslim dalam memperluas wilayah kekuasaan Islam dan memperkuat agama Islam. Ia juga terkenal karena keadilan, kebijaksanaan, dan ketegasannya dalam menegakkan hukum-hukum Islam. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah 1, karena Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq adalah Khalifah pertama.

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  • 7. 

    Pengganti kepemimpinan Rasulullah disebut ...

    • A.

      As-Sabiqunal awwalun

    • B.

      Khatamul anbiyai walmursalin

    • C.

      Khulafaur rasyidin

    • D.

      Kepala Negara

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Khulafaur rasyidin
    The correct answer is "Khulafaur rasyidin." After the death of Prophet Muhammad, the leadership of the Muslim community was assumed by four of his close companions, namely Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. These four leaders are collectively known as the Khulafaur rasyidin, which translates to "the rightly guided caliphs." They played a crucial role in spreading and governing the early Muslim community and are highly revered in Islamic history.

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  • 8. 

    Yang memprakarsai penulisan al-Quran adalah ...

    • A.

      Abu Bakar

    • B.

      Umar bin Khattab

    • C.

      Usman bin Affan

    • D.

      Ali bin Abi Thalib

    • E.

      Abu Thalib

    Correct Answer
    B. Umar bin Khattab
    Umar bin Khattab is believed to have played a significant role in the compilation and preservation of the Quran. During his caliphate, he realized the need to collect and organize the scattered verses of the Quran into a single written document. He appointed a committee of scholars led by Zaid bin Thabit to compile the Quran based on the written and oral sources available. This compilation became the basis for the standardized version of the Quran that we have today. Therefore, Umar bin Khattab is considered to be the one who initiated the writing of the Quran.

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  • 9. 

    Kaum murtad banyak terdapat pada masa khalifah ...

    • A.

      Abu Bakar sidiq

    • B.

      Umar bin Khattab

    • C.

      Usman bin Affan

    • D.

      Ali bin Abi Thalib

    • E.

      Abu Thalib

    Correct Answer
    A. Abu Bakar sidiq
    The correct answer is Abu Bakar sidiq. Abu Bakar sidiq was the first caliph after the death of Prophet Muhammad. During his caliphate, there were many apostates (kaum murtad) who renounced their faith in Islam. This period saw several rebellions and uprisings, particularly by tribes who refused to pay zakat (religious tax) to the Islamic state. Abu Bakar sidiq took decisive actions to suppress these rebellions and maintain the unity of the Muslim community.

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  • 10. 

    Nama Anak Perempuan Abu Bakar yang menjadi Isteri Nabi Muhammad adalah

    • A.


    • B.

      Ummu Kultsum

    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Aisyah
    The correct answer is Aisyah. Aisyah was the daughter of Abu Bakar, one of the closest companions of Prophet Muhammad. She became the wife of Prophet Muhammad at a young age and played a significant role in Islamic history. She was known for her intelligence, knowledge, and contributions to the religion.

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  • 11. 

    Khalifah yang bergelar al-Faruq adalah ...

    • A.

      Abu Bakar

    • B.

      Umar bin Khattab

    • C.

      Usman bin Affan

    • D.

      Ali bin Abi Thalib

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. Umar bin Khattab
    The correct answer is Umar bin Khattab. Umar bin Khattab was given the title al-Faruq, which means "the one who distinguishes between right and wrong." He was the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate and is known for his strict adherence to justice and his efforts in expanding the Islamic empire. Umar bin Khattab played a significant role in the early development of Islam and is highly respected by Muslims for his leadership and wisdom.

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  • 12. 

    Umar bin Khattab adalah Khalifah yang ke ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    B. 2
    Umar bin Khattab was the second Caliph of Islam after the death of Prophet Muhammad. He succeeded Abu Bakr and played a significant role in the expansion of the Islamic empire. Umar bin Khattab is known for his just and fair leadership, implementing several reforms, and establishing various administrative systems. He was also known for his military achievements and conquests during his reign.

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  • 13. 

    Selain bergelar al-Faruq, Umar bin Khattab juga bergelar ...

    • A.

      Macan tandus

    • B.

      Pedang tajam

    • C.

      Singa padang pasir

    • D.

      Pahlawan Islam

    • E.

      Srigala padang pasir

    Correct Answer
    C. Singa padang pasir
    The given answer "Singa padang pasir" is correct because it is a well-known title associated with Umar bin Khattab. Umar bin Khattab was known for his bravery and strength, and the title "Singa padang pasir" (Lion of the Desert) reflects these qualities. He played a significant role in expanding the Islamic empire and protecting it from external threats, earning him the reputation of a fearless and powerful leader in the harsh desert environment.

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  • 14. 

    Shiddiq artinya benar, lawan dari shiddiq adalah ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Kizib
    The correct answer is "Kizib" because "shiddiq" means truthful or honest in Arabic, and "kizib" is the opposite of that, meaning liar or dishonest. The other options, such as "baladah," "kitman," "khianat," and "amanah," do not have the opposite meaning of "shiddiq."

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  • 15. 

    Semua Nabi pasti memiliki sifat menyampaikan, ini wujud dari sifat ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Tabligh
    The correct answer is "Tabligh". Tabligh refers to the act of conveying or delivering a message or information. It is one of the qualities that all Prophets possess, as they are responsible for spreading the message of God to the people. This quality is essential in their role as messengers and guides for their respective communities.

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  • 16. 

    Umar bin Khattab umurnya lebih muda .........tahun dari nabi Muhammad

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. 13
    Umar bin Khattab was 13 years younger than Prophet Muhammad.

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  • 17. 

    Fazaalikal lazii yadu'ul yatiim, adalah surat ....ayat ....

    • A.

      Al-Maun : 1

    • B.

      Al-Maun : 2

    • C.

      Al-Fiil : 2

    • D.

      An-Naas : 2

    • E.

      Al-Maun : 4

    Correct Answer
    B. Al-Maun : 2
    The correct answer is "al-Maun : 2". This is because the given question is asking for the surah and ayah (verse) that corresponds to the statement "Fazaalikal lazii yadu'ul yatiim" (That is the one who repels the orphan). By referring to the options provided, it can be determined that the correct surah and ayah is al-Maun : 2.

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  • 18. 

    Siapa nama raja yang berusaha meruntuhkan ka'bah ?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    E. Abrahah
    Abrahah is the correct answer because he was a king who attempted to destroy the Ka'bah. He ruled over Yemen and wanted to divert the pilgrimage from Mecca to his own cathedral in Yemen. In his attempt to demolish the Ka'bah, he led an army of elephants towards Mecca but failed as the elephants refused to move forward. This event is known as the Year of the Elephant in Islamic history.

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  • 19. 

    Nabi dibawah ini adalah nabi ulul azmi, kecuali ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    • E.


    Correct Answer
    C. Ilyas
    The question states that all the prophets listed are considered "nabi ulul azmi" except for one. The term "nabi ulul azmi" refers to the five prophets who possessed the highest level of determination and perseverance in delivering Allah's message. These prophets are Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, and Muhammad. Since Muhammad is already listed as one of the options, the correct answer must be Ilyas, as he is not included in the list of "nabi ulul azmi."

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  • 20. 

    Nabi yang memiliki ketabahan dan ketangguhan luar biasa disebut ...

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Ulul Azmi

    • E.


    Correct Answer
    D. Ulul Azmi
    Ulul Azmi refers to the prophets who possessed extraordinary patience and perseverance in the face of adversity and challenges. These prophets were chosen by Allah to deliver His message and guide their communities. They displayed immense strength and determination in fulfilling their duties despite facing various difficulties and hardships. Ulul Azmi is a term used to honor and recognize the exceptional qualities and character of these prophets.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 22, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Mar 21, 2010
    Quiz Created by
    Fakhrur Rozi
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