Sebutkan minimal 8 Tujuan pembukaan UUD 1945!
Berikut ini yang BUKAN merupakan periodisasi nilai nilai 45 yang berkembang setiap zamannya, adalah...
Correct Answer
A. A. masa prasejarah
The correct answer is a. masa prasejarah. This is because the periodisasi nilai-nilai 45 refers to the different periods of time in which the values of the year 1945 developed and evolved. Masa prasejarah, on the other hand, refers to the prehistoric period, which is a time before the existence of written records. Therefore, it is not relevant to the development of the values of 1945.
Sebelum perjuangan di masa pergerakan nasional, perjuangan rakyat indonesia masih bersifat ...
Correct Answer
B. B. kedaerahan
The correct answer is b. kedaerahan. This is because before the struggle in the national movement, the struggle of the Indonesian people was still regional or localized. This means that the fight for independence and other political movements were primarily focused on specific regions or areas within Indonesia, rather than being a unified national movement.
Tahap awal pergerakan nasional ditandai dengan lahirnya organisasi....
Correct Answer
C. C.budi utomo
The correct answer is c. Budi Utomo. The initial stage of the national movement was marked by the establishment of Budi Utomo organization.
Berikut ini yang merupakan tantangan yang datang dari dalam negeri, kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. A. gaya hidup
The correct answer is "a. gaya hidup". This option is the only one that does not represent a challenge that comes from within the country. "Malas" (b) represents laziness, "korupsi" (c) represents corruption, and "pemberontakan" (d) represents rebellion. However, "gaya hidup" (a) refers to lifestyle, which is not necessarily a challenge that originates from within the country.
"Negara Indonesia adalah Negara kesatuan yang berbentuk republik." kalimat tersebut adalah isi dari pasal...
Correct Answer
D. 1 ayat 1
The correct answer is 1 ayat 1. This is because the sentence states that "Indonesia is a unitary state in the form of a republic," which refers to the first article (pasal 1) of the constitution. The phrase "ayat 1" indicates the first paragraph or clause within that article.
Negara indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang dipandang dari 4 segi berikut, kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. A.pariwisata
Indonesia is a unitary state that is viewed from four aspects: politics, defense and security, and socio-cultural. The country's tourism sector is not mentioned as one of the aspects to view Indonesia as a unitary state.
Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan Deklarasi Djuanda pada tanggal ....
Correct Answer
C. C. 13 Desember 1957
Seluruh wilayah indonesia dengan segala isi dan kekayaan yang terkandung di dalamnya merupakan satu kesatuan wilayah. kalimat tersebut merupakan pengertian indonesia sebagai...
Correct Answer
A. A. satu kesatuan wilayah
The given statement suggests that the entire territory of Indonesia, along with all its contents and wealth, is considered as one unified region. This implies that Indonesia is seen as a cohesive and integrated geographical entity, indicating that the correct answer is "a. satu kesatuan wilayah" (one unified territory).
Berdasarkan deklarasi djuanda, negara indonesia menganut konsep negara...
Correct Answer
A. A. kepulauan
The correct answer is a. kepulauan. The explanation for this is that based on the Djuanda Declaration, Indonesia adopts the concept of an archipelagic state. This means that Indonesia recognizes itself as a nation composed of various islands and considers the surrounding waters as an integral part of its territory. This concept is important for Indonesia's maritime policies and the management of its vast maritime resources.
Berikut ini sikap yang harus dilakukan untuk menjaga keutuhan NKRI, kecuali...
Correct Answer
A. A. Cinta negara lain
The correct answer is a. Cinta negara lain. This is because loving another country does not necessarily contribute to maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Maintaining the integrity of NKRI requires love for the homeland, fostering unity and unity, and being willing to sacrifice. However, loving another country may divert one's loyalty and commitment away from NKRI.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk sikap membina persatuan dan kesatuan adalah...
Correct Answer
C. C.saling acuh tak acuh
Sikap membina persatuan dan kesatuan melibatkan menghormati antar sesama dan tidak membeda-bedakan manusia. Namun, saling acuh tak acuh tidak termasuk dalam sikap ini. Saling acuh tak acuh berarti tidak peduli atau tidak memperhatikan orang lain, yang bertentangan dengan upaya untuk membangun persatuan dan kesatuan. Oleh karena itu, pilihan c tidak termasuk dalam sikap membina persatuan dan kesatuan.
Berikut ini yang tidak termasuk sikap cinta tanah air adalah...
Correct Answer
A. A. membuang sampah sembarangan
The correct answer is a. membuang sampah sembarangan. This is because littering or disposing of trash indiscriminately goes against the principle of loving one's homeland. It shows a lack of respect for the environment and contributes to pollution. The other options (b. menjaga keamanan lingkungan rumah, c. rajin belajar, d. menjaga kelestarian lingkungan) all demonstrate positive attitudes towards the homeland, such as taking care of the environment, ensuring safety, and being diligent in learning.
Sikap yang mencerminkan adanya kesediaan dan keikhlasan memberikan sesuatu yang dimilikinya untuk orang lain, walaupun menimbulkan penderitaan bagi diri sendiri disebut sikap ...
Correct Answer
D. Rela berkorban
The correct answer is "rela berkorban." This is because the question describes an attitude of willingness and sincerity to give something that one has to others, even if it causes suffering for oneself. "Rela berkorban" translates to "willing to sacrifice" in English, which accurately reflects this attitude of selflessness and willingness to endure hardship for the sake of others.
Sarjana bahasa indonesia pertama yang menggunakan nama indonesia adalah...
Correct Answer
A. A. Ki Hajar dewantara
Ki Hajar Dewantara is considered the first person to use the name "Indonesia" in the context of the Indonesian language. He was a prominent Indonesian educator and nationalist who played a significant role in the development of Indonesian education and language. Dewantara believed in the importance of a national identity and advocated for the use of the Indonesian language as a means to unite the diverse Indonesian population. He founded the first Indonesian language school, Taman Siswa, and actively promoted the use of the Indonesian language in education and literature.