Soal Tematik Kelas 6 Sd Tema 8 Bumiku Subtema 1 Perbedaan Waktu Dan Pengaruhnya - Www.Bimbelbrilian.Com

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| By Catherine Halcomb
Catherine Halcomb
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Soal Tematik Kelas 6 Sd Tema 8 Bumiku Subtema 1 Perbedaan Waktu Dan Pengaruhnya - Www.Bimbelbrilian.Com - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Terjadinya siang dan malam disebabkan oleh ....

    • A.

      Revolusi  bumi

    • B.

      Rotasi bumi

    • C.

      Rotasi bulan

    • D.

      Revolusi bulan

    Correct Answer
    B. Rotasi bumi
    The occurrence of day and night is caused by the rotation of the Earth. As the Earth rotates on its axis, different parts of the planet are exposed to the Sun's light, creating the cycle of day and night. This rotation takes approximately 24 hours to complete, resulting in the familiar pattern of alternating periods of light and darkness. The revolution of the Earth around the Sun (referred to as its orbit) also plays a role in the changing seasons, but it is the rotation that directly causes the occurrence of day and night.

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  • 2. 

    Bumi sekali berputar pada porosnya membutuhkan waktu ....

    • A.

      12 jam

    • B.

      24 jam

    • C.

      30 hari

    • D.

      365 ¼ hari

    Correct Answer
    B. 24 jam
    The correct answer is 24 jam because the Earth takes approximately 24 hours to complete one rotation on its axis. This rotation is what causes day and night to occur.

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  • 3. 

    Setiap hari matahari tampak bergerak mengelilingi bumi, padahal bumi yang bergerak berputar pada porosnya. Peristiwa seperti ini dinamakan sebagai ....

    • A.

      Gerak semu harian matahari

    • B.

      Gerak revolusi harian bumi

    • C.

      Gerak dinamis matahari

    • D.

      Gerak atmosfer bumi

    Correct Answer
    A. Gerak semu harian matahari
    The given correct answer, "Gerak semu harian matahari," explains that the phenomenon described in the question is known as the apparent daily motion of the sun. It refers to the perception of the sun moving around the Earth each day, even though it is actually the Earth that is rotating on its axis. This apparent motion is due to the Earth's rotation and is commonly observed by humans on a daily basis.

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  • 4. 

    Negara Indonesia dibagi menjadi tiga daerah waktu, berikut ini yang bukan merupakan bagian dari tiga pembagianya yaitu ....

    • A.

      Waktu Indonesia tengah

    • B.

      Waktu Indonesia barat

    • C.

      Waktu Indonesia utara

    • D.

      Waktu Indonesia timur

    Correct Answer
    C. Waktu Indonesia utara
    The correct answer is "Waktu Indonesia utara." This is because Indonesia is divided into three time zones: Waktu Indonesia tengah (Central Indonesia Time), Waktu Indonesia barat (Western Indonesia Time), and Waktu Indonesia timur (Eastern Indonesia Time). Waktu Indonesia utara (Northern Indonesia Time) is not one of the three divisions.

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  • 5. 

    Kota-kota di pulau Sulawesi termasuk dalam bagian ....

    • A.

      Waktu Indonesia tengah

    • B.

      Waktu Indonesia barat

    • C.

      Waktu Indonesia utara

    • D.

      Waktu Indonesia timur

    Correct Answer
    A. Waktu Indonesia tengah
    The cities in Sulawesi Island are included in the Central Indonesian Time zone.

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  • 6. 

    Desta tinggal di kota Medan, ia menelpon Andi yang ada di kota Lombok pada pukul 16.00 WIB.  Maka di Lombok pada saat itu adalah pukul ....

    • A.

      17.00 WITA

    • B.

      17.00 WIT

    • C.

      15.00 WITA

    • D.

      15.00 WIT

    Correct Answer
    C. 15.00 WITA
    The correct answer is 15.00 WITA. WIB stands for Waktu Indonesia Barat, which is the time zone for cities like Medan. WITA stands for Waktu Indonesia Tengah, which is the time zone for cities like Lombok. Since the person in Medan called at 16.00 WIB, which is one hour ahead of WITA, the time in Lombok would be 15.00 WITA.

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  • 7. 

    Jika di kota Manokwari adalah pukul 06.00 WIT, maka di kota Semarang adalah pukul ....

    • A.

      04.00 WIB

    • B.

      05.00 WIB

    • C.

      07.00 WIB

    • D.

      08.00 WIB

    Correct Answer
    A. 04.00 WIB
    The time difference between Manokwari and Semarang is 2 hours. Since it is 06.00 WIT in Manokwari, which is 2 hours ahead of WIB (Western Indonesian Time), the time in Semarang would be 04.00 WIB.

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  • 8. 

    Garis khayal horizontal yang melingkari bumi dinamakan garis ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Lintang
    Garis khayal horizontal yang melingkari bumi dinamakan garis lintang. Lintang adalah garis khayal yang terletak secara horizontal dan sejajar dengan garis ekuator. Garis lintang digunakan untuk mengukur jarak dari garis ekuator, dan biasanya diukur dalam derajat. Garis lintang juga digunakan untuk menentukan posisi geografis suatu tempat di bumi.

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  • 9. 

    Berdasarkan letak astronomisnya, negara-negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara sebagian besar berada di daerah beriklim ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Tropis
    Based on its astronomical location, most countries in Southeast Asia are located in a tropical climate zone. This means that these countries experience high temperatures and high humidity throughout the year. The tropical climate is characterized by a consistent amount of rainfall and distinct wet and dry seasons. This type of climate is suitable for the growth of diverse plant and animal species, making it an ideal region for agriculture.

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  • 10. 

    Negara di Asia Tenggara yang memiliki luas terkecil namun termasuk salah satu negara industri yang maju adalah ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.

      Brunei Darussalam

    Correct Answer
    C. Singapura        
    Singapore is the correct answer because it is the smallest country in Southeast Asia but is known for being one of the most developed and industrialized nations in the region. Despite its small size, Singapore has a highly advanced economy, with a strong focus on industries such as finance, technology, and manufacturing. The country has a high standard of living, a well-developed infrastructure, and is a major global financial hub.

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  • 11. 

    Berikut ini adalah hal-hal yang sesuai dengan kondisi di kawasan Asia Tenggara, kecuali ....

    • A.

      Berada di iklim tropis

    • B.

      Dilewati jalur pegunungan muda

    • C.

      Sebagian besar wilayahnya adalah dataran tinggi

    • D.

      Terletak di antara samudra Pasifik dan Hindia

    Correct Answer
    C. Sebagian besar wilayahnya adalah dataran tinggi
    The given options describe characteristics that are suitable for the Southeast Asian region, except for the option "Sebagian besar wilayahnya adalah dataran tinggi" (Most of its area is highland). This option contradicts the fact that Southeast Asia is mostly comprised of low-lying coastal plains and river deltas, with some mountainous regions. Therefore, this option does not align with the conditions in Southeast Asia.

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  • 12. 

    Negara di Asia Tenggara di bawah ini yang bukan merupakan negara kepulauan adalah ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Laos
    Laos is not an archipelagic country, unlike Indonesia, the Philippines, and Singapore. It is a landlocked country located in Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. Being landlocked means that Laos does not have any coastlines and is surrounded by land on all sides.

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  • 13. 

    Hal-hal di bawah ini merupakan kewajiban yang bisa diterapkan dalam anggota keluarga dalam bidang kebersihan adalah ....

    • A.

      Mematikan alat elektronik saat tidak digunakan

    • B.

      Menggunakan air seperlunya di rumah

    • C.

      Membuang sampah pada tempat sampa

    • D.

      Saling membantu jika ada yang butuh pertolongan

    Correct Answer
    C. Membuang sampah pada tempat sampa
    The correct answer is "Membuang sampah pada tempat sampah". This is a responsibility that can be applied in the family in the field of cleanliness. Proper disposal of garbage helps maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the household and the surrounding environment. It also prevents the spread of diseases and protects the ecosystem. By disposing of trash in designated bins, the family members contribute to creating a clean and healthy living environment for everyone.

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  • 14. 

    Setiap orang mempunyai kewajiban dalam masyarakat untuk menjaga lingkungannya tetap sehat dan bersih. Kewajiban-kewajiban tersebut jika tidak dijalankan bisa ....

    • A.

      Merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain

    • B.

      Menyusahkan orang lain menguntungkan diri sendiri

    • C.

      Menimbulkan lingkungan bebas polus

    • D.

      Menyebabkan kejahatan merajalela

    Correct Answer
    A. Merugikan diri sendiri dan orang lain
    If individuals do not fulfill their obligations to keep the environment clean and healthy, it can result in harm to both themselves and others. Not taking care of the environment can lead to the spread of diseases and pollution, affecting the well-being of individuals and the community as a whole. Therefore, it is important for everyone to fulfill their responsibilities in order to maintain a healthy and clean environment for the benefit of all.

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  • 15. 

    Contoh kewajiban seorang pelajar yang berkaitan dengan tingkah laku seperti ....

    • A.

      Belajar dengan gi

    • B.

      Memakai seragam sesuai jadwal

    • C.

      Bersikap sopan kepada semua guru

    • D.

      Rajin bertanya kepada guru di kelas

    Correct Answer
    C. Bersikap sopan kepada semua guru
    A student's obligation related to behavior is to act politely towards all teachers. This means showing respect, being attentive, and following instructions given by the teachers. It is important for students to maintain a positive and respectful attitude towards their teachers as they play a significant role in their education and development. By being polite, students create a conducive learning environment and build good relationships with their teachers, which can enhance their learning experience.

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  • 16. 

    Kawasan perdagangan bebas di kawasan Asia Tenggara dikenal dengan ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. AFTA
    The correct answer is AFTA. AFTA stands for ASEAN Free Trade Area, which is a free trade agreement among the member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). It aims to promote economic integration and facilitate trade among the member countries by reducing tariffs and other trade barriers. APEC is the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, which is a forum for promoting free trade and economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. PBB refers to the United Nations (UN), which is an international organization that promotes peace, security, and cooperation among nations. Seagames, on the other hand, refers to the Southeast Asian Games, which is a multi-sport event held every two years among Southeast Asian countries.

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  • 17. 

    Proyek industri yang dilakukan negara ASEAN antara lain adalah ASEAN Urea Project, yaitu dengan didirikannya pabrik pupuk urea di negara ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. Malaysia
    The correct answer is Malaysia. One of the industrial projects undertaken by ASEAN countries is the ASEAN Urea Project, which involves the establishment of a urea fertilizer factory in Malaysia.

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  • 18. 

    Kerja sama ASEAN di bidang politik dan keamanan antara lain adalah ....

    • A.

      Pembentukan kawasan pasar bebas ASEAN

    • B.

      Pendirian pabrik vaksin di Singapura

    • C.

      Pembentukan kawasan damai, bebas dan netral

    • D.

      Pendirian pusat promosi ASEAN

    Correct Answer
    C. Pembentukan kawasan damai, bebas dan netral
    The correct answer is "Pembentukan kawasan damai, bebas dan netral" (Formation of a peaceful, free, and neutral region). This answer is correct because one of the main objectives of ASEAN's political and security cooperation is to establish a peaceful and stable region. This involves promoting mutual respect, non-interference in the internal affairs of member states, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. The formation of a neutral region also implies that ASEAN aims to maintain its independence and not align with any major power blocs or engage in conflicts.

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  • 19. 

    Bagian bumi utara dan selatan memiliki perbedaan musim, hal ini disebabkan karena ....

    • A.

      Bumi berputar pada porosnya dengan cepat

    • B.

      Bagian bumi utara dan selatan bumi bergantian menghadap matahari

    • C.

      Matahari hanya menyinari bagian bumi utara dan tidak menyinari bagian bumi selatan

    • D.

      Energi matahai banyak yang terserap di daerah katulistiwa

    Correct Answer
    B. Bagian bumi utara dan selatan bumi bergantian menghadap matahari
    The correct answer is that the northern and southern parts of the Earth alternate in facing the sun. This is the main reason for the difference in seasons between the two regions. As the Earth orbits the sun, its axis is tilted, causing different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year. When one hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, it experiences summer, while the other hemisphere, tilted away from the sun, experiences winter. This tilt and the resulting change in the angle of sunlight is what causes the seasons.

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  • 20. 

    Perbedaan musim pada periode tanggal 21 Maret – 21 Juni di bagian bumi utara dan selatan adalah ....

    • A.

      Bagian bumi utara mengalami musim semi sedangkan bagian bumi selatan mengalami musim gugur

    • B.

      Bagian bumi utara mengalami musim panas sedangkan bagian bumi selatan mengalami musim dingin

    • C.

      Bagian bumi utara mengalami musim gugur sedangkan bagian bumi selatan mengalami musim semi

    • D.

      Bagian bumi utara mengalami musim dingin sedangkan bagian bumi selatan mengalami musim panas

    Correct Answer
    A. Bagian bumi utara mengalami musim semi sedangkan bagian bumi selatan mengalami musim gugur
    During the period from March 21 to June 21, the Northern Hemisphere experiences spring, while the Southern Hemisphere experiences autumn. This is because the Earth's axis is tilted, causing different parts of the planet to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year. During this specific period, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, resulting in longer days and warmer temperatures, leading to the arrival of spring. On the other hand, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, resulting in shorter days and cooler temperatures, leading to the arrival of autumn.

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  • 21. 

    Di daerah katulistiwa yang beriklim tropis, pada periode bulan oktober hingga maret mengalami musim ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Kemarau
    In equatorial regions with a tropical climate, the period from October to March experiences a dry season known as "kemarau". During this time, there is a significant decrease in rainfall and an increase in temperature. The dry season is characterized by hot and sunny weather, with little to no precipitation. This explanation aligns with the given correct answer, "kemarau".

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  • 22. 

    Setiap tahun matahari nampak bergeser ke arah bumi bagian selatan dan utara secara bergantian. Hal ini disebabkan oleh gerak revolusi bumi. Peristiwa ini disebut sebagai ....

    • A.

      Gerak revolusi harian matahari

    • B.

      Gerak semu tahunan matahari

    • C.

      Gerak orbit tahunan matahari

    • D.

      Gerak semu harian matahari

    Correct Answer
    B. Gerak semu tahunan matahari
    The given passage explains that the apparent movement of the sun towards the southern and northern parts of the earth alternately is caused by the revolution of the earth. This phenomenon is known as the apparent annual motion of the sun. Therefore, the correct answer is "Gerak semu tahunan matahari" which translates to "Apparent annual motion of the sun" in English.

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  • 23. 

    Karangan nonfiksi adalah karangan yang dibuat berdasarkan ....

    • A.

      Teori yang ingin dibuktikan

    • B.

      Cerita rakyat yang berkembang

    • C.

      Imajinasi seorang penulis

    • D.

      Fakta yang benar-benar terjadi

    Correct Answer
    D. Fakta yang benar-benar terjadi
    Karangan nonfiksi adalah karangan yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta yang benar-benar terjadi. Karangan ini berusaha menyajikan informasi yang akurat dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Tujuan dari karangan nonfiksi adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang objektif tentang suatu topik kepada pembaca. Dalam karangan nonfiksi, penulis tidak menggunakan imajinasi atau membuat cerita-cerita yang tidak benar. Sebaliknya, mereka mengumpulkan fakta-fakta yang dapat diverifikasi dan menyusunnya dengan cara yang logis dan koheren.

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  • 24. 

    Berikut ini yang bukan merupakan contoh karangan nonfiksi adalah ....

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Fabel
    A fable is a type of fictional story that typically includes talking animals and teaches a moral lesson. It is not a nonfictional piece of writing like a thesis, research paper, or essay. Therefore, a fable is not an example of nonfiction.

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  • 25. 

    Ciri-ciri karangan nonfiksi antara lain adalah ....

    • A.

      Memiliki alur cerita yang susah ditebak

    • B.

      Menekankan kepada imajinasi penulisnya

    • C.

      Mengguanakan bahasa yang bersifat denotatif

    • D.

      Sumber data tidak terlalu dipentingkan

    Correct Answer
    C. Mengguanakan bahasa yang bersifat denotatif
    Karangan nonfiksi menggunakan bahasa yang bersifat denotatif. Bahasa denotatif mengacu pada penggunaan kata-kata yang memiliki makna yang jelas dan objektif. Dalam karangan nonfiksi, penulis berfokus pada fakta dan informasi yang dapat diverifikasi, sehingga penggunaan bahasa denotatif membantu dalam menyampaikan informasi dengan jelas dan tidak ambigu.

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  • Current Version
  • Mar 22, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Mar 24, 2019
    Quiz Created by
    Catherine Halcomb
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