Cuaca di bawah ini yang tidak ada di Indonesia adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Salju
Salju tidak ada di Indonesia karena Indonesia terletak di daerah tropis dengan iklim tropis basah dan kering. Salju terbentuk di daerah beriklim sedang atau dingin, biasanya di daerah berbukit atau pegunungan yang memiliki suhu di bawah titik beku. Maka dari itu, salju tidak dapat ditemukan di Indonesia.
Gambar di atas menunjukkan prakiraan cuaca akan ....
Correct Answer
A. Hujan
The image above shows a weather forecast for rain.
Cuaca di muka bumi bersifat ....
Correct Answer
B. Berubah-ubah
The correct answer is "Berubah-ubah". The weather on Earth is constantly changing and is influenced by various factors such as temperature, pressure, humidity, and wind patterns. These factors interact with each other and can cause fluctuations in weather conditions, resulting in changes in temperature, precipitation, and wind speed. Therefore, the weather is not constant and can vary from day to day and from one location to another.
Jika akan hujan maka biasanya akan dimulai dengan terlihat banyak ....
Correct Answer
B. Mendung
The correct answer is "Mendung" because the sentence suggests that if it is going to rain, it usually starts with the appearance of a lot of clouds (mendung). The other options, such as pelangi (rainbow), petir (thunder), and bintang (stars), do not fit the context of the sentence and are not usually associated with the beginning of rain.
Saat cuaca cerah Pak Rahmad bisa mencangkul di sawahnya. Saat cuaca hujan Pak Rahmad memilih untuk tidak pergi ke sawah. Hal ini menandakan bahwa cuaca dapat ....
Correct Answer
C. Mempengaruhi kegiatan manusia
The given correct answer suggests that the weather can affect human activities. In this case, it is mentioned that when the weather is sunny, Pak Rahmad can work in his rice field, but when it is raining, he chooses not to go to the field. This indicates that the weather has an impact on the activities of individuals, in this case, a farmer.
Budi dan Danu dapat bermain bola dengan mudah ketika cuaca ....
Correct Answer
D. Cerah
Budi dan Danu dapat bermain bola dengan mudah ketika cuaca cerah. This means that Budi and Danu can easily play soccer when the weather is clear. Clear weather typically means that there are no clouds or rain, which makes it suitable for outdoor activities like playing soccer.
Cuaca di setiap tempat akan ....
Correct Answer
C. Berbeda-beda
The correct answer is "Berbeda-beda". This means that the weather in each place varies or differs from one another. It implies that different places will have different weather conditions, indicating that the weather is not the same everywhere.
Pecahan 1⁄4 dibaca ....
Correct Answer
C. Satu per empat
The correct answer is "Satu per empat." This is the correct way to read the fraction 1/4 in Indonesian. "Satu" means one and "empat" means four. The word "per" is used to indicate division or per. Therefore, "satu per empat" translates to "one divided by four" or "one per four."
Ibu memotong kue menjadi lima bagian, maka nilai tiap bagian adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Satu per lima
The correct answer is "Satu per lima". This means that the cake is divided into five parts, and each part is referred to as "satu per lima" or one-fifth.
Lambang pecahan satu per dua adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 1⁄2
The correct answer is 1/2 because the symbol "per" means "divided by" in this context. So, "satu per dua" translates to "one divided by two," which is equivalent to 1/2.
Lambang pecahan dua per lima adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 2⁄5
The correct answer is 2/5 because the question asks for the symbol for the fraction "dua per lima," which means "two per five" in English. The fraction 2/5 represents two parts out of a total of five equal parts, so it is the appropriate symbol for "dua per lima."
Dalam pecahan 1⁄5 maka bilangan 5 dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Penyebut
In the given fraction 1/5, the number 5 is called the "penyebut" or the denominator. The denominator represents the total number of equal parts into which the whole is divided, and in this case, it represents the total number of equal parts into which 1 is divided.
Nilai pecahan dari bagian yang berwarna putih adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 1⁄6
The correct answer is 1/6 because the question asks for the fractional value of the white portion. Out of the given options, 1/6 is the only one that represents a fraction and matches the description of the white portion.
Santi membeli kue coklat untuk 5 temannya, ia memotong dan membaginya sama rata. Maka setiap teman Santi mendapat bagian ....
Correct Answer
A. 1⁄5 kue
Santi bought a chocolate cake for her 5 friends and divided it equally among them. Therefore, each of Santi's friends received 1/5 of the cake.
Indonesia memiliki banyak suku bangsa, namun walau berbeda-beda kita adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Tetap satu bangsa
Indonesia memiliki banyak suku bangsa yang berbeda-beda, tetapi meskipun demikian, kita tetap satu bangsa. Meskipun ada perbedaan suku, budaya, dan bahasa, kita semua adalah bagian dari satu negara yang sama, yaitu Indonesia. Kita memiliki kesamaan dalam tujuan dan cita-cita untuk memajukan bangsa ini. Meskipun mungkin ada perselisihan atau perbedaan pendapat di antara kita, tetapi pada akhirnya kita semua bersatu sebagai satu bangsa yang saling mendukung dan bekerja sama untuk kebaikan bersama.
Terhadap teman yang berbeda suku maka sikap kita sebaiknya ....
Correct Answer
B. Saling menghormati
When encountering friends from different ethnic backgrounds, it is best to show mutual respect. This means treating each other with dignity, understanding, and acceptance regardless of our differences. By doing so, we can foster positive relationships and create a harmonious environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.
Indonesia memiliki makanan dari berbagai daerah yang .....
Correct Answer
C. Beraneka ragam
The correct answer is "Beraneka ragam" which means "diverse" in English. This is because the question states that Indonesia has food from various regions, indicating a wide range of flavors and culinary traditions. Therefore, the answer "Beraneka ragam" accurately reflects the diversity of Indonesian cuisine.
Gudeg adalah salah satu makanan khas dari daerah ....
Correct Answer
B. Yogyakarta
Gudeg is a traditional dish from Yogyakarta, known for its unique combination of flavors and ingredients. It is made from young jackfruit cooked with palm sugar, coconut milk, and various spices, resulting in a sweet and savory taste. Yogyakarta is famous for its culinary scene and gudeg is one of its most iconic dishes, making it the correct answer.
Makanan khas dari Sumatra Barat yang terkenal sangat enak adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Rendang
Rendang is a famous traditional dish from West Sumatra, known for its delicious taste. It is a slow-cooked beef dish, simmered in a rich and flavorful coconut milk-based sauce, along with various spices and herbs. The slow cooking process allows the meat to absorb all the flavors, resulting in a tender and flavorful dish. Rendang is often served during special occasions and is highly regarded for its complexity of flavors and aromatic qualities.
Makanan Indonesia terkenal memiliki rasa yang lezat, karena berbagai tanaman bumbu-bumbu bisa hidup dengan ....
Correct Answer
A. Subur
The given statement states that Indonesian food is famous for its delicious taste because various herbs and spices can thrive in a fertile environment. Therefore, the correct answer is "Subur" which means fertile in English.
Perbedaan antar suku bangsa yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia harus membuat kita menjadi ....
Correct Answer
D. Bangga
The correct answer is "Bangga" (Proud). The question states that the diversity among ethnic groups in Indonesia should make us feel a certain way. Given that Indonesia is known for its diverse cultural heritage and the coexistence of various ethnic groups, feeling proud of this diversity is a logical response.
Dengan banyaknya keragaman suku bangsa akan membuat Indonesia menjadi ....
Correct Answer
C. Kuat
The correct answer is "Kuat" because with the diversity of ethnic groups, Indonesia can become strong. The different cultures, traditions, and perspectives of the various ethnic groups contribute to the overall strength and resilience of the nation. This diversity also allows for a wide range of ideas and innovations, which can further enhance Indonesia's power and influence.
Dani mempunyai 1⁄2 potong kue. Rasya mempunyai 1⁄4 potong kue. Jadi kue yang dipunyai Dani adalah .... dari kue Rasya
Correct Answer
B. Lebih banyak
Dani memiliki 1/2 potong kue, sedangkan Rasya memiliki 1/4 potong kue. Jumlah potongan kue yang dimiliki Dani (1/2) lebih banyak daripada jumlah potongan kue yang dimiliki Rasya (1/4). Oleh karena itu, kue yang dipunyai Dani lebih banyak daripada kue yang dipunyai Rasya.
Nilai pecahan dari kotak warna kuning adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. 1⁄4
The correct answer is 1/4. This is because the question asks for the fractional value of the yellow box, and 1/4 is the only option that represents a fraction.
Nilai pecahan dari kotak warna hijau adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. 4⁄6
The correct answer is 4/6. This can be simplified to 2/3 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2. Therefore, the fraction is equivalent to 2/3.