Bernyanyi dan menari bisa membuat hati menjadi ….
Correct Answer
C. Gembira
Bernyanyi dan menari adalah kegiatan yang dapat memicu kegembiraan dan kebahagiaan. Melalui bernyanyi dan menari, seseorang dapat mengungkapkan perasaan positif dan mengekspresikan diri mereka dengan bebas. Aktivitas ini juga dapat meningkatkan produksi endorfin dalam tubuh, yang dikenal sebagai hormon kebahagiaan. Oleh karena itu, dapat dikatakan bahwa bernyanyi dan menari dapat membuat hati menjadi gembira.
Kasih ibu kepada beta
Tak terhingga sepanjang ….
Lanjutan lirik lagu di atas adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Masa
The continuation of the lyrics is "Masa", as indicated by the ellipsis at the end of the line.
Saat menari maka tubuh kita akan ….
Correct Answer
B. Aktif bergerak
When we dance, our body becomes active and moves in various ways. Dancing requires physical movement and coordination, involving different parts of the body such as arms, legs, and torso. Therefore, the correct answer is "Aktif bergerak" which means "actively moving".
Santi bisa bernyanyi dengan suara yang …
Correct Answer
C. Merdu
Santi bisa bernyanyi dengan suara yang merdu.
Deni dan Bagas ingin menirukan gerakan yang ada di alam
Gerakan di bawah ini yang termasuk cepat adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Ayam yang saling kejar-kejaran
Ayam yang saling kejar-kejaran termasuk gerakan yang cepat karena ayam-ayam tersebut berlari dan bergerak dengan kecepatan tinggi dalam upaya saling mengejar satu sama lain.
Memiliki sahabat itu menyenangkan, kita bisa …. dengan mereka.
Correct Answer
B. Bermain
Having friends is enjoyable, we can play with them.
Yanti dan Nisa terlihat senang ….di panggung, gerakan mereka sangat kompak.
Correct Answer
A. Menari
Yanti and Nisa are seen happy on stage, and their movements are very synchronized. This suggests that they are most likely dancing together on stage.
Ayah mengajak adik untuk …. pertunjukan tari di lapangan desa.
Correct Answer
B. Menonton
The correct answer is "Menonton". The sentence states that the speaker is inviting their sibling to watch a dance performance in the village field. Therefore, the most suitable option is "Menonton" which means "to watch" in English.
Peserta yang mendaftar lombar menyanyi ada 7 orang. Ternyata ada 2 peserta yang tidak hadir.
Jadi jumlah peserta yang hadir adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. 5 orang
There were originally 7 participants who registered for the singing competition, but 2 of them did not show up. Therefore, the number of participants who actually attended the competition is 5.
Jumlah penari di panggung ada 8 orang, terdiri dari laki-laki dan perempuan. Jika penari laki-laki berjumlah 5 orang, maka jumlah penari perempuan ada ….
Correct Answer
B. 3 orang
There are a total of 8 dancers on stage, with 5 of them being male dancers. Therefore, the remaining dancers must be female. Since 5 male dancers have already been accounted for, the number of female dancers must be 3.
Bayu membeli 9 buah kelereng. Ia memberikan 4 kelerengnya kepada Riko. Maka sisa kelereng yang dibeli Bayu adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. 5 buah
Bayu initially bought 9 marbles and gave 4 of them to Riko. To find the remaining marbles, we subtract the number of marbles given to Riko from the total number of marbles purchased. Therefore, the remaining marbles that Bayu has is 9 - 4 = 5 buah.
Sintia menanam 10 mawar di halaman rumahnya. Sekarang sudah ada 7 mawarnya yang sudah berbunga. Maka tanaman mawar yang belum berbunga berjumlah ….
Correct Answer
B. 3 mawar
There are 10 roses planted in Sintia's yard. Out of these, 7 have already bloomed. Therefore, the number of roses that have not bloomed yet is 10 - 7 = 3.
Bu Ratna telah membuat 10 potong roti bolu. Pada siang hari ada 4 potong yang dimakan anak-anaknya. Maka kue bolu yang dibuat Bu Ratna sekarang berjumlah ….
Correct Answer
C. 6 potong
Bu Ratna telah membuat 10 potong roti bolu. Pada siang hari ada 4 potong yang dimakan anak-anaknya. Jadi, untuk mengetahui jumlah kue bolu yang masih tersisa, kita perlu mengurangi jumlah potong yang dimakan (4 potong) dari jumlah potong yang awalnya dibuat (10 potong). 10 potong - 4 potong = 6 potong. Jadi, kue bolu yang dibuat Bu Ratna sekarang berjumlah 6 potong.
Terima Kasihku
Ciptaan Ibu Sud
Terima kasih kuucapkan
Pada guruku yang tulus
Ilmu yang berguna selalu dilimpahkan
Untuk bekalku nanti
Setiap hari ku dibimbingnya
Agar tumbuhlah bakatku
Kan kuingat selalu nasihat guruku
Terima kasih guruku
Lagu di atas berisi ucapan terima kasih kepada ….
Correct Answer
A. Guru
The correct answer is "Guru" because the song expresses gratitude and thanks to a teacher (guru) who has provided useful knowledge and guidance. The lyrics mention how the teacher has guided and nurtured the singer's talents, and the singer promises to always remember the teacher's advice. Therefore, the song is a tribute to a teacher, making "Guru" the appropriate answer.
Seorang guru sangat berjasa besar dalam ….
Correct Answer
A. Mendidik murid
A teacher plays a crucial role in educating students. They are responsible for imparting knowledge, skills, and values to their students. They guide and mentor students, helping them develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Through their teaching methods and interactions, teachers shape the minds and character of their students, preparing them for future challenges and opportunities. Therefore, the correct answer is "Mendidik murid" which translates to "Educating students".
Guru adalah …. tanpa tanda jasa.
Correct Answer
A. Pahlawan
The correct answer is "Pahlawan" because a "guru" (teacher) is considered a hero without any recognition or reward. They selflessly dedicate their time and effort to educate and shape the future generations, often without expecting anything in return. This answer reflects the selfless and noble nature of teachers who are often regarded as heroes in society.
Bu guru selalu semangat …. para murid dalam membaca dan menulis.
Correct Answer
B. Mengajari
The correct answer is "Mengajari". The sentence states that the teacher is always enthusiastic in teaching the students in reading and writing. This suggests that the teacher is actively involved in guiding and instructing the students, which aligns with the meaning of "Mengajari" in Indonesian, which means "teaching".
Bunda Piara
Ciptaan Alfandi
Bila kuingat lelah
ayah bunda
Bunda piara piara akan daku
sehingga aku besarlah
Waktuku kecil hidupku
amatlah senang
senang dipangku dipangku dipeluknya
serta dicium dicium dimanjakan
namanya kesayangan
Lagu Bunda Piara di atas menceritakan tentang ….
Correct Answer
B. Masa kecil yang bahagia
The correct answer is "Masa kecil yang bahagia". The lyrics of the song "Bunda Piara" talk about the speaker's childhood and the love and care they received from their mother. The line "Waktuku kecil hidupku amatlah senang" indicates that the speaker had a happy childhood. The lyrics also mention being carried, hugged, and kissed by their mother, which further emphasizes the joy and happiness of their early years.
Seorang anak ketika dipeluk orang tuanya akan merasa ….
Correct Answer
A. Senang
When a child is hugged by their parents, they will feel happy.
Lagu Bunda Piara menunjukan kasih sayang antara ….
Correct Answer
C. Orang tua dan anak
The song "Lagu Bunda Piara" demonstrates the love and affection between parents and their children. The term "Bunda" is a term commonly used to refer to a mother, and "Piara" means to nurture or care for. Therefore, the song portrays the bond and affection between parents (specifically the mother) and their children.
Ruri Abangku
Ciptaan A. T. Mahmud
Ruri adalah abangku
rajin dan senang belajar
Dengan menyandang tas di bahu
riang menuju sekolah
Berhitung, menulis, membaca
tak lupa diulang di rumah
Ingin akupun demikian
seperti Ruri abangku
Dalam lagu di atas menceritakan bahwa Ruri adalah anak yang ….
Correct Answer
A. Rajin belajar
The given correct answer is "Rajin belajar" because the lyrics of the song mention that Ruri is diligent and enjoys studying. The lines "rajin dan senang belajar" and "Berhitung, menulis, membaca" indicate that Ruri is hardworking and dedicated to his studies.
Ruri berangkat sekolah dengan ….
Correct Answer
B. Riang gembira
Ruri berangkat sekolah dengan "riang gembira" means that Ruri is going to school happily. This suggests that Ruri is in a good mood and looking forward to going to school.
Dani membeli 10 buah roti coklat. Dani memberikan 4 rotinya kepada Bagas.
Kalimat matematika dari cerita di atas yang tepat adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. 10 – 4 = 6
The given correct answer is 10 - 4 = 6. This is the correct mathematical representation of the situation described in the story. Dani initially had 10 chocolate breads and then gave away 4 of them to Bagas. By subtracting 4 from 10, we get the remaining number of breads Dani has, which is 6.
Operasi pengurangan di bawah ini yang benar adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. 10 – 7 = 3
The correct answer is 10 - 7 = 3. This is because when we subtract 7 from 10, we get a result of 3.
Operasi pengurangan di bawah ini yang salah adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. 10 – 6 = 5
The given subtraction operation that is incorrect is 10 - 6 = 5. The correct answer should be 10 - 6 = 4.