Simplisia berupa tanaman utuh, bagian tanaman atau eksudat tanaman disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. Simplisia Nabati
The correct answer is Simplisia Nabati. Simplisia refers to the whole plant, parts of the plant, or plant exudates that are used in herbal medicine. "Nabati" means plant-based or derived from plants. Therefore, Simplisia Nabati refers to plant-based materials used in traditional medicine or herbal remedies.
Adeps Lanae, Mel Depuratum merupakan contoh simplisia ...
Correct Answer
D. Hewani
Adeps Lanae, Mel Depuratum is an example of a simplisia that is derived from animal sources.
Dibawah ini manakah yang bukan termasuk dalam tahap pembudidayaan tanaman ...
Correct Answer
E. Pengeringan
Pengeringan bukan termasuk dalam tahap pembudidayaan tanaman karena pengeringan merupakan proses setelah panen dilakukan. Tahap pembudidayaan tanaman meliputi pengolahan tanah, penanaman, pemeliharaan tanaman, dan pemungutan hasil (panen). Pengeringan dilakukan setelah panen untuk menghilangkan kelebihan air dari hasil panen agar dapat disimpan dengan baik.
Dibawah ini manakah yang bukan termasuk dalam pengolahan simplisia ...
Correct Answer
D. Penanaman
Penanaman tidak termasuk dalam pengolahan simplisia karena pengolahan simplisia adalah proses pengolahan bahan baku tumbuhan menjadi bahan obat yang siap digunakan. Penanaman merupakan tahap awal dalam memperoleh bahan baku tumbuhan tersebut dan termasuk dalam kegiatan pertanian atau budidaya tanaman. Pengolahan simplisia meliputi pengeringan, pengawetan, pengemasan, dan penyimpanan dengan suhu yang tepat.
Berapa suhu derajat pada suhu dingin ...
Correct Answer
A. 2o - 8o
The correct answer is 2o - 8o. This range represents a cold temperature, as it is lower than room temperature (which is typically around 20o - 25o). Temperatures between 2o and 8o would be considered chilly or cool.
Berapa suhu derajat keadaan Hangat ...
Correct Answer
D. 30o – 40o
The correct answer is the range of 30o to 40o. This range represents the temperature range for the condition of "Hangat" (warm) in degrees Celsius.
Berapa suhu derajat pada ruang kerja ...
Correct Answer
C. 15o – 30o
The correct answer is 15o - 30o. This range of temperature is the most suitable for a working space as it provides a comfortable and conducive environment for individuals to work in. Temperatures below 15o may be too cold and uncomfortable, while temperatures above 30o may be too hot and cause discomfort and decreased productivity. Therefore, a temperature range of 15o - 30o is ideal for a working space.
Simplisia dianggap rusak jika ...
Correct Answer
A. Keadaan sudah tidak memenuhi syarat, seperti basah oleh air laut dll
Simplisia dianggap rusak jika keadaannya sudah tidak memenuhi syarat, seperti basah oleh air laut atau faktor-faktor lain yang dapat merusak kualitasnya.
Di bawah ini manakah yang tidak termasuk dalam penilaian obat ...
Correct Answer
E. Secara bebas
Secara bebas tidak termasuk dalam penilaian obat karena tidak ada kriteria penilaian yang terkait dengan kebebasan. Penilaian obat biasanya melibatkan evaluasi organoleptik (sifat-sifat fisik seperti warna, bentuk, dan rasa), mikroskopik (struktur mikroskopik), fisika (sifat fisik seperti kelarutan dan titik leleh), dan kimia (komposisi kimia dan reaksi kimia).
Amara adalah .....
Correct Answer
A. Penambah nafsu makan
Amara adalah penambah nafsu makan. This means that Amara is a substance or medication that helps increase appetite.
Antidotum adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Penawar racun
Antidotum adalah substansi yang digunakan sebagai penawar racun. Substansi ini bertujuan untuk melawan efek negatif dari racun yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, sehingga dapat mengurangi atau menghilangkan dampak racun tersebut.
Laktagoga adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Memperlancar ASI
Laktagoga is a product or substance that is believed to help improve and stimulate the production of breast milk in lactating mothers. It is commonly used by women who may be experiencing difficulties in breastfeeding or low milk supply. By consuming Laktagoga, it is believed to help enhance the flow and supply of breast milk, ensuring that the baby receives enough nutrition.
Emoliensia adalah ...
Correct Answer
E. Menghaluskan jaringan kulit
Emoliensia adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kemampuan suatu bahan atau produk dalam menghaluskan jaringan kulit. Istilah ini biasanya digunakan dalam konteks produk perawatan kulit yang memiliki kandungan atau formula yang dapat melembapkan dan menutrisi kulit, sehingga membuatnya terasa lebih halus dan lembut. Produk dengan sifat emoliensia dapat membantu mengatasi masalah kulit kering, kasar, atau pecah-pecah, serta memberikan efek pelembap yang tahan lama.
Dismenorrhoe adalah ...
Correct Answer
E. Mengobati nyeri haid
Dismenorrhoe adalah istilah medis yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan nyeri yang terjadi selama menstruasi. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Mengobati nyeri haid".
Sebuah bentuk modifikasi batang tanaman yang biasanya menjalar didalam tanah dan dapat menghasilkan tanaman baru dari ruasnya disebut ...
Correct Answer
A. Rhizoma
Rhizoma refers to a modified stem of a plant that usually grows underground and can produce new plants from its nodes. This is different from Radix, Folium, Cortex, and Herba, which refer to other parts of a plant such as the root, leaf, bark, and herb respectively.
Nama tanaman asal dari Temu Kunci ...
Correct Answer
A. Boesenbergia pandurata
Boesenbergia pandurata is the correct answer because it is the scientific name for Temu Kunci. The other options are different plant species and not the original name for Temu Kunci.
Bagian yang digunakan pada simplisia CALAMI RHIZOMA ...
Correct Answer
A. Akar Tinggal
The correct answer is "Akar Tinggal". This means that the part used in the simplisia of CALAMI RHIZOMA is the "Akar Tinggal".
Nama lain dan contoh sediaan dari Curcuma xanthorrhiza ...
Correct Answer
D. Temulawak, Curvit Syrup
The correct answer is Temulawak, Curvit Syrup. Temulawak is another name for Curcuma xanthorrhiza, a medicinal plant commonly used in traditional medicine. Curvit Syrup is a specific formulation or preparation of Curcuma xanthorrhiza in a syrup form. Therefore, Temulawak and Curvit Syrup are both alternate names and examples of the same plant and its specific preparation.
Keluarga dari Cyperus rotundus ...
Correct Answer
A. Cyperaceae
The correct answer is Cyperaceae. Cyperaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes the species Cyperus rotundus. This family is commonly known as the sedge family and is characterized by their grass-like appearance and triangular stems. Cyperaceae is a diverse family with over 5,000 species, and they are found in various habitats worldwide. Cyperus rotundus, also known as nutgrass or purple nutsedge, is a common and widespread weed that belongs to this family.
Zat berkhasiat dari Lempuyang Wangi ...
Correct Answer
E. Humulen, limonen
The correct answer is Humulen, limonen. Humulen and limonen are compounds found in Lempuyang Wangi, which is a type of ginger. These compounds have various medicinal properties and are known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They also have potential anti-cancer properties and can help in relieving pain and reducing anxiety. Therefore, the presence of humulen and limonen in Lempuyang Wangi makes it beneficial for health.
Bagian pokok disamping batang dan daun bagi tumbuhan yang tubuhnya telah merupakan cormus adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Radix
The correct answer is "Radix". The radix refers to the main part of a plant that is located beside the stem and leaves. In this case, the question is asking for the main part of a plant that has already formed a cormus. A cormus is a type of modified stem that contains both the stem and leaves, so the radix would be the correct answer as it refers to the main part of the plant in this context.
Simplisia apakah yang dapat digunakan sebagai Emenagoga ...
Correct Answer
Catharanthi radix dapat digunakan sebagai emenagoga.
Nama lain dari Rheum officinale ...
Correct Answer
A. Kelembak
The correct answer is "Kelembak".
Bagian batang atau buah atau buah yang dapat dikelupas disebut ...
Correct Answer
D. Cortex
Cortex refers to the outer layer or bark of a plant's stem or fruit that can be peeled. In this context, it is the correct answer as it matches the description given in the question.
Nama simplisia dari Kulit Pule ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ALSTONIAE CORTEX. Alstoniae cortex is the correct scientific name for the bark of the Alstonia tree. The question is asking for the scientific name of the bark of the Pule tree, and Alstoniae cortex is the correct answer.
Nama lain dari Cinchona succirubra ...
Correct Answer
E. Kulit kina
The correct answer is "Kulit kina." Kulit kina is another name for Cinchona succirubra, a plant species commonly known as red cinchona. The bark of this tree is used to extract quinine, which is used as an antimalarial drug. Therefore, kulit kina is a suitable alternative name for Cinchona succirubra.
Penggunaan dari Punica granatum ...
Correct Answer
A. Adstringensia usus
The correct answer is "Adstringensia usus". This means that the usage of Punica granatum is as an intestinal astringent. This suggests that it can help to tighten and tone the intestines, potentially aiding in the treatment of conditions such as diarrhea or inflammation in the digestive system.
Penggunaan dari Pegatsih ...
Correct Answer
B. Astringensia
Astringensia refers to a type of medication or substance that has a tightening or constricting effect on body tissues. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as diarrhea, bleeding, or inflammation. The use of astringents helps to reduce the flow of fluids and tighten the affected tissues, promoting healing and reducing symptoms.
Nama simplisia dari Kulit sariawan ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is SYMPLOCI CORTEX.
Nama simplisia dan contoh sediaan dari Bawang Putih ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ALII SATIVI BULBUS, Garlic Kapsul. This is because "ALII SATIVI BULBUS" is the Latin name for garlic bulb, and "Garlic Kapsul" is an example of a product or preparation that contains garlic bulb as its main ingredient.
Keluarga dari Tinospora tuberculata ...
Correct Answer
B. Menispermaceae
The correct answer is Menispermaceae. Menispermaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes the genus Tinospora tuberculata. This family is known for its climbing or twining vines, and it is characterized by its distinctive flowers and fruits. Tinospora tuberculata belongs to this family, indicating that it shares similar characteristics and traits with other plants in the Menispermaceae family.
Bagian tumbuhan diatas tanah terdiri dari batang,daun,bunga, dan buah disebut ...
Correct Answer
E. Herba
The correct answer is "Herba". In botanical terms, "herba" refers to the above-ground parts of a plant, including the stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. This term is commonly used to categorize and study different plant parts and their functions.
Nama lain dari Andrographis paniculata ...
Correct Answer
A. Sambiloto
Sambiloto is another name for Andrographis paniculata.
Nama simplisia dari Daun Kaki Kuda adalah...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is CENTELLAE HERBA. This is the Latin name for the herb known as Centella asiatica or Gotu kola. Gotu kola is commonly used in traditional medicine for its various health benefits, including improving memory and cognition, reducing anxiety and stress, and promoting wound healing. It is also known as Daun Kaki Kuda in Indonesian.
Penggunaan dari Ephedra equisetina ....
Correct Answer
B. Diuretika
Ephedra equisetina digunakan sebagai diuretika, yang berarti bahwa zat ini dapat membantu meningkatkan produksi urine dan mengurangi retensi cairan dalam tubuh. Penggunaan Ephedra equisetina sebagai diuretika dapat membantu mengatasi masalah seperti edema atau tekanan darah tinggi yang terkait dengan retensi cairan.
Bagian yang digunakan oleh Herba hiosiami ...
Correct Answer
B. Daun, campuran daun dan pucuk berbunga
The correct answer is "Daun, campuran daun dan pucuk berbunga." This answer suggests that the parts of the Herba hiosiami plant that are used are the leaves, a mixture of leaves and flower buds.
Sediaan dari Meniran ...
Correct Answer
E. Stimuno Syrup dan Tablet
The given options are all different pharmaceutical preparations. However, only Stimuno Syrup and Tablet are specifically mentioned as the "sediaan dari Meniran" (preparations from Meniran). This suggests that Stimuno Syrup and Tablet are the correct answer as they are the only options that are made from Meniran.
Nama lain dan keluarga dari STRAMONII HERBA ...
Correct Answer
C. Herba Stramonii, Solanaceae
The correct answer is "Herba Stramonii, Solanaceae". This is because the question is asking for the other name and family of "STRAMONII HERBA", and "Herba Stramonii" is the other name for it. Additionally, "Solanaceae" is the correct family for "Stramonii Herba" as it belongs to the Solanaceae family.
Nama tanaman asal dan penggunaan dari Herba Timi ...
Correct Answer
A. Thymus vulgaris, Antitussiva
Thymus vulgaris, also known as Thyme, is a herb that is commonly used as an antitussive, which means it helps to relieve coughing. It contains compounds that have expectorant properties, helping to loosen and expel mucus from the respiratory system. Thyme has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, asthma, and coughs. Its antitussive properties make it an effective remedy for soothing and suppressing coughs.
Nama lain dari Abri folium ...
Correct Answer
E. Daun Saga
Daun Saga adalah nama lain dari Abri folium.
Nama tanaman asal dari daun sirsak ...
Correct Answer
B. Annona muricata
Annona muricata is the correct answer because it is the scientific name for soursop, which is a plant known for its leaves. The question is asking for the name of the plant that soursop leaves come from, and Annona muricata fits this description.
Penggunaa dari Daun seribu ...
Correct Answer
D. Antipiretika
The correct answer is "Antipiretika." Antipiretika refers to medications or substances that help reduce fever. In the given options, Stomakika, Mengurangi Haid, and Diuretika do not relate to fever reduction. Narkotika refers to narcotics, which is unrelated to the context of the question. Therefore, Antipiretika is the most appropriate answer as it directly addresses the purpose of reducing fever.
Keluarga dari Daun Pacar Cina ...
Correct Answer
C. Meliaceae
The correct answer is Meliaceae. Meliaceae is a family of flowering plants that includes the genus Aglaia, which is commonly known as the Chinese Perfume Tree. The question asks for the family of the Chinese Perfume Tree, and Meliaceae is the correct family.
Zat berkhasiat dari Daun Seledri ...
Correct Answer
A. Minyak atsiri
Minyak atsiri adalah zat yang terdapat dalam daun seledri yang memiliki khasiat. Minyak atsiri ini memiliki aroma yang khas dan dapat memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan, seperti sebagai antioksidan, antiinflamasi, dan antikanker. Oleh karena itu, minyak atsiri merupakan zat yang berkhasiat dari daun seledri.
Nama lain dari Baeckeae frutescens ...
Correct Answer
B. Daun Jungrahab
Daun Jungrahab is another name for Baeckeae frutescens.
Nama tanaman asal dari Daun Sembung ...
Correct Answer
C. Blumea balsamifera
Blumea balsamifera is the correct answer because it is the scientific name for Daun Sembung.
Nama lain dan Keluarga dari Cannabis sativa ...
Correct Answer
A. Daun ganja, Cannabinaceae
The correct answer is "Daun ganja, Cannabinaceae". This is because Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana or ganja, belongs to the family Cannabinaceae.
Zat berkhasiat dari Daun Pepaya ...
Correct Answer
E. Enzim proteolitik papain
The correct answer is "Enzim proteolitik papain." Enzim proteolitik papain refers to the proteolytic enzyme papain found in papaya leaves. This enzyme is known for its ability to break down proteins and has various medicinal properties such as anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and digestive benefits. It is commonly used in traditional medicine and as a meat tenderizer.
Penggunaan dari Daun Cengkeh ...
Correct Answer
A. Aromatika
The correct answer is "Aromatika". Aromatika refers to the use of clove leaves for their aromatic properties. Clove leaves have a strong, spicy, and sweet aroma, which makes them popular in various culinary dishes, perfumes, and aromatherapy. They are often used to add flavor and fragrance to food, beverages, and personal care products.
Nama lain dari CASSIAE FOLIUM adalah...
Correct Answer
D. Daun Ketepeng
The correct answer is "Daun Ketepeng" because "CASSIAE FOLIUM" is the scientific name for Ketepeng leaves. The other options, such as Daun Cengkeh (Clove leaves), Daun Koka (Coca leaves), Daun Seledri (Celery leaves), and Daun Alpuket, do not correspond to the scientific name given.