Macam-macam bidang pandangan pada saat perekaman gambar diantaranya adalah
Correct Answer
The correct answer is BCU, ELS. BCU stands for Big Close Up, which refers to a shot that focuses on a specific detail or part of a subject. ELS stands for Extreme Long Shot, which captures a wide view of a location or setting. These two types of shots offer different perspectives and are commonly used in filmmaking to provide variety and enhance storytelling.
LCD kepanjangan dari
Correct Answer
C. Liquid Cristal Display
The correct answer is "Liquid Cristal Display" because LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD technology is used in various electronic devices such as televisions, computer monitors, and smartphones to produce images and videos by manipulating the light passing through liquid crystals.
Di bawah ini yang bukan digital video kamera adalah
Correct Answer
E. CV Profesisonal
The correct answer is CV Profesisonal. The other options listed are all types of digital video cameras, such as Panasonic, Betacam SX, Mini DV, and DV Cam. However, CV Profesisonal is not a type of digital video camera.
Di bawah ini yang bukan kategori video kamera adalah :
Correct Answer
B. Home Used Camera
The given options are all categories of video cameras except for "Home Used Camera". This suggests that "Home Used Camera" does not belong to any specific category or classification of video cameras. The other options, such as "Broadcasting Video Camera", "Professional Video Camera", "Electronic Camera", and "Semi Professional Camera", all represent specific categories or types of video cameras that are used for different purposes or in different settings.
Pengambilan gambar dan menyajikan bidang pandangan yang sangat luas, atau kamera mengambil keseluruhan pandangan. Obyek utama dan obyek lainnya nampak sangat kecil dalam hubungannya dengan latar belakang disebut
Correct Answer
The correct answer is ELS. ELS stands for Extreme Long Shot. In this type of shot, the camera captures a wide view of the scene, showing a large area or landscape. The main subject and other objects appear very small in relation to the background. This shot is often used to establish the setting or to emphasize the vastness of a location.
Proses pemilihan pemain dalam pembuatan film disebut
Correct Answer
A. Casting
Casting is the process of selecting actors or actresses for specific roles in a film. It involves auditions, screen tests, and interviews to determine the most suitable candidates for the desired characters. The casting director or team evaluates the performers' skills, looks, and chemistry with other cast members to make informed decisions. This crucial step ensures that the right individuals are chosen to bring the characters to life and contribute to the overall success of the film.
Alat yang digunakan untuk menerima getaran suara dan merubahnya menjadi sinyal elektronik adalah
Correct Answer
B. Microphone
A microphone is a device that is used to receive sound vibrations and convert them into electronic signals. It is commonly used in various applications such as recording, broadcasting, and communication systems. The microphone captures the sound waves and converts them into electrical signals, which can then be amplified, processed, and transmitted to other devices such as speakers or headphones. Therefore, a microphone is the correct answer in this context as it is specifically designed for this purpose.
Untuk menampilkan bagian-bagian tertentu dari manusia atau objek yang memenuhi seluruh layer dan lebih besar disebut bidang pandang
Correct Answer
A. Extrim close-up
The given statement describes a specific type of shot that displays specific parts of a person or object that fill the entire frame and are larger in size. This type of shot is called an "extreme close-up." It focuses on capturing intricate details and emphasizing specific features by zooming in closely.
Yang mengatur jalannya pembutan film adalah
Correct Answer
B. Sutradara
The correct answer is "sutradara" because the sutradara, or director, is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the entire filmmaking process. They work closely with the actors, cameramen, and other crew members to ensure that the film is made according to their vision. The director is in charge of making creative decisions, guiding the actors' performances, and ensuring that the film's story is effectively communicated to the audience.
Coretan gambar/sketsa seperti gambar komik yang menggambarkan kejadian dalam film adalah
Correct Answer
D. Storyboard
A storyboard is a series of sketches or illustrations that visually depict the scenes and actions of a film or movie. It helps the director and the production team to plan and organize the visual aspects of the film, including the composition, camera angles, and movement. The storyboard acts as a blueprint for the film, allowing the team to visualize and understand how the scenes will look and flow before actually filming them. It is similar to a comic strip or a graphic novel, as it presents the narrative in a visual format.