Salah satu faktor pendorong yang membuat bangsa Eropa ingin datang menguasai Indonesia adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Semangat mewujudkan misi gold, glory, gospel
The correct answer is "semangat mewujudkan misi gold, glory, gospel". This answer suggests that one of the driving factors for European nations wanting to colonize Indonesia was their desire to achieve wealth, power, and spread Christianity. This motivation aligns with the historical context of European colonialism, where nations sought to expand their empires and exploit the resources and people of colonized territories for economic gain and religious conversion.
Kerajaan di Maluku yang menyambut baik kedatangan Portugis adalah kerajaan ...
Correct Answer
A. Ternate
The correct answer is Ternate. Ternate was a kingdom in the Maluku Islands that welcomed the arrival of the Portuguese. The Portuguese established a strong presence in Ternate, forming alliances with the local rulers and gaining control over the spice trade in the region. This alliance proved beneficial for both parties, as the Portuguese gained access to valuable spices and the Ternate kingdom received protection and support from the Portuguese against their rivals.
Penjajahan Inggris di Indonesia dipimpin oleh akil Gubernur Jenderal yang bernama ...
Correct Answer
B. Thomas Stamford Raffles
Thomas Stamford Raffles is the correct answer because he was the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) from 1811 to 1816 during the British occupation. Raffles implemented various reforms during his time, including abolishing the slave trade, promoting education, and founding the city of Singapore. His leadership had a significant impact on the region and laid the foundation for future British influence in Southeast Asia.
Persatuan Dagang Hindia Timur atau VOC adalah kongsi dagang yang dibentuk oleh ...
Correct Answer
B. Belanda
The correct answer is Belanda. The explanation for this is that the Persatuan Dagang Hindia Timur or VOC was a trading company formed by the Dutch. The VOC was established in 1602 and played a significant role in the Dutch colonization of the East Indies (present-day Indonesia) and the spice trade in the region. The company had a monopoly on Dutch trade in the East Indies and was instrumental in expanding Dutch influence and control in the region.
Rombongan pertama Belanda yang datang ke Indonesia dipimpin oleh ...
Correct Answer
B. Cornelis de Houtman
Cornelis de Houtman is the correct answer because he led the first Dutch expedition to Indonesia in 1595. He was a Dutch explorer and merchant who played a significant role in establishing Dutch trade relations with the Indonesian archipelago. His expedition marked the beginning of Dutch colonialism in the region and laid the foundation for the Dutch East India Company's dominance in the spice trade.
Belanda menyerahkan kekuasaannya atas Hindia Belanda kepada Inggris dalam perjanjian ...
Correct Answer
A. Tuntang
The correct answer is Tuntang. Tuntang refers to the Tuntang Agreement, which was signed on 24 March 1946 between the Dutch and the Indonesian nationalist leaders. This agreement marked the transfer of power from the Dutch colonial government to the Indonesian government. It recognized the sovereignty of the Indonesian Republic and paved the way for the establishment of an independent Indonesia.
Semboyan Tut Wuri Handayani dibuat oleh ...
Correct Answer
B. Ki Hajar Dewantara
The correct answer is Ki Hajar Dewantara. Ki Hajar Dewantara is known for his contributions to education in Indonesia. He was a prominent figure in the country's national awakening movement and played a key role in the development of the Indonesian education system. The phrase "Tut Wuri Handayani" is often associated with him and represents the importance of guiding and nurturing students in their education.
Belanda pernah melakukan politik adu domba di nusantara, yaitu antara ...
Correct Answer
B. Kaum Padri dan kaum Adat
The correct answer is kaum Padri dan kaum Adat. The question is asking about the political strategy of divide and conquer used by the Dutch in the archipelago. The Padri and Adat were two opposing factions in the Minangkabau society during the Padri War in the early 19th century. The Dutch took advantage of this conflict to weaken the resistance against their colonial rule. By supporting one side against the other, the Dutch were able to maintain control and exploit the resources of the region.
Jepang membentuk Gerakan Tiga A dengan tujuan untuk ...
Correct Answer
B. Menarik simpati bangsa Indonesia
The correct answer is "menarik simpati bangsa Indonesia." This is because the Gerakan Tiga A (Three A Movement) was formed by Japan during their occupation of Indonesia in World War II. The main goal of this movement was to gain the support and sympathy of the Indonesian people towards the Japanese occupation. By doing so, Japan aimed to weaken the resistance against their rule and maintain control over Indonesia.
Militer Jepang menduduki Indonesia sejak tahun
Correct Answer
C. 1942
The correct answer is 1942 because it was during this year that Japan successfully invaded and occupied Indonesia during World War II. This occupation lasted until 1945 when Japan surrendered to the Allied forces. The Japanese occupation had a significant impact on Indonesia's history and led to various political and social changes in the country.
Tujuan dari organisasi pergerakan nasional adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa untuk mengusir penjajah
The correct answer is "persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa untuk mengusir penjajah" which translates to "unity and solidarity of the nation to expel the colonizers." This answer aligns with the goal of the national movement organization, which is to unite the people of Indonesia and drive out the colonial powers. It implies that the organization aims to mobilize the nation towards independence and liberation from foreign domination.
Sikap yang dapat kita teladani dari tokoh M.H. Thamrin adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Tegas tapi santun
The correct answer is "tegas tapi santun". This means that M.H. Thamrin had a firm and strong stance on his beliefs and principles, but he also maintained a respectful and polite demeanor. This suggests that he was able to assert himself and stand up for what he believed in, while still treating others with kindness and respect. This attitude can serve as a positive example for others to follow in their interactions with others.
Perhatikan gambar berikut! Tokoh pada gambar di bawah ini memimpin perang ...
Correct Answer
A. Jawa
The correct answer is "Jawa" because the picture shows a figure leading a war, and Jawa is a well-known region in Indonesia with a rich history of wars and conflicts.
Nama tokoh yang mendirikan Sekolah Keutamaan Istri adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Dewi Sartika
Dewi Sartika didirikan Sekolah Keutamaan Istri.
Berikut yang bukan contoh tindakan menghormati jasa para pahlawan adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Mengobrol saat waktunya mengheningkan cipta
The correct answer is "mengobrol saat waktunya mengheningkan cipta." This is not an example of showing respect for the heroes because "mengheningkan cipta" is a moment of silence observed to honor and remember the heroes. Talking during this time would be disrespectful and not in line with showing respect for their service.
Salah satu faktor penarik yang memungkinkan bangsa asing masuk dan menguasai Indonesia adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Rakyat Indonesia masih terpecah-pecah dan bersifat kedaerahan
The correct answer suggests that one of the factors that allowed foreign nations to enter and dominate Indonesia is the fragmented and regionalistic nature of the Indonesian people. This implies that the lack of unity among the Indonesian population made it easier for foreign powers to exploit and exert control over different regions of the country.
Sultan Ternate yang mengusir Portugis dari Maluku adalah Sultan ...
Correct Answer
A. Baabullah
Baabullah is the correct answer because he was the Sultan of Ternate who successfully expelled the Portuguese from the Maluku islands. He was known for his strong leadership and strategic military tactics, which enabled him to drive out the Portuguese and regain control over the region. Baabullah's victory played a significant role in the history of Indonesia's struggle against colonial powers and solidified Ternate's position as a powerful sultanate in the region.
Salah satu kebijakan Raffles di Indonesia adalah mengganti sistem tanam paksa Belanda menjadi sistem ...
Correct Answer
A. Sewa tanah
Raffles implemented the policy of changing the Dutch forced cultivation system in Indonesia to a system of renting land. This means that instead of forcing the local population to cultivate certain crops for the Dutch, they were given the option to rent and cultivate the land themselves. This policy aimed to provide more autonomy to the local population and promote economic development.
Kita dapat menghargai jasa pahlawan dengan cara ...
Correct Answer
A. Menjaga kemerdekaan
Kita dapat menghargai jasa pahlawan dengan cara menjaga kemerdekaan, karena pahlawan telah berjuang untuk mencapai kemerdekaan negara. Dengan menjaga kemerdekaan, kita menghormati dan menghargai perjuangan mereka serta meneruskan nilai-nilai yang mereka perjuangkan.
Pada masa penjajahan Jepang, bangsa Indonesia diperintahkan melakukan romusa yang berarti ...
Correct Answer
D. Kerja paksa
During the Japanese occupation, the Indonesian people were forced to engage in "kerja paksa" which means forced labor. This involved the compulsory work of the Indonesian population for the benefit of the Japanese authorities. This labor was often carried out under harsh conditions and without proper compensation or regard for the well-being of the workers. The term "kerja paksa" is commonly used to refer to the forced labor practices imposed during the Japanese occupation in Indonesia.
Penyebab perang Padri adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Belanda mengadu domba Kaum Adat dan Kaum Padri
The correct answer is "Belanda mengadu domba Kaum Adat dan Kaum Padri." This means that the Dutch manipulated and instigated conflicts between the Adat (traditionalist) and Padri (reformist) factions in order to divide and conquer the local population. This strategy allowed the Dutch to maintain control and exploit the situation to their advantage during the Padri War.
Salah satu tokoh pergerakan nasional adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Ki Hajar Dewantara
Ki Hajar Dewantara is considered one of the national movement figures because of his significant contributions to Indonesian education. He played a crucial role in advocating for the importance of education for all Indonesians, regardless of their social status or background. Dewantara's efforts led to the establishment of the Taman Siswa school system, which aimed to provide accessible education to the masses. He also emphasized the importance of cultural identity and nationalism in education, promoting the use of the Indonesian language and local traditions. Overall, Dewantara's dedication to education and his nationalist ideals solidify his position as a national movement figure.
Gubernur Jendral yang memerintahkan pembangunan jalan raya dari Anyer hingga Panarukan adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Daendels
Daendels adalah Gubernur Jendral yang memerintahkan pembangunan jalan raya dari Anyer hingga Panarukan.
Alasan Supriyadi melakukan pemberontakan PETA di Blitar adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Tidak tahan melihat penderitaan romusa
Supriyadi melakukan pemberontakan PETA di Blitar karena tidak tahan melihat penderitaan romusa. Ini menunjukkan bahwa Supriyadi merasa empati dan prihatin terhadap penderitaan yang dialami oleh romusa, sehingga dia memutuskan untuk melakukan pemberontakan sebagai bentuk protes terhadap perlakuan yang tidak adil tersebut.
Cara yang dapat kita lakukan untuk menghormati para pahlawan adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Mengheningkan cipta dengan khidmat saat upacara bendera
The correct answer is "mengheningkan cipta dengan khidmat saat upacara bendera" which means "observing a moment of silence with solemnity during flag ceremonies." This answer suggests a way to honor the heroes by showing respect and solemnity during national flag ceremonies. By observing a moment of silence, it signifies a tribute to the sacrifices and contributions made by the heroes in defending the nation.