Lapisan bumi yang selalu bergerak, tempat tinggal makhluk hidup, terdiri dari batuan beku, sedimen dan metamorf adalah..
Correct Answer
D. Kerak bumi
Kerak bumi adalah lapisan terluar dari bumi yang terdiri dari batuan beku, sedimen, dan metamorf. Lapisan ini selalu bergerak karena adanya pergerakan lempeng tektonik di bawahnya. Kerak bumi juga merupakan tempat tinggal bagi makhluk hidup, termasuk manusia.
Selimut bumi terdiri dari tiga bagian di bawah ini kecuali..
Correct Answer
A. Stratosfer
The correct answer is stratosfer. The question is asking for the part of the Earth's blanket that is not included in the three options given. The three options listed are litosfer, mesosfer, and astenosfer, which are all layers of the Earth's structure. The stratosfer is not part of the Earth's structure, but rather a layer of the Earth's atmosphere.
Lapisan atmosfer yang berfungsi memantulkan gelombang radio adalah
Correct Answer
B. Termosfer
The termosfer is the layer of the atmosphere that reflects radio waves. It is located above the mesosphere and below the exosphere. This layer is known for its high temperatures and low air density. The ionized gases in the termosfer allow radio waves to bounce off and be reflected back to Earth, making it an important layer for long-distance radio communication.
Indonesia termasuk negara yang pegunungannya termasuk ring of fire (cincin gunung api), karena berada dekat lautan
Correct Answer
C. Pasific
Indonesia is included in the ring of fire because it is located near the Pacific Ocean. The ring of fire is a region in the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. This is due to the movement and collision of tectonic plates in the area. Indonesia, being located in close proximity to the Pacific Ocean, experiences frequent volcanic activity and earthquakes, making it part of the ring of fire.
Penyakit akibat menghirup debu silika material abu vulkanik yang menyebablan peradangan dan jaringan parut pada paru-paru disebut
Correct Answer
B. Silikosis
Silikosis is the correct answer because it refers to a disease caused by inhaling silica dust, which leads to inflammation and scarring of the lungs. The other options, skoliosis, arteiosis, and bronkhitis, do not relate to the given description of the disease caused by inhaling silica dust.
Sumber gempa yang terdapat di dalam bumi disebut
Correct Answer
B. Hiposentrum
The correct answer is "hiposentrum." The term "hiposentrum" refers to the source or focus of an earthquake, which is located beneath the Earth's surface. It is the point where the seismic energy is released, causing the ground shaking. The hiposentrum is usually deeper than the epicenter, which is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the hiposentrum. The hiposentrum is an essential parameter in understanding the nature and characteristics of an earthquake.
Tahapan hidrosfer berupa penguapan yang berlangsung di jaringan makhluk hidup disebut
Correct Answer
B. Transpirasi
The correct answer is transpirasi. Transpirasi is the process of water vapor being released into the atmosphere through the stomata of plants. It occurs in living organisms, specifically in plants, where water is taken up by the roots and transported to the leaves. In the leaves, water is then released as vapor through small openings called stomata. This process plays a crucial role in the water cycle and helps to regulate the temperature and humidity of the environment.
Proses perpindahan awan dari satu titik ke titik lain dalam satu horizontal disebut..
Correct Answer
C. Adveksi
Adveksi adalah proses perpindahan awan dari satu titik ke titik lain dalam satu horizontal. Proses ini terjadi ketika angin membawa awan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain tanpa mengubah suhu atau fase awan tersebut.
Siklus hidrologi yang didahului terbentuknya salju dan gletser disebut..
Correct Answer
C. Siklus panjang
The correct answer is "siklus panjang." The explanation for this answer is that the hydrological cycle, or the water cycle, is a continuous process that involves the movement of water on, above, and below the Earth's surface. It includes processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. The formation of snow and glaciers is an important part of this cycle, as they store large amounts of water over long periods of time. Therefore, the term "siklus panjang" or "long cycle" accurately describes the hydrological cycle that includes the formation of snow and glaciers.
Proses pergerakan air ke dalam pori tanah disebut
Correct Answer
C. Infiltrasi
Infiltrasi adalah proses pergerakan air ke dalam pori-pori tanah. Ketika air hujan jatuh ke permukaan tanah, sebagian air akan meresap ke dalam tanah melalui pori-pori dan celah-celah dalam tanah. Proses ini penting dalam siklus hidrologi karena air yang terinfiltrasi akan menjadi sumber air tanah yang dapat diambil oleh tumbuhan atau mengisi akuifer.