Kata apresiasi berasal dari kata to appreciate dalam bahasa inggris yang berarti: ...
Correct Answer
C. Menghargai
The correct answer is "menghargai". The word "apresiasi" is derived from the English word "appreciate", which means to value or recognize the worth of something or someone. "Menghargai" in Indonesian has a similar meaning, as it means to appreciate or value something. Therefore, "menghargai" is the most suitable translation for the word "appreciate" in this context.
Dibawah ini yang bukan penempatan atau alas karya seni rupa tiga dimensi adalah:...
Correct Answer
B. Sketsel
The correct answer is "sketsel". Sketsel is not a placement or base for three-dimensional artworks. It is a term used to refer to a small table or easel used for sketching or painting. The other options, such as standart display, meja (table), pedestel (pedestal), and etalase (display case), can all be used as placements or bases for three-dimensional artworks.
Pengunjung diimbau mengisi buku yang berada di meja tamu, hal ini tersebut bertujuan untuk :
Correct Answer
D. Mencatat nomor pengunjung yang dapat diundang kembali dalam pameran selanjutnya
The visitors are asked to fill in a book at the guest table in order to record the numbers of visitors who can be invited back to the next exhibition. This suggests that the purpose of filling in the book is to keep track of the visitors who may be invited again in the future.
Perhatikan uraian kegiatan dibawah ini: ...
1. Menyusun kepanitiaan
2. Menyiapkan dan memilih karya
3. Menyiapkan perlengkapan
4. menyiapkan tempat
5. menata ruang pameran
Kegiatan-kegiatan diatas merupakan rincian dari tahapan ... pameran
Correct Answer
A. Persiapan
The given activities of organizing a committee, preparing and selecting works, preparing equipment, preparing the venue, and arranging the exhibition space are all part of the preparation phase of an exhibition. Therefore, the correct answer is "Persiapan" which means preparation in English.
Prosedur pengunjung pameran seni rupa:
1. mengamati karya
2. menulis kesan-pesan
3. diberikan dan membaca katalog
4. menulis buku tamu
5. menjaga sikap, dan menghargai karya
Susunlah prosedur pengunjung pameran karya seni rupa:
Correct Answer
D. 4, 3, 1, 5 dan 2
The correct answer is 4, 3, 1, 5, and 2. This sequence follows the logical order of steps for visitors at an art exhibition. First, they write in the guestbook (step 4) to record their presence. Then, they are given and read the exhibition catalog (step 3) to gain information about the artworks. Next, they observe the artworks (step 1) and form their impressions. After that, they maintain a respectful attitude and appreciation towards the artworks (step 5). Finally, they write down their impressions and messages (step 2) based on their observations.
Fungsi utama dari pameran seni rupa adalah sebagai:
Correct Answer
A. Media Ekspresi
The main function of art exhibitions is to serve as a medium of expression. Art exhibitions provide artists with a platform to showcase their creativity, ideas, and emotions through their artwork. It allows them to communicate and convey their messages to the audience. Additionally, art exhibitions also provide an opportunity for viewers to engage with and interpret the artwork, fostering a dialogue between the artist and the audience.
Pada gambar diatas apa nama galeri yang terdapat di salah satu lokasi daerah Jakarta
Correct Answer
E. Galeri Nasional (Galnas)
The correct answer is Galeri Nasional (Galnas). The question asks for the name of a gallery located in Jakarta, and out of the given options, Galeri Nasional is the only one that fits this description. The other options, Galeri Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Galeri Salihara, Galeri Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ), and Galeri Cipta II, may be galleries but they are not specifically located in Jakarta. Therefore, Galeri Nasional is the correct answer.
Perhatikan gambar dibawah ini, manakah cara penempatan karya tiga dimensi yang kurang baik adalah pada gambar:
Correct Answer
C. Gambar 3
The explanation for the correct answer is not available.
Dibawah ini adalah tugas dari unsur panitia pameran: ...
1. Mengatur karya seni agar tidak tercampur dengan karya lain
2. Penataan benda-benda untuk mengarah pengunjung
3. Penyertaan musik penggiring
4. Pemberian hiasan dekorasi ruangan diharapkan tidak berlebihan
Uraian tugas diatas menjadi tanggung jawab seksi:
Correct Answer
B. Seksi Penataan ruang
The correct answer is "Seksi Penataan ruang" because their responsibility includes arranging the artworks so that they are not mixed with other works and arranging objects to guide visitors.
Melaporkan secara jelas kelemahan dan keunggulan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sebagai bahan perbaikan untuk kegiatan selanjutnya dilakukan dalam kegiatan:
Correct Answer
D. Evaluasi
Evaluasi adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk melaporkan secara jelas kelemahan dan keunggulan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sebagai bahan perbaikan untuk kegiatan selanjutnya. Dalam evaluasi, dilakukan penilaian terhadap kinerja dan hasil dari kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan. Hasil evaluasi ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk melakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan dalam kegiatan selanjutnya.
Pameran yang mempertunjukan berbagai jenis karya seni rupa sekaligus disebut pameran:
Correct Answer
C. Heterogen
The correct answer is "heterogen" because the question is asking for the term that refers to an exhibition that showcases various types of visual arts. "Heterogen" means diverse or varied, which accurately describes a display of different types of artworks.
Gambar dibawah ini salah satu perlengkapan pameran yang disebut: ...
Correct Answer
B. Panel/sketsel
The correct answer is Panel/sketsel. Panel/sketsel is a type of exhibition equipment used to display artwork or information. It is a freestanding structure with panels or frames that can be used to hang or display various items. It is commonly used in art exhibitions or trade shows to showcase paintings, photographs, or other visual materials.
Dibawah ini yang tidak termasuk unsur – unsur pembuatan proposal dalam suatu kegiatan pameran adalah: ...
Correct Answer
E. Tatacara dan pembukaan pameran
The given options all include elements related to the preparation and execution of an exhibition proposal, such as the location, time, budget, organizing committee, planning, background, and objectives. However, "Tatacara dan pembukaan pameran" (procedure and opening of the exhibition) does not directly relate to the proposal itself, but rather to the process and events that occur during the exhibition itself. Therefore, it is not considered a part of the elements involved in creating a proposal for an exhibition.
Dalam penyelengaraan pameran ada beberapa tugas yang harus dilaksanakan, untuk menyiapkan meja, lampu, sketsel, spanduk dan lainnya yang akan di pamerkan merupakan salah satu tugas dari: ...
Correct Answer
A. Seksi perlengkapan
The correct answer is "seksi perlengkapan". This is because the passage mentions that one of the tasks in organizing an exhibition is to prepare tables, lights, sketches, banners, and other items to be displayed. The term "seksi perlengkapan" translates to "equipment section" in English, which implies that this section is responsible for preparing and organizing the necessary equipment for the exhibition.
Manfaat evaluasi setelah pelaksanaan pameran adalah:
Correct Answer
A. Mengetahui keunggulan dan kelemahan penyelenggaraan pameran
The correct answer is "mengetahui keunggulan dan kelemahan penyelenggaraan pameran" which means "to know the strengths and weaknesses of organizing an exhibition". This is because evaluating the exhibition after it is held allows the organizers to identify what worked well and what could be improved in future exhibitions. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses, the organizers can make necessary adjustments and improvements to ensure better future exhibitions.
Mengapresiasi karya seni rupa mempunyai arti, kecuali……
Correct Answer
D. Mengkritik hasil cipataan sebuah karya seni rupa
The given correct answer states that "Mengkritik hasil cipataan sebuah karya seni rupa" (criticizing the creation of a work of art) is not a meaning of appreciating visual arts. This means that appreciating art does not involve criticizing the outcome of an artwork. Appreciation, in the context of visual arts, refers to evaluating, understanding, enjoying, and ultimately experiencing the artwork.
Pemasangan karya seni dua dimensi yang paling kurang tepat diatas ditunjukkan pada gambar nomor:...
Correct Answer
A. Penataan 1
The question asks for the least appropriate placement of a two-dimensional artwork. Since there is no additional information provided about the artworks or their placement, it is difficult to determine the exact reason why Penataan 1 is the least appropriate. However, based on the given options, it can be inferred that Penataan 1 may have some flaws or inconsistencies in its arrangement that make it less suitable compared to the other options.
Gambar dibawah adalah beberapa pengunjung yang sedang mengamati beberapa karya dalam kegiatan pameran seni rupa, dimana fungsi utama alam pameran karya seni rupa ini adalah...
Correct Answer
B. Sebagai sarana komunikasi.
The correct answer is "Sebagai sarana komunikasi" because an art exhibition serves as a means of communication between the artists and the viewers. Through their artworks, artists express their ideas, emotions, and messages, and the viewers interpret and engage with these expressions. The exhibition provides a platform for artists to communicate their artistic visions and for viewers to engage in a dialogue with the artworks.
Dalam kegiatan pameran ada beberapa tugas dan tanggung jawab yang harus di laksanakan oleh panitia pameran. Yang merupakan tugas ketua pameran adalah ....
1. Bertanggung jawab atas pameran mulai dari perencanaan sampai dengan pelaksanaan
2. Mencari seponsor untuk kegiatan pameran
3. Mengatur terlaksananya pameran dengan baik
4. Memajang semua karya seni rupa yang akan di pamerkan
5. Memotivasi panitia yang lain agar terlaksananya pameran
Correct Answer
C. 1, 2 dan 5
The correct answer is 1, 2, and 5. This is because the chairman of the exhibition is responsible for the entire exhibition, from planning to execution. They also need to find sponsors for the event and motivate the other committee members to ensure the success of the exhibition.
Pameran yang jumlahnya hanya satu seniman saja disebut:
Correct Answer
E. Homogen
Homogen merujuk pada pameran yang hanya menampilkan karya dari satu seniman saja. Hal ini berarti bahwa semua karya yang dipamerkan memiliki kesamaan atau keseragaman dalam gaya, tema, atau teknik yang digunakan oleh seniman tersebut. Pameran tunggal juga bisa menjadi istilah yang tepat untuk menjelaskan hal ini, tetapi homogen lebih spesifik menggambarkan keseragaman dalam pameran tersebut.