Text 1 (Number 1 - 11)
Even a muddy pond contributes to the ecosystem that affects the environment. A vernal or springtime pool is only a few feet deep and lasts only from March until mid-summer but yields a considerable number of diverse life forms. Like all of nature, there are predators and victims, and a particular living being may be one or the other, de-pending on its age and characteristics. One may find masses of spotted salamander eggs floating just under the surface of the pond, left behind by adults who entered the pond early in the season before predators arrived. Other amphibians and reptiles return to the recurrent pond year after year to reproduce, as their ancestors have done for years.
Various forms of algae grow well in the murky water, if there is sufficient sunlight. They in turn produce and transmit oxygen to the sala-mander embryos and other young that are not yet able to survive outside of water. Diving beetles feast on eggs and larvae deposited in the pond by the salamanders and other am-phibians that have called it home. Tadpoles are born in the late spring and feed on the algae. The pond also invites wood frogs staking their territory and courting potential mates, calling as loud as quacking ducks.
By the end of the short season, the pond dries to spongy mud and then dries further, becoming covered with leaves and debris, until the following spring when the process repeats itself.
1.) The word vernal in the second sentence means most nearly the same as ...
Correct Answer
A. Springtime
springtime, jelas pada kalimat tersebut tertulis "A vernal or springtime . . . "
What is the author’s purpose stated in the first sentence: Even a muddy pond contributes to the ecosystem that affects the environment?
Correct Answer
B. To describe how the vernal pool fits into the larger environmental picture
The author's purpose stated in the first sentence is to describe how the vernal pool fits into the larger environmental picture. The mention of a muddy pond contributing to the ecosystem and affecting the environment suggests that the author wants to emphasize the importance of the vernal pool and its role in the overall environmental balance.
The word yields in the third sentence means most nearly the same as . . .
Correct Answer
A. produces
The word "yields" in the third sentence means "produces" because it refers to the result or output of something. When something yields, it produces or generates a particular outcome or result.
The word diverse in the third sentence means most nearly the same as ...
Correct Answer
A. distinct
A: distinct. Diverse means “different.”
The word its in the fifth sentence refers to ...
Correct Answer
C. living being
C: living being. The sentence states: Like all of nature, there are predators
and victims, and a particular living being may be one or the other, depending
on its age and characteristics.
Which sentence in the first paragraph indicates that a young life form might be prey to an older life form?
Correct Answer
B. Like all of nature, there are predators and victims, and a particular living being may be one or the other, depending on its age and characteristics.
B: Like all of nature, there are predators and victims, and a particular living
being may be one or the other, depending on its age and characteristics. This
sentence means that something that lives in the pond may sometimes kill
older or younger victims and may sometimes be a victim itself.
Which sentence in the first paragraph indicates that life forms continue to act in the same way as the same life forms did previously?
Correct Answer
D. Other amphibians and reptiles return to the recurrent pond year after year to reproduce, as their ancestors have done for years.
D: Other amphibians and reptiles return to the recurrent pond year after year
to reproduce, as their ancestors have done for years.
The word murky in the first sentence of the second paragraph means most nearly the same as ...
Correct Answer
B. cloudy.
B: cloudy. This means the same as “not clear.”
The word they in the second sentence of paragraph two refers to ...
Correct Answer
C. Forms of algae
C: forms of algae.
Which of the following does the author imply in the first two sentences of paragraph two?
Correct Answer
B. Some of the life forms live in water first and later on land.
B: Some of the life forms live in water first and later on land. The sentence
states that the forms of algae produce and transmit oxygen to the salamander
embryos and other young that are not yet able to survive outside of water. By
saying that the embryos and other young are not yet able means that at some
time they will be able to survive outside of water.
The word recurrent in the last sentence of paragraph one means most nearly the same as ...
Correct Answer
B. recurring.
The word "recurrent" in the last sentence of paragraph one means that something is happening repeatedly or happening again. It is similar in meaning to "recurring," which means something that occurs repeatedly or happens over and over again.
Text 2 (Number 12 - 24)
Scientists have experimented with a new procedure for alleviating the damage caused by strokes. Strokes are frequently caused by a blood clot lodging in the tree of arteries in the head, choking the flow of blood. Some brain cells die as a direct result of the stroke, but others also die over several hours be-cause the proteins spilling out of the first cells that die trigger a chemical chain reac-tion that kills the neighboring cells.
The current method of reducing the amount of damage is to give a clot dissolver, known as TPA, as soon as possible. But generally TPA is not given to the patient until he or she reaches the hospital, and it still does not im-mediately stop the damage.
The new technology, still in the research stage, involves chilling the area or the entire patient. It is already known that when an or-gan is cooled, damage is slowed. This is why sometimes a person who has fallen into an icy pond is not significantly harmed after be-ing warmed up again. The biggest issue is the method of cooling. It is not feasible to chill the head alone. Doctors have chilled the en-tire body by wrapping the patient in cold ma-terials, but extreme shivering was a problem.
The new idea is to cool the patient from the inside out. Several companies are studying the use of cold-tipped catheters, inserted into the artery in the groin and threaded up to the inferior vena cava, which is a large vein that supplies blood to the abdomen. The catheter is expected to cool the blood that flows over it, thus allowing cooler blood to reach the area of the stroke damage.
It is not expected that the cooling will be substantial, but even a slight decrease in temperature is thought to be helpful. In effect, the patient is given a kind of forced hypothermia. And doctors believe it is important to keep the patient awake so that they can converse with the patient in order to ascertain mental condition.
Studies continue to determine the most ef-fective and least damaging means of cooling the patient in order to reduce this damage.
12.) The word alleviating in the first sentence is closest in meaning to ...
Correct Answer
A. reducing.
A: reducing. Generally the word means “avoiding” or “making not necessary.”
Here, the closest definition is reducing.
According to the passage, the method of chilling from the inside out is being considered for all of the following reasons except ...
Correct Answer
C. cold dissolves blood clots.
C: cold dissolves blood clots. Applying cold has certain benefits, but
nowhere is it stated that it dissolves the blood clots.
According to the passage, what causes a stroke?
Correct Answer
A. A blood clot sticking in an area of the brain
A: A blood clot sticking in an area of the brain.
The word shivering in the last sentence of the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ...
Correct Answer
A. shaking.
A: shaking. To shiver is to shake with cold.
According to the passage, all of the following are true except that
Correct Answer
B. cells die only as a direct result of the stroke
B: cells die only as a direct result of the stroke. This is really the opposite of
the first answer choice, which is the correct statement.
What is the passage mainly about?
Correct Answer
C. A new method of cooling the body to reduce stroke damage that is being researched
C: A new method of cooling the body to reduce stroke damage that is being
researched. B is incorrect because it refers to use of drugs.
The word substantial in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to
Correct Answer
A. considerable.
A: considerable. Both words mean “to a great degree.”
In the passage, the author implies that
Correct Answer
A. the internal chilling process has not been proven yet.
A: the internal chilling process has not been proven yet. The other answer
choices are statements made in the reading passage.
The author describes a person falling into cold water in order to
Correct Answer
B. show that cooling a body does not necessarily harm it.
B: show that cooling a body does not necessarily harm it.
The author implies that
Correct Answer
C. the artery in the leg connects to the vena cava.
the artery in the leg connects to the vena cava.
the artery in the leg connects to the vena cava.
C: the artery in the leg connects to the vena cava. The passage indicates that
the catheter is inserted only to the vena cava.
When the author states that the catheter is threaded to the vena cava, the author means that
Correct Answer
D. the doctor moves the catheter slowly through the artery to the vena cava.
D: the doctor moves the catheter slowly through the artery to the vena cava.
The author explains that the catheter is inserted in the groin area and moved
to the vena cava area. Threaded just means moved slowly along the vein towards
the destination.
The author implies that hypothermia is caused by
Correct Answer
A. the body becoming cold.
A: the body becoming cold. Hypothermia means the condition of the body
when exposed to extreme cold.
According to the passage, doctors prefer to keep the patient awake in order to
Correct Answer
C. talk to the patient.
C: talk to the patient.
Text 3 (Number 25 - 37)
Bees, classified into over 10,000 species, are insects found in almost every part of the world except the northernmost and southern-most regions. One commonly known species is the honeybee, the only bee that produces honey and wax. Humans use the wax in mak-ing candles, lipsticks, and other products, and they use the honey as a food. While gathering the nectar and pollen with which they make honey, bees are simultaneously helping to fertilize the flowers on which they land. Many fruits and vegetables would not survive if bees did not carry the pollen from blossom to blossom.
Bees live in a structured environment and social structure within a hive, which is a nest with storage space for the honey. The differ-ent types of bees each perform a unique function. The worker bee carries nectar to the hive in a special stomach called a honey stomach. Other workers make beeswax and shape it into a honeycomb, which is a water-proof mass of six-sided compartments, or cells. The queen lays eggs in completed cells. As the workers build more cells, the queen lays more eggs.
All workers, like the queen, are female, but the workers are smaller than the queen. The male honeybees are called drones; they do no work and cannot sting. They are devel-oped from unfertilized eggs, and their only job is to impregnate a queen. The queen must be fertilized in order to lay worker eggs. During the season when less honey is available and the drone is of no further use, the workers block the drones from eating the honey so that they will starve to death.
25.) Which of the following is the best title for this reading?
Correct Answer
C. The Honeybee — Its Characteristics and Usefulness
C: The Honeybee — Its Characteristics and Usefulness. A is too broad and
the B and D too narrow.
The word species in the first sentence is closest in meaning to
Correct Answer
B. varieties.
B: varieties.
The word which in the fourth sentence refers to
Correct Answer
B. flowers.
B: flowers.
The word simultaneously in the fourth sentence is closest in meaning to
Correct Answer
B. concurrently.
B: concurrently, which means happening at the same time.
According to the passage, a hive is
Correct Answer
B. a nest.
B: a nest. The passage states: Bees live in a structured environment and social
structure within a hive, which is a nest with storage space for the honey.
According to the passage, the drone
Correct Answer
B. mates with the queen and has no other purpose.
B: mates with the queen and has no other purpose. The author states: The
male honeybees are called drones . . . their only job is to impregnate a queen.
The author implies that
Correct Answer
D. drones are never females.
D: drones are never females. Drones impregnate the queen, so they must be
According to the passage, honey is carried to the hive in a honey stomach by the
Correct Answer
D. workers.
D: workers. This is clearly stated in the passage in the sentence: The worker
bee carries nectar to the hive in a special stomach called a honey stomach.
In what way does the reading imply that bees are useful in nature?
Correct Answer
A. They pollinate fruit and vegetable plants.
A: They pollinate fruit and vegetable plants. The reading passage states that
when bees carry pollen from one plant to the next, they fertilize the flowers.
All of the following are characteristic of a honeycomb except
Correct Answer
B. it is made of honey.
B: it is made of honey. The author states the honeycomb is made of wax, has
six-sided compartments, and is waterproof.
The passage implies that bees can be found in each of the following parts of the world except
Correct Answer
D. Antarctica.
D: Antarctica. The first sentence of the passage states that bees can be found
in every part of the world except the northernmost and southernmost areas.
It can be inferred from the reading that beeswax is
Correct Answer
B. pliable.
B: pliable. The passage states that workers make beeswax and shape it into a
honeycomb. If it can be shaped, it is pliable, or easy to mold.
Text 4 (Number 37 - 47)
Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder of carbohy-drate metabolism resulting from insufficient production of insulin or reduced sensitivity to insulin. A polypeptide hormone, insulin is synthesized in the pancreas and is necessary for normal utilization of glucose by most cells in the body. People with diabetes suffer an inhibition in the normal ability of body cells to use glucose, which results in in-creased blood sugar levels. As more glucose accumulates in the blood, excess levels of sugar are excreted in the urine.
There are two varieties of the disease, Type 1 and Type 2. The two types were previously designated by Roman numerals, but now Arabic numerals are used; for example, Type
- now known as Type 2. Type 1 was for-merly referred to as juvenile onset diabetes, but it can occur at any age. In Type 1 dia-betes, insulin is not secreted by the pancreas, so it must be injected. Th type of diabetes is most often seen in people whose parents, siblings, or other close relatives are affected by the disease.
Type 2, representing 90 percent of all dia-betes, used to be called adult onset diabetes, but it can also occur at any age. It results from sluggish pancreatic insulin secretion and tissue resistance to secreted insulin, which is complicated by subtle changes in the secretion of insulin by the beta cells. It is generally controlled by dietary restriction. People who are at risk for this type include: women who have delivered a baby of 9 pounds or more or have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes; people over 45 years of age, particularly those of African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic, Native American, or Pacific Islander heritage; those who have a history of diabetes in the family; those who are obese; and those with high blood pres-sure, a high triglyceride level, or high blood sugar.
A person affected with diabetes may have no symptoms at all. Or, he or she may experi-ence one or more of the following common symptoms: fatigue; increased urination and thirst; hunger; blurred vision; weight loss; repeated infections of the skin, genitals, or feet; or itching and dizziness. The diagnosis is reached by testing the blood sugar. If the blood sugar is over 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) after an 8-hour overnight fast, or over 200 mg/dl at other times of the day, the patient is diagnosed as having the disease.
Diabetes is a formidable illness that can re-sult in serious complications, including heart attack, blindness, kidney failure, and loss of circulation to the lower extremities (feet and legs). This loss of circulation can lead to am-putation of the affected areas. Prior to the isolation of insulin in the 1920s, rapid death was common among diabetes sufferers. Now, the illness can be managed and those affected can lead a long, fairly normal life with proper medical attention and proper at-tention to personal care. Patients should fol-low nutrition plans designed to help them reach and maintain normal body weight and to limit their intake of carbohydrates and fats. They should also exercise regularly, which enhances the movement of glucose into muscle cells and inhibits the increase in glucose in the blood.
37.) Insulin is ...
Correct Answer
A. a hormone.
A: a hormone. The second sentence of paragraph one states: A polypeptide
hormone, insulin is synthesized . . . . The sentence begins with an appositive,
and the phrase following it refers to the same subject.
The word excreted in the last sentence of paragraph one means most nearly the same as
Correct Answer
A. eliminated.
A: eliminated. This means that sugar leaves the body through the urine.
The word previously in the second paragraph means most nearly the same as
Correct Answer
B. formerly.
B: formerly. Previously and formerly mean the same thing.
The word it in the fourth sentence of paragraph two refers to
Correct Answer
A. insulin.
A: insulin.
According to the passage, insulin is produced
Correct Answer
A. in the pancreas.
A: in the pancreas. The passage states that the pancreas is the site of insulin
The word sluggish in the third paragraph means most nearly the same as
Correct Answer
D. slow.
D: slow.
The word obese in the last sentence of paragraph three means most nearly the same as
Correct Answer
A. severely overweight.
A: severely overweight.
What is a suitable title for this passage?
Correct Answer
B. An Overview of Diabetes
B: An Overview of Diabetes. The other answers are too particular, whereas
the article is general in nature.
The author distinguishes between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes to describe how
Correct Answer
B. the symptoms and treatment are different.
B: the symptoms and treatment are different. The other answer choices do not
show why the author makes a distinction between the two types.
All of the following are correct except that
Correct Answer
C. Type 2 results from a lack of secretion of insulin.
C: Type 2 results from a lack of secretion of insulin. This is not a correct
statement because that is the description of Type 1 diabetes. The passage
states that Type 2 results from sluggish . . . insulin secretion, not a lack of
It can be inferred from the passage that
Correct Answer
B. Type 1 sufferers are generally not overweight.
B: Type 1 sufferers are generally not overweight. The passage indicates that
Type 2 sufferers are often obese, but it does not mention obesity in regard to
Type 1 patients.
Text 5 (Number 48 - 50)
Hummingbirds are small, often brightly col-ored birds of the family Trochilidae that live exclusively in the Americas. About 12 species are found in North America, but only the ruby-throated hummingbird breeds in eastern North America and is found from Nova Scotia to Florida. The greatest variety and number of species are found in South America. Another hummingbird species is found from southeastern Alaska to northern California.
Many hummingbirds are minute. But even the giant hummingbird found in western South America, which is the largest known hummingbird, is only about 8 inches long and weighs about two-thirds of an ounce. The smallest species, the bee hummingbird of Cuba and the Isle of Pines, measures slightly more than 5.5 centimeters and weighs about two grams.
Hummingbirds’ bodies are compact, with strong muscles. They have wings shaped like blades. Unlike the wings of other birds, hummingbird wings connect to the body only at the shoulder joint, which allows them to fly not only forward but also straight up and down, sideways, and backward. Because of their unusual wings, hummingbirds can also hover in front of flowers so they can suck nectar and find insects. The humming-bird’s bill, adapted for securing nectar from certain types of flowers, is usually rather long and always slender, and it is curved slightly downward in many species.
The hummingbird’s body feathers are sparse and more like scales than feathers. The unique character of the feathers produces brilliant and iridescent colors, resulting from the refraction of light by the feathers. Pigmentation of other feathers also con-tributes to the unique color and look. Male and female hummingbirds look alike in some species but different in most species; males of most species are extremely colorful.
The rate at which a hummingbird beats its wings does not vary, regardless of whether it is flying forward, flying in another direction, or merely hovering. But the rate does vary with the size of the bird — the larger the bird, the lower the rate, ranging from 80 beats per second for the smallest species to 10 times per second for larger species. Researchers have not yet been able to record the speed of the wings of the bee humming-bird but imagine that they beat even faster.
Most hummingbirds, especially the smaller species, emit scratchy, twittering, or squeaky sounds. The wings, and sometimes the tail feathers, often produce humming, hissing, or popping sounds, which apparently function much as do the songs of other birds.
48.) According to the passage, where are hummingbirds found?
Correct Answer
D. In North and South America
D: In North and South America. This is explained in the first paragraph.
The author indicates that the ruby-throated hummingbird is found
Correct Answer
D. in the eastern part of North America.
D: in the eastern part of North America. This is explained in the first
The word minute in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to
Correct Answer
A. extremely tiny.
A: extremely tiny.