Alat gerak pasif pada makhluk hidup berupa
Correct Answer
A. Tulang
The correct answer is "tulang". In living organisms, passive movement is facilitated by bones. Bones provide structure, support, and protection to the body. They also serve as attachment points for muscles, allowing movement to occur. Without bones, the body would not be able to maintain its shape or perform various movements. Therefore, bones play a crucial role in the passive movement of living organisms.
Alat gerak yang dimiliki oleh iguana adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Kaki dan otot perut
The correct answer is "kaki dan otot perut" (legs and abdominal muscles). This is because iguanas use their legs for movement and their abdominal muscles for stability and balance. These two body parts work together to enable the iguana to walk, climb, and jump effectively.
Cacing tanah bergerak menggunakan ...
Correct Answer
A. Otot perut
Cacing tanah bergerak menggunakan otot perut untuk meluncur dan menggerakkan tubuh mereka. Otot perut membantu dalam pergerakan dan kontraksi tubuh cacing tanah, memungkinkan mereka untuk merayap melalui tanah atau bergerak maju.
Fungsi tangan pada orang utan adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Berjalan dan makan
The correct answer is "berjalan dan makan". Orangutans use their hands to walk and to eat. They have long arms and strong hands that allow them to move through the trees by swinging from branch to branch. They also use their hands to gather and eat fruits, leaves, and other plant materials.
Ayam bergerak menggunakan ...
Correct Answer
B. Kaki
The correct answer is "kaki". This is because chickens and other birds primarily use their legs or "kaki" to move around. Their legs are strong and adapted for walking, running, and even scratching the ground. While they do have muscles in their abdomen and wings, these are primarily used for other functions such as digestion and flying.
Dibawah ini yang termasuk hewan vertebrata ...
Correct Answer
A. Kelinci
The correct answer is kelinci. Kelinci is a vertebrate animal because it belongs to the class Mammalia, which includes animals that have a backbone or spine. Vertebrates are characterized by having an internal skeleton made of bones or cartilage, and kelinci possesses this feature. On the other hand, siput, kura-kura, and kepiting are invertebrates as they do not have a backbone or spine.
Dibawah ini yang termasuk hewan invertebrata adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Kura-kura
The correct answer is kura-kura. Kura-kura is an invertebrate animal because it does not have a backbone or a vertebral column. It belongs to the group of animals called reptiles, which also includes snakes, lizards, and crocodiles. Invertebrates are animals that lack a backbone, and they make up the majority of animal species on Earth.
Ubur-ubur bergerak menggunakan ...
Correct Answer
B. Otot perut dan tentakel
Jellyfish move by using their muscles in their bell-shaped body (perut) and their tentacles (tentakel). These muscles help them contract and expand their body, allowing them to propel themselves through the water. The tentacles also play a role in their movement, as they use them to push and pull against the water. Therefore, the correct answer is "otot perut dan tentakel" (abdominal muscles and tentacles).
Hewan dibawah ini yang bergerak menggunakan sayap adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Burung kasuari
Burung kasuari adalah hewan yang menggunakan sayapnya untuk bergerak. Burung ini memiliki sayap yang besar dan kuat yang memungkinkannya untuk terbang dan berpindah tempat dengan mudah. Belalang, ulat, dan kadal tidak memiliki sayap atau tidak menggunakan sayapnya untuk bergerak. Oleh karena itu, burung kasuari adalah satu-satunya pilihan yang benar.
Hewan dibawah ini yang memiliki alat gerak seperti kadal adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Buaya
Hewan yang memiliki alat gerak seperti kadal adalah buaya. Buaya memiliki kaki yang mirip dengan kadal dan dapat bergerak dengan menggunakan kaki-kakinya. Kuda dan sapi memiliki kaki yang berbeda dan tidak mirip dengan kadal. Ular tidak memiliki kaki sama sekali.
Salah satu ciri yang dimiliki oleh makhluk hidup adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Bergerak
One of the characteristics of living organisms is the ability to move. Movement is a fundamental characteristic that distinguishes living organisms from non-living things. Living organisms have the ability to change their position or location in response to stimuli or to fulfill their needs. Movement can occur at various levels, from the cellular level to the whole organism level. It allows organisms to find food, escape from predators, reproduce, and interact with their environment. Therefore, the correct answer is "bergerak" (move).
Ketika bersepeda, organ tubuh kita yang sangat berperan adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Kaki dan tangan
When cycling, our body organs that play a crucial role are our legs and arms. These body parts are responsible for pedaling and steering the bicycle, which are essential actions for cycling. The legs provide the power and strength to propel the bicycle forward, while the arms help to maintain balance and control the direction of the bicycle. Therefore, the correct answer is legs and arms.
Gaya yang diperlukan untuk menendang bola adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Gaya otot
The force required to kick a ball is generated by the muscles in our body, specifically the leg muscles. When we kick a ball, our muscles contract and exert a force on the ball, propelling it forward. This force is known as muscle force or muscular force. Therefore, the correct answer is "gaya otot" (muscle force).
Alat gerak manusia dibedakan menjadi ...
Correct Answer
A. 2
The given answer suggests that the human locomotor system is divided into two categories or types. However, without any context or further information, it is difficult to provide a specific explanation for what these categories might be. It could refer to the division of the locomotor system into the upper and lower body, or it could represent a different classification based on different criteria. Without additional details, it is not possible to determine the exact explanation for this answer.
Dibawah ini termasuk alat gerak aktif ...
Correct Answer
D. Otot
The correct answer is "otot" because muscles are considered active organs of movement in the human body. Muscles work by contracting and relaxing, allowing us to move our limbs, perform daily activities, and maintain posture. They are responsible for generating force and providing mobility to the body.
Salah satu yang berfungsi untuk melindungi organ jantung dan paru-paru adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Dada dan rusuk
Perhatikan rangka anggota gerak bawah pada gambar di bawah ini ! yang ditunjukkan oleh huruf B adalah tulang ....
Correct Answer
B. Kering
The correct answer is "kering". In the given question, we are asked to identify the bone indicated by the letter B in the lower limb skeleton. Out of the given options, "kering" is the only bone that is part of the lower limb. The other options, "hasta" (hand), "betis" (calf), and "paha" (thigh), are not bones but rather parts of the lower limb. Therefore, "kering" is the correct answer.
Otot yang bekerja tanpa kesadaran kita dipengauhi oleh sistem syaraf tak sadar atau saraf otonom disebut otot...
Correct Answer
A. Otot polos
The correct answer is "otot polos". Otot yang bekerja tanpa kesadaran kita dipengaruhi oleh sistem syaraf tak sadar atau saraf otonom. Otot polos adalah jenis otot yang terdapat di dalam tubuh kita yang bekerja tanpa kita sadari, seperti otot di saluran pencernaan, pembuluh darah, dan saluran pernapasan.
Salah satu fungsi otot jantung adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh
The correct answer is "memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh". The heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients are delivered to all the organs and tissues. This function is essential for maintaining the body's overall health and functioning.
Tulang terkecil yang ada di tubuh manusia adalah tulang....
Correct Answer
Tulang yang berfungsi melindungi organ otak adalah tulang
Correct Answer
The skull is the bone that protects the brain. It is a bony structure that encloses and supports the brain, providing it with physical protection from external forces. The skull is made up of several bones that are fused together, forming a strong and rigid structure that safeguards the delicate brain tissue from injury or damage.
Tulang pengumpil adalah tulang yang termasuk bagian dari rangka anggota gerak ...
Correct Answer
The given answer "atas" is correct because "tulang pengumpil" refers to the bones that are part of the skeletal system in the upper part of the body. "Atas" means "upper" in Indonesian, so it accurately describes the location of these bones.
Nama lain dari otot lurik adalah otot....
Correct Answer
The given question is asking for another term for "otot lurik" which translates to "skeletal muscle" in English. The correct answer provided is "rangka" which translates to "skeleton" in English. This answer is correct because skeletal muscles are attached to the bones of the skeleton and are responsible for movement and maintaining posture. Therefore, "rangka" is an appropriate alternative term for "otot lurik."
Osteoporosis adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh...
Correct Answer
B. Kekurangan kalsium
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by weak and brittle bones. Calcium is an essential mineral for maintaining strong bones, and a deficiency in calcium can lead to the development of osteoporosis. Therefore, the correct answer is "kekurangan kalsium."
Perhatikan gambar di bawah ini !
kelainan pada gambar adalah...
Correct Answer
A. Patah tulang
The correct answer is "patah tulang" because the picture shows a bone that is broken or fractured. This can be seen by the visible gap or misalignment in the bone structure.
Kelainan tulang karena sikap duduk yang salah sehingga tulang belakang melengkung pada daerah lumbalis disebut ...
Correct Answer
B. Lordosis
Lordosis adalah kelainan tulang belakang di mana terjadi lengkungan berlebihan pada daerah lumbalis (bagian bawah tulang belakang). Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, termasuk postur duduk yang salah. Pada lordosis, tulang belakang melengkung ke dalam, menyebabkan punggung bagian bawah terlihat lebih melengkung ke depan.
Kelainan otot yang membesar dan menjadi lebih kuat karena sel otot diberikan kegiatan / aktivitas yang terus menerus secara berlebihan disebut...
Correct Answer
B. Hipertrofi
Hipertrofi adalah kelainan otot yang membesar dan menjadi lebih kuat karena sel otot diberikan kegiatan atau aktivitas yang terus menerus secara berlebihan.
Bakteri yang menyebabkan penyakit tetanus adalah ..
Correct Answer
B. Clostridium tetani
The correct answer is clostridium tetani. Clostridium tetani is the bacteria that causes tetanus, a potentially serious bacterial infection that affects the nervous system. It is commonly found in soil, dust, and animal feces, and can enter the body through cuts or wounds. Once inside the body, the bacteria produce a toxin that affects the muscles and nerves, leading to symptoms such as muscle stiffness, spasms, and difficulty swallowing. Proper vaccination and wound care are important in preventing tetanus infection.
Imunisasi yang digunakan untuk mecegak terjadinya tetanus adalah ...
Correct Answer
TT stands for Tetanus Toxoid, which is a vaccine used to prevent tetanus. Tetanus is a bacterial infection that affects the nervous system and can cause severe muscle stiffness and spasms. The Tetanus Toxoid vaccine helps the body develop immunity against the tetanus bacteria by stimulating the production of antibodies. It is typically given in a series of doses, with booster shots recommended every 10 years to maintain immunity. The other options listed, BCG, Hepatitis B, and DPT, are vaccines for different diseases and do not specifically target tetanus.
Kelainan otot yang mengecil, lemah, fungsi otot menurun. hal ini disebabkan adanya penyakit polimilitis yang dapat merusak selsaraf pada otot disebut...
Correct Answer
C. Atrofi
The correct answer is atrofi. Atrofi is a condition where the muscle tissue decreases in size, becomes weak, and loses its function. This can be caused by a disease called poliomyelitis, which damages the nerve cells in the muscles.
Apakah yang dimaksud fraktura
Correct Answer
patah tulang
The term "fraktura" is a medical term that refers to a bone fracture. A bone fracture occurs when there is a break or crack in a bone. This can happen due to trauma, such as a fall or accident, or due to underlying conditions that weaken the bone. Fractures can vary in severity, from a hairline fracture to a complete break where the bone is separated into two or more pieces. Treatment for a fracture may involve immobilizing the bone with a cast or splint, and in some cases, surgery may be necessary to realign the bone and promote proper healing.
Apakah yang dimaksud fisura ...
Correct Answer
retak tulang
Fisura adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan retakan pada tulang. Retak tulang terjadi ketika tulang mengalami tekanan atau trauma yang cukup kuat untuk menyebabkan retakan, tetapi tidak sampai patah secara menyeluruh. Retak tulang dapat terjadi pada tulang mana pun dalam tubuh dan dapat menyebabkan nyeri, pembengkakan, dan gangguan fungsi pada area yang terkena. Penting untuk segera mendapatkan perawatan medis jika terjadi retak tulang untuk mencegah komplikasi yang lebih serius.
Fraktura dibedikan menjadi dua yaitu
Correct Answer
luar dan dalam
The correct answer is "luar dan dalam". This answer suggests that fraktura, which means fracture in English, can be categorized into two types: luar (external) and dalam (internal). This implies that fractures can occur either on the surface of an object or deep within it.
Istilah lain dari patah tulang adalah
Correct Answer
Fraktura adalah istilah medis yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan patah tulang. Istilah ini berasal dari bahasa Latin "fractura" yang berarti patah atau retak. Dalam konteks medis, fraktura mengacu pada kondisi ketika tulang mengalami kerusakan atau pecah akibat cedera atau trauma. Istilah ini umum digunakan oleh tenaga medis dan profesional kesehatan untuk menggambarkan jenis cedera tulang ini.
Istilah lain dari fisura adalah
Correct Answer
retak tulang
The correct answer is "retak tulang". This is because "fisura" is a medical term that refers to a crack or fracture in a bone. Therefore, "retak tulang" is the appropriate Indonesian term to describe this condition.
Kelainan tulang karena sikap duduk yang membungkuk sehingga tulang belakang membengkok ke dbelakang disebut....
Correct Answer
Kifosis adalah kondisi kelainan tulang yang terjadi ketika seseorang memiliki sikap duduk yang membungkuk sehingga tulang belakang membengkok ke belakang. Ini menyebabkan punggung menjadi melengkung ke arah belakang. Kondisi ini dapat menyebabkan gangguan postur dan keluhan nyeri pada punggung.
Apa yang harus kita lakukan agar terhindar dari penyakit osteoporosis
Correct Answer
minum susu kaya kalsium
Drinking milk rich in calcium can help prevent osteoporosis because calcium is an essential mineral for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weak and brittle bones, and a lack of calcium in the diet can contribute to its development. Milk is a good source of calcium, which is necessary for bone formation and maintenance. By consuming milk regularly, individuals can ensure that they are getting an adequate amount of calcium to support their bone health and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.
Jika kita sering mengangkat beban terlalu berat, maka kita rawan terkena penyakit kelainan tulang yang disebut ....
Correct Answer
Kifosis adalah penyakit kelainan tulang yang terjadi akibat sering mengangkat beban terlalu berat. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan kelainan pada struktur tulang belakang, terutama pada bagian punggung. Kondisi ini ditandai dengan lengkungan berlebih pada tulang belakang, yang dapat menyebabkan postur tubuh yang tidak normal dan nyeri punggung. Oleh karena itu, jika seseorang sering mengangkat beban terlalu berat, mereka berisiko mengalami kifosis.
Sebutkan penyakit yang menyerang tulang ....
Correct Answer
lordosis, kifosis, skoliosis, rakitits, osteoporosis
The given answer includes five different bone diseases: lordosis, kifosis, skoliosis, rakitits, and osteoporosis. These diseases affect the bones in various ways. Lordosis is a condition where the spine curves inward excessively, causing a "swayback" appearance. Kifosis is a condition where the upper back curves outward, resulting in a hunched posture. Skoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine. Rakitits, also known as rickets, is a disease that weakens the bones, usually due to a deficiency in vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak and brittle, increasing the risk of fractures.
Sebutkan penyakit yang menyerang otot
Correct Answer
Tetanus is a disease that affects the muscles and nervous system. It is caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani, which enters the body through open wounds. The bacteria produce a toxin that affects the nerves, leading to muscle stiffness and spasms. Tetanus can be a life-threatening condition if not treated promptly. Symptoms include lockjaw, muscle stiffness, difficulty swallowing, and fever. Vaccination is available to prevent tetanus, and prompt medical treatment with antibiotics and tetanus immunoglobulin is necessary for those who are infected.