Di bawah ini adalah alat kelamin pria, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
D. Serviks
Didalam tubuh manusia terdapat hormon. Hormon pada pria adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Testosteron
Testosteron adalah hormon yang terdapat pada tubuh pria. Hormon ini berperan penting dalam perkembangan dan pemeliharaan karakteristik seksual pria, seperti pertumbuhan otot, produksi sperma, dan libido. Testosteron juga mempengaruhi mood, energi, dan kesehatan tulang. Pada wanita, hormon ini juga ada dalam jumlah kecil, tetapi dalam jumlah yang lebih tinggi pada pria. Oleh karena itu, testosteron adalah jawaban yang tepat untuk pertanyaan ini.
Berdasarkan video diatas, merupakan siklus...
Correct Answer
A. Menstruasi
Based on the video, the explanation suggests that the correct answer is "menstruasi". The video likely provides information or visuals related to the menstrual cycle, which is the monthly process in which the uterus sheds its lining if fertilization does not occur. The other options, fertilization, healing, and menstrual cycle, may not be supported by the information in the video.
Seorang wanitia apabila sel telur tidak dibuahi maka akan terjadi menstruasi..
Correct Answer
A. True
When an egg is not fertilized, the lining of the uterus is shed through menstruation. This is a natural process that occurs in women of reproductive age. Therefore, the statement that a woman will experience menstruation if the egg is not fertilized is true.
Hormon yang memacu spermatogenesis adalah hormon testosteron
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because testosterone is the hormone responsible for stimulating spermatogenesis, which is the process of sperm production in males. Testosterone is produced by the testes and plays a crucial role in the development and maturation of sperm cells. It stimulates the production of sperm in the seminiferous tubules of the testes and also promotes the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. Therefore, it can be concluded that testosterone is the hormone that triggers spermatogenesis.
Proses pendewasaan sperma terjadi di penis
Correct Answer
B. False
The process of maturation of sperm actually occurs in the testicles, not in the penis. The testicles produce immature sperm cells which then undergo a process called spermatogenesis to mature into fully functional sperm cells. The penis is responsible for delivering the mature sperm during ejaculation, but it does not play a role in the maturation process itself.
Gambar diatas menupakan Alat Organ reproduksi pada permpuan
Correct Answer
B. False
The given statement is false because the picture above represents the male reproductive organs, not the female reproductive organs.
Di dalam penis terdapat saluran yang disebut uretra. Saluran ini berfungsi untuk. . . .
Correct Answer(s)
A. Saluran sperma dan urine
E. Saluran urine dan sperma
The correct answer is "saluran sperma dan urine" and "saluran urine dan sperma" because the urethra in the penis serves as a passage for both urine and sperm. It allows urine to be expelled from the bladder during urination and also allows sperm to be ejaculated during sexual intercourse.
Luka penis atau vagina, membahayakan jantung dan otak penderita. ditularkan dari ibu ke fetusnya merupakan ciri-ciri penyakit kelamin..
Correct Answer(s)
B. Gonorrh0e
C. Kencing nanah
Gonorrhea and kencing nanah (gonorrhea) are sexually transmitted infections that can be transmitted from an infected mother to her fetus during childbirth. These infections can cause serious complications, including damage to the heart and brain of the affected individual. Therefore, both gonorrhea and kencing nanah can be considered as sexually transmitted infections that can harm the heart and brain of the patient and can be transmitted from mother to fetus.
Didalam rahim, embrio berada di dalam amnion, amnoin adalah kantong yag berfungsi untuk melindungi embrio dari benturan.
Correct Answer
A. True
The amnion is a protective sac that surrounds the embryo inside the womb. Its main function is to provide a cushion and protection for the developing embryo, shielding it from any potential impact or trauma. Therefore, the statement that the amnion functions to protect the embryo from impact is true.
Didalam rahim, embrio berada didalam..............
Correct Answer(s)
A. Kantong amnion
C. Amnion
The correct answer is "kantong amnion, amnion". The explanation is that during pregnancy, the embryo develops inside the uterus. Within the uterus, the embryo is surrounded by the amniotic sac, which consists of two layers - the inner layer called the amnion and the outer layer called the chorion. The amnion is responsible for protecting the developing embryo and providing it with a cushioning fluid. Therefore, the embryo is inside the kantong amnion (amniotic sac) and the inner layer of the sac is called amnion.
Jika sel telur pada ovarium telah masuk, akan dilepaskan dari..........., pelepasan telur dari .......... disebut ovulasi.
Correct Answer(s)
The correct answer is "ovarium" because it is mentioned in the question that when the egg cell in the ovary has matured, it will be released from the ovary, and this process is called ovulation. Hence, the ovary is the organ from which the egg is released during ovulation.
Gambar diatas merupakan bagian dari reprouksi wanita pada...
Correct Answer
B. Indung telur
The given image represents a part of the female reproductive system, specifically the ovaries. The ovaries are responsible for producing and releasing eggs, as well as producing hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. They are located in the pelvic cavity and are connected to the uterus and fallopian tubes.