Si quisieras investigar un fenómeno físico, ¿En qué orden pondrías estos pasos del método científico?
I.- Conclusión
III.- Experimentación
IV.- Observación
Correct Answer
C. C) IV, II, III, I.
The correct order of steps in the scientific method is as follows: first, observation is made to gather data and information about the phenomenon. Then, a hypothesis is formulated based on the observation. After that, experimentation is conducted to test the hypothesis and gather further evidence. Finally, a conclusion is drawn based on the results of the experimentation. Therefore, the correct order of the steps is IV (Observation), II (Hypothesis), III (Experimentation), and I (Conclusion).
Si quisieras informar a otra persona sobre el movimiento de un objeto con la mayor precisión posible, ¿Cuál de estos elementos deberías establecer?
Correct Answer
B. B) Unidades y un punto de referncia
To inform someone about the movement of an object with the greatest precision possible, it is necessary to establish both units and a reference point. Units are important because they provide a standardized measurement system, allowing for accurate and consistent comparisons. A reference point is also crucial as it provides a fixed location or object against which the movement can be measured and described. By combining units and a reference point, one can provide precise and meaningful information about the object's movement.
Rama de la física que se encarga del estudio del movimiento o estados de los cuerpos materiales.
Correct Answer
D. D) Mecánica
The given question is asking about the branch of physics that studies the motion or states of material bodies. The correct answer is "d) Mecánica", which translates to "Mechanics" in English. Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of physical bodies when subjected to forces or displacements, and it includes the study of motion, forces, energy, and the properties of matter.
La palabra física proviene del vocablo griego Physis que significa....
Correct Answer
C. Naturaleza
The word "física" comes from the Greek word "Physis" which means "nature". This suggests that the correct answer is "naturaleza" as it aligns with the origin and meaning of the word.
_____________________ es toda aquella propiedad física que pueden ser medidas y cuantificadas, como la longitud, la masa, el peso, y el volumen entre otras.
Correct Answer
The given answer is "magnitud." This is because the question is asking for a term that refers to physical properties that can be measured and quantified, such as length, mass, weight, and volume. "Magnitud" is the Spanish word for "magnitude," which is commonly used to describe these types of physical properties.
¿Cuáles son las tres unidades del S.I de uso más común?
Correct Answer
longitud masa y tiempo
The question is asking for the three most commonly used units in the International System of Units (S.I). The correct answer is "longitud masa y tiempo" which translates to "length, mass, and time" in English. These three units are fundamental in many scientific and everyday measurements. Length is used to measure distance or size, mass is used to measure the amount of matter in an object, and time is used to measure the duration or sequence of events.
La unidad fundamental de longitud es el ...
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "metro" because the question is asking for the fundamental unit of length, and the meter is the internationally recognized unit for measuring length in the metric system. It is defined as the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1/299,792,458 of a second.
Establecidas las unidades fundamentales del SI se designaron _____________ para la formación de multiplos y submultiplos de las unidades del sistema. Los ______________ del Sistema Internacional de Medidas (SI), se utilizan para cambiar las magnitudes de las unidades básicas en unidades más grandes o más pequeñas dependiendo del prefijo que se utilice.
Correct Answer
The correct answer is "prefijos." The explanation is that after establishing the fundamental units of the International System of Units (SI), prefixes were designated to form multiples and submultiples of the units. These prefixes are used to change the magnitudes of the basic units into larger or smaller units, depending on the prefix used.
Desde el punto de vista operacional de la física, es muy importante saber manejar la conversión de unidades, ya que en los problemas en que se presenten las magnitudes físicas, estas deben ser de la misma especie para poder simplificarlas cuando sea necesario.
Correct Answer
A. True
From an operational point of view in physics, it is important to be able to handle unit conversions because in problems where physical quantities are involved, they must be of the same type in order to simplify them when necessary.
120 megametros equivalen a ________________ metros
Correct Answer
120 000 000
120 megametros es igual a 120,000,000 metros.
Un cuerpo está en movimiento cuando cambia de ______________ con respecto a un punto de ______________, transcurriendo cierto _____________ para ello. lo percibimos a través de los ________________.
Correct Answer
posición referencia tiempo sentidos
A body is in motion when it changes its position with respect to a reference point, taking a certain amount of time to do so. We perceive this motion through our senses.
El M.R.U se caracteriza porque un cuerpo recorre distancias iguales en tiempos iguales, a lo largo de una línea recta. por eso decimos que su velocidad es:
Correct Answer
D. Constante
The correct answer is "constante" because in a MRU (Movimiento Rectilíneo Uniforme), the body travels equal distances in equal times along a straight line. This means that the velocity remains constant throughout the motion.
Es el camino que sigue un cuerpo al efectuar un movimiento
Correct Answer
A. Trayectoria
The given question is asking for the term that describes the path followed by an object during motion. The term that best fits this description is "trayectoria," which translates to "trajectory" in English. This term refers to the specific route or path that an object takes as it moves from one point to another. It is different from "desplazamiento" (displacement), which refers to the change in position of an object from its initial to final point, and "distancia" (distance), which refers to the total length covered by an object during its motion.
Una aceleración es positiva cuando un móvil tiene una velocidad inicial mayor que su velocidad final y es negativa cuando la velocidad inicial es menor que la velocidad final
Correct Answer
B. False
The statement in the question is incorrect. An acceleration is positive when the initial velocity of an object is smaller than its final velocity, and it is negative when the initial velocity is greater than the final velocity.
La ________________________ se define como el cambio de velocidad de un cuerpo en la unidad de tiempo , su unidad de medida es el metro/segundo al cuadrado
Correct Answer
The given answer "aceleración" is correct because it accurately defines acceleration as the change in velocity of an object per unit of time. The unit of measurement for acceleration is meters per second squared.
Es un movimiento de aceleración constante o uniforme, ya que conforme transcurre el tiempo, la velocidad cambia cantidades iguales en tiempos iguales.
Correct Answer
B. Caída libre
The given explanation suggests that the correct answer is "caída libre" because it describes a movement with constant or uniform acceleration where the velocity changes in equal amounts over equal periods of time. This aligns with the concept of free fall, where an object is only influenced by gravity and experiences a constant acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 downward.
Todos los cuerpos dejados caer en el vacío caen con la misma velocidad
Correct Answer
A. True
This statement is based on the principle of free fall, which states that in the absence of air resistance, all objects will fall with the same acceleration due to gravity. This means that regardless of their mass or shape, all objects will fall at the same rate. Therefore, the statement is true.
La fuerza de gravedad es mayor en los polos que en el ecuador.
Correct Answer
A. True
The force of gravity is greater at the poles than at the equator because the Earth is not a perfect sphere but rather an oblate spheroid. This means that the Earth is slightly flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator. As a result, the distance from the center of the Earth to a point on the surface is shorter at the poles than at the equator. According to the law of universal gravitation, the force of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between two objects. Therefore, since the distance is shorter at the poles, the force of gravity is stronger there.
La ________________ o fuerza de rozamiento es una fuerza que se opone al movimiento de los cuerpos.
Correct Answer
La fricción es una fuerza que se opone al movimiento de los cuerpos. Es causada por la interacción entre las superficies de dos objetos en contacto y puede ser de diferentes tipos, como la fricción estática o la fricción cinética. Esta fuerza actúa en dirección opuesta al movimiento y depende de factores como el tipo de superficie, la fuerza de contacto y la rugosidad de las superficies. En resumen, la fricción es una fuerza que dificulta el movimiento de los objetos.
La __________________ es un agente capaz de producir una aceleración, es decir, un cambio en la velocidad en un cuerpo.(en otras palabras; es, un agente capaz de producir cambios en el estado de reposo o de movimiento de un cuerpo).
Correct Answer
La fuerza es un agente capaz de producir una aceleración en un cuerpo. Esto significa que la fuerza es capaz de cambiar la velocidad de un objeto, ya sea en reposo o en movimiento. En otras palabras, la fuerza es responsable de producir cambios en el estado de reposo o movimiento de un cuerpo.