
Reading Quizzes, Questions & Answers

Tell me what kind of literature you prefer and I’m going to tell what kind of person you are. From ancient philosophy, to comic books, or even tea leaves, reading is not only a form of leisure and information, but also a form of expression. Take these quizzes on reading and find out if you truly know all there is to know about your favorite hobby.

You will find questions like “What is the means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas?”, “How do you call the ability to interpret what the information symbols represent?”, “What is rapid serial visual presentation reading involve?”, and “Through what kind of physical process are we able to decipher words?” Read slowly, but answer swiftly, and you will be greatly rewarded!

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Curious about your English reading level? Embark on a literary journey with our "Lexile Level Quiz: What Is My Reading Level?" This Lexile quiz holds the answers. Achieve a perfect score, and you're at the master...

Questions: 15  |  Attempts: 142688   |  Last updated: Apr 1, 2024
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    Elise and Bella, who were siblings, strolled past a fruit vendor one day, and Elise's craving for fruits led them to purchase some apples. She consumed her apples at a street corner and soon fell ill. Can you discern who became unwell?
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How much do you know about reading techniques? This reading techniques  quiz here is designed to test your knowledge about when to use appropriate strategies to further your reading understanding. In this quiz, we will be...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 44461   |  Last updated: Dec 7, 2023
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    The reading technique used to find a job advert in the local newspaper is ______________. 
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Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 1901   |  Last updated: Mar 20, 2023
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    A tree consists of three main parts: the crown or canopy, trunk and roots. The crown or canopy is at the top of a tree. It filters dust and other particles from the air. It consists of leaves, branches and twigs. As you all know, the leaves are the food factories of a tree. They contain chlorophyll which helps photosynthesis process and gives green color to the leaves. What is the function of the crown?
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Questions: 6  |  Attempts: 23319   |  Last updated: Apr 13, 2023
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Questions: 22  |  Attempts: 5329   |  Last updated: Aug 18, 2023
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    Stress: a modern illness? The twenty-first century seems to have brought with it a whole range of new medical problems. Many of these are related to our increased use of technology. For example, there are now several problems connected with using computers and mobile phones.Certain parts of our body ache because they are overused, like thumbs from too much texting, eyes from peering at small screens repeatedly and our ears from the increased volume of music we listen to on MP3 players and at clubs. (1) ……………………… . The list goes on and on. However, one of the biggest dangers to health today is not a direct result of technology but it is related to it. That is stress.
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Are you aware of the two common approaches to language learning- extensive vs. intensive reading? Can you differentiate between these two? Play this quiz and test your knowledge regarding the same. Extensive reading uses a long...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 29729   |  Last updated: Apr 11, 2023
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    Which category will extensive and intensive reading fall?
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Do you like reading? To enhance your reading skills, take this passage reading quiz, and answer the questions. When it comes to reading, the reader is said to be efficient only with the constant practice of reading. If you wish...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 11569   |  Last updated: May 11, 2023
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    Most icebergs are formed in the waters of the world's polar and subpolar regions. These are the regions in and around the North and South Poles. Icebergs melt as they encounter warmer ocean breezes closer to the equator. This happens with most, but not all, icebergs. One record-setting iceberg managed to travel further from the frigid waters near the poles than any other iceberg has been known to travel. In 1894, an iceberg broke off from Antarctica in the south and began moving slowly northward. It eventually left the very cold water near the pole and entered warmers waters. This unusual iceberg managed to get amazingly close to the equator. It was observed at a latitude of about 26 degrees south of the equator. This is on the same latitude as Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which is famous for its comfortably warm waters and weather throughout the year. The subject of the passage is
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Take this Key English Test Paper 1 Reading & Writing (5th Semester) quiz and evaluate yourself. Basically, it is intended for students who are preparing to take the KET Cambridge ESOL Examination. Here, the students who are...

Questions: 10  |  Attempts: 9445   |  Last updated: Oct 27, 2023
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