Sonsuz Nur 5 Ve 6

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| By Remziye
Community Contributor
Quizzes Created: 1 | Total Attempts: 507
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Sonsuz Nur 5 Ve 6 - Quiz

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    Kab-Kavseyn ne demektir?

    • A.

      A)iki yay

    • B.

      B)imkan ve vucub arasi

    • C.

      C)ye's ve umit arasi

    • D.

      D)havf ve reca arasi

    Correct Answer
    B. B)imkan ve vucub arasi
    Kab-Kavseyn is an Arabic phrase that means "between possibility and necessity." It refers to a situation or concept that lies between something being possible and something being necessary. This answer choice accurately captures the meaning of Kab-Kavseyn, as it translates to "between possibility and necessity."

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  • 2. 

    5. ve 6. sonsuz nur cd sini dinlediniz mi?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.

      C)sadece 5i dinledim

    • D.

      D)sadece 6yi dinledim

    Correct Answer
    A. A)evet
    dogru cevap sizsiniz:)

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  • 3. 

    Cd'de gectigi sekliyle Hz Haticenin buyuklugunu tamamlayan en onemli husus asagidakilerden hangisidir?

    • A.

      A)ilk musluman olmasi

    • B.

      B)Efendimizin(sav) cocuklarinin annesi olmasi

    • C.

      C)Ezvac-i tahirattan olmasi

    • D.

      D)Gul devrini gormeden vefat etmesi

    Correct Answer
    D. D)Gul devrini gormeden vefat etmesi
    The most important aspect that completes the greatness of Hz Hatice is her passing away before the era of difficulties and hardships. This means that she did not have to witness the challenges and tribulations that the Muslim community faced after her death, which adds to her status and significance.

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  • 4. 

    6.Cd de agirlikla Efendimizin(sav) hangi yonu uzerine durulmustur?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. C)teblig
    The correct answer is c) teblig. This means that the emphasis of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was on delivering the message of Islam to the people. He dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Islam and inviting others to embrace the faith. This is evident from his actions, speeches, and the way he prioritized conveying the message of Allah to all people, regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs.

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  • 5. 

    Teblig vazifesinin hukmu Efendimiz(sav) icin asagidakilerden hangidir?

    • A.

      A)Farz-i ayn

    • B.

      B)Farz-i kifaye

    • C.

      C)Farz-i zanni

    • D.

      D)Farz-i ameli

    Correct Answer
    A. A)Farz-i ayn
    The correct answer is a) Farz-i ayn. Farz-i ayn refers to an obligation that is individually mandatory for every Muslim. In this context, it means that the duty of conveying the message of Islam, known as teblig vazifesi, is a personal obligation for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and cannot be delegated to others. This duty includes spreading the teachings of Islam and inviting people to embrace the religion.

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  • 6. 

    Taif donusu Efendimiz(sav)'e uzum ikram eden ve musluman olan kolenin adi nedir?

    • A.


    • B.

      B)ibn-i ebu muheym

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. D)addas
    The correct answer is d) addas. In this question, we are asked to identify the name of the companion who offered grapes to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during the Ta'if incident and who later converted to Islam. Among the given options, the correct answer is addas.

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  • 7. 

    Taif donusu Efendimiz(sav)'e uzum ikram eden ve musluman olan kole nerelidir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. C)ninova
  • 8. 

    Allah Rasulunun kizi Fatima'ya "Kizim korkma Allah senin babani zayi etmeyecektir" dedigi hadise asagidakilerden hangisidir?

    • A.

      A)Taif taslanmasi

    • B.

      B)DEve iskembesi dokulmesi

    • C.

      C)Uhud savasinda disinin kirilmasi

    • D.

      D)Kabe yakinlarinda dovulmesi

    Correct Answer
    D. D)Kabe yakinlarinda dovulmesi
  • 9. 

    Harem-i serife yakin bir yerde namaz kildigi icin Ibn-i muheym Efendimizin(sav) bogazini hangi gerekce ile sikmistir?

    • A.

      A)yalan soyluyor diye

    • B.

      B)ibadet ediyor diye

    • C.

      C)putlara hakaret ediyor diye

    • D.

      D)buyu yapiyor diye

    Correct Answer
    C. C)putlara hakaret ediyor diye
    The correct answer is c) putlara hakaret ediyor diye. This suggests that Ibn-i Muheym Efendi choked Harem-i serife because she was insulting the idols.

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  • 10. 

    Efendimize servet,makam,kadin teklif edip yolundan dondurmek icin iknaya ugrasip donuste kendisini gonderenlere bir adamla bu adamla ugrasmayin diyen kimdir?

    • A.

      A)Utbe ibn-i Rebia

    • B.

      B)Ibn-i ebu Muheym

    • C.

      C)Haris ibni Haris

    • D.

      D)Ebu sufyan

    Correct Answer
    A. A)Utbe ibn-i Rebia
    Utbe ibn-i Rebia is the person who offered wealth, position, and women to the Prophet Muhammad in an attempt to dissuade him from spreading his message. However, when the Prophet refused these offers and continued to preach, Utbe warned his companions not to bother with him. Therefore, the correct answer is a) Utbe ibn-i Rebia.

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  • 11. 

    Muslumanligindan once Efendimiz(sav)i oldurmeye giderken Hz Omer'i kiz kardesi ve esininde musluman oldugunu soyleyip yonunu degistiren kimdir?

    • A.

      A)Habbab b.eret

    • B.

      B)Nuaym ibn Abdullah

    • C.

      C)Utbe ibn rebia

    • D.

      D)Amr b.Hisam

    Correct Answer
    B. B)Nuaym ibn Abdullah
    Nuaym ibn Abdullah is the person who, before embracing Islam, went to kill Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but changed his direction upon learning that his sister and wife had become Muslims.

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  • 12. 

    Kiz kardesinin evine dusmanca girdiginde enistesi Said b.zeyd'in okudugu ve Hz Omer'in kalbinin yumusamasina vesile olan sure asagidakilerden hangisidir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A)Taha
    The correct answer is "a) Taha". This is because the question is asking for the surah that was read by Said b. Zeyd and that was instrumental in softening the heart of Hz Omar. Out of the given options, Surah Taha fits this description.

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  • 13. 

    5.Sonsuz nur cd'sinde gectigi uzere ayeti tamamlayiniz "Ey (Peygamberliğin zirve temsilcisi) Peygamber! Kâfirlerle ve münafıklarla (yerine, zamanına ve şartlara göre nasıl gerekiyorsa öyle) .............."

    • A.

      A)cihad et

    • B.

      B)affedici ol

    • C.

      C)musamahali ol

    • D.

      D)dik dur

    Correct Answer
    A. A)cihad et
    The correct answer is "a)cihad et". In the context of the verse mentioned in the Sonsuz Nur CD, the completion of the sentence would be "Ey (Peygamberliğin zirve temsilcisi) Peygamber! Kâfirlerle ve münafıklarla (yerine, zamanına ve şartlara göre nasıl gerekiyorsa öyle) cihad et." This suggests that the Prophet should engage in jihad or strive against the disbelievers and hypocrites, adapting his approach according to the circumstances and requirements of the situation.

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  • 14. 

    Ickiyi yasaklayan ayetler geldigi halde hala ickiden geri duramamis ve mizahi yonu fazlaca guclu olan bir sahabiydi. Birisi onun hakkinda ileri geri konustugunda Efendimiz(sav) onu 'Sus o Allah ve Rasulunu seviyor" diyerek uyarmisti. Bu sahabe kimdir?

    • A.

      A)said bin zeyd

    • B.

      B)Abdurrahman bin avf

    • C.


    • D.

      D)sad bin ebi vakkas

    Correct Answer
    C. C)Nueyman
    Nueyman is the correct answer because even though there were verses prohibiting alcohol, he still couldn't resist drinking. He was known for his strong sense of humor. When someone talked negatively about him, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warned them by saying, "Be quiet, for he loves Allah and His Messenger." This incident highlights Nueyman's close relationship with Allah and the Prophet, despite his struggle with alcohol.

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  • 15. 

    5.sonsuz nur Cd'sinde gectigi sekliyle; Efendimiz(sav) .........isminin aynasidir. Bosluga uygun kelime hangisidir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. B)rahim
    The correct answer is "b) rahim". In the book "Sonsuz Nur", it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (sav) is the mirror of the name "Rahim". This means that he exemplifies and embodies the qualities of mercy and compassion, which are characteristics associated with the name "Rahim".

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  • 16. 

    ............ harbinde aldiklari esirleri affedip saliveren Efendimiz(sav), Hz Ebubekir ile birlikte oturup agliyorlardi. Hz omer onlari gorup ne oldugunu sordugunda "Allah seni teyd etti omer kafir esirleri 'fidye' karsiligi salabilecegimiz ayeti geldi" Bosluga uygun kelime hangisidir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    B. B)bedir
    In this passage, it is mentioned that the Prophet Muhammad (SAV) and Hz Ebubekir were sitting and crying after forgiving and releasing the prisoners they had captured. When Hz Omar asked them what had happened, they replied that Allah had revealed a verse allowing them to release the prisoners in exchange for ransom. The appropriate word that fills the blank is "bedir" because the Battle of Badr was the occasion where the Prophet Muhammad (SAV) and his companions captured prisoners and later released them.

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  • 17. 

    Asagidikilerden hangisi Efendimizin(sav) Mekke fethinde affettigi musriklerden degildir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. D)haris
    Haris, Efendimizin Mekke fethinde affettiği müşriklerden değildir.

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  • 18. 

    Hz Aiseden rivayet edilen hadisler tahkiki hadis kabul edilir' Rasulun dudagindan dokulmus gibi sayilir. ilim tabiriyle buna ne denir?

    • A.

      A)sahabenin murseli

    • B.

      B)sahabenin feraseti

    • C.

      C)sahabenin ilmi

    • D.

      D)sahabenin emini

    Correct Answer
    A. A)sahabenin murseli
    This answer is correct because "sahabenin murseli" refers to the hadiths that are narrated directly from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) by the Sahaba (companions) and are considered to be the most authentic and reliable. These hadiths are highly regarded and are considered as if they have come directly from the lips of the Prophet.

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  • 19. 

    Hocamizin de "Hasbunallahi ve nimel vekil kahramani" derken kimi kastedmistir?

    • A.

      A)Hz ali

    • B.

      B)Hz eyyub

    • C.

      C)Hz ibrahim

    • D.

      D)Hz ebubekir

    Correct Answer
    C. C)Hz ibrahim
    In the 5th chapter, our teacher refers to "Hasbunallahi ve nimel vekil kahramani". This phrase is associated with Hz Ibrahim, who used it as a declaration of faith and trust in Allah when he was thrown into the fire by his people. By choosing option c) Hz Ibrahim, it indicates that our teacher is referring to Hz Ibrahim when mentioning this phrase.

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  • 20. 

    ............. harbinden sonra Efendimiz onde yarali sahabeler arkada yururlerken bu manzara uzerine "Savasta boylesine yaralar alip hala ihsan suuruyla itaat edenler varya onlara cok buyuk mukafatlarlar var" ayeti nazil olmustur. Bosluga uygun kelime hangisidir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. D)uhud
    After the Battle of Uhud, Prophet Muhammad was walking ahead while the wounded companions were walking behind him. Upon seeing this scene, the verse "There are those among you who have suffered wounds in battle and are still steadfast in their faith. They will receive a great reward" was revealed. This suggests that the correct answer is d) Uhud.

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  • 21. 

    "........................ tiksinirseniz iman dairesinden nasipli olursunuz." de gecen bu cumleye uygun kelime asagidakilerden hangisidir?

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. D)kufurden
    This question is in Turkish and asks for the word that is suitable for the given sentence. The sentence translates to "If you feel disgusted by ..., you are blessed from the circle of faith." The correct answer is "kufurden" which means "from blasphemy." This answer fits with the context of the sentence as feeling disgusted by blasphemy is seen as a sign of being blessed in the circle of faith.

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  • 22. 

    Hergun muslumanlarin arkasindan entrikalar ceviren adeta tek basina bir ordu hukmunde olan ve Efendimizin(sav) bizzat oldurttugu sahabe kimdir?

    • A.

      A)muhammed ibni mesleme

    • B.

      B)haris ibni abdulmuttalip

    • C.

      C)kabil esref

    • D.

      D)kabil saffan

    Correct Answer
    C. C)kabil esref
  • 23. de Hocamizin Efendimizin(sav) nubuvvetine isaret saydigi su cumleyi tamamlayiniz: "Alabildigine sefkatin icinde alabildigine.........."

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. A)secaat
    The correct completion of the sentence is "Alabildiğine şefkatin içinde alabildiğine secaat." This sentence is a quote from Hocamızın Efendimiz (sav) and it means "With unlimited tenderness, with unlimited valor." The word "secaat" means valor or bravery, which fits well with the context of the sentence. The other options do not accurately complete the sentence or convey the intended meaning.

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  • 24. 

    Sahabeler ona "Hibbi Rasulullah(Allah Rasulunun sevdigi insan)"derlerdi. Efendimiz(sav) Hasan ve Huseyini kucagina oturttugunda onuda yanina alir ve "Allahim ben bunlara musterek merhamet ediyorum sen de et diye" dua etmisti. Bu sahabe kimdir?

    • A.

      A)usame bin abdullah

    • B.

      B)usame bin zeyd

    • C.

      C)usame binti hacer

    • D.

      D)usame bin zubeyr

    Correct Answer
    B. B)usame bin zeyd
  • 25. 

    Huzura isledigi gunahin etkisiyle muteessir bir adam gelir ve derki; Haddi ser'iyi tatbik et ve beni temizle. Efendimiz(sav) de tevbe et de temizlensin demis. Adam israrli olup gitmeyince Efendimiz(sav) recm edilmesini soyluyor. Kendini bilmez birisi onu at cenesi kemigiyle olduruyor. Bu olayi duyan Efendimiz(sav) sarsiliyor ve diyorki; ............ oyle tevbe ettiki bin adama dagilsa kafi gelirdi.

    • A.

      A)urve ibni zubeyr

    • B.

      B)maiz ibn malik

    • C.

      C)haris ibn abdullah

    • D.

      D)museylemetul kezzab

    Correct Answer
    B. B)maiz ibn malik
    The correct answer is b) Maiz ibn Malik. In this passage, a man comes to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and confesses to committing a sin. The Prophet advises him to repent and purify himself. However, the man persists and refuses to leave until the Prophet orders him to be stoned to death. This incident deeply affects the Prophet, and he remarks that the repentance of Maiz ibn Malik was so sincere that if it was divided among a thousand people, it would be enough for all of them.

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