Fungsi dari mesin Price Labelling adalah .....
Correct Answer
C. Untuk Membuat label harga pada barang dagangan
The correct answer is "Untuk Membuat label harga pada barang dagangan." This is because the function of a Price Labelling machine is to create price labels for merchandise. It is not used to measure the weight of the goods, calculate the price of the goods, or determine the quantity of the goods.
Pemajangan produk yang menempel di depan kassa disebut ….
Correct Answer
COC stands for "Checkout Counter". Pemajangan produk yang menempel di depan kassa refers to the display of products that are placed in front of the cash register, which is commonly known as the checkout counter.
Etika (etik) yang artnya adalah karakter, watak kesusilaan atau adat. Berasal dari kata ....
Correct Answer
C. Ethos
The correct answer is "Ethos". Ethos refers to the character, moral nature, or customs associated with a particular group or society. It is the closest term that matches the given definition of "etika" in the question.
Sikap yang baik meliputi cara-cara sopan santun atau aturan yang harus dipatuhi dalam pergaulan antar manusia yang beradab, merupakan pengertian dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Etiket
The correct answer is "etiket." Etiket refers to good manners or rules that must be followed in civilized human interactions. It is a term that specifically relates to social behavior and proper conduct in social settings.
Suatu istilah yang menggambarkan seluruh unsur pemasaran dan faktor produksi yang dikerahkan guna mencapai tujuan perusahaan seperti laba, penghasilan modal yang ditanam, omzet penjualan, dan bagian dari pasar yang ingin direbut, disebut......
Correct Answer
D. Strategi produk
Strategi produk adalah istilah yang menggambarkan seluruh unsur pemasaran dan faktor produksi yang dikerahkan guna mencapai tujuan perusahaan seperti laba, penghasilan modal yang ditanam, omzet penjualan, dan bagian dari pasar yang ingin direbut. Dalam strategi produk, perusahaan mengembangkan rencana untuk menghasilkan, memasarkan, dan mendistribusikan produk atau layanan yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen, serta memberikan nilai tambah bagi perusahaan.
Menetapkan harga rendah di awal penjualan, namun kemudian menaikan harga jual, merupakan strategi dari .....
Correct Answer
C. Introductory price dealing
Introductory price dealing refers to the strategy of setting a low price at the beginning of sales and then gradually increasing it. This strategy is commonly used to attract customers and create initial demand for a new product or service. By offering a lower price initially, businesses can generate interest and encourage customers to try their product. Once the product gains popularity and demand increases, the price is raised to maximize profits. This strategy allows businesses to capture market share and establish their product in the market before increasing the price to its regular level.
Strategi perundingan untuk memperoleh kemenangan mutlak dengan mengalahkan orang lain dinamakan ....
Correct Answer
D. Win lose strategy
Win lose strategy refers to a negotiation approach where one party aims to win at the expense of the other party's loss. This strategy focuses on achieving personal gain and victory by putting the other party in a disadvantaged position. It involves tactics such as manipulation, deception, and coercion to ensure that one party gets what they want, even if it means the other party suffers a loss or disadvantage. This strategy prioritizes individual success over mutual benefit or cooperation.
Kotak besar untuk menyimpan produk yang sedang di diskon atau promo adalah
Correct Answer
D. Wagon
A wagon is a large container or vehicle used for transporting goods or products. It can be used to store and display products that are on discount or promotion. This makes it a suitable option for keeping products that are currently being discounted or promoted.
Alat pemajang bagian dari gondola yang biasa disebut, tetapi jumlahnya lebih banyak dan berfungsi untuk menggantung barang-barang agak kecil, disebut ….
Correct Answer
B. Single hook
A single hook is a type of display fixture that is commonly used in gondolas to hang small items. Unlike shelving, which is used for larger items, a single hook is designed specifically for smaller products. It allows for easy visibility and accessibility of these items, making it an effective display option for retail stores. POP stands for point of purchase, which refers to marketing materials or displays that are placed near the checkout area to encourage impulse purchases. Ready stock refers to having products readily available for immediate purchase.
Untuk mengoreksi kesalahan harga dengan system departemen tetapi pihak kasir belum menekan departemen,maka kasir dapat melakukan dengan menekan ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is CL. In this scenario, the cashier can correct the pricing error by pressing the CL button. This button is typically found on cash registers and is used to clear or cancel the previous entry. By pressing the CL button, the cashier can start over and enter the correct department code to ensure accurate pricing.