Berikut adalah fungsi dari Firewall, yaitu ….
Correct Answer
C. Mengatur dan mengontrol lalu lintas jaringan
Firewall berfungsi untuk mengatur dan mengontrol lalu lintas jaringan. Hal ini dilakukan dengan memeriksa dan memfilter data yang masuk dan keluar dari jaringan, serta menerapkan kebijakan keamanan yang telah ditentukan. Firewall juga dapat mengidentifikasi dan mencegah akses yang tidak sah atau berbahaya ke dalam jaringan, sehingga dapat melindungi sistem dan data dari serangan yang mungkin terjadi.
Processor Intel Core I7 menggunakan socket processor dengan tipe….
Correct Answer
C. LGA 1156
The correct answer is LGA 1156. The Intel Core i7 processor uses the LGA 1156 socket type. The LGA 1156 socket is compatible with the first generation of Intel Core i7 processors, also known as Lynnfield. This socket type supports the necessary connections between the processor and the motherboard, allowing for proper communication and performance.
Server yang berfungsi sebagai pemberi akses/pertukaran transfer data antara dua computer adalah….
Correct Answer
A. FTP Server
An FTP server is a type of server that is used to facilitate the exchange of data between two computers. It allows users to upload, download, and transfer files over a network. FTP servers are commonly used in businesses and organizations to share files and collaborate on projects. They provide a secure and efficient way to transfer large files or a large number of files between computers.
Komponen pada sebuah PC yang dapat dilihat, dan diraba oleh panca indera disebut….
Correct Answer
B. Hardware
Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer that can be seen and touched, such as the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and motherboard. These components can be observed and interacted with using our senses. Malware, software, firmware, and brainware are not physical components that can be directly perceived by our senses.
Protokol TCP/IP berhubungan dengan pengguna aplikasi yang berguna untuk terminal maya jarak jauh ....
Correct Answer
A. Telnet
The correct answer is Telnet because Telnet is a protocol in the TCP/IP suite that allows users to access and control remote computers over a network. It provides a virtual terminal connection for remote login and command execution. Telnet is commonly used for remote administration, troubleshooting, and accessing network devices such as routers and switches.
Di bawah ini yang termasuk Sistem Operasi berbasis text adalah …
Correct Answer
DOS (Disk Operating System) is a text-based operating system that was commonly used in the early days of personal computers. It does not have a graphical user interface (GUI) and relies on command-line inputs. In contrast, the other options listed (Win 2000 Server, Windows NT, Windows ME, and Android) are all GUI-based operating systems that have graphical interfaces for user interaction. Therefore, DOS is the only option that fits the description of being a text-based operating system.
Permasalahan yang sering timbul pada jalur utama topologi bus adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Terjadi tabrakan data (collision)
Pada jalur utama topologi bus, terjadi tabrakan data (collision) adalah masalah yang sering muncul. Tabrakan data terjadi ketika dua atau lebih perangkat pada jaringan mengirimkan data secara bersamaan, sehingga menyebabkan data menjadi tidak terkirim atau rusak. Hal ini terjadi karena pada topologi bus, semua perangkat terhubung ke jalur yang sama dan menggunakan metode akses yang bersamaan. Jika dua perangkat mengirimkan data secara bersamaan, tabrakan akan terjadi dan mengganggu transfer data yang efisien.
Berikut ini adalah perangkat keras yang merupakan alat output, kecuali ...
Correct Answer
D. Microphone
Microphone is not a hardware device that functions as an output device. It is primarily used as an input device to capture audio and convert it into an electrical signal. The other options listed - plotter, printer, speaker, and monitor - are all output devices that produce visual or auditory information.
Satuan informasi terkecil yang dikenal dalam komunikasi data adalah ….
Correct Answer
E. Bit
A bit is the smallest unit of information in data communication. It represents a binary value of either 0 or 1. In computer systems, data is transmitted and stored in the form of bits. Other options such as segment, packet, sector, and byte are larger units of information that consist of multiple bits. However, a bit is the fundamental building block of all digital communication and is considered the smallest unit in data communication.
Proses pencampuran dua sinyal menjadi satu sinyal adalah... .
Correct Answer
B. Modulasi
Modulasi adalah proses pencampuran dua sinyal menjadi satu sinyal. Dalam modulasi, salah satu sinyal yang disebut sinyal pembawa digabungkan dengan sinyal informasi untuk menghasilkan sinyal modulasi. Proses ini digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi komunikasi seperti radio, televisi, dan telepon. Dengan modulasi, informasi dari sinyal informasi dapat dikirim melalui sinyal pembawa dengan efisien dan dapat dipulihkan di penerima.
Alamat IP dengan octet pertama 127 tidak digunakan di kelas A adalah karena ....
Correct Answer
D. Merupakan IP LoopBack untuk untuk setiap komputer yang ada
Alamat IP dengan octet pertama 127 tidak digunakan di kelas A karena merupakan IP LoopBack untuk setiap komputer yang ada. IP LoopBack digunakan untuk menguji koneksi jaringan pada komputer itu sendiri tanpa melalui jaringan eksternal. Octet pertama 127 pada alamat IP digunakan khusus untuk tujuan ini dan tidak dialokasikan untuk penggunaan publik atau routing jaringan.
Permasalahan yang mungkin terjadi pada software dalam koneksitas jaringan adalah berikut ini, kecuali... .
Correct Answer
E. Network Interface Card (NIC) rusak / mati
The given answer states that the possible problem that may occur in software connectivity is a faulty or dead Network Interface Card (NIC). This means that the issue lies with the physical hardware component responsible for connecting the computer to the network, rather than any software-related problems such as network configuration, protocol compatibility, service network errors, or incorrect workgroup names.
Sebuah komputer memliki IP mask address komputer tersebut adalah ....
Correct Answer
The correct answer is The given IP address indicates that the subnet mask has 25 bits set to 1. A subnet mask with 25 bits set to 1 is This subnet mask will divide the IP address range into two subnets, with the first subnet having addresses from to and the second subnet having addresses from to
Nama / identity dari Access Point disebut …?
Correct Answer
SSID stands for Service Set Identifier. It is the name or identity of an Access Point (AP) in a wireless network. The SSID is used to differentiate between different wireless networks in the vicinity. When a device wants to connect to a specific wireless network, it searches for the SSID of that network. Once the SSID is found, the device can establish a connection to the AP with that specific SSID. Therefore, the correct answer is SSID.
Pada Ms. Windows 2003 Server untuk mengkonfigurasi Web Server kita pilih menu…?
Correct Answer
A. Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
The correct answer is Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager. In Windows 2003 Server, to configure a web server, we need to select Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager from the menu options provided. This tool allows us to manage and configure web servers, websites, application pools, and other related settings.
Setelah sistem operasi diinstall, ternyata Sound untuk Audio speaker tidak bisa disetting high sound or equalizer. Selalu saja default. Yang harus dilakukan agar equalizer berubah adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Menginstall driver soundnya
The correct answer is to install the sound driver. This is because after the operating system is installed, the sound for the audio speaker cannot be set to high sound or equalizer, and it always stays at the default setting. By installing the sound driver, it will provide the necessary software and instructions for the operating system to properly control and adjust the sound settings for the speaker.
Dua macam topologi wireless yang menggunakan Access Point (AP) dinamakan dengan ….
Correct Answer
E. Topologi infrastructure dan adhoc
The correct answer is "Topologi infrastructure dan adhoc." This is because topologi infrastructure menggunakan Access Point (AP) sebagai pusat pengaturan jaringan, sedangkan topologi adhoc tidak membutuhkan AP dan setiap perangkat dapat berkomunikasi langsung satu sama lain.
Pada gambar berikut ini, yang merupakan port Serial adalah nomor ...
Correct Answer
C. 4
The correct answer is 4 because in the given options, the number 4 represents the port Serial.
Di bawah ini yang termasuk alat bantu /tool kit adalah sebagai berikut, kecuali ....
Correct Answer
B. Avometer
The given options are all tools or items that can be found in a toolkit except for the "Avometer." An Avometer is an electrical measuring instrument used to measure voltage, current, and resistance. While the other options such as a brush (kuas), pliers (tang), cleaning liquid (cairan pembersih), and screwdriver (obeng) are commonly found in a toolkit, an Avometer is not typically included in a standard toolkit.
Dalam melakukan partisi hal-hal penting yang harus Anda perhatikan sebagai berikut, kecuali ….
Correct Answer
B. Kebutuhan memori
The given options list important factors to consider when partitioning a system. These factors include the location of the system partition, the location of the boot partition, the amount of hard disk space needed, and the number of operating systems to be installed. However, the factor that does not belong is "kebutuhan memori" which translates to "memory requirements." Memory requirements are not directly related to partitioning a system but rather refer to the amount of RAM needed for optimal system performance.
Untuk mengakses web server dibutuhkan program berikut ini adalah…
Correct Answer
D. Mozilla atau opera
To access a web server, the necessary program is a web browser such as Mozilla or Opera. These browsers allow users to connect to and view websites hosted on the web server. Squid and Samba are not web browsers, but rather proxy server and file sharing software respectively. Apache and IIS are web server software, not web browsers. Friendster and Blogger are social networking and blogging platforms, not web browsers. MySQL and Outlook are database management and email client software, not web browsers.
Ketika melakukan proses upgrade atau mengganti prosesor, yang harus diperhatikan pada motherboard adalah ....
Correct Answer
C. Tipe socket
When upgrading or replacing a processor, the most important factor to consider on the motherboard is the type of socket. The socket type determines the compatibility between the motherboard and the processor. Different processors have different socket types, so it is crucial to ensure that the socket type on the motherboard matches the socket type of the new processor. This ensures that the processor can be properly installed and function correctly with the motherboard.
Masalah yang sering terjadi pada monitor adalah ukuran layar yang tidak sesuai dengan keinginan user. Pada Windows 7 dapat dilakukan pengaturan dengan cara ....
Correct Answer
A. Klik kanan pada Desktop >> Screen Resolution
The correct answer is "Klik kanan pada Desktop >> Screen Resolution" because it is the correct sequence of steps to adjust the screen resolution on Windows 7. By right-clicking on the desktop and selecting "Screen Resolution," users can access the display settings and adjust the size of the screen to their preference.
Prosedur yang dilakukan ketika monitor tidak menyala :
1. Pastikan tombol ON/OFF dalam kondisi baik
2. Cek kabel kabel ke outlet listrik
3. Ganti kabel power
4. Cek kabel VGA
5. Ganti monitor
Urutan yang benar adalah ...
Correct Answer
E. 1-2-3-4-5
The correct answer is 1-2-3-4-5. The first step is to check the power button, followed by checking the power cable connection to the electrical outlet. Then, the next step is to replace the power cable if necessary. After that, the VGA cable should be checked. Finally, if all previous steps fail, the last step is to replace the monitor. This order ensures a systematic troubleshooting process for a non-functioning monitor.
Untuk mengetahui DNS Server sudah berfungsi atau belum, bisa dicek dengan menggunakan perintah ....
Correct Answer
C. Nslookup namaserver
The given answer suggests that to check if the DNS Server is functioning properly or not, one can use the command "nslookup namaserver". This command is used to perform a DNS lookup for the specified server name. By executing this command, the user can verify if the DNS Server is able to resolve the given server name or not.
Layer pada OSI yang bertugas mentransmisikan ulang terhadap paket data yang hilang di tengah jalan adalah ....
Correct Answer
E. Transport
The correct answer is Transport. The Transport layer in the OSI model is responsible for the reliable delivery of data between end systems. It ensures that data packets are delivered without errors, in the correct order, and without duplication. If any data packets are lost or damaged during transmission, the Transport layer will retransmit them to ensure complete and accurate delivery. This layer also provides flow control and error recovery mechanisms to optimize the transmission process.
Gangguan yang disebabkan oleh tidak berjalannya aplikasi di wireless, konflik IP address, proses proxy server pada server. Dikelompokkan dalam gangguan ....
Correct Answer
C. Software
The given options are User, Pemasok daya, Software, Brainware, and Hardware. The question mentions various issues related to the non-functioning of applications in wireless, IP address conflicts, and proxy server processes on the server. These issues are related to software problems rather than user-related issues, power supply, brainware (which is not a commonly used term), or hardware problems. Therefore, the correct answer is Software.
Memilih CD-ROM, Harddisk, NFS, FTP atau HTTP dalam melakukan instalasi sistem operasi jaringan Linux merupakan langkah pemilihan ....
Correct Answer
E. Mode instalasi
The correct answer is "mode instalasi". Memilih CD-ROM, Harddisk, NFS, FTP atau HTTP dalam melakukan instalasi sistem operasi jaringan Linux merupakan langkah pemilihan mode instalasi. This statement suggests that the options given (CD-ROM, Harddisk, NFS, FTP, or HTTP) are different modes of installation for the Linux network operating system.
Keamanan yang digunakan pada jaringan wi-fi adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Hide SSID
The correct answer is "Hide SSID." This is a security measure used in Wi-Fi networks where the network name (SSID) is not broadcasted, making it harder for unauthorized users to detect and connect to the network. By hiding the SSID, the network remains hidden from view, requiring users to manually enter the network name to connect. This adds an extra layer of security to the Wi-Fi network.
Collision detection merupakan metode yang digunakan pada jaringan untuk mendeteksi ....
Correct Answer
B. Transmisi data
Collision detection is a method used in networking to detect when two or more devices try to transmit data at the same time. It helps in identifying and resolving collisions, which can occur when multiple devices share the same network medium. By detecting collisions, the network can take appropriate actions to avoid data loss or corruption. Therefore, the correct answer, "Transmisi data" (data transmission), aligns with the purpose of collision detection in a network.
Jika komputer cepat panas, sering hang dan reboot sendiri , tindakan korektif yang perlu kita lakukan adalah mengecek ....
Correct Answer
B. Heatsink fan
The correct answer is heatsink fan. When a computer overheats, experiences frequent hangs, and reboots itself, it is important to check the heatsink fan. The heatsink fan is responsible for cooling down the computer's processor, preventing it from overheating. If the heatsink fan is not functioning properly or is clogged with dust, it can lead to overheating issues and cause the computer to hang or reboot. Therefore, checking and potentially replacing the heatsink fan can help resolve these issues.
Topologi jaringan yang menggunakan terminal pada ujung node-nya adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Bus
The correct answer is bus. A bus network topology is characterized by a single communication channel that connects all devices in a linear manner. Each device is connected to the channel through a drop line, and the channel acts as a shared medium for communication. In a bus network, the terminals are located at the ends of the nodes, making it easier to add or remove devices without disrupting the network.
Untuk menghubungkan Server dengan Router digunakan kabel UTP dengan susunan ....
Correct Answer
B. Straight Through
To connect a server to a router, a straight through cable is used. A straight through cable has the same pin configuration on both ends, allowing for a direct connection between the server and the router. This type of cable is commonly used when connecting devices that have different functions, such as a server and a router.
Yang membedakan paket software free dengan paket berbayar adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. Pada paket berbayar, ada permintaan memasukkan serial number untuk autentikasi
The correct answer is "Pada paket berbayar, ada permintaan memasukkan serial number untuk autentikasi." This is because in paid software packages, there is usually a requirement to enter a serial number in order to authenticate and activate the software. This helps ensure that only authorized users are able to use the software. Free software packages, on the other hand, typically do not require a serial number for authentication.
Diketahui IP Address Jumlah host tiap subnet adalah ....
Correct Answer
B. 30
The given IP address is, which means that it has a subnet mask of 27 bits. The subnet mask determines the number of available hosts in a subnet. In this case, the subnet mask of 27 bits leaves 5 bits for the host portion of the IP address. With 5 bits, we can have a total of 32 different combinations, but one combination is reserved for the network address and another one for the broadcast address. Therefore, the number of available hosts in each subnet is 32 - 2 = 30.
Diketahui sebuah jaringan mempunyai ip address IP Network-nya adalah ....
Correct Answer
The given IP address belongs to a network with a subnet mask of 28 bits. This means that the first 28 bits of the IP address represent the network portion, and the remaining 4 bits represent the host portion. To find the network address, we need to set all the host bits to 0. In this case, the last 4 bits of the IP address are 0010, so setting them to 0 gives us 0000. Therefore, the network address is
Agar user ftp yang tidak terdaftar tidak bisa mengakses server ftp, maka user apakah yang harus dinonaktifkan ?
Correct Answer
C. Anonymous
The correct answer is "anonymous". This is because the question states that unregistered FTP users cannot access the FTP server. The "anonymous" user is a default and commonly used username for anonymous FTP access. Therefore, if unregistered users cannot access the server, it implies that the "anonymous" user should be disabled or deactivated.
Processor AMD Athlon X2 memiliki socket yang berjenis….
Correct Answer
D. AM2+
The correct answer is AM2+. The AMD Athlon X2 processor is compatible with the AM2+ socket. The AM2+ socket was introduced by AMD and is designed for use with AMD processors. It is the successor to the AM2 socket and offers improved performance and compatibility with newer processors.
Dalam Model OSI Layer, yang berfungsi untuk menentukan pertukaran frame data yang melewati kabel adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Data Link Layer
The Data Link Layer in the OSI model is responsible for determining how data frames are exchanged over a physical medium, such as a cable. This layer ensures the reliable transmission of data between adjacent network nodes and handles error detection and correction. It also manages the flow of data and provides synchronization between the sender and receiver. Therefore, the Data Link Layer is the correct answer for this question.
Telepon termasuk kedalam jenis media transmisi ….
Correct Answer
C. Full Duplex
Telepon termasuk dalam jenis media transmisi full duplex karena dapat melakukan komunikasi dua arah secara simultan. Dalam full duplex, pengirim dan penerima dapat berbicara dan mendengar secara bersamaan tanpa ada gangguan atau keterlambatan.