Wacanen kanthi premathi!
Koperasi Sekolah
Koperasi sekolah iku salah sawijine organisasi ing sekolahan. Murid-murid iso dadi anggotane kabeh. Koperasi sekolah ngelatih murid-murid pada guyup rukun kerja bareng-bareng mbi kanca-kancane. Koperasi sekolah iku uga iso dadi papan panggonan supaya murid-murid pada latihan dodolan.
Koperasi sekolah iku dodol kabutuhan-kabutuhane para murid. Saka buku, pensil, garisan lan lia-liane. Koperasi sekolah gampangake murid-murid supaya iso tuku kabutuhan sekolah ing njero sekolahane dewe. Rega-rega ing koperasi sekolah uga murah-murah. Merga ngana para murid pada seneng tuku-tuku kabutuhan sekolah ing koperasi sekolah.
Irah-irahan wacan ing dhuwur yaiku ....
Correct Answer
C. Koperasi Sekolah
The given answer "Koperasi Sekolah" is the correct answer because the passage discusses the concept and purpose of a school cooperative. It explains that a school cooperative is an organization in the school where students can become members. The cooperative trains students to work together with their friends and can also serve as a place for students to practice buying school supplies. The passage emphasizes that the school cooperative is beneficial for students as it provides affordable school supplies and allows them to support their school by purchasing from the cooperative. Therefore, "Koperasi Sekolah" is the most relevant and accurate answer based on the information provided.
Opo bae contohe barang sing disediakake ing koperasi sekolah?
Correct Answer
B. Buku, pensil lan garisan
The correct answer is "Buku, pensil lan garisan." This is because the question is asking for examples of items that are provided in a school cooperative. Buku (book), pensil (pencil), and garisan (ruler) are all common items that would typically be available in a school cooperative for students to purchase.
Koperasi sekolah iso ngelatih murid-murid pada ....
Correct Answer
B. Sesarengan gurub rukun kerja bareng kanca-kancane
The correct answer is "Sesarengan gurub rukun kerja bareng kanca-kancane" because it means "Working together harmoniously with friends" which implies that the school cooperative can train students to work collaboratively with their peers and teachers.
Anggota koperasi sekolah yaiku ....
Correct Answer
C. Murid sekolah
The correct answer is "Murid sekolah". This answer is appropriate because the question is asking about the members of a school cooperative, and the most logical and relevant answer would be the students of the school. The other options, such as "Bakul ing pasar" (market vendor), "Pedagang kaki lima" (street vendor), and "Guru lan wali murid" (teachers and parents), do not specifically pertain to the members of a school cooperative.
Karpriye rega-rega ana ing koperasi sekolah?
Correct Answer
C. Murah-murah
The answer "Murah-murah" suggests that the item in question is very cheap or affordable. The repetition of the word "murah" emphasizes the low cost of the item. This could be a response to someone asking about the price of a certain product or service, indicating that it is available at a very reasonable price.
Tembang macapat iku cacahe ana ....
Correct Answer
D. 11
Tembang Pocung iku ana .... gatra
Correct Answer
A. 4
The given question is incomplete and not readable, so it is not possible to generate an explanation for the correct answer.
Cacahing larik saben sapada iku diarani ....
Correct Answer
B. Guru gatra
The correct answer is "Guru gatra". In Javanese language, "gatra" refers to the syllable or sound unit in a word. Therefore, "Guru gatra" means a teacher who specializes in teaching syllables or sound units in a word.
Kosok baline tembung gething yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Seneng
The word "seneng" in Javanese means happy or pleased. Therefore, in the given context, "kosok baline tembung gething" which means "the opposite of the word" can be understood as "the opposite of happy". Among the given options, "seneng" is the only word that represents a positive emotion, while the other options (muring, kuciwa, sengit) represent negative emotions. Hence, "seneng" is the correct answer.
Papan panggonan kanggo wong adol tinuku yaiku ....
Correct Answer
D. Pasar
The correct answer is "Pasar" because it is the most suitable place for young people to shop or hang out. Puskesmas is a health center, KUA is a religious office, and Sekolahan is a school, which are not typically places where teenagers would spend their free time. Therefore, the answer "Pasar" is the most logical choice.
Wong sing penggaweane ngelakokake sepur yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Masinis
The correct answer is "Masinis." In the context of the question, the word "ngelakokake" suggests that the person mentioned is responsible for operating or driving a train. Among the given options, "Masinis" is the most suitable term as it refers to a train driver or an engineer who operates the locomotive.
Budhe untune lara. Basa kramane yaiku ....
Correct Answer
D. Budhe wajanipun gerah
The given answer "Budhe wajanipun gerah" is the correct option because it is the only phrase that makes grammatical sense in the given context. The phrase "Budhe wajanipun gerah" translates to "The old man is also tired" in English. The other options do not form a coherent sentence or do not fit the given context.
Iku – digawe – kayu – lemari – saka. Tembung-tembung iku urutane kang bener yaiku ....
Correct Answer
C. Lemari iku digawe saka kayu
The correct answer is "Lemari iku digawe saka kayu" because it follows the correct word order in Javanese sentence structure. In Javanese, the basic word order is Subject-Verb-Object (SVO). In this sentence, "Lemari" is the subject (lemari iku), "digawe" is the verb (digawe), and "saka kayu" is the object (saka kayu). Therefore, the correct word order is "Lemari iku digawe saka kayu".
Raden Werkudara nalika enome aran ....
Correct Answer
C. Bratasena
Musuhe pandhawa yaiku bala ....
Correct Answer
C. Kurawa
The correct answer is "Kurawa". In the context of the given question, "Musuhe pandhawa yaiku bala ....", the word "Kurawa" fits logically as it completes the sentence. "Musuhe pandhawa" refers to the Pandawa, a group of characters from the Mahabharata, and "bala" means "force" or "army" in Javanese. The Kurawa, also known as the Kauravas, were the opposing group to the Pandawa in the Mahabharata, making them the logical choice to complete the sentence.
Gamane raden werkudara yaiku ....
Correct Answer
A. Kuku Pancanaka
Tembung ing nduwur iku unine ....
Correct Answer
A. Maca buku
The phrase "Maca buku" is the correct answer because it is the only option that makes sense in the given context. The other options ("Tuku buku", "Mata biru", "Mara tuku") do not form a coherent phrase or have any clear meaning. "Maca buku" can be translated as "Read a book" in English, which is a logical and complete sentence.
Ana kucing lima
Yen ditulis jawa dadi ....
Correct Answer
Ukara ing ngisor iki sing kalebu ukara tanggap yaiku ....
Correct Answer
C. Sepedane lagi digawa Tuti
Santi yen ketemu Galang iku kaya banyu karo lenga. Tegese kaya banyu karo lenga yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Pasedulurane ora bisa rukun
The given correct answer states "Pasedulurane ora bisa rukun" which means "The siblings cannot get along". This implies that when Santi meets Galang, they have a difficult time getting along or having a harmonious relationship.
Paribasan bathok bolu isi madu tegese ....
Correct Answer
C. Wong asor nanging sugih kapinteran
This answer means that although someone may not be intelligent, they can still become wealthy through their skills and abilities.
Kembang jagung arane sinuwun, yen kembang kanthil arane ...
Correct Answer
C. Gading
The given question is in Indonesian language and asks for the word that completes the sentence "Kembang jagung arane sinuwun, yen kembang kanthil arane ...". The word "Gading" is the correct answer because it is the only option that fits grammatically and contextually. It is a noun that means "ivory" in Indonesian, which makes sense in the sentence. Therefore, "Gading" is the most suitable word to complete the sentence.
Sebutan pancuran kapit sendang iku kanggo ....
Correct Answer
B. Anak telu, wadon lanang wadon
Anak loro lanang kabeh diarani ....
Correct Answer
B. Uger-uger lawang
Anak macan kuwi arane ....
Correct Answer
B. Gogor