Wong sing penggaweane nambani wong lara arane ....
Correct Answer
B. Dokter
The given question is in an Indonesian language, and it asks for the occupation that helps people who are sick. The correct answer is "Dokter," which means "Doctor" in English. Doctors are medical professionals who diagnose and treat illnesses, injuries, and diseases. They provide medical care and advice to patients, helping them recover from their illnesses and improve their overall health.
Dinda arep tuku obat. Panggonan kanggo tuku obat ikut ana ing ....
Correct Answer
C. Apotek
The correct answer is "Apotek". The given sentence mentions that Dinda wants to buy medicine, and the place to buy medicine is usually at a pharmacy or "apotek" in Indonesian.
Wong sing gelem olahraga iku awake bakal ....
Correct Answer
C. Sehat
The word "sehat" in Indonesian means "healthy" in English. The sentence "Wong sing gelem olahraga iku awake bakal sehat" translates to "People who like sports will be healthy." Therefore, "sehat" is the correct answer as it fits the context of the sentence.
Diki : “..... kula bade tangklet Pak.”
Pak Rudi : “Arep takon apa Dik?
Tembung kang bener kanggo njangkepi ukara ing duwur yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Nyuwun sewu
The correct answer is "Nyuwun sewu" because it is a Javanese phrase that means "thank you" or "thank you very much". This is evident from the conversation between Diki and Pak Rudi where Diki expresses gratitude by saying "....kula bade tangklet Pak" and Pak Rudi responds by asking what Diki wants to ask. Therefore, "Nyuwun sewu" is the appropriate phrase to express gratitude in this context.
Dina : “ ..... sing gelem tak wenehi roti?
Sinta : “Aku Din, aku gelem.”
Tembung pitakon kang bener kanggo njangkepi ukara ing duwur yaiku ....
Correct Answer
D. Sapa
The correct answer is "Sapa." The question is asking for the appropriate question word to complete the sentence. The word "Sapa" means "who" in Indonesian, so it is the correct choice to form a question asking "Who wants to give me bread?"
Pembarepe pandhawa yaiku raden ....
Correct Answer
D. Punthadewa
The correct answer is Punthadewa because in the given options, Punthadewa is the only name that matches the given phrase "Pembarepe pandhawa yaiku raden".
Raden Janaka iku kasatiyan ana ing ....
Correct Answer
B. Madukara
Ing ngisor iki sing ora kalebu punakawan yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Nakula
The correct answer is Nakula. Nakula is one of the characters in the Indonesian traditional shadow puppetry known as Wayang. Wayang consists of a group of characters called punakawan, which includes Nakula along with Semar, Gareng, and Petruk. Nakula is one of the five Pandava brothers in the Hindu epic Mahabharata and is often portrayed as a wise and skilled character.
Pakdhe lagi bali saka Semarang
Ukara ing dhuwur basa kramane yaiku ....
Correct Answer
D. Pakdhe nembe wangsul saking Semarang
The correct answer is "Pakdhe nembe wangsul saking Semarang". This is because the phrase "wangsul saking Semarang" means "returning from Semarang", which fits with the context of the sentence "Pakdhe lagi bali saka Semarang" meaning "Pakdhe is returning from Semarang".
Simbah nembe gerah waja.
Gerah waja tegese ....
Correct Answer
C. Lara untu
The correct answer is "Lara untu". This phrase translates to "internal pain" or "emotional pain" in English. The word "untu" refers to something that is inside or within, while "lara" means pain or suffering. Therefore, "lara untu" describes a type of pain or suffering that is felt internally or emotionally.
Papan panggonan kanggo mandek kapal yaiku ....
Correct Answer
A. Pelabuhan
The correct answer is "Pelabuhan". This is because "Pelabuhan" is the Indonesian word for "port", which is a place where ships dock and unload or load cargo. The other options, "Bandara" (airport), "Staisun" (station), and "Terminal" (terminal), are not suitable answers as they refer to different types of transportation hubs and do not specifically relate to ships or boats.
Wong seng penggaweane ngelakokake sepur diarani ....
Correct Answer
B. Masinis
The correct answer is "Masinis." In the given question, "Wong seng penggaweane ngelakokake sepur diarani ...." is a sentence in Javanese language, which translates to "The person who operates a train is called ...." The term "Masinis" refers to the person who operates or drives a train, making it the correct answer.
Papan panggonan kanggo tuku karcis yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Loket
The correct answer is "Loket." In this context, "papan panggonan kanggo tuku karcis" translates to "a place to buy tickets." Among the given options, only "loket" fits this description as it refers to a ticket counter or booth where tickets can be purchased. "Kondektur" refers to a conductor, "lobi" refers to a lobby, and "teras" refers to a terrace, none of which are specifically related to buying tickets.
Bocah – dudung – Kang – iku – sinau – sregep
Urutan kang bener saka ukara ing dhuwur yaiku ....
Correct Answer
D. Dudung iku bocah kang sregep sinau
The correct order of the words is "Dudung iku bocah kang sregep sinau" because it follows the correct structure of the sentence. In Javanese language, the correct word order is Subject-Verb-Object-Adjective-Adverb. "Dudung" is the subject, "iku" is the verb, "bocah" is the object, "kang" is the adjective, and "sregep sinau" is the adverb.
Penggaweane bocah kang sekolah yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Sinau tenanan
The correct answer is "Sinau tenanan." This is because "sinau tenanan" means "learning seriously" or "studying seriously" in Javanese. The phrase "penggaweane bocah kang sekolah yaiku" suggests that the question is asking about what children do when they go to school. Out of the given options, "sinau tenanan" is the most appropriate answer as it aligns with the idea of studying or learning in a serious manner.
Ukara ing ngisor iku sing kalebu ukara pitakon yaiku ....
Correct Answer
C. Sapa sing durung tekan kene?
The correct answer is "Sapa sing durung tekan kene?" because it is the only sentence that forms a complete question. The other sentences are either statements or incomplete phrases.
Tukokno beras nang tokone Pak Rudi!
Ukara ing dhuwur iku kalebu ukara ....
Correct Answer
D. Pakon
The word "Pakon" is the correct answer because it fits grammatically and contextually with the given sentence. In Javanese language, "Pakon" means "answer" or "response". Therefore, it makes sense to use "Pakon" in the sentence as it completes the sentence and conveys the intended meaning.
Kacamata yen ditulis jawa yaiku ....
Correct Answer
Tulisan Jawa ing dhuwur iku unine ....
Correct Answer
A. Tuku gula
The correct answer is "Tuku gula" because it is the action of buying sugar, which is the most fitting response to the statement "Tulisan Jawa ing dhuwur iku unine" (The Javanese writing above is about sugar). The other options, "Luru gula" (Selling sugar), "Tuku sega" (Buying rice), and "Luru sega" (Selling rice), do not match the given context.
Santi iku bocah sing sregep sinau. Kosok baline sregep yaiku ....
Correct Answer
B. Keset
The word "sregep" in the given sentence suggests that it is describing a skill or ability. "Keset" is the only option among the given words that can be associated with a skill or ability, as it means "clever" or "smart" in Javanese language. Therefore, "keset" is the most suitable answer based on the context provided.
Dina senin wingi Sofa dolanan layangan mbi Rudi lan Wawan. Cah telu iku dolanaan layangan ana ing ratan. Saking senenge dolanan, ujug-ujug ana mobil sing lewat banter. Bocah telu iku ameh ketabrak. Nanging sopir mobile untung wae iso mandekake mobile kanthi cepet. Sahingga cah telu iku ora ana sing ketabrak. Bocah telu iku langsung diseneni pak sopire. Dikandani nek dolanan layangan ora oleh nang ratan.
Sapa sing dolanan layangan nang ratan ?
Correct Answer
D. Sofa, Rudi lan Wawan
The correct answer is Sofa, Rudi, and Wawan. The passage states that Dina's friends, Rudi and Wawan, played with the kite in the yard. It does not mention anyone else playing with the kite in the yard. Therefore, the answer is Sofa, Rudi, and Wawan.
Dina senin wingi Sofa dolanan layangan mbi Rudi lan Wawan. Cah telu iku dolanaan layangan ana ing ratan. Saking senenge dolanan, ujug-ujug ana mobil sing lewat banter. Bocah telu iku ameh ketabrak. Nanging sopir mobile untung wae iso mandekake mobile kanthi cepet. Sahingga cah telu iku ora ana sing ketabrak. Bocah telu iku langsung diseneni pak sopire. Dikandani nek dolanan layangan ora oleh nang ratan.
Kenapa Pak Sopir nyeneni Sofa, Rudi lan Wawan?
Correct Answer
B. Sebabe cah telu iku dolanan layangan nang ratan
The correct answer is "Sebabe cah telu iku dolanan layangan nang ratan." This means that the driver was happy to see the children playing with a kite in the field. However, because of the kite, a car passing by was able to stop quickly and avoid hitting the children. Therefore, the driver thanked the children for playing with the kite in the field.
Dina senin wingi Sofa dolanan layangan mbi Rudi lan Wawan. Cah telu iku dolanaan layangan ana ing ratan. Saking senenge dolanan, ujug-ujug ana mobil sing lewat banter. Bocah telu iku ameh ketabrak. Nanging sopir mobile untung wae iso mandekake mobile kanthi cepet. Sahingga cah telu iku ora ana sing ketabrak. Bocah telu iku langsung diseneni pak sopire. Dikandani nek dolanan layangan ora oleh nang ratan.
Yen dolanan layangan iku becike ana ing ....
Correct Answer
D. Lapangan
The correct answer is "Lapangan" because the passage mentions that the children were playing with a kite in a field. The word "ratan" in the passage refers to the field or open space where the children were flying the kite.
Kembang jagung iku arane jeprak. Yen kembang jambu arane ....
Correct Answer
B. Karuk
Anak kebo arane gudel. Yen anak gajah arane ....
Correct Answer
C. Bledug
The word "gudel" in the first sentence indicates that the question is asking for the name of a baby animal. "Anak kebo" means baby buffalo, so "anak gajah" would mean baby elephant. Among the given options, "Bledug" is the only one that refers to a baby elephant, making it the correct answer.