Besaran pokok dan besaran turunan berbeda dalam hal….
Correct Answer
D. Asal satuannya
The correct answer is "Asal satuannya". This means that the fundamental quantity and derived quantity differ in terms of their origin or source of their unit. The fundamental quantities have their units defined based on physical measurements or natural constants, while the derived quantities have their units derived from the combination of fundamental quantities using mathematical equations or formulas.
Besaran pokok adalah….
Correct Answer
D. Besaran yang satuannya telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu
The correct answer is "Besaran yang satuannya telah ditetapkan terlebih dahulu". This answer states that a fundamental quantity is a measurement that has its unit already established. This means that the unit of measurement for a fundamental quantity is defined before any measurements are taken. This is important because it allows for consistency and comparability when measuring and quantifying different phenomena.
Yang dimaksud dengan besaran adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Segala sesuatu yang dapat diukur dengan mempunyai satuan
The correct answer is "Segala sesuatu yang dapat diukur dengan mempunyai satuan." This answer accurately defines the concept of "besaran" as something that can be measured and has a unit of measurement. This suggests that a "besaran" refers to a quantifiable physical quantity or property that can be expressed numerically.
Kelompok yang termasuk besaran turunan adalah….
Correct Answer
C. Luas, volume dan massa jenis
The correct answer is "Luas, volume dan massa jenis". These are considered derived quantities because they are calculated or derived from other basic physical quantities. Length, mass, and temperature are considered fundamental quantities and are not derived from any other quantities.
Diantara besaran-besaran ini yang termasuk kelompok besaran pokok adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Panjang, waktu dan massa
The question is asking for the group of fundamental quantities among the given options. In physics, fundamental quantities are the basic quantities that cannot be defined in terms of other quantities. Panjang (length), waktu (time), and massa (mass) are considered fundamental quantities because they are independent and cannot be derived from other quantities. Therefore, the correct answer is "Panjang, waktu dan massa."
Sebuah benda massanya 150 Kg. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut yang termasuk satuan adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Kg
The given statement states that the mass of an object is 150 Kg. The unit "Kg" is a valid unit for measuring mass. Therefore, the correct answer is "Kg".
Panjang pensil Ahmad 17 cm. Berdasarkan pernyataan tersebut yang termasuk besaran adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Panjang
The given information states that the length of Ahmad's pencil is 17 cm. Based on this statement, the quantity that is being measured or described is the length (panjang) of the pencil. Therefore, the correct answer is "Panjang".
Massa jenis termasuk besaran turunan, sebab ….
Correct Answer
D. Satuannya diturunkan dari besaran pokok
Massa jenis is a derived quantity because it is obtained by dividing mass by volume. The unit of mass is a fundamental unit, while the unit of volume is also a derived unit. Therefore, the unit of massa jenis is derived from the fundamental unit of mass and the derived unit of volume.
Satuan besaran panjang yang telah dibakukan adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Meter, kg, sekon
The correct answer is Meter, kg, sekon. The question is asking for the standardized unit of length. The meter is the standard unit for measuring length in the metric system. Kilogram (kg) is the standard unit for measuring mass, and sekon (second) is the standard unit for measuring time. These units have been standardized and are widely used in scientific and everyday measurements.
Perhatikan tabel berikut ini !
Besaran pokok dengan satuan yang benar menurut SI pada tabel tersebut diatas adalah….
Correct Answer
D. 2 dan 4
The correct answer is 2 and 4. This means that the correct fundamental quantities with the correct SI units according to the table are the ones listed in options 2 and 4.
Satuan suhu dalam SI adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Kelvin
The correct answer is Kelvin. Kelvin is the unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI). It is based on the absolute scale, where 0 Kelvin represents absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature. The Kelvin scale is commonly used in scientific and engineering applications, especially in physics and chemistry. Unlike Celsius and Fahrenheit, which are based on the properties of specific substances, the Kelvin scale is defined solely in terms of the fundamental properties of matter.
Kelompok berikut ini yang merupakan bagian besaran pokok dengan satuan yang benar dalam MKS adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Panjang – meter, massa – kilogram, waktu – sekon
The correct answer is Panjang - meter, massa - kilogram, waktu - sekon. This is because in the MKS (meter-kilogram-second) system, the base units for length, mass, and time are meter, kilogram, and second respectively. Therefore, the answer choice that correctly matches these base units is the correct answer.
Untuk mengukur tinggi badanmu, satuan panjang yang tepat digunakan adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. Centimeter
To measure one's height accurately, the appropriate unit of length to use is centimeter. Centimeters are commonly used to measure small distances, such as the height of a person. Kilometers are too large of a unit for measuring height, while depa is not a commonly used unit for measuring height. Kilograms, on the other hand, are used to measure weight, not height. Therefore, centimeter is the correct unit to use for measuring height.
Satuan dasar menurut Sistem Internasional adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Meter, kilogram, sekon
The correct answer is Meter, kilogram, sekon. The question is asking for the basic units according to the International System. The International System of Units (SI) is a globally recognized system of measurement. In this system, the basic unit for length is meter, for mass is kilogram, and for time is second. Therefore, the correct answer includes the units meter, kilogram, and sekon (which is likely a typo and should be "second").
Pernyataan :
Sifat internasional
Mudah ditiru
Tidak berubah
Syarat-syarat satuan yang benar ditunjukkan nomor….
Correct Answer
B. 1, 2 dan 4
The correct answer is 1, 2, and 4. This is because the statement mentions characteristics that are relevant to the concept of "sifat internasional" (international nature), which suggests that the correct units are those that exhibit these characteristics. Units that are easy to imitate, can be stored, and do not change would be more likely to have an international nature. Therefore, options 1, 2, and 4 are the correct choices.
Salah satu syarat satuan standar yang baik adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Mudah ditiru
One of the requirements for a good standard unit is that it should be easy to replicate or imitate. This means that the standard unit should be simple and straightforward, allowing others to easily reproduce it and obtain consistent results. By being easily replicable, the standard unit ensures that measurements can be accurately and consistently compared across different locations and time periods, leading to reliable and meaningful data.
Luas bidang tanah adalah 5 km2. dalam SI, luas tersebut sama dengan ….
Correct Answer
D. 5.000.000 m2
The given question asks for the equivalent area in SI units for a land area of 5 km2. To convert from km2 to m2, we need to multiply the given value by 1,000,000 (since 1 km2 is equal to 1,000,000 m2). Therefore, the correct answer is 5,000,000 m2.
Massa jenis air murni 1000kg/m3. Dalam Cgs massa jenis air murni sama dengan ….
Correct Answer
A. 1 g/cm3
The given question asks for the equivalent density of pure water in the CGS unit system. The correct answer is 1 g/cm3 because 1 g/cm3 is equal to 1000 kg/m3, which is the density of pure water in the SI unit system. In the CGS unit system, the density of water is expressed in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).
Satu kilometer sama dengan ….
Correct Answer
A. 100.000 cm
1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters, and 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters. Therefore, to convert kilometers to centimeters, we need to multiply the number of kilometers by 100,000 (1000 meters x 100 centimeters). So, 1 kilometer is equal to 100,000 centimeters.
1 jam =….
Correct Answer
C. 3600 detik
One jam is equal to 3600 detik.
Suhu suatu zat menyatakan ….
Correct Answer
C. Tingkat panas atau dinginnya suatu zat
The correct answer is "Tingkat panas atau dinginnya suatu zat" because suhu (temperature) is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. It indicates how hot or cold a substance is.
Suhu suatu zat diukur dengan ... .
Correct Answer
B. Thermometer
The correct answer is "Thermometer" because it is the instrument used to measure temperature. A thermometer typically consists of a long, narrow glass tube filled with a liquid (such as mercury or alcohol) that expands or contracts with changes in temperature. By observing the level of the liquid within the tube, the temperature of the substance being measured can be determined. A barometer measures atmospheric pressure, a hygrometer measures humidity, and a manometer measures pressure in a closed system.
Zat berikut ini yang paling banyak sebagai pengisi thermometer adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Raksa dan alkohol
The correct answer is "Raksa dan alkohol". This is because both mercury (raksa) and alcohol are commonly used as filling materials in thermometers. Mercury is a popular choice due to its high boiling point and thermal conductivity, while alcohol is often used in low-temperature thermometers. The combination of mercury and alcohol allows for accurate temperature measurement across a wide range.
Titik tetap atas thermometer celcius adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Suhu air yang mendidih
The correct answer is "Suhu air yang mendidih". This is because the boiling point of water is a fixed and constant temperature, which is 100 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the upper fixed point of a Celsius thermometer is the temperature at which water boils.
Titik tetap bawah thermometer celcius dibuat dengan cara mencelupkan reservoirnya kedalam ….
Correct Answer
B. Es yang sedang melebur
The correct answer is "Es yang sedang melebur." When a Celsius thermometer is placed in melting ice, the ice absorbs heat from the thermometer, causing the mercury inside the thermometer to contract and indicate the temperature as 0 degrees Celsius. This is because the temperature of melting ice is a constant value, which serves as a reference point for the lower fixed point of the Celsius scale.
Suhu suatu zat menurut thermometer celcius adalah 27oC, maka menurut Kelvin suhu itu sama dengan ….
Correct Answer
C. 300 derajat Kelvin
The Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scale where 0 Kelvin represents absolute zero, the point at which all molecular motion ceases. To convert Celsius to Kelvin, we add 273 to the Celsius temperature. In this case, the Celsius temperature is 27oC, so adding 273 to it gives us a temperature of 300oK. Therefore, the correct answer is 300 derajat Kelvin.
Suhu suatu zat diukur dengan thermometer Reamur adalah 60oR. Bila diukur oleh thermometer Celcius adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. 75 derajat celcius
The correct answer is 75 degrees Celsius. The Reamur scale is based on the freezing and boiling points of water, with 0 degrees Reamur being the freezing point and 80 degrees Reamur being the boiling point. To convert from Reamur to Celsius, we use the formula: Celsius = (5/4) * Reamur. Plugging in the given value of 60 degrees Reamur, we get: Celsius = (5/4) * 60 = 75 degrees Celsius.
Suhu suatu zat adalah 25oC. Jika diukur oleh thermometer skla Fahrenheit, maka suhu zat tersebut adalah ….
Correct Answer
C. 77 derajat fahrenheit
The correct answer is 77 degrees Fahrenheit. This is because 25 degrees Celsius is equal to 77 degrees Fahrenheit according to the conversion formula: F = (C * 9/5) + 32.
Tabel yang menyatakan titik tetap bawah dan titik tetap atas untuk beberapa jenis thermometer dinyatakan sebagai berikut.
Pernyataan yang sesuai dengan thermometer Fahrenheit, Reamur, Kelvin dan Celcius secara berurutan adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. 3, 2, 4 dan 1
The correct answer is 3, 2, 4, and 1. This means that the table indicating the lower fixed point and upper fixed point for Fahrenheit, Reamur, Kelvin, and Celsius thermometers respectively is as follows: Fahrenheit has the third position, Reamur has the second position, Kelvin has the fourth position, and Celsius has the first position.
Membandingkan sesuatu besaran dengan satuan disebut….
Correct Answer
A. Mengukur
The correct answer is "Mengukur". This is because when we compare a quantity with a unit, we are essentially measuring or quantifying that quantity.
Kevin mengukur tinggi lemari dengan jengkal. Kevin dikatakan mengukur dengan menggunakan satuan ….
Correct Answer
B. Tidak baku
Kevin mengukur tinggi lemari dengan jengkal, yang merupakan satuan tidak baku. Satuan tidak baku adalah satuan yang tidak diakui secara resmi atau standar oleh suatu negara atau organisasi internasional. Dalam hal ini, jengkal tidak dianggap sebagai satuan pengukuran yang resmi atau standar.
Perhatikan gambar berikut !
Panjang benda tersebut adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. 21.7 cm
The correct answer is 21.7 cm. This can be determined by observing the image and measuring the length of the object using a ruler or any other measuring tool. The length of the object is closest to 21.7 cm compared to the other options provided.
Alat yang sangat tepat untuk mengukur ketebalan kertas yang sangat tipis adalah….
Correct Answer
B. Micrometer skrup
Micrometer skrup adalah alat yang sangat tepat untuk mengukur ketebalan kertas yang sangat tipis. Micrometer skrup memiliki ketelitian yang tinggi dan dapat mengukur ketebalan dengan akurasi yang sangat baik. Alat ini memiliki skala yang halus dan dapat membaca ketebalan dengan sangat detail, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk mengukur kertas yang sangat tipis. Jangka sorong, penggaris, dan rool meteran mungkin tidak memiliki ketelitian yang cukup tinggi untuk mengukur ketebalan kertas yang sangat tipis.
Mikrometer adalah alat ukur panjang dengan ketelitian yang tinggi yaitu ….
Correct Answer
D. 0,01 mm
The correct answer is 0,01 mm. A micrometer is a measuring instrument used to measure small distances with high precision. It is commonly used in engineering and manufacturing industries where accuracy is crucial. The measurement unit for a micrometer is millimeters, and the smallest unit it can measure is 0,01 mm. This means that it can accurately measure lengths up to 0,01 mm, making it a highly precise tool for precise measurements.
Perhatikan gambar berikut !
Correct Answer
B. 50 ml
The given answer of 50 ml is correct because it is the midpoint between 0 ml and 100 ml. The scale shown in the image indicates the volume of liquid, with 0 ml being the starting point and 100 ml being the maximum. Since the image does not provide any specific information or context, it can be assumed that the question is asking for the volume at the midpoint, which is 50 ml.
Salah satu keuntungan Alkohol sebagai pengisi thermometer adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Dapat mengukur suhu yang sangat rendah
Alkohol dapat mengukur suhu yang sangat rendah karena memiliki titik beku yang relatif rendah. Hal ini membuatnya cocok digunakan dalam pengisi thermometer untuk mengukur suhu yang rendah.
Air tidak dipakai sebagai pengisi thermometer. Hal ini dikarenakan ….
Correct Answer
C. Memiliki pemuaian yang sangat kecil
Air tidak dipakai sebagai pengisi thermometer karena air memiliki pemuaian yang sangat kecil. Ketika dipanaskan, air hanya sedikit memuai dibandingkan dengan bahan pengisi thermometer yang lebih umum seperti mercury. Hal ini membuat air tidak ideal untuk mengukur suhu dengan akurasi yang tinggi.
Keuntungan Raksa sebagai pengisi thermometer adalah….
Tidak membasahi dinding
Pemuaiannya tidak teratur
Mudah dilihat
Titik bekunya rendah
Pernyataan diatas yang benar adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. 1 dan 3
Raksa memiliki keuntungan sebagai pengisi thermometer karena tidak membasahi dinding dan mudah dilihat.
Alat pengukur waktu yang paling teliti adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Stopwatch
The most accurate time measuring device is a stopwatch. A stopwatch is specifically designed to measure time with precision and accuracy. It is commonly used in sports events, scientific experiments, and other activities that require precise timing. Unlike a wristwatch, wall clock, or alarm clock, a stopwatch has additional features such as split timing and lap timing, which make it more reliable and accurate.
Hasil pengukuran yang ditunjukkan oleh jangka sorong berikut ini adalah….
Correct Answer
C. 3.59 cm
The measurement shown by the vernier caliper is 3.59 cm.
Alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur diameter bagian dalam sebuah silinder adalah ….
Correct Answer
A. Jangka sorong
The correct answer is jangka sorong. A jangka sorong, also known as a vernier caliper, is a tool used to measure the internal diameter of a cylinder. It consists of two jaws, one fixed and one movable, which can be adjusted to fit inside the cylinder. The measurement can be read from the scale on the jangka sorong, which provides precise and accurate readings.
Seorang siswa hendak mengukur massa sebuah benda, maka alat yang seharusnya digunakan siswa adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Neraca
A neraca is the appropriate tool for measuring the mass of an object. A neraca, also known as a balance, is a device that compares the weight of an object to a known weight. It consists of a beam or lever that is balanced on a fulcrum and has two pans suspended from it. The object whose mass is being measured is placed on one pan, and known weights are added to the other pan until the beam is balanced. This allows the user to determine the mass of the object accurately.
Perhatikan pengukuran yang ditunjukkan oleh mikrometer skrup adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. 2.75 mm
The correct answer is 2.75 mm. This means that the measurement indicated by the micrometer screw is 2.75 mm.
Pengukuran terhadap massa sebuah benda dengan neraca ohaus diperoleh data sebagai berikut adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. 437 g
The given data represents the measurements of the mass of an object using an Ohaus balance. The measurements are 400 g, 30 g, 7 g, and 437 g. The correct answer is 437 g, which is the highest value among the given measurements. This suggests that the object's mass is 437 g, as it is the most accurate measurement obtained using the Ohaus balance.
Seorang siswa hendak mengukur massa suatu benda, maka alat yang seharusnya digunakan siswa adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Neraca
A neraca is a balance or scale used to measure the mass of an object. This tool is specifically designed for measuring mass accurately, making it the appropriate choice for the student to use in order to measure the mass of an object. A meteran is a measuring tape, which is not suitable for measuring mass. A jam is a clock, and a stopwatch is a timer, both of which are not designed for measuring mass.