Designing A Web Page Trivia Quiz

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Designing A Web Page Trivia Quiz - Quiz

Are you a pro at designing web pages? You can take this 'Designing a web page' trivia quiz and see how well you know about designing. When you visit a website, the first thing you notice is the outlook of the page, if it is inviting, colorful, and gives you the information you would need about the company. In this day and age, where the business is mostly done online, can you create a good webpage? Find out by answering the questions.

Questions and Answers
  • 1. 

    A clickable link that takes you from one document to another, or to any resource, even within the same document, with text that is highlighted in some fashion is called.

    • A.


    • B.


    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    D. Hyperlink
    A clickable link that takes you from one document to another, or to any resource, even within the same document, with text that is highlighted in some fashion is called a hyperlink.

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  • 2. 

    In HTML, the TITLE tag is

    • A.

      The upper-most text on your page

    • B.

      What shows at the very top of your browser’s window

    • C.

      The largest text, usually at the top of your page

    • D.

      The most important HTML item

    Correct Answer
    B. What shows at the very top of your browser’s window
    The TITLE tag in HTML is used to specify the title of the webpage. This title is what shows at the very top of the browser's window, typically in the title bar or tab. It is not necessarily the largest or most important HTML item, but it does play a crucial role in providing a concise and meaningful description of the webpage's content.

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  • 3. 

    Which of the following are used to view documents on the Internet and World Wide Web?

    • A.


    • B.

      System software

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    C. Browsers
    Browsers are used to view documents on the Internet and World Wide Web. They are software applications that allow users to access and navigate websites, view webpages, and interact with online content. Browsers provide a graphical user interface for users to enter website addresses (URLs), search for information, and display the requested webpages. Examples of popular browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari.

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  • 4. 

    Extensible HyperText Markup Language

    • A.

      Was designed to work in conjunction with

    • B.

      Is an extinct version of HTML

    • C.

      A security-enhanced version of HTML

    • D.

      A reformulation of HTML in XML.

    Correct Answer
    D. A reformulation of HTML in XML.
    Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) is a reformulation of HTML in XML. This means that XHTML follows the rules and syntax of XML, making it more strict and well-formed compared to HTML. XHTML allows for greater compatibility with other XML-based technologies and provides stricter guidelines for coding webpages. This reformulation of HTML in XML allows for improved organization, structure, and compatibility with other web technologies.

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  • 5. 

    Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading.

    • A.

      the H6 tag

    • B.

      The h1 tag

    • C.

      The h4 tag

    • D.

      The largest tag

    Correct Answer
    B. The h1 tag
    The correct HTML tag for the largest heading is the h1 tag. The h1 tag is used to define the main heading of a webpage and is typically displayed in a larger font size compared to other headings.

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  • 6. 

    This is a "standard" way of easily expressing the location and data type of a resource.

    • A.

      the IP address

    • B.

      The Uniform Resource Locator

    • C.

      The web address

    • D.

      The domain name

    Correct Answer
    B. The Uniform Resource Locator
    The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a "standard" way of easily expressing the location and data type of a resource. It is a string of characters that provides a unique address for a specific resource on the internet. By using a URL, users can easily navigate to and access web pages, files, and other resources on the internet. It consists of various components, including the protocol, domain name, and path, which together specify the location and type of the resource. URLs are widely used and recognized, making them a convenient and widely accepted method for expressing resource locations.

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  • 7. 

    The information that is the visible part of the document goes into this section which begins.

    • A.

      The head tag

    • B.

      The body tag

    • C.

      The HTML tag

    • D.

      The section tag

    Correct Answer
    B. The body tag
    The body tag is the correct answer because it is the section where the visible content of the document is placed. The head tag is used for meta-information about the document, such as the title and links to stylesheets or scripts. The HTML tag is the root element of the HTML document, encompassing both the head and body sections. The section tag is used to define a section within an HTML document, but it does not specifically refer to the visible content of the document. Therefore, the body tag is the most appropriate choice for the visible part of the document.

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  • 8. 

    When specifying the source of an image referenced in your HTML document, the image should

    • A.

      Either be within the same folder as the HTML page, or the complete pathname should be specified.

    • B.

      Be located on the flash drive in use

    • C.

      Be sized appropriately on the HTML page in order to fit

    • D.

      Be of a format that HTML can recognize and manipulate

    Correct Answer
    A. Either be within the same folder as the HTML page, or the complete pathname should be specified.
    The correct answer is that the image should either be within the same folder as the HTML page or the complete pathname should be specified. This means that when referencing an image in an HTML document, the image file should either be located in the same folder as the HTML file or the full path to the image file should be provided. This ensures that the browser can find and display the image correctly.

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  • 9. 

    This can be specified either as absolute pixels or the percentage value of the screen.

    • A.

      Table width

    • B.


    • C.

      Cell padding

    • D.

      Column height

    Correct Answer
    A. Table width
    The table width can be specified either as absolute pixels or the percentage value of the screen. This means that the width of the table can be set to a specific number of pixels or it can be set to a percentage of the screen width. This allows for flexibility in designing tables that can adapt to different screen sizes and resolutions.

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  • 10. 

    What is the purpose of the HTML  td colspan tag?

    • A.

      Sets the number of rows a table should span

    • B.

      Sets amount of space between table cells

    • C.

      Sets number of columns a cell should span

    • D.

      Sets the number of rows a column should span

    Correct Answer
    C. Sets number of columns a cell should span
    The HTML "td colspan" tag is used to set the number of columns that a cell should span. This means that the cell will occupy multiple columns in the table instead of just one.

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  • 11. 

    What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink to  

    • A.

      The answer is

    • B.

      The answer is

    • C.

      the answer is

    • D.

      The answer is MySchools

    Correct Answer
    D. The answer is MySchools
    The correct HTML for making a hyperlink to is ``.

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  • 12. 

    What is the purpose of the HTML blockquote tag?

    • A.

      It defines a long quotation

    • B.

      It defines a short quotation

    • C.

      It defines a citation

    • D.

      It defines text as direct

    Correct Answer
    A. It defines a long quotation
    The HTML blockquote tag is used to define a long quotation. It is typically used to visually distinguish quoted or cited content from the rest of the text. This tag is useful when you want to display a longer piece of quoted text, such as a paragraph or multiple paragraphs, in a visually distinct way.

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  • 13. 

    To display a less than sign in an HTML document, we must write.

    • A.

    • B.

    • C.

    • D.

    Correct Answer
    To display a less than sign in an HTML document, we must write the HTML entity code "<". This is because the less than sign is a reserved character in HTML and cannot be directly written without causing parsing issues. By using the HTML entity code, the browser will interpret it as a less than sign and display it correctly on the webpage.

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  • 14. 

    How can you make a list that lists the items with numbers?

    • A.

      The list tag

    • B.

      The ul tag

    • C.

      The ol tag

    • D.

      The dl tag

    Correct Answer
    C. The ol tag
    The correct answer is the "ol" tag. The "ol" tag is used to create an ordered list, where the items are listed with numbers.

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  • 15. 

    How many parts does an HTML character entity have

    • A.

      A character entity has two parts

    • B.

      A character entity has three parts

    • C.

      Character entities only have one part

    • D.

      Character entities have as many parts as is necessary

    Correct Answer
    B. A character entity has three parts
    An HTML character entity has three parts. This includes the ampersand (&) at the beginning, the entity name or number in the middle, and the semicolon (;) at the end. The ampersand indicates the start of the entity, the entity name or number represents the character being encoded, and the semicolon marks the end of the entity.

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  • 16. 

    Which are the correct HTML codes for a vertical frameset with three frames?

    • A.

      The tag - frameset cols= “500,250,250"

    • B.

      The tag - frames = “50%, 25%, 25%”

    • C.

      The tag - frameset cols=50%,25%,25%

    • D.

      The tag - frameset rows="50%,25%,25%"

    Correct Answer
    A. The tag - frameset cols= “500,250,250"
  • 17. 

      To reference a web page called web_1.htm to be displayed in a frame which of the following tags would be used.

    • A.

      The tag - frame src="web_1.htm"

    • B.

      The tag - frame src="web_1.htm"

    • C.

      The tag - frameset src="web_1.htm"

    • D.

      The tag - frameset src="web_1.html"

    Correct Answer
    B. The tag - frame src="web_1.htm"
    The correct answer is the tag - frame src="web_1.htm". This tag is used to reference a web page called web_1.htm to be displayed in a frame.

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  • 18. 

    The frameset column size value can be set in pixels (cols="200,500"), and one of the columns can be set to use the remaining space using a wildcard asterisk *  for the actual value. Which of the following would be appropriate for a 3 column using a wildcard

    • A.

      The tag ("3 column, 200, *, *")

    • B.

      The tag - frameset cols="500,200,300"

    • C.

      The tag - frameset cols= “200,*,250”

    • D.

      The tag - frameset cols= “50%,250,*”

    Correct Answer
    C. The tag - frameset cols= “200,*,250”
    The correct answer is "the tag - frameset cols= “200,*,250”". This is because the wildcard asterisk (*) is used to allocate the remaining space to the column, and in this case, the first column is set to a fixed size of 200 pixels, the second column will take up the remaining space, and the third column is set to a fixed size of 250 pixels.

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  • 19. 

    Which of the following is an advantage of using frames in web pages:

    • A.

      Frames take long to load, especially when they contain a lot of pictures.

    • B.

      Not all web browsers support frames

    • C.

      Frames add to the creativity and aesthetic of a website

    • D.

      Frames are used to display multiple web pages in one window

    Correct Answer
    C. Frames add to the creativity and aesthetic of a website
    Frames can enhance the creativity and aesthetic appeal of a website by allowing for the display of multiple web pages within a single window. This can create visually interesting and dynamic layouts, providing a unique and engaging user experience.

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  • 20. 

    How would you write Hello in an alert box?

    • A.

      Alert "hello"

    • B.

      Alert ("hello")

    • C.

      Alert ("hello");

    • D.

      Alertbox ("hello");

    Correct Answer
    C. Alert ("hello");
    The correct answer is "alert ("hello");" because the alert() function is used to display a message in an alert box. The message to be displayed is enclosed in parentheses and within quotation marks. In this case, the message is "hello".

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  • 21. 

    Which of the following means not equal to Javascript?

    • A.


    • B.

    • C.


    • D.


    Correct Answer
    A. !=
    The symbol "!=" in JavaScript is used to denote "not equal to". It is used to compare two values and returns true if they are not equal, and false if they are equal. This symbol is commonly used in conditional statements and loops to check for inequality between variables or values.

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  • 22. 

    The variables Numb1 and numb1 are interchangeable in JavaScript.

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    B. False
    In JavaScript, variables are case-sensitive. Therefore, the variables Numb1 and numb1 are not interchangeable. They represent different variables and cannot be used interchangeably in the code.

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  • 23. 

    An external JavaScript must contain the tag. tag

    • A.


    • B.


    Correct Answer
    A. True
    An external JavaScript file must contain the tag in order to be properly included and executed in an HTML document. This tag is used to define client-side JavaScript code and is necessary for the browser to recognize and interpret the JavaScript code within the external file. Therefore, the given answer "True" is correct.

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  • 24. 

    Where is the correct place to insert a JavaScript

    • A.

      The body section

    • B.

      The head section

    • C.

      It must be inserted in the body and head section

    • D.

      It can be inserted in either the body or the head, as it makes no difference

    Correct Answer
    A. The body section
    The correct place to insert a JavaScript is in the body section of an HTML document. This is because JavaScript code is responsible for manipulating the content and behavior of the webpage, and it needs access to the HTML elements in the body section to do so effectively. Placing the JavaScript code in the body section ensures that it is executed after the HTML elements have been loaded, allowing for proper interaction and manipulation of the webpage.

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  • 25. 

    Which of the following is not a use of JavaScript

    • A.

      Browser detection

    • B.


    • C.

      Form validation

    • D.

      User verification

    Correct Answer
    D. User verification
    User verification is not a use of JavaScript. JavaScript is mainly used for enhancing the functionality and interactivity of websites, such as browser detection to provide different experiences based on the user's browser, using cookies to store and retrieve data, and form validation to ensure that user input is correct. However, user verification typically involves authentication processes that are usually handled on the server-side rather than the client-side with JavaScript.

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  • Jul 02, 2023
    Quiz Edited by
    ProProfs Editorial Team
  • Jul 16, 2010
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