Ikan koi identik dengan negara Jepang, namun secara historis leluhur ikan koi berasal dari ....
Correct Answer
A. Persia
The correct answer is Persia because historically, the ancestors of koi fish originated from Persia. Although koi fish are commonly associated with Japan, they were actually brought to Japan from Persia during the 19th century. This explains why koi fish have a long history and cultural significance in both Persia and Japan.
Proses pemijahan ikan koi secara alami terjadi waktu
Correct Answer
E. Malam hari
The correct answer is "malam hari". This is because natural spawning of koi fish usually occurs during the night. This is because the darkness provides a sense of security for the fish and helps to stimulate their reproductive behavior. Additionally, the cooler temperatures during the night may also play a role in triggering the spawning process.
Perhatikan ikan koi tersebut ! ikan tersebut memiliki ekor dan sirip lebih panjang dari biasanya. Fakta ini menunjukan bahwa ikan koi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh ikan yang awalnya berasal dari ....
Correct Answer
B. Indonesia
The given statement mentions that the koi fish has a longer tail and fins than usual. Based on this fact, it can be inferred that the koi fish is influenced by fish that originally came from Indonesia.
Koi dengan corak warna tersebut dikenal dengan nama ......
Correct Answer
C. Tancho
The correct answer is "Tancho" because Tancho refers to a koi fish with a single red spot on its head, resembling the Japanese flag. The other options, Kohaku, Platinum, Ogon, and Utsuri, do not specifically describe a koi fish with this distinct red spot pattern.
Koi dengan corak warna tersebut dikenal dengan nama ......
Correct Answer
E. Kohaku
The given correct answer is "Kohaku". Kohaku is a type of koi fish that is known for its white body with red markings. It is one of the most popular and widely recognized varieties of koi. The name "Kohaku" is derived from the Japanese words "ko" meaning red and "haku" meaning white, which accurately describes the coloration of this particular type of koi.
Koi dengan corak warna tersebut dikenal dengan nama ......
Correct Answer
A. Asagi
The correct answer is Asagi because Asagi is a type of koi fish that is known for its distinctive color pattern. It has a blue-gray or indigo back with a red or orange belly. The name "Asagi" means "pale blue" in Japanese, which accurately describes the coloration of this type of koi.
Koi dengan corak warna tersebut dikenal dengan nama ......
Correct Answer
C. Platinum
The given correct answer for this question is "Platinum". Platinum is a type of koi fish that is known for its distinct color pattern. It has a silvery-white body with metallic scales that give it a platinum-like appearance. This color variation is highly sought after by koi enthusiasts and is considered a prized addition to any koi collection.
Sekalipun warnanya kurang menarik tetapi ikan ini mempunyai kelebihan yaitu mudah jinak. Ikan yang sering dijuluki sebagai "provokator" dikenal dengan nama ....
Correct Answer
C. Chagoi
The given passage states that despite its unattractive color, this fish has the advantage of being easily tamed. The fish that is often referred to as a "provocator" and fits this description is the Chagoi.
Ikan dengan corak dua warna tersebut dikenal dengan nama ......
Correct Answer
D. Shirobekko
The correct answer is Shirobekko. Shirobekko refers to a fish with two-color patterns, which matches the description given in the question.
Koi dengan corak warna tersebut dikenal dengan nama ......
Correct Answer
C. Showa
The correct answer is Showa because Showa is a type of koi fish that is known for its distinct color pattern. Showa koi have a black base color with red and white markings. They are highly prized for their bold and striking appearance.
Ikan koi termasuk salah satu jenis ikan mas hias. Di beberapa daerah Indonesia ikan mas memiliki banyak nama yaitu ikan kancra, ameh, raja, rayo, tombro dan lain-lain, sedangkan nama ilmiahnya adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Cyprinus Carpio
The correct answer is Cyprinus Carpio because it is the scientific name for koi fish. The question states that koi fish is one of the types of ornamental carp, and the scientific name for carp is Cyprinus Carpio. Therefore, Cyprinus Carpio is the correct answer.
Di Jepang, ikan ini dinamakan Nishikigoi artinya ikan berwarna warni. Goi sendiri artinya ikan karper. Namun ikan ini populer dengan nama "Koi" yang berasal dari bahasa ...
Correct Answer
C. China
The correct answer is China. In Japan, the colorful fish is called Nishikigoi, which means colorful fish. However, it is popularly known as "Koi" which originated from the Chinese language.
Ikan koi hidup pada temperatur ideal antar 8°C – 30°C.Perubahan suhu secara drastis sampai 5°C secara tiba-tiba akan menyebabkan koi kepayahan, untuk menghindari hal ini sebaiknya ....
Correct Answer
D. Kedalaman kolam dibuat 2 meter
The ideal temperature range for koi fish is between 8°C and 30°C. Sudden drastic temperature changes of up to 5°C can cause stress to the koi. To avoid this, it is recommended to make the depth of the pond 2 meters. This depth will provide a more stable and insulated environment for the fish, helping to regulate the temperature and prevent sudden fluctuations.
Ikan koi jantan akan siap dipijahkan pada umur 2 tahun, sedangkan betina pada usia 3 tahun. Ketika memijah perbandingan yang ideal antara jumlah koi jantan dan betina adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. 3:1
The ideal ratio for the number of male and female koi fish during breeding is 3:1. This means that for every 3 male koi fish, there should be 1 female koi fish. This ratio ensures that there are enough males to fertilize the eggs produced by the females, increasing the chances of successful reproduction. Additionally, having more males than females can help reduce aggression among the males during the breeding process.
Tidak sulit untuk membedakan antara koi jantan dan betina. Berikut ini adalah pernyataan yang benar tentang ikan koi terkait jenis kelaminnya ...
Correct Answer
B. Koi jantan bentuknya lebih panjang dan bagian sisi badannya kasar
The correct answer is "Koi jantan bentuknya lebih panjang dan bagian sisi badannya kasar." This is because the statement correctly identifies the physical characteristics of male koi fish, stating that their bodies are longer and the sides are rough or coarse. This is in contrast to female koi fish, which typically have shorter bodies and smoother sides. Additionally, the answer does not mention the color of the koi fish, which is not relevant to determining their gender.
Dari gambar anatomi ikan tersebut bagian insang dan gelembung renang ditunjukan oleh nomor ...
Correct Answer
C. 4 dan 17
The correct answer is 4 dan 17. The insang (gills) of a fish are responsible for extracting oxygen from the water, and they are typically located on the sides of the fish's head. The swim bladder, also known as the gelembung renang, is an internal gas-filled organ that helps the fish control its buoyancy. It is located in the abdominal cavity of the fish. Therefore, the correct numbers that represent the insang and gelembung renang in the given fish anatomy diagram are 4 and 17.
Gambar disamping adalah salah satu parasit yang mengganggu kesehatan ikan koi, nama parasit tersebut adalah ...
Correct Answer
B. Anchor worm
The correct answer is Anchor worm. Anchor worm is a type of parasite that can cause health issues in koi fish. It attaches itself to the fish's body and feeds on its blood, leading to irritation, inflammation, and potential infections. This parasite is visible to the naked eye and has a distinctive appearance, resembling a tiny worm with a hooked end. Proper treatment and prevention measures are necessary to control anchor worm infestations and maintain the health of the fish.
Gambar disamping adalah salah satu parasit yang mengganggu kesehatan ikan koi, nama parasit tersebut adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Argulus
The correct answer is Argulus. Argulus is a type of parasitic crustacean that can cause health issues in koi fish. It attaches itself to the fish's skin and feeds on its blood, leading to irritation, inflammation, and potential infections. This parasite is commonly known as fish lice and can be identified by its oval-shaped body and prominent legs. Proper treatment and prevention methods are necessary to control the infestation of Argulus and maintain the health of koi fish.
Penyebab bintik putih adalah protozoa Ichchyophthirius multifilis. Kuman itu tidak terlihat mata, tapi karena berkumpul dalam jumlah banyak terlihat seperti bintik putih. Ukuran seekor protozoa sangat kecil, berbentuk seperti telur dengan diameter sekitar 0,7 mm. Penyakit ini dapat diatasi dengan ...
Correct Answer
C. Metheline blue
The correct answer, Metheline blue, is a medication that can be used to treat the white spot disease caused by the protozoa Ichthyophthirius multifilis. Metheline blue is an antiparasitic agent that can kill the protozoa and help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. It is commonly used in the aquarium industry to treat fish affected by white spot disease.
Perhatikan ikan koi tersebut ! ikan tersebut tidak memiliki sisik seperti ikan mas pada umumnya. Fakta ini menunjukan bahwa ikan koi tersebut dipengaruhi oleh ikan karper yang awalnya berasal dari ....
Correct Answer
D. Jerman
The correct answer is Jerman. The passage mentions that the koi fish does not have scales like common goldfish, indicating that it is influenced by the carp fish. Carp fish originally comes from Germany, so it can be inferred that the koi fish is also influenced by German carp fish.
Memelihara ikan koi agar tumbuh sehat dan enak dilihat, yang utama tergantung pada ....
Correct Answer
B. Kualitas air
To ensure that koi fish grow healthy and visually appealing, the primary factor to consider is the quality of the water. The water quality plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of the fish. It affects their growth, immune system, and overall vitality. Proper water quality involves maintaining the right pH levels, temperature, oxygen levels, and filtration system. It is essential to provide clean and well-oxygenated water to create a suitable environment for the koi fish to thrive.
Setelah 2 hari ikan koi menetas, pakan yang terbaik diberikan adalah ...
Correct Answer
A. Artemia
Artemia is the best food to give to koi fish after they hatch for two days. Artemia is a type of brine shrimp that is rich in nutrients and small enough for the tiny fish to consume easily. It provides essential proteins and fats that are necessary for the growth and development of the koi fish. Additionally, artemia is known to improve the coloration and overall health of the fish. Therefore, artemia is the ideal choice for feeding newly hatched koi fish.
Gambar berikut merujuk pada kegiatan ....
Correct Answer
B. Budi daya artemia
The given image refers to the activity of budi daya artemia.
Bahan di gambar tersebut sering digunakan sebagai salah satu komponen media filter. Gambar tersebut dikenal sebagai ...
Correct Answer
D. Zeolit
Zeolit adalah bahan yang sering digunakan sebagai salah satu komponen media filter. Zeolit memiliki struktur pori-pori yang dapat menyerap dan mengikat partikel-partikel kecil, seperti logam berat, amonia, dan zat organik dari air. Hal ini membuat zeolit menjadi pilihan yang baik untuk digunakan dalam filter air, filter kolam renang, dan filter air limbah. Zeolit juga memiliki kemampuan untuk mengatur pH air dan meningkatkan kualitas air dengan menghilangkan bau dan rasa yang tidak diinginkan.
Perhatikan gambar !. Material tersebut berfungsi sebagai ....
Correct Answer
B. Tempat hidup bakteri
Material tersebut berfungsi sebagai tempat hidup bakteri. Dapat diketahui bahwa material tersebut memiliki tekstur yang kasar dan berpori, sehingga memberikan tempat yang ideal bagi bakteri untuk hidup dan berkembang biak. Bakteri dapat melekat pada permukaan material dan menggunakan nutrisi yang ada di sekitarnya untuk bertahan hidup.
Menambahkan sedikit garam ketika menetaskan artemia fungsinya ...
Correct Answer
D. Makanan bagi artemia
Adding a little salt when hatching artemia serves as food for the artemia.
Sesekali menambahkan garam ikan ke dalam kolam koi dimaksudkan agar ...
Correct Answer
C. Menjaga ph air dalam rentang 7,5 sampai 8,3
Adding fish salt to the koi pond is intended to maintain the pH level of the water within the range of 7.5 to 8.3. The pH level of water is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity, with a pH of 7 being neutral. Koi fish thrive in slightly alkaline water, and a pH range of 7.5 to 8.3 is considered ideal for their health and well-being. Maintaining the pH within this range helps to create a suitable environment for the koi fish, promoting their growth and preventing any negative effects that may occur from water that is too acidic or alkaline.
Bahan di gambar tersebut sering digunakan sebagai salah satu komponen media filter. Fungsi bahan tersebut adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Menyerap amoniak
The material in the image is commonly used as one of the components of a filter media. Its function is to absorb ammonia.
Pasar ikan hias di Parung dikenal sampai ke Lampung. Hari pasar penjualan ikan hias adalah ...
Correct Answer
D. Hari senin, rabu dan jum'at
The correct answer is "hari senin, rabu dan jum'at". This means that the days when the sale of ornamental fish takes place in Parung are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Dua tempat di Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai sentra budi daya ikan koi adalah ....
Correct Answer
D. Blitar dan Sukabumi
Blitar dan Sukabumi adalah dua tempat di Indonesia yang dikenal sebagai sentra budi daya ikan koi.