From the anterior-posterior view, Mortis of the tibia is wider from anterior part than the posterior part.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because the mortis of the tibia, which refers to the surface where the tibia articulates with the talus bone in the ankle joint, is wider from the anterior part than the posterior part when viewed from the front to back. This anatomical feature allows for greater stability and range of motion in the ankle joint.
Subtalar joint, is an articulation formed by the talus bone above and the navicular bone below.
Correct Answer
B. False
calcaneus bone below
Midtarsal joint, is an articulation formed by 2 articular surfaces; one formed by the calcaneus posteromedial & the cuboid anteriomedial, and the other formed by the talus posteriolateral & the navicular anteriolateral.
Correct Answer
B. False
one formed by the calcaneus posterolateral & the cuboid anteriolateral, and the other formed by the talus posteriomediall & the navicular anteriomedial
Talipes Equinus, is a foot deformity characterized by limited planter flexion less than 10 degrees.
Correct Answer
B. False
limited dorsiflexion
Contracture of calf muscle or Achilles tendon could be a direct cause for Talipes Equinus.
Correct Answer
A. True
Contracture of the calf muscle or Achilles tendon can lead to the condition known as Talipes Equinus. Talipes Equinus is characterized by a fixed downward pointing of the foot, making it difficult or impossible to flex the ankle and bring the toes upward. This condition can occur due to various reasons, such as muscle imbalances, nerve damage, or structural abnormalities. However, one common cause is the tightening or shortening of the calf muscle or Achilles tendon, which limits the range of motion in the ankle joint and results in the foot being stuck in a pointed position.
Structural calcaneal bone deformity could be a direct cause for Talipes Equinus.
Correct Answer
B. False
Structural talus bone deformity
Complete cut of the common peroneal nerve may lead by a way or another to Talipes Equinus deformity.
Correct Answer
A. True
A complete cut of the common peroneal nerve can result in Talipes Equinus deformity. This deformity is characterized by an abnormal position of the foot, where the toes point downwards and the heel is elevated. The common peroneal nerve plays a crucial role in controlling the muscles responsible for foot and ankle movement. When this nerve is completely severed, the muscles lose their ability to function properly, leading to the development of Talipes Equinus deformity. Therefore, the statement is true.
Neglected rheumatoid arthritis can lead to structural Talipes Equinus deformity.
Correct Answer
A. True
Neglected rheumatoid arthritis can lead to structural Talipes Equinus deformity. This means that if rheumatoid arthritis is not properly managed and treated, it can cause a deformity in the foot known as Talipes Equinus. This deformity is characterized by a downward pointing of the foot and can cause difficulties in walking and mobility. Therefore, the statement "Neglected rheumatoid arthritis can lead to structural Talipes Equinus deformity" is true.
In Talipes Equinus deformity, the patient strikes the ground by the fore foot, which leads to excessive inversion of the foot and rocker-bottom foot deformity (platerflexion of the forefoot over the midfoot).
Correct Answer
B. False
In Talipes Equinus deformity, the patient strikes the ground by the fore foot, which leads to excessive pronation (eversion) of the foot and rocker-bottom foot deformity (dorsiflexion of the forefoot over the midfoot).
Metatarsalgia is an inflammation between the metatarsal bones.
Correct Answer
A. True
Metatarsalgia is a condition characterized by inflammation and pain in the area between the metatarsal bones of the foot. It is commonly caused by excessive pressure on the forefoot, such as from wearing high heels or participating in high-impact activities. This inflammation can cause discomfort and difficulty walking. Therefore, the statement that Metatarsalgia is an inflammation between the metatarsal bones is true.
Metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis, talonavicular pain and heel spurs are late stage disorders exist because abnormal gait of the Talipes Equinus foot deformity.
Correct Answer
A. True
The statement is true because Metatarsalgia, plantar fasciitis, talonavicular pain, and heel spurs are all late stage disorders that can occur as a result of the abnormal gait associated with the Talipes Equinus foot deformity. This foot deformity causes the foot to be in a downward-pointing position, which can lead to excessive pressure and strain on the metatarsal bones, plantar fascia, talonavicular joint, and heel. Over time, this abnormal gait can contribute to the development of these disorders.
Which one do you like?
Correct Answer
A. Option 1