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Correct Answer
A. Este o mărime fizică fundamentală
Explanation The correct answer is "este o mărime fizică fundamentală". This is because the quantity of substance is considered a fundamental physical quantity, meaning it is a basic and independent measurement in physics. It is not dependent on any other physical quantities and is essential for describing the behavior and properties of substances. It is measured in units such as moles or molecules and reflects the fundamental nature of substances at the atomic or molecular level.
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Temperatura gazului este o măsură:
A gradului de împrăştiere a moleculelor unui gaz printre moleculele altui gaz
A gradului de comprimare a gazului
A omogenizării unui amestec gazos
A intensităţii mişcării termice a moleculelor
Correct Answer
D. A intensităţii mişcării termice a moleculelor
Explanation The correct answer is "a intensităţii mişcării termice a moleculelor." This is because temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a substance. The higher the temperature, the faster the molecules are moving. Therefore, temperature is a measure of the intensity of the thermal motion of the molecules.
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Învelişul adiabatic nu permite:
Schimbul de căldură între sistem şi mediul exterior
Modificarea energiei interne a sistemului
Schimbul de lucru mecanic între sistem şi mediul exterior
Schimbul de energie între sistem şi mediul exterior
Correct Answer
A. Schimbul de căldură între sistem şi mediul exterior
Explanation The correct answer is "schimbul de căldură între sistem şi mediul exterior" which translates to "the exchange of heat between the system and the external environment." The explanation for this is that in an adiabatic process, there is no transfer of heat between the system and its surroundings. This means that the system is insulated and no heat is gained or lost to the environment. However, other forms of energy transfer, such as work, can still occur.
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Într-o transformare izotermă:
Volumul gazului variază direct proporţional cu presiunea
Temperatura variază dacă masa nu este constantă
Presiunea unei cantităţi constante de gaz ideal variază invers proporţional cu volumul gazului
Raportul dintre presiune şi volum rămâne constant
Correct Answer
C. Presiunea unei cantităţi constante de gaz ideal variază invers proporţional cu volumul gazului
Explanation In an isothermal transformation, the pressure of a constant amount of ideal gas varies inversely with the volume of the gas. This means that as the volume of the gas increases, the pressure decreases, and vice versa. This relationship holds true as long as the temperature remains constant during the transformation.
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Ştiind că simbolurile mărimilor fizice şi ale unităţilor de măsură sunt cele utilizate în manualele de fizică, unitatea de măsură a masei în S.I. se numeşte
Correct Answer kilogram
Explanation The question asks for the unit of measurement for mass in the International System of Units (S.I.). The correct answer is "kilogram." This is because the kilogram is the base unit for measuring mass in the S.I. system, and it is commonly used in physics textbooks and manuals.
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Fenomenul care constă în pătrunderea moleculelor unei substanțe printre moleculele altei substanțe se numește
Correct Answer difuzie difuzia
Explanation The correct answer is "difuzie" or "difuzia". This refers to the phenomenon of molecules from one substance penetrating or spreading among the molecules of another substance.
Explanation The given correct answer is a list of synonyms for the term "Brownian motion" in Romanian. Brownian motion refers to the random movement of particles suspended in a fluid due to the collision with the fluid molecules. The term "mișcării browniene" directly translates to Brownian motion, while "agitației termice" and "agitatia termica" both refer to thermal agitation, which is the cause of Brownian motion. "Miscarea browniana" and "miscarii browniene" are also synonymous phrases for Brownian motion.
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Mișcarea spontană, permanentă și dezordonată a moleculelor, mișcare care se intensifică la creșterea temperaturii se numește
Explanation The correct answer is "mișcare termică, miscare termica, agitație termică, agitatie termica." These terms all refer to the spontaneous, permanent, and disorderly movement of molecules, which increases with temperature.
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Volumul unui mol sau kmol de gaz se numește
Correct Answer volum molar
Explanation The correct answer is "volum molar" because it refers to the volume of one mole or kilomole of gas. This term is commonly used in chemistry to describe the amount of space occupied by a specific number of gas particles. It is a fundamental concept in the study of gases and is used in various calculations and equations, such as the ideal gas law.
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