Perhatikan Pernyataan berikut!
- 1. Najis berat
- 2. Najis sedang
- 3. Najis Kecil
- 4. Najis ringan
- 5. Najis Besar
Mana diantara kelasifikasi macam-macam najis menurut ilmu fikih...
Correct Answer
C. 1, 2, dan 4
The correct answer is 1, 2, and 4. The given statements are classifications of different types of impurities according to Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). Najis berat refers to heavy impurities, najis sedang refers to moderate impurities, and najis ringan refers to light impurities. Therefore, the correct answer includes these classifications.
Kelas 7E tamasya ke pantai. Ketika waktu dhuhur tiba, Yazid berwudhu dengan menggunakan air laut. Maka hukum wudhunya adalah sah karena air yang digunakan air thahir wal muthatahir alasannya air itu....
Correct Answer
D. Airnya suci dan mensucikan
The correct answer is "Airnya suci dan mensucikan." This is because the water from the sea is considered pure and purifying according to Islamic law. It is permissible to perform wudu (ablution) with such water as long as it meets the criteria of being pure and clean.
Dari Ibnu Abbas ra, tentang firman Allah Azza wajalla : “Dan jika kamu sakit atau dalam perjalanan, ia berkata : Jika seseorang terluka dalam perjuangan di jalan Allah dan terkena kudis lalu ia berjunub tetapi ia takut mati bila mandi, (maka ia boleh) tayammum." (HR. Ad-Daruquthni).
Salah satu sebab dibolehkan tayamum dalam hadits di atas....
Correct Answer
A. Disyaratkan tidak mandi karena darurat
The reason why tayammum is allowed in the hadith mentioned is because it is required not to perform a full ritual bath (mandi) due to an emergency situation or urgency. This means that if someone is injured in the path of Allah, contracts a contagious disease, or fears death by performing a full bath, they are allowed to perform tayammum instead. This exception is made to accommodate the individual's specific circumstances and ensure their well-being.
سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لاَ يَنَامُ وَلاَ يَسْهُوْ Makna dari bacaan di samping adalah ...
Correct Answer
C. Maha suci Allah yang tidak tidur dan tidak lupa
The given correct answer states that the meaning of the phrase "سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لاَ يَنَامُ وَلاَ يَسْهُوْ" is "Maha suci Allah yang tidak tidur dan tidak lupa" which translates to "Glory be to Allah who does not sleep and does not forget." This answer accurately reflects the meaning of the phrase, emphasizing the attribute of Allah being free from the need to sleep and being free from forgetfulness.
Maksud dikumandangkannya iqamah adalah memberitahu ….
Correct Answer
B. Jamaah agar siap berdiri untuk melakukan salat
The correct answer is "Jamaah agar siap berdiri untuk melakukan salat" because the purpose of iqamah is to inform the congregation that it is time to establish the prayer. It is a call for the worshippers to get ready and prepare themselves to stand and perform the prayer.
Bila dalam satu keluarga Muslim terdiri dari menantu laki-laki, nenek, ibu dan anak, maka yang menjadi imam dalam salat adalah …
Correct Answer
D. Menantu laki-laki
The correct answer is Menantu laki-laki. In Islam, the husband is considered the head of the household and is responsible for leading the family in prayer. Therefore, the son-in-law (menantu laki-laki) would be the one who becomes the imam in the prayer.
Berikiut ini adalah sikap yang hendaknya tidak dilakukan ketika berzikir kepada Allah SWT yaitu ….
Correct Answer
A. Khuluk
The correct answer is Khuluk. Khuluk refers to one's character or behavior. When engaging in zikr (remembrance) of Allah, it is important to maintain good character and behavior. Having good character includes being kind, humble, and respectful towards others. Therefore, it is important to avoid negative traits such as arrogance or rudeness while engaging in zikr.
Berikut ini adalah waktu-waktu yang mustajabah untuk berdo’a kepada Allah. Di antara waktu-waktu tersebut, yang paling berat untuk dilakukan adalah ….
Correct Answer
B. Waktu sepertiga malam yang terakhir
The correct answer is "Waktu sepertiga malam yang terakhir" (the last third of the night). This is the most difficult time to wake up and perform prayers because it is late at night and most people are asleep. It requires a lot of discipline and dedication to wake up during this time and engage in worship. Additionally, the last third of the night is considered a time when prayers are more likely to be answered, making it even more important and valuable.
Hukum salat berjamaah adalah ….
Correct Answer
D. Sunnah muakkad
The correct answer is "Sunnah muakkad". This means that performing the prayer in congregation is highly recommended and emphasized in Islam, but it is not obligatory. While it is not mandatory, it is strongly encouraged and carries great rewards. Praying in congregation helps to foster unity among Muslims and strengthens the bond of the community.
Maksud dikumandangkannya iqamah adalah memberitahu ….
Correct Answer
B. Jamaah agar siap berdiri untuk melakukan salat
The correct answer is "Jamaah agar siap berdiri untuk melakukan salat" because the iqamah is the second call to prayer that is made immediately before the congregational prayer (salat) begins. It is meant to inform the congregation that it is time to prepare themselves to stand and perform the prayer.