Seorang jamaah haji yang mengerjakan haji dan umrah secara bersama-sama atau sekaligus, maka orang tersebut mengerjakan ibadah haji secara ....
Correct Answer
C. Qiron
When a pilgrim performs both Hajj and Umrah together or at the same time, it is known as "Qiron".
Dalam melaksanakan haji harus memenuhi rukun haji. Di bawah ini yang tidak termasuk rukun haji adalah ....
Correct Answer
A. Ihram dan miqat
The question asks for the element that is not included in the pillars of Hajj. The pillars of Hajj include thawaf, wukuf, sa'i, and mencukur rambut. However, ihram and miqat are not pillars of Hajj, but rather specific requirements or actions that must be performed during the pilgrimage.
Salah satu wajib haji adalah melempar jumrotul aqobah, yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal ....
Correct Answer
C. 10 Dzulhijjah
The correct answer is 10 Dzulhijjah. One of the obligatory rituals of Hajj is to throw pebbles at the Jamarat al-Aqabah, which is done on the 10th day of the Islamic month of Dzulhijjah.
1. Beragama Islam2. Sikap perilakunya terpelihara3. Balig, berakal sehat dan merdeka4. Mampu menulis dan membaca Al Qur’an5. Mampu menunaikan ibadah hajiPernyataan di atas yang termasuk syarat-syarat wajib melaksanakan ibadah haji adalah nomor ….
Correct Answer
C. 1, 3 dan 5
The statement mentions several conditions for mandatory performance of the hajj pilgrimage. The first condition states that the person must be a Muslim (Beragama Islam), the third condition states that they must have reached the age of maturity, be of sound mind, and be free (Balig, berakal sehat dan merdeka), and the fifth condition states that they must be able to perform the hajj (Mampu menunaikan ibadah haji). Therefore, the correct answer is 1, 3, and 5.
Dalam melaksanakan ibadah haji, wukuf di Arafah dilaksanakan tanggal ….
Correct Answer
B. 9 Dzulhijjah
The correct answer is 9 Dzulhijjah. Wukuf di Arafah, which is the main ritual of Hajj, is performed on the 9th of Dzulhijjah. On this day, pilgrims gather at the plain of Arafah, near Mecca, and spend the day in prayer and supplication. This is a crucial part of the Hajj pilgrimage, as it symbolizes the standing before Allah and seeking His forgiveness and mercy.
Jamaah haji gelombang satu setelah tiba di bandara king Abdul Aziz jedah maka …….
Correct Answer
D. Diberangkatan ke Madinah
After arriving at King Abdul Aziz Airport in Jeddah, the first wave of Hajj pilgrims is then sent to Madinah.
Salah satu rukun haji yang tidak terdapat dalam rukun umrah adalah ….
Correct Answer
E. Wukuf
Wukuf is not one of the pillars of umrah. Wukuf refers to the standing and praying at the plain of Arafah during the Hajj pilgrimage, which is a mandatory ritual for Hajj but not for umrah. Umrah consists of four pillars: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa'i, and Tahallul, whereas Wukuf is specific to Hajj. Therefore, wukuf is the correct answer because it is not a pillar of umrah.
Ketika jamaah diberangkatkan dari madinah menuju mekah untuk umrah, maka miqat makani ihramnya atau niatnya adalah di …….
Correct Answer
A. Masjid Bir Ali atau Dzulhulaifah
When the congregation is departing from Madinah to Makkah for Umrah, their miqat or intention to enter into the state of ihram is at Masjid Bir Ali or Dzulhulaifah.
Berikut rangkaian pelaksanaan umrah …….
Correct Answer
C. Ihram-tawaf -sa’i-tahallul dan tertib
The correct answer is "Ihram-tawaf -sa’i-tahallul dan tertib". This is because the sequence of actions mentioned in the given options follows the correct order of performing Umrah. Ihram refers to entering the state of ritual consecration, followed by tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba, sa'i (walking between Safa and Marwa), and finally tahallul (coming out of the state of consecration). Tertib means performing these actions in the correct order. Therefore, "Ihram-tawaf -sa’i-tahallul dan tertib" is the correct sequence of performing Umrah.
Makna atau hikmah pelaksanaan wukuf diantaranya adalah …….
Correct Answer
E. Sebagai miniature padang mahsyar
The correct answer is "Sebagai miniature padang mahsyar". The wukuf ritual during Hajj is seen as a miniature representation of the Day of Judgment, or Padang Mahsyar, where all souls will be gathered and judged by Allah. During wukuf, pilgrims stand together in Arafah, symbolizing the gathering of all humanity on the Day of Judgment. This ritual serves as a reminder of the importance of preparing for the afterlife and the ultimate accountability of one's actions.