Dalam ibadat haji, aspek pemakaian bagi lelaki ialah memakai pakaian tidak berjahit. Kemukakan hujah anda mengapa pemakaian ini perlu dipatuhi oleh semua jemaah lelaki.
Tandakan miqat makani yang bernama Zulhulaifah/Bir Ali untuk berniat ihram.
________ialah mengunjungi baitullah di Makkah untuk menuanaikan ibadat tertentu pada masa tertentu dengan syarat tertentu.
The given statement describes the act of visiting the Kaaba in Mecca to perform specific religious rituals at a specific time and under certain conditions. This act is known as "haji" or "hajj" in Islam. The hajj is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is a mandatory pilgrimage for Muslims who are physically and financially able to undertake it. During the hajj, Muslims perform a series of rituals including circumambulating the Kaaba, standing at the plain of Arafat, and throwing pebbles at pillars representing Satan.
________mengujungi baitullah di Makkah untuk menunaikan ibadat tertentu pada bila-bila masa dengan syarat tertentu.
The given sentence states that someone visits the Kaaba in Makkah to perform a specific religious duty at any time with certain conditions. The word that fits this context is "umrah," which refers to a minor pilgrimage that can be performed at any time of the year with certain rituals and conditions.
Maksud istito'ah dalam ibadat haji ialah
Correct Answer(s)
A. Ada kesempatan masa
C. Selamat berjalanan pergi balik
The correct answer is "ada kesempatan masa, selamat berjalanan pergi balik". This is because "maksud istito'ah dalam ibadat haji" refers to having enough time and being able to safely travel back and forth during the pilgrimage. It does not mention having enough knowledge about the hajj rituals or the cost of the journey.
Berikut merupakan rukun haji mengikut turutan yang betul
Correct Answer
A. Wukuf
The correct answer is "Wukuf". Wukuf is one of the pillars of Hajj, where pilgrims stand and pray in the plain of Arafah. It is considered to be the most important ritual of Hajj and takes place on the 9th day of the Islamic month of Dhul-Hijjah. During Wukuf, pilgrims seek forgiveness from Allah, repent for their sins, and make supplications. It is a crucial part of the Hajj pilgrimage and signifies the climax of the spiritual journey.
Pernyataan di atas merujuk kepada amalan-amalan___________saie.
Correct Answer
A. Sunat
The statement refers to the practices of "melambai-lambai kaabah" (waving at the Kaaba), "berlari-lari anak" (children running), and "berwuduk" (performing ablution). These practices are not obligatory (wajib) or mandatory, but they are recommended (sunat) or encouraged in Islam. Therefore, the correct answer is "sunat."
- dilakukan selepas wukuf di Arafah
- Suci daripada hadas kecil dan hadas besar
Correct Answer
C. Tawaf
The correct answer is tawaf. Tawaf is one of the rituals performed after wukuf in Arafah during Hajj pilgrimage. It involves circling the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction. Tawaf is considered a sacred act and is performed to show devotion and obedience to Allah. It is also believed to cleanse one from impurities and sins, making the person pure from minor and major impurities (hadas kecil dan hadas besar).
Berikut merupakan perkara wajib haji.
Correct Answer(s)
A. Niat ihram di miqat
C. Bermalam di mina
D. Melontar ketiga-tiga jamrah
The given correct answer includes the three obligatory acts of Hajj. The first act is to make the intention (niat) of entering the state of ihram at the designated miqat point. The second act is to spend the night at Mina, which is a necessary step during the Hajj pilgrimage. The third act is to perform the ritual of stoning the three pillars (jamrah) as part of the symbolic reenactment of Prophet Abraham's rejection of Satan's temptations. These acts are essential and must be performed by every Muslim who is undertaking the Hajj pilgrimage.
________adalah keluar daripada ihram haji atau umrah.
Correct Answer(s)
Tahalul is the term used to describe the act of ending the state of ihram during hajj or umrah. It signifies the completion of the pilgrimage or the minor pilgrimage and allows the pilgrim to resume their normal activities and behaviors that were restricted during ihram. Tahalul is an important step in the pilgrimage journey as it marks the transition from the sacred state of ihram to the regular state of being.
________menghilangkan sekurang-kurangnya ________rambut
Correct Answer(s)
tiga helai
The correct answer is "bercukur, tiga helai". This means "shaving, three strands". The sentence is describing a method to remove at least a certain number of hairs, which is achieved by shaving off three strands of hair.
Mengerjakan haji terlebih dahulu baharu mengerjakan umrah dalam tahun yang sama.
Pernyataan ini merujuk kepada
Correct Answer
A. Haji ifrad
The statement suggests that performing the Hajj before performing Umrah in the same year is referring to the concept of "haji ifrad".
Encik Ali telah mengerjakan umrah dalam bulan haji dan kemudian mengerjakan haji dalam bulan yang sama.
Pernyataan di atas merujuk kepada cara mengerjakan
Correct Answer
C. Haji tamatuk
The statement mentions that Encik Ali performed Umrah during the month of Hajj and then performed Hajj in the same month. This indicates that he performed Hajj Tamattu', which is a type of Hajj where Umrah is performed first during the months of Hajj, followed by Hajj in the same month.
Antara berikut yang manakah bukan larangan dalam ihram bagi jemaah haji wanita?
Correct Answer
B. Memakai pakaian berjahit
The correct answer is "memakai pakaian berjahit" because it is not a prohibition for female hajj pilgrims to wear stitched clothing while in the state of ihram. The other options mentioned, such as cutting nails, hunting land game, and covering the face and hands, are all prohibited actions for both male and female pilgrims in the state of ihram.