. कंप्यूटर एक स्वचालित मशीन है जो किस श्रंखला में कार्य करती है ?
Correct Answer
C. इनपुट, प्रोसेस, आउटपुट
The correct answer is "इनपुट, प्रोसेस, आउटपुट". This is because a computer first receives input from the user or external devices, then processes the input using algorithms and instructions, and finally produces output in the form of results or actions.
. पहला यांत्रिक कंप्यूटर कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
C. पास्कल एडिंग मशीन
The first mechanical computer is believed to be the Pascaline, invented by Blaise Pascal in the 17th century. It was a mechanical calculator that could perform addition and subtraction. The Pascaline used a series of gears and wheels to perform calculations, making it the first of its kind.
. विश्व का पहला डिजिटल कंप्यूटर कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
A. यूनिवेक
The correct answer is "यूनिवेक" because it was the first digital computer developed in India. Univec was designed and built at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) in Mumbai in the late 1950s. It was a stored program computer that used vacuum tubes for its operations. Univec played a significant role in the early development of computer technology in India.
. प्रथम पीढी के कंप्यूटर किस सिद्धांत पर कार्य करते थे?
Correct Answer
B. स्टोर प्रोग्राम
The computers of the first generation worked on the principle of "store program". This means that the instructions for the computer to execute were stored in the computer's memory along with the data. The computer would fetch one instruction at a time from memory, decode it, and execute it. This allowed for more flexibility and versatility in programming compared to earlier computers that had fixed instructions wired into them. Therefore, the correct answer is "स्टोर प्रोग्राम".
. प्रथम पीढी के कंप्यूटरर्स में निम्न में से किस का प्रयोग किया जाता था?
Correct Answer
B. वैक्यूम टूयूब
The correct answer is "वैक्यूम टूयूब". In the early generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used as electronic devices for amplifying and switching electronic signals. Vacuum tubes were large, fragile, and consumed a lot of power, but they were the best technology available at the time for electronic computing. Transistors were introduced later and replaced vacuum tubes due to their smaller size, lower power consumption, and higher reliability.
. प्रथम पीढी का मुख्य कंप्यूटर था?
Correct Answer
A. एनिएक
The correct answer is एनिएक.
. गणना करने से संभंधित पहला कंप्यूटर कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
B. अबेकस
The first computer related to calculations is the Abacus.
. कंप्यूटर का जनक किसे कहा जाता है?
Correct Answer
C. चार्ल्स बेवेज
Charles Babbage को कंप्यूटर का जनक कहा जाता है। वे एक इंग्लिश मैथमेटिकियन, लोगिकियन, इंजीनियर और आईटी विज्ञानी थे। उन्होंने अद्यतन की गई बाबेज इंजन नामक योजना का विकास किया था, जो एक आम उपयोग के लिए गणना करने वाली मशीन के रूप में जानी जाती है। इसलिए, चार्ल्स बेवेज को कंप्यूटर का जनक कहा जाता है।
. द्वितीय पीढी के कंप्यूटरर्स में निम्न में से किस का प्रयोग किया जाता था?
Correct Answer
A. ट्रांजिस्टर
Transistors were used in computers of the second generation.
. द्वितीय पीढी का मुख्य कंप्यूटर कौन सा है?
Correct Answer
D. यूनिवेक
The correct answer is "यूनिवेक".
. प्रथम माइक्रो प्रोसेसर चिप का विकास किस के द्वारा किया गया था?
Correct Answer
A. इंटेल कॉर्पोरेशन
The development of the first microprocessor chip was done by Intel Corporation.
. चतुर्थ पीढी के कंप्यूटरर्स में निम्न में से किस का प्रयोग किया गया था?
Correct Answer
B. लार्ज स्केल इंटिग्रेटेड सर्किट
The correct answer is "लार्ज स्केल इंटिग्रेटेड सर्किट" (Large Scale Integrated Circuit). In the early days of computers, the fourth generation of computers used large scale integrated circuits, which allowed for the integration of thousands of transistors onto a single chip. This advancement in technology led to smaller and more powerful computers.
. एनालोग कंप्यूटर किस आधार पर कार्य करता है?
Correct Answer
B. ताप, दाब, गति, विद्युत प्रवाह
Analog computers work based on physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, velocity, and electrical current. They use continuous variables to perform calculations and solve mathematical equations. Therefore, the correct answer is "ताप, दाब, गति, विद्युत प्रवाह" (temperature, pressure, velocity, and electrical current).
. डिजिटल कंप्यूटर किस नंबर सिस्टम पर कार्य करता है?
Correct Answer
D. बाइनरी
The correct answer is "बाइनरी". डिजिटल कंप्यूटर कार्य बाइनरी नंबर सिस्टम पर करता है, जिसमें केवल दो संख्याएं 0 और 1 का उपयोग होता है। यह संख्या प्रणाली सिर्फ दो स्थितियों को दर्शाती है, जिससे कंप्यूटर डेटा को संग्रहीत, प्रसंस्करण और प्रदर्शित करता है। बाइनरी नंबर सिस्टम कंप्यूटर के आधार गणना और डिजिटल संगणकों के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है।
. बाइनरी नंबर सिस्टम का आधार क्या है?
Correct Answer
A. 2
The correct answer is 2 because the binary number system is based on the concept of using only two digits, 0 and 1, to represent numbers. In this system, each digit's value is a power of 2, starting from the rightmost digit.
. निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा इनपुट उपकरण नहीं है?
Correct Answer
C. प्रिंटर
The given question is in Hindi and it asks which input device is not present among the options. The options provided are "Scanner," "Mouse," "Printer," and "Keyboard." The correct answer is "Printer" because a printer is an output device, not an input device. It is used to produce hard copies of documents or images, whereas input devices are used to provide data or commands to a computer.
. आउटपुट उपकरणों का महत्वपूर्ण कार्य क्या है?
Correct Answer
D. परिणाम को दिखाना
The important function of output devices is to display or show the results. They provide a visual or auditory representation of the processed information or instructions. Output devices such as monitors, printers, speakers, and projectors allow users to perceive and interpret the output generated by a computer system. Without output devices, users would not be able to see, hear, or otherwise access the results of their input and processing.
. निम्न में से कौन सी मेमोरी परिवर्तनशील (वोलेटाइल) होती है?
Correct Answer
B. रेम
रेम (Random Access Memory) मेमोरी परिवर्तनशील होती है क्योंकि इसमें डेटा संचित और पढ़ा जा सकता है, लेकिन जब सिस्टम बंद होता है तो इसमें संचित डेटा हट जाता है। यह वोलेटाइल मेमोरी होती है क्योंकि इसके लिए बिजली की आवश्यकता होती है। अन्य विकल्पों में रोम (Read Only Memory) और हार्ड डिस्क (Hard Disk) अस्थायी मेमोरी होती है, जबकि उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं विकल्प उपलब्ध है।
. कंप्यूटर सिस्टम का मस्तिस्क किसे कहा जाता है?
Correct Answer
B. सी.पी.यू.
The correct answer is सी.पी.यू. The term "सी.पी.यू." stands for Central Processing Unit, which is also known as the brain of the computer system. It is responsible for executing instructions, performing calculations, and managing data processing in a computer. The CPU controls and coordinates the activities of all the hardware components in a computer system, including memory, input/output devices, and the operating system.
. गणना से संबधित कार्य किस क्षेत्र में किये जाते है?
Correct Answer
A. ए.एल.यू.
ए.एल.यू. stands for एक्यूलेटर लोजिकल यूनिट (Accumulator Logical Unit) which is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on data that is stored in the computer's memory. Therefore, calculations or computations are performed in the ए.एल.यू. as part of the overall process of data processing in a computer.
. कंप्यूटर सिस्टम की सभी इकाइयों को निर्देश देने का कार्य किसके द्वारा किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
C. कंट्रोल यूनिट
The control unit is responsible for providing instructions to all units of a computer system. It coordinates and controls the activities of the other units, such as the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), memory unit, and input/output devices. The control unit fetches instructions from memory, decodes them, and executes them by sending appropriate signals to other units. Therefore, the control unit is the component that directs and manages the operations of all units in a computer system.
. सी.पी.यू. का अर्थ है?
Correct Answer
C. सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट
The correct answer is "सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट". This is because "सी.पी.यू." stands for "सेन्ट्रल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट" in Hindi, which translates to "Central Processing Unit" in English. The other options, "कंट्रोल प्रोसेसिंग यूनिट" and "कंट्रोल पॉवर यूनिट", do not match the given abbreviation. The option "उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं" means "none of the above" in Hindi, indicating that none of the previous options are correct.
. निम्न में से इनपुट डिवाइस कौन सी है?
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" which means "all of the above" in English. This answer suggests that all the mentioned options - ओ.एम.आर., ओ.सी.आर., and ट्रेकबाँल - are input devices.
. निम्न में से किस उपकरण का प्रयोग टेक्स्ट, इमेज आदि को इनपुट करने के लिए किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
A. स्कैनर
The correct answer is "स्कैनर". A scanner is a device used to input text, images, etc. It is used to convert physical documents into digital format by scanning them.
. चुम्बकीय स्याही के अक्षरों पढने के लिए किस का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
C. एम.आई.सी.आर.
The correct answer is "एम.आई.सी.आर." which stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. Magnetic ink character recognition is a technology used to read characters printed with magnetic ink. It is commonly used in banking for processing checks and other financial documents.
. पेपर पर बनी हुई लाइनों और खाली स्पेस व विशेष चिन्हों को पढने के लिए किस का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
B. बी.सी.आर.
बी.सी.आर. (ब्रेल कोड रीडर) का प्रयोग पेपर पर बनी हुई लाइनों और खाली स्पेस व विशेष चिन्हों को पढ़ने के लिए किया जाता है।
. निम्न में से पोइंटिंग डिवाइस कौन सी है?
Correct Answer
C. लाइट पेन
The correct answer is "लाइट पेन" because a light pen is a pointing device that is used to select objects on a computer screen by directly pointing at them with the pen. It uses a light-sensitive sensor to detect the position of the pen on the screen. A mouse, joystick, and trackball are also pointing devices, but they are not specifically mentioned in the options provided.
. कीबोर्ड में F1 से F12 कुंजी को क्या कहा जाता है?
Correct Answer
A. फंक्शन कीज
The F1 to F12 keys on a keyboard are commonly known as function keys.
. मोनिटर से किस प्रकार का आउटपुट प्राप्त किया जा सकता है?
Correct Answer
C. सॉफ्ट कॉपी
The correct answer is "सॉफ्ट कॉपी". This is because a monitor can display a soft copy of information, which refers to the digital representation of data that is displayed on the screen. It is the opposite of a hard copy, which refers to a physical printout of information. A monitor cannot display a microfilm as it is a physical medium, and "उपरोक्त सभी" is not the correct answer as it includes options that are not applicable.
. निम्न में से कौन सा प्रिंटर का प्रकार है?
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The given question asks about the type of printer. The options provided are "पेज प्रिंटर" (page printer), "कैरेक्टर प्रिंटर" (character printer), "लाइन प्रिंटर" (line printer), and "उपरोक्त सभी" (all of the above). The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" (all of the above), which means that all the mentioned types of printers are included. Therefore, the correct answer is a comprehensive choice that encompasses all the given options.
. कंप्यूटर में सूचना प्रद्रर्शित करने की सबसे छोटी इकाई कौन सी है?
Correct Answer
A. बिट
The correct answer is "बिट". A bit is the smallest unit of information in a computer. It can have a value of either 0 or 1, representing the binary digits of the computer's language. Other units like byte, megabyte, etc. are composed of multiple bits.
. एक बाईट में कितने बिट होते है?
Correct Answer
C. 8
A byte is a unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits. Therefore, the correct answer is 8.
. मैन मेमोरी होती है?
Correct Answer
A. अस्थाई
The given question is asking whether memory is temporary or permanent. The correct answer is "अस्थाई" which means temporary. This implies that memory is not permanent and can be lost or forgotten over time.
. रजिस्टर का क्या कार्य है?
Correct Answer
B. डेटा को स्वम् की मेमोरी में संग्रहित करना
The function of a register is to store data in the main memory.
. रेम का पूरा नाम क्या है?
Correct Answer
A. रेंडम एक्सेस मेमोरी
The given question is asking for the full name of "रेम" (which is a Hindi word). The correct answer is "रेंडम एक्सेस मेमोरी" which translates to "Random Access Memory" in English.
. सी.पी.यू. तथा मुख्य मेमोरी के बीच प्रयोग में लिए जाने वाले बफर को कहते है?
Correct Answer
A. कैश मेमोरी
The term used to describe the buffer that is used in experiments between the CPU and main memory is "कैश मेमोरी" (cache memory).
. निम्न में से कौनसी फ्लैश मेमोरी है?
Correct Answer
D. पेन ड्राइव
The correct answer is "पेन ड्राइव" because a pen drive is a type of flash memory storage device that is portable and can be used to store and transfer data. Hard disk, RAM (रेम), and ROM (रोम) are also types of memory, but they are not specifically flash memory.
. क्रमिक रूप से सूचना प्राप्त करने वाला उपकरण कौनसा है?
Correct Answer
B. मैग्नेटिक टेप
The correct answer is "मैग्नेटिक टेप". This is because magnetic tape is a sequential access storage medium that is commonly used for storing large amounts of data in a linear fashion. It allows for the retrieval of information in a sequential manner, making it a suitable tool for sequentially obtaining information. Hard disks and floppy disks, on the other hand, are random access storage devices that allow for the direct retrieval of information without the need to access data in a specific order. Therefore, the magnetic tape is the most appropriate tool for sequentially obtaining information.
. कौनसा उदाहरण मल्टीयूजर ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम का है?
Correct Answer
C. लाइनिक्स
The correct answer is "लाइनिक्स". This is because Linux is a multi-user operating system that allows multiple users to access and use the system simultaneously. It is an open-source operating system that is widely used in various devices and platforms. Windows 98 and Windows NT are also operating systems, but they are not specifically known for their multi-user capabilities. Therefore, the correct answer is Linux.
. वह अनुवादक जो हाई लैंग्वेज में लिखे हुए प्रोग्राम को लाइन दर लाइन मशीन भाषा में अनुवाद करता है?
Correct Answer
A. इन्टरप्रेटर
The given correct answer is "इन्टरप्रेटर". An interpreter is a translator that converts high-level programming code into machine language line by line. Unlike a compiler or assembler, which translates the entire code at once, an interpreter translates and executes each line of code sequentially. This allows for immediate feedback on errors and makes the debugging process easier. Therefore, an interpreter is the correct answer as it matches the given description.
. निम्नलिखित में से ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम सॉफ्टवेयर का कार्य है?
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" (all of the above). The question asks about the function of an operating system software, and all of the given options - उपकरण प्रबंधन (device management), फाइल प्रबंधन (file management), and मेमोरी प्रबंधन (memory management) - are tasks performed by an operating system. Therefore, the correct answer is that all of the above options are functions of an operating system software.
. एसेम्बली भाषा में लिखे प्रोग्राम को मशीनी भाषा में अनुवाद करने के लिए किस ट्रांसलेटर प्रोग्राम का प्रयोग किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
A. एसेम्बलर
एसेम्बली भाषा में लिखे प्रोग्राम को मशीनी भाषा में अनुवाद करने के लिए एसेम्बलर का प्रयोग किया जाता है। एसेम्बलर प्रोग्राम को एक्सेक्यूटेबल मशीनी कोड में बदलता है जो कंप्यूटर द्वारा सीधे निष्पादित किया जा सकता है। एसेम्बलर एक लोअर-लेवल प्रोग्रामिंग भाषा होती है जो विभिन्न संदर्भों को संदर्भित करने के लिए मशीनी कोड में लिखे जाने वाले नामों को संदर्भित करती है।
. इनमे से कौनसी मेमोरी की सबसे बड़ी यूनिट है?
Correct Answer
A. गीगाबाईट
The correct answer is "गीगाबाईट". In computer memory, the gigabyte (GB) is the largest unit of measurement. It is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes or 1024 megabytes.
. ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम को कंप्यूटर की मेमोरी में लोड होने की प्रक्रिया कहलाती है?
Correct Answer
C. बूटिंग
The process of loading the operating system into the computer's memory is called booting.
. GUI का अर्थ है?
Correct Answer
A. ग्राफिकल यूजर इंटरफ़ेस
The correct answer is "ग्राफिकल यूजर इंटरफ़ेस" (Graphical User Interface). This term refers to the visual elements and controls on a computer screen that allow users to interact with software or hardware. It includes icons, buttons, menus, and other graphical elements that make it easier for users to navigate and use a system.
. सॉफ्टवेयर का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य डेटा को किसमे परिवर्तित करना है?
Correct Answer
B. इनफार्मेशन
The primary purpose of software is to manipulate data.
. कीबोर्ड पर जिन बटनों पर तीर के निशान होते है उन्हें कहते है?
Correct Answer
B. नेविगेशन कीज
The buttons on a keyboard that have arrow symbols are called "navigation keys" because they are used to navigate or move the cursor in different directions on the screen. These keys include the arrow keys (up, down, left, and right), as well as other navigation keys like Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down. They are commonly used in various applications and programs to move through documents, web pages, spreadsheets, and other content.
. एक किलोबाईट बराबर होता है?
Correct Answer
B. 1024 बाईट
The correct answer is 1024 bytes. In computer science, the binary system is used to represent data. In this system, each digit is a bit, and 8 bits make up a byte. In the binary system, 2^10 (1024) is the closest number to 1000, so it is used as the standard for measuring data storage. Therefore, 1 kilobyte is equal to 1024 bytes, not 1000 bytes.
. कौनसा प्रिटर कागज़ के ऊपर स्याही की फुहार को तेजी से छिड़कर डेटा को प्रिंट करता है?
Correct Answer
B. इंकजेट प्रिंटर
Inkjet printers are known for their ability to quickly and accurately print data onto paper by propelling tiny droplets of ink onto the surface. This process allows for a fast and efficient printing of text and images. Laserjet printers, on the other hand, use a laser beam to transfer toner onto the paper, while dot-matrix printers use a series of pins to strike an ink ribbon against the paper. Drum printers are not commonly used for printing data onto paper. Therefore, the inkjet printer is the correct answer as it matches the given description.
. निम्न में से किस डिवाइस का उपयोग तेज गति के कंप्यूटर गेम खेलने के लिए किया जाता है?
Correct Answer
D. जॉयस्ट्रीक
The correct answer is "जॉयस्ट्रीक" (joystick). A joystick is a device that is used to play computer games that require fast movements and actions. It provides precise control and allows the player to easily navigate and interact with the game environment.