. माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड क्या है|
Correct Answer
B. वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग प्रोग्राम
The correct answer is "वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग प्रोग्राम". This is because Microsoft Word is a word processing program that allows users to create, edit, and format documents. It is not an operating system like Microsoft Windows, nor is it "कोई नहीं" (none of the above).
. Ms Word को रन विंडो सा द्वारा चलाने सा लिए क्या कोड टाइप करते है |
Correct Answer
A. Winword
. माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड की क्षमता होती है |
Correct Answer
C. अ व ब दोनों
The correct answer is "अ व ब दोनों". The given statement says "माइक्रोसॉफ्ट वर्ड की क्षमता होती है" which translates to "Microsoft Word has the ability". The options provided are "स्पेलिंगचेकिंग" (spelling checking), "ग्राफ़िक्स" (graphics), "अ व ब दोनों" (both A and B), and "कोई नही" (none). Since the statement implies that Microsoft Word has a certain ability, the correct answer would be "अ व ब दोनों" (both A and B), indicating that it has both spelling checking and graphics capabilities.
. वर्ड स्क्रीन पर सबसे निचे उपस्थित बार को क्या कहते है |
Correct Answer
A. स्टेटस बार
The correct answer is "स्टेटस बार" because it is the term used to refer to the bar that is located at the bottom of the Word screen.
. किसी विंडो में सबसे ऊपर दिखाई देने वाली बार कहलाती है |
Correct Answer
B. टाइटल बार
The correct answer is "टाइटल बार". In a window, the title bar is the topmost bar that displays the title of the window. It typically contains the minimize, maximize, and close buttons on the right side and can be used to move the window around the screen. The title bar is an essential component of any window interface and helps users identify and manage different windows on their computer.
. फुटनोट और एंड नोट का उपयोग …………………. के लिए किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
A. रेफरेंस
. एम् एस वर्ड 2007 में टेक्स्ट सेलेक्ट करने पर ……………. स्वत प्रदर्शित होता है |
Correct Answer
B. मिनी टूलबार
When selecting text in MS Word 2007, the Mini Toolbar automatically appears. The Mini Toolbar is a small toolbar that appears near the selected text and provides quick access to commonly used formatting options such as font, font size, bold, italic, etc. This allows users to easily apply formatting to the selected text without having to navigate to the main toolbar or menu options.
. एम् एस वर्ड में बनी फाइल का एक्सटेंशन क्या होता है |
Correct Answer
A. .Docx
The correct answer is .Docx. This is the file extension used for Microsoft Word documents in the newer versions of the software. The .wrd extension is not commonly used for Word documents, .rtf is the file extension for Rich Text Format, and .bmp is the file extension for bitmap images.
. एम् एस वर्ड में बनाई गई फाइल को कहते है |
Correct Answer
B. डॉक्यूमेंट
The correct answer is "डॉक्यूमेंट" because in MS Word, a file that is created is referred to as a document.
. एम् एस वर्ड में बनी फाइल का bydefault नाम क्या होता है |
Correct Answer
B. Document1
The default name for a file created in MS Word is "Document1".
. लाइन के आरम्भ में जाने के लिए किस कुंजी का उपयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
B. Home
The key "Home" is used to go to the beginning of a line.
. TOC का उपयोग करके आप …………… बना सकते है |
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
Using TOC, you can create all of the above options, including heading styles, custom styles, and outline levels.
. वर्ड 2010 के फाइल मेनू के क्या कार्य कर सकते है |
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
. पेज सेटअप कमांड की सहायता से किनको बदला जा सकता है |
Correct Answer
C. अ व ब दोनों
The correct answer is "अ व ब दोनों" because the page setup command can be used to change both the paper size and color, the paper source, and the layout of both files.
. कार्य क्षेत्र को मापन के लिए किस बार का उपयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
A. रूलर बार
The correct answer is "रूलर बार". In the context of measuring a workspace, a ruler bar is used. It is a tool that provides a visual representation of measurements and can be used to measure distances, lengths, and sizes accurately. The ruler bar is commonly used in various fields such as architecture, engineering, and design to ensure precise measurements and dimensions.
. एम् एस वर्ड 2007 में फाइल को खोलने ,सेव ,बंद करने से संबंधित कमांड …………….में होते है
Correct Answer
B. ऑफिस बटन
The correct answer is "ऑफिस बटन" because in MS Word 2007, the commands for opening, saving, and closing a file are located in the Office button.
. किस कमांड के द्वारा डॉक्यूमेंट को प्रिंट करने से पहले देख सकते है |
Correct Answer
C. प्रिंट प्रिव्यू
The correct answer is "प्रिंट प्रिव्यू" because this command allows you to preview the document before printing it. This option is useful to check the formatting, layout, and content of the document before sending it to the printer. By previewing the document, you can make any necessary adjustments or corrections to ensure that the printed version meets your requirements.
. फॉण्ट डायलॉग बॉक्स प्रदर्शित करने के लिए किस कुंजी का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl+D
To display the font dialog box, the key combination Ctrl+D is used.
. फॉण्ट साइज़ बढाने के लिए किस कुंजी का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
C. अ व ब दोनों
The correct answer is अ व ब दोनों. This is because in Hindi typing, the key combination of Ctrl+Shift+> is used to increase the font size. Ctrl+] is used to increase the indentation in some text editors. Therefore, neither Ctrl+Shift+> nor Ctrl+] is used to increase the font size.
. फॉण्ट साइज़ कम करने के लिए किस कुंजी का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
C. अ व ब दोनों
The correct answer is "अ व ब दोनों". This is because the question asks for the key used to decrease font size, and both "अ" and "व" are keys on the keyboard. Therefore, both keys can be used to decrease the font size.
. सेव एज कमांड द्वारा हम अपने डॉक्यूमेंट फाइल को किस फॉर्मेट में सेव कर सकते है |
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" (all of the above). This is because the question states that we can save our document file in which format using the Save As command. The options given are HTML, XML, and Webpage, which are all valid file formats that can be used to save a document. Therefore, all of the given options are correct.
. वर्ड की फाइल क्या -क्या हो सकता है |
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The given question is in Hindi and it asks about what can be included in a word file. The options provided are "Text," "Graphics," "Tables," and "All of the above." The correct answer is "All of the above" because a word file can contain all of these elements - text, graphics, and tables.
. सेलेक्ट लाइन को इटैलिक करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+I
The shortcut key Ctrl+I is used to make the selected line italic.
. सेलेक्ट लाइन को बोल्ड करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
D. Ctrl+B
Ctrl+B is the keyboard shortcut to make a selected line bold.
. सेलेक्ट लाइन को अंडरलाइन करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+U
Ctrl+U is the shortcut key to underline the selected line.
. सेलेक्ट लाइन को डबल अंडरलाइन करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+Shift+D
Ctrl+Shift+D is the shortcut key to double underline the selected line.
. एक रिफ्रेन्श है जो डॉक्यूमेंट के एक भाग की सूचना को दूसरे भाग में दिखाता है
Correct Answer
B. क्रॉस रिफरेन्स
A cross-reference is a reference to information in one part of a document that is displayed in another part. This means that it allows the reader to easily navigate between different sections or parts of the document by providing links or references.
. अंतिम कमांड के प्रभाव को नष्ट करने की कोनसी कमांड होती है |
Correct Answer
C. Undo
Undo is the command that is used to reverse or cancel the effect of the last command. It allows the user to revert back to the previous state before the last action was performed. Therefore, it is the command that can be used to undo or remove the effect of the last command and restore the previous state.
. किस कमांड की सहायता से पुरे डॉक्यूमेंट को सेलेक्ट किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
C. Select All
The correct answer is "Select All". This command allows the user to select the entire document, highlighting all the text or objects within it.
.…………... समानार्थ शब्दों की शब्दकोश है जिसका उपयोग समानार्थ शब्दों को खोजने के लिए कर सकते है
Correct Answer
C. थिसॉरस
The given options are "ट्रांसलेट", "स्पेलिंग", "थिसॉरस", and "रिसर्च". The question asks for a word that is a synonym dictionary and can be used to find synonyms. Out of the given options, only "थिसॉरस" fits this description. Therefore, the correct answer is "थिसॉरस".
. किस कमांड की सहायता का किसी टेक्स्ट ,फुटनोट ,एंड नोट म मार्क को सर्च किया जा सकता है |
Correct Answer
B. फाइंड
The correct answer is "फाइंड" because the "फाइंड" command is used to search for a specific text, footnote, or endnote in a document. It allows users to quickly locate and navigate to the desired content within the document.
. वेव पेज डिजाईन करते समय…………. स्क्रिप्ट भाषा का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
A. एच.टी.एम्.एल.
The correct answer is "एच.टी.एम्.एल." because HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the scripting language used to design web pages. None of the other options mentioned (एच.एल. एम्.एल., एच.टी .डब्ल्यू एल) are valid scripting languages used for web page design.
.................. एक विषय सूची है जो डॉक्यूमेंट में अपने संबंधित रिफरेन्स पेज के साथ उपस्थित होता है |
Correct Answer
C. टेबले ऑफ कंटेंट
The correct answer is "टेबले ऑफ कंटेंट" because it is a list of contents that is present in a document along with its corresponding reference page.
. डॉक्यूमेंट को स्वत ही सही करने के लिए हम …………….. का उपयोग करते है |
Correct Answer
A. ऑटो करेक्ट फीचर
We use the "ऑटो करेक्ट फीचर" (auto correct feature) to automatically correct the document. This feature automatically detects and corrects spelling and grammar mistakes, making the document error-free without manual intervention.
. कौन -कौन सी कमांड के लिए एक ही डायलॉग बॉक्स होता है |
Correct Answer
B. Go to, Replace,Find
The correct answer is "Go to, Replace, Find". This is because these three commands are commonly found in a single dialog box in many software applications. The "Go to" command allows the user to navigate to a specific location or element in a document or program. The "Replace" command is used to find a specific word or phrase and replace it with another. The "Find" command is used to search for a specific word or phrase within a document or program. Having these three commands in a single dialog box allows for efficient navigation and editing of content.
. सिलेक्टेड लाइन का Left एलाइनमेंट करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
A. Ctrl+L
Ctrl+L is the shortcut key to align the selected line to the left alignment in a document or text editor. This shortcut is commonly used to quickly align text or lines to the left side of the page or text box.
. पेराग्राफ या लाइन को सेंटर अलाइन करने के लिए किस कुंजी का प्रयोग किया जाता है |
Correct Answer
B. Ctrl+E
The correct answer is Ctrl+E. This keyboard shortcut is used to center align a paragraph or line.
. सिलेक्टेड लाइन का Right एलाइनमेंट करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
C. Ctrl+R
Ctrl+R is the shortcut key for aligning the selected line to the right alignment in most text editing software or word processors. This shortcut allows the user to quickly and easily align the selected line or paragraph to the right side of the page or text box. This can be useful for creating professional-looking documents or for formatting text in a specific way.
. सिलेक्टेड लाइन का Justify एलाइनमेंट करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी है |
Correct Answer
D. Ctrl+J
The correct answer is Ctrl+J. This keyboard shortcut is used to justify the alignment of selected lines. By pressing Ctrl+J, the selected lines will be aligned to both the left and right margins, creating a straight and evenly spaced appearance.
.………...… के जरिये आप बर्तमान डॉक्यूमेंट की किसी लोकेशन को दूसरे डॉक्यूमेंट या वेबसाइट से जोड़ते है |
Correct Answer
B. हाइपरलिंक
The correct answer is "हाइपरलिंक" because it is a term used in computer science and the internet to refer to a link that connects one location or document to another. It allows users to navigate between different web pages or documents by clicking on the hyperlink.
. सबस्क्रिप्ट करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजि …………......होती है |
Correct Answer
B. Ctr+=
The correct answer is "Ctr+=". This keyboard shortcut is used to increase the font size in many applications and programs. It is a combination of the control key and the plus sign on the keyboard. By pressing these keys together, the font size will be increased.
. सुपरस्क्रिप्ट करने की शॉर्टकट कुंजी ………….....होती है |
Correct Answer
B. Ctr+Shift+=
The correct answer is Ctrl+Shift+=. This keyboard shortcut is used for superscripting text.
. डबल लाइन स्पेसिंग की शॉर्टकट कुंजी ..................होती है |
Correct Answer
B. Ctrl+2
Ctrl+2 is the shortcut key for double line spacing. This means that when you press Ctrl and 2 together, it will apply double line spacing to the selected text or the current paragraph. This shortcut is commonly used in word processing software to quickly change the line spacing without having to go through the formatting options.
. किस कमांड द्वारा अन्य सॉफ्टवेर से लाये गए ओब्जेंक्ट में परिबर्तन कर सकते है |
Correct Answer
B. Object
The question is asking which command can be used to make changes in an object brought from other software. The correct answer is "Object" because the object itself can be modified directly without the need for any specific command.
. Replace कमांड की सहायता से डॉक्यूमेंट में दी गए कौन कौन सी चीजे को बदला जा सकता है |
Correct Answer
D. उपरोक्त सभी
The correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" because all the options mentioned in the answer can be changed using the help of commands in a document. The options "Text Format", "Graphic", "Footnote", "Endnote", "Graph", and "Annotation" all refer to different elements or features that can be modified or altered in a document using commands. Therefore, the correct answer is "उपरोक्त सभी" which means "all of the above".
. कट और कॉपी करने पर सिलेक्टेड टेक्स्ट कहा चला जाता है |
Correct Answer
C. Clipboard
When we cut or copy a selected text, it is temporarily stored in the clipboard. The clipboard is a temporary storage area in the computer's memory where data can be stored temporarily before it is pasted into another location. It allows us to easily move or duplicate data from one location to another within a document or between different documents or applications. Therefore, the correct answer is Clipboard.
. किस व्यू में हैडर,फूटर,बैकग्राउंड आदि स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित होती है |
Correct Answer
D. प्रिंट लेआउट
The correct answer is "प्रिंट लेआउट" because headers, footers, backgrounds, etc. are displayed on the screen when printing a document.
. फैक्स, इनवॉइस या व्यावसायिक पत्र जैसे कार्यो के लिए ...............एक पहले से डिज़ाइन किया हुआ डॉक्यूमेंट होता है |
Correct Answer
A. टेम्पलेट
The correct answer is टेम्पलेट because a template is a pre-designed document that is used for tasks such as faxes, invoices, or business letters. It provides a framework or structure that can be customized with specific information. Templates save time and ensure consistency in the format and layout of documents.
. पेज पर उपस्थित किसी शब्द के बारे में उसी पेज के निचे लिखा गया छोटा विवरण क्या कहलाता है |
Correct Answer
D. फुटनोट
The correct answer is "फुटनोट". In the given question, it is asked what is the small description written below a word present on the page called. The small description written below a word on a page is called a "फुटनोट" or a footnote.
. बायीं तरफ से किसी अकेले करेक्टर को मिटाने के लिए आप .................स्पेस प्रेस कर सकते है |
Correct Answer
B. बैकस्पेस
You can press the "बैकस्पेस" (backspace) key to delete a single character from the left side.